A rose by any other name

BY Bluesky

Parings Read and see

Rated PG. to R

Ok to Arcive on WWOMB or let me know

Feedback welcome

A challenge of names from the list.

It just seemed the thing to do.





"Sandburg!" Simon voice boomed over the bull pen.

SHIT! Blair wondered two things. One what had he done now, and two, why did Simon never call him by his first name. He shut down his lap top and rushed to the office just a step in front of Jim, who had a smirk on his face. It could not be bad, then could it?

"Ease up Jr. your hear is racing. Old mans bark is much worse than his bite."

The scowl on Banks face deepened for a moment, then devolved into a real smile. "Too much paper work if I bite any one. Gentleman, I have a case that is taylor made for the two of you," He put an unlit cigar in his mouth, leaned back in his chair and clasped his hands behind his head, with an oh so satisfied look on his face.

It did not look good for them. Each time that Banks got that look, it meant that Jim had to pull a miracle out of his ass with Blair's help.

Jim went stoic. Arms crossed. Blair gaped, opened mouth.

"This really is not major crimes.. you know.. It more like ... "

"Black mail? Yes,. It is. I cannot stress to you just how delicate this matter is. We have to keep a ~sense~ of prospect here. Someone is calling in markers." He looked pointedly at Blair "Someone that has some strings that can be yanked. I suggest that you treat this as a top priority, and a delicate as your grannies silk undies."

"Understood. Chief?" Jim did not look at Blair, just tossed his jacket at him, as they turn as one and left the office.

"Rafe, Can you close out the files on my desk? Have a hot ticket top shelf problem that expiration date."

Rafe nodded. "Sure. See you Ellison, Sandburg."

Blair looked at Jim. He could not talk about the case that they were about to head out on, not now, not here. "Why is it in closed societies that men have to use last names, even women. Is it to prove something? Like do you even know half of the people you work with first names?"

"Sure I do. It is just .. well tradition." Jim sighed. "What is your point?"

"OK.. What is Rafe first name? or H?"

"I do not have time for this Sandburg. Give it a rest Chief."

"I thought so. You don't know."

"It is not important. Lets just focus on the job at hand." He gave Blair a smile. The elevator was empty. The temptation was there, but Blair was not so easy put aside. He was not going to let this rest. He had to know the true names of people. Rafe especially.

A rose By any other name
part 2

The room was cluttered, filled with the jumbling of a teen going from the rag tag of child hood to adult stages, with pokamon cards mixed with computer disks and slips of papers with numbers on them, dark grunge clothing ankle deep in the room, a black light hanging over the water bed, and art that was both disturbing and moving on the walls. Wile not his taste, Blair kind of liked it. The smell of patchouli and assorted sents was a bit strong. He looked at Jim.

Jim had a hard look on his face. He was holding back from being overwhelmed by the mixed sents of the room.

"Dial it back man. We have to get an idea of were this kid is. This is our best chance."

"I think that we can rule out garden clubs and tea socials. Or the Martha Stuart support recover meetings." Jim picked up a black rag that reviled its self to be a silk tee shirt. He gave it a sniff from about a foot away. "Clove. Patchouli. Rose. Chocolate. Sweat. Sex. Smoke. Golden." He sighed. "If they are not using they have been up close and personal with someone that has. Clove cigarettes. Methyl. Marbrow. Dam don't know what is worse. Kids are trying to kill them selves."

"That is real good Jim. Now we have to narrow it down. Is the sweat all boys or boy and girl? and anything else.. Something that could clue us into were the place was."

Jim moved the shirt closer, but not by much. "Focus out the things that you know. Narrow it down to the things that you do not. Just tune it out and try and find some clue that we can use to find him."

"Salt.. but not sweat. Like from the bay. Wood smoke. Wax. Dust. Old dust. beer, but not strong. Pretzels.. faint. That is about it."

"Sounds almost like a rave. The kids have been doing grunge raves in the abandon warehouses near the back bay. We can check that out tonight." Blair gave a sweet of the rest of the room, copying down some of the numbers, asking Jim if he scented anything different or odd from them, giving his sentinel a sniff of the scarf he found, red and different from the rest of the rooms dark hues.

"This is different. New. Starch, and just a bit of soap. Got nothing from it. Sorry Chief"


Back at the bull pen Simon looked questionably at the two.

Blair looked up at him, "Can I ask one thing... I just am wondering why {

"No, Sandburg. You may not ask."

"Don't you think that we could work better if we had an idea of why...."

"No, Sandburg. Just do your job. And stay put. Jim. Need to see you.:

Blair sighed unhappily, and began to sort out the papers on the desk. One that he needed was gone. Oh Right. Rafe. He had them. He looked around and found the handsome detective bent over a desk, working on the stray paper.

"Thanks man." Blair smiled at Rafe. He was rewarded by having the stack of papers handed to him, Relief clear on his face. Blair looked down at his signature on one of the forms. : A. Rafe. Interesting.

"What is the A stand for Rafe?" Blair was trying to be casual

"My first name. Excuse me. Have to head down to records." His voice was frosty, stiff. He clearly did not wish to divulge what his first name was. Hum. A challenge. Dam. Well, this is why laptops were invented. And records.


