

Author email: PattRose1@aol.com

Date: August 15, 2001

Disclaimers: I won the lotto and bought all the rights to the Sentinel. I'm in heaven, I knew that y'all would be thrilled too. Hang on, I've got a message on the answering machine. Damn, my

therapy is in an hour for Compulsive Liars Anonymous. See ya all later. Or not!

Warnings: m/m Duh ya think? <g>

Notes: My therapist is working on my fucking attitude. He said it sucks. Can you imagine? I can't either.

Rated: R for language. There is no fucking nudity in this one. But use your imagination.

Pairings: J/B almost

Category: Pure mush, it doesn't even make it to the PWP catagory LOL <g>


By Patt

When had his partner started meaning so much more to him? God, it wasn't like a news flash, but he couldn't be around him anymore without some type of reaction.

He wanted to kiss him. Yes, that's right. He wanted to kiss him. When did this happen? What could he do about it now?

Every single morning, their lives revolved around each other and he began to hate it. It was getting harder and harder to keep his hands off of him. Speaking of harder. Shit… When in the fuck did this happen?

He sat across from him that morning and watched his lips, thinking how nice it would feel to have his lips connected to his. Licking the food off of them and tasting the breakfast that they had just

shared. Holy fucking shit. When did this happen?

People at work were starting to wonder what was wrong with the pair. One of them was too quiet. Something would have to happen; everyone in the bullpen knew something was up. If this kept up, everyone would figure out what was going on. Then they too would know the what, if not the when. He didn't even know the when. Again, he wondered, when did this happen?

Did he want to kiss him from the beginning and bury it so deep that he didn't notice? Did he see it later and bury it even deeper? Repression has reared it's ugly head.

They were sitting in the truck that afternoon and both men seemed quiet for a change.

Jim asked, "Chief, you all right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, Jim. Why?"

"Just wondering why you're so quiet today. Makes me a little nervous," Jim said with a smile in his voice.

Blair looked over at the man and realized he's probably always wanted to kiss him and just didn't admit it to himself. He leaned his head onto the window and tried to pretend he wasn't there. It didn't work.

Jim pulled the truck over and said, "Okay, Chief you're scaring me."

Blair looked at Jim and sighed, "What's your problem man?"

"My problem is that there's something wrong with my partner. Fess up, Chief," Jim said still trying to make light of the situation.

"Fine! You want to know what's wrong? You asked for it. I'm attracted to you. All I can think about's kissing you. I watch your lips while you talk, while you eat and while you drink. My mind is on nothing else. It's tearing me in half because I know it can't be but you're the one that needed to know. Now you know…" Blair blurted out with a look of pure pain on his face.

Jim sat there quietly for a few moments then he undid his seat belt and moved over closer to Blair. Leaning down into the younger man, he brushed his lips against Blair's and found a warm and welcoming mouth.

Blair found out that kissing Jim Ellison was as wonderful as he had hoped it would be. God, this man could kiss. Once he had to pull away to get a deep breath, he smiled at Jim.

"I didn't know that you felt the same way,"

"Repression thy name is Ellison and Sandburg," Jim said smiling and moved over to his side of the truck.

"Hey, this was just getting good," Blair whined.

"Don't whine, Chief, it's not becoming. We'll pick this up when we get home," Jim said as he pulled into traffic licking his lips to taste Blair once more.

Blair watched him do this and had to kiss him again, so at the next stop light, he moved over and gave Jim a kiss that he'd never forget.

// Hell! They weren't repressed; they were just stupid. //