Title: Unrequited Love Solved

Author: Angela

Fandom: The Sentinel

Pairing: Simon/Rafe, Jim/Blair (implied)

Rating: PG

Status: Complete

Archive: Yes please

Feedback: Yes

Email Address: ladybug74873@hotmail.com

Series/Sequel: if you want any

Disclaimers: They aren’t mine. Petfly and UPN own them

Summary: Simon and Rafe find that unrequited love isn’t everything and get a helping hand from friends

Warnings: none that I know of

Notes: none


Unrequited Love Solved
by Angela

Detective Brian Rafe had a bit of unrequited love. He was in love with his Captain. He knew because of both of their positions that the love that the young man had for the older man would go on being unrequited. It depressed Rafe. He wanted his unrequited love to be requited. He wanted the big captain to return his love.

He looked over at Jim and Blair and sighed. He wanted what they have. He wanted to have the kind of love where there was such a bond that nothing would come between him and the person that he loved. Well, he wasn’t going to be able too get it. Rafe felt dejected. He got up and walked slowly out to the break room. All he could think about was his unrequited love.

Blair looked at his friend as he walked towards the break room. The young man wanted to do something for Rafe. He wanted Rafe to be happy just like he and Jim were. Then Blair had an idea. Why didn’t the Sentinel and Guide have a party to get together the young detective and the crusty captain of Major Crimes. He and Jim could throw something together for Saturday and let
nature take its course. Well, Blair crossed his fingers at that. He hoped nature would take its course. Blair and Jim were the only two (or so they thought) that knew that Simon had feelings for Rafe. Simon like Rafe saw it as hopeless to have something. Both men thought that they had an unrequited love. Blair smiled and started to plan his day of Cupid.

"Hey, Jim. Let’s have a party Saturday."

"Why, Chief."

"Rafe and Simon."

Blair looked at his lover expectantly. The young professor thought the detective would get his meaning without too much explanation. Jim got it and smiled at his Guide. He nodded his agreement to the party. Jim listened to Blair while the younger man mapped out what they were going to do Saturday to get their two friends together.

By the time that both men had planned the party and sent out the invites Rafe and Simon were getting suspicious. Simon constantly questioned his best detective and growled at the anthropologist. The growling Jim couldn’t take so he told Simon he needed to get laid. Simon had no comment on that matter and left a laughing Sentinel behind as he had slammed the door to his


Saturday came along and Blair was excited. He was going to be able to give a chance to someone else to have an unrequited love learn that the feeling were returnable. Jim smiled at his bouncing Guide. He thought another round or two of hot sex would make Blair a little less excitable. But then again Jim wouldn’t have the man any other way.

The loft slowly filled up with their friends. Now the guests of honor were supposed to be there. A knock at the door showed that Rafe had come but what about Simon. The older man was on his way up the stairs. Jim just waited. He had heard Simon’s panting. Simon scowled at the Sentinel and walked through the door of the loft. He looked around for Rafe. When he found the younger man he had a big smile on his face. Simon liked to watch him from afar.Unbeknownst to Simon, Rafe liked to watch the captain, too. A soft nudge to his ribs brought him back to the present. He looked into the smiling face of Blair. The younger man gestured towards the young detective and left his friend alone to go for it. Jim had done the same for Rafe.

As planned the hosts and their guests would leave the loft and go to a nearby restaurant to wait out the results of the party. They all hoped that the captain and the detective would tell each other about their feelings.

Back at the loft both of the men were shy and uncomfortable around each other. They didn’t know what to say or do around each other. They had always had someone around when they needed them.

"Rafe, look if my love isn’t returned I can only hope for our friendship to be returned but I love you. I have for quite awhile now."

Simon stopped short when he got an armful of the young detective. Rafe was glad that his love would not be as unrequited as he thought it would be. He smiled up at the big captain. The captain smiled at the younger man. Both of them were glad that they had finally took that step (well, with a little help from friends.)

"I guess, Simon, our love isn’t as unrequited as we thought it would be."

"No, Brian, I guess not."

They shared several passionate kisses before they joined their friends at the restaurant. They were happy. Neither one of them had an unrequited love ever again.

The end.