Stake out. The Abandoned warehouse was lite by candles and there was a bonfire on the beach. Teens and older had gathered starting about 11. It was 12 and there quarry had not yet been sighted.

"Maybe I should go down there Jim. I mean I could infiltrate and try and scoop things out."

"Compared to them you would stand out like the Easter Bunny. You just a bit too bright and cheerful. Now if we could die all of your flannel black, that would work." Jim directed a wry smile at his flanal clad partner, the tied die tee under his layers a giveaway to a different sub culture. "Besides between us and Rafes team, we have the block covered. No one can get in or out."

Blair nodded unhappily. He hated just sitting. Though when an inquisitive person had started over to the car, It had given Blair the chance to get into a clinch with Jim, to cover why two men were in a car so long alone. He was still flushed from the memory, just wished that he could have pushed Jim to take it to the next level, but ... well someday. He half suspected that Jim enjoyed it. He did so have a streak of the exhibitionist in him.

Sentinel soft Blair whispered "You know, when we are done with this I just want to relax go home and take a nice hot bath, use the peppermint Stuffit nice and squeaky clean, then the almond oil.. all over my body. Going to grease up each inch.. might need some help with it, Places that I cant reach easily... I can always use a helping hand...."

Jim's hands tighten on the steering wheel. "Target sighted. Heading to the doors. Blair call for back up. And you are in so much trouble when we get home."

Rafe, H and Jim and Blair descended on the unsuspecting teen. His friends faded away as the adults circled him outside of the rave. Lucky he understood, and gave up and in without a fight.

Dropping him off in front of his house, a security guard greeted the young man at the gate. A look of disappointment. And he was ex courted up into the Governors mansion. Lucky no paper work. A scandal had been avoided. Jim sighed. lucky that this was the Governors last term in office. He was tired of bring his brat kids home.

"How about we head out for a beer? Rafe was relaxed. He had seen this as a chance to win brownie points. The fact the office was about to change hands did not accrue to him. This was a good deed in his book and he wanted to celebrate.

"Sure. Beer sounds good. You treating Rafe?" Blair was trying to smooth over the early uncomfortableness about asking Rafe his name. He was sure that sooner or later he would find out.

"Let's hit the Chinese place around the block. It has good food and great beer." A plan was forming in Blair's head. He had to be careful.


The place was cheerfully bright and open. The people that ran it were polite and spoke little or no English. Ordering was a mixed trick of pointing at a menu and Sandburg's smattering of Mandarin. As usually he was the sweetheart by the time food was ordered, and was offered the phone number of the eldest Girl child that spoke a touch more English than she at first let on. He took it for forms sake,

So Rafe what are you on the Chinese calendar? What is your birthday? What sign are you and what year."

Rafe went from cheerful to still and sullen in 3 seconds. He sighed."I am not into that mumbo jumbo."

Something was up. Blair was sure of it. Something to do with Rafe's first name and birthday. Jim looked back and forth between Blair and Rafe, trying to figure what was going on. Tension was broken when the large Poopoo platter came out, and things were forgotten in the frenzied feeding that took place.

But not by Blair.

Blair was an observer. He waited till cash was being split up for the meal, till Rafe pulled out his wallet. His drivers license was on top of the card fold.

Angel Marquis Rafe. 12/25/60

Christmas Angel No wonder. He stopped himself from snickering. Jim looked at him. aware that something was funny, but not sure what.


Jim had been the designated Driver. As the last of the crew was droped of at there homes, Jim turned to Blair.

"So. "


"So. You have that I know something that no one else does look. Spill it before you bust."

"I can't do that. man. I would be breaking the UN written code of the closed societies. I would be betraying the deepest secrets of a fellow brother in blue.. I would be ... "

"About to sleep alone. Now what is it?"

"Man, you wound me. you are asking me to betray one of the deepest secrets that a man can have about himself."

"Rafe is straight? Wow I would never have thought that.. Man. Wait till the boys hear that. It will be declared a day of morning on 14 street."

Jim sighed and rolled his eyes. "They will close the cork for the week. Oh my. This is sad sad news. Rafe is strait."

"You mean that Rafe is gay?" Blair looked surprised, "Funny he did not look gay. I mean.. the clothing.. and the fact that he never has a girl.. WAITAMINIT> You pulling my leg right? Right?"

"I do not know and do not care. As far as I know he is BI."

"You are so evil. I just might sleep on the couch on my own."


Blair bearly got in the door to the loft. He was tackled from behind and pined to the wall.

"We can do this one of two ways. You can tell me nice and now, or I can tease you for days, and never do a thing about it."


A probing toung worked it way over the sweet spots of ears and neck and chin. "I can be nice.. Very nice."

"Rafe's first name is Angel. He was born on Xmas day. That is it. Now do me."

"I thought that you would see reason."

Blair moaned under the hands of his lover. "Just don't tell any one ok? I think that he is quiet about it."

"My lips are sealed." And he kissed Blair to prove it.
