Untitled Sentinel Tidbit

by Scorpio

Fandom: Sentinel

Pairing: Jim/Blair

Rating: G

Note: I got this on another list (thanx Joanna aka Joey RZ) and I loved it. I just had to share it with everyone and decided to turn it into a post TSbBS tidbit... I left the credit to the original author for the piece that was sent to my other list...

Untitled Sentinel Tidbit

by Scorpio

Jim sat on the couch in his favorite sweats, supposedly watching the Jags on TV. Instead, however, he was watching Blair. It had been one of his favorite pastimes ever since he had first met his younger Guide, but now... it was different.

Ever since the big debacle with his dissertation and the media circus it had created, Blair seemed different. Quieter, subdued, cautious,... cynical. It was as if he had lost his enthusiasm, his focus,... his bounce.

At first, it had almost destroyed thier relationship. Hell, it *still* wasn't the same. Even in bed, Blair seemed... reserved. Little by little, he had *seemed* to pull himself together, to pick himself up and dust himself off. Just like he had always done when anything went wrong in the past. But this time... Blair had hit a plateu. He never seemed to reach true happiness anymore.

Jim just sat and watched and worried.

Blair was doing homework for the Police Academy. It was nothing like the studies that he had done before, but he had attacked it with the tenacity that Jim had come to expect, but not the joy he had hoped for. It was all rote, habit.

Jim watched silently as Blair finished typing up his assignment and he was waiting for him to shut down his laptop so that he could try and get Blair to talk. Funny that,... anymore, Jim was the one who started all of the big discussions. However, instead of shutting down the computer, Blair opened up his email.

Jim sighed. It was almost as if Blair *knew* he wanted to talk and was trying to fill up the time so that he wouldn't have to have *that* conversation,... again. Still, Jim was a patient man. He could wait.

Suddenly, a sound that Jim hadn't heard in a *long* time began to fill the loft. It was a sweet sound, a wonderful sound. A sound that threatened to bring tears to Jim's eyes. He didn't even realized how much he had missed it until just now. Blair was laughing.

Jim couldn't resist. He got up and walked over to his lover and leaned over his shoulder.

"What's so funny Chief?"

Instead of answering, Blair just laughed harder and shifted the screen of the laptop over so that Jim could see it bettter. It was a forwarded message from someone on one of Blair's mailing lists....

From: Joey RZ @ slashers4fun.net

Hey guys! I saw this somewhere and wanted to share! It's off-topic, but enjoy anyway! Hugs and chocolates!

A car was involved in an accident. As expected a large crowd gathered. A newspaper reporter, anxious to get his story, could not get near the car.

Being a clever sort, he started shouting loudly, Let me through! Let me through! I am the son of the victim.

The crowd made way for him.

Lying in front of the car was a donkey.

Submitted by: Robert J. Elkins @ juno.com

Jim blinked and then reread the clip. He glanced at his lover and sky blue eyes meet twinkling sparkling azure eyes. Memories of all of the pushy, nasty and tactless reporters that had come close to ripping thier lives apart flashed through his mind. Suddenly, Jim burst out laughing as well.

They sat there, laughing until their sides hurt. Somehow, Jim didn't feel as worried about the future or thier relationship. He seemed to feel lighter inside. And from the look on Blairs face, so did he.
