Warning!! This one's not funny.

Trouble With A Capital J

Peja Community Service Challenge

Author/psuedonym: Patt

Email: PattRose1@aol.com

Pairing: Jim/Blair

Rating: NC-17

Category: PWP

Date: August 4, 2003

Status: new

Archive: You know it.

Dreaming of Sentinels: http://patt_rose0.tripod.com/dreamingofsentinels/

Disclaimer: Disclaimer: Petfly still owns these boys. But I own their bodies. And what fine bodies they are. So there, Petfly. I make no money from this.

Notes: Peja, you asked for this, girl. This is for the Community Service challenge.

Warning: m/m bad language. (I figure if you know me, you know it will have this.) Angst galore.

Summary: Jim's in trouble and now we need to find out why.

Trouble With A Capital J

Everyone in the bullpen, tried to stay hidden with all of the yelling going on in Simon's office.

"Hairboy, what's going on?" Rafe whispered.

"Jim got into it with another cop and they really fought to the death."

"Sandburg, he's alive." Rafe growled.

"Barely. So now Simon is screaming at him." Blair peeked over the desk to see why it was so quiet.

The next thing they heard was, "No. No Fucking Way! I'm not doing it. I fucking quit." Jim came storming out of Simon's office.

"Sandburg get off the floor, you look like a wuss." Jim started getting his things ready to leave.

Blair wondered why he didn't tell anyone else that.

"Get your ass in here Ellison. I'm not done yet." Simon was more pissed than anyone had ever see him.

Blair stood up and said, "Go and see what he wants."

"I know what he wants and I'm not doing it."

"Sandburg get in this office, now." Simon's shouts hurt the ears. Blair's were ringing.

He walked in and sat down and Jim came in and said, "You can't make him come in, Banks. Fuck you."

"It's okay with me, guys. Don't fight." Blair was nervous and they could both tell.

"Do you want to know why your partner is quitting?" Simon asked Blair.

"He's quitting?"

"Yup. He doesn't want to be here anymore."

"It's none of his business, Simon. I swear if you tell him, I'm going to see someone about it." Jim was so pissed he was on the edge of hitting Simon smack in the mouth.

"Sandburg, do you see this anger he has? We want him in some Anger Management classes and also he has to take 100 hours of Community Service."

"What? What's going on? Is it because he hit that guy downstairs? Is that why? He was defending me, Simon. Did Jim tell you that?"

"No, he didn't mention that. But it doesn't matter. He can't go beating people up just because they're mean to his lover." Simon shouted.

"Fuck you, Simon. I knew you wouldn't defend us. You're an insensitive asshole." Jim was pacing now.

"Jim, you're doing it again. You're angry and lashing out. You need some help. So what if someone said something to Sandburg. That's life. He's a big boy, he can take care of himself."

Jim started yelling at Simon and Simon was yelling at Jim and they both looked down when they heard a sad sound come from Blair.

"Chief, I'm sorry. Let's go home." Jim helped him up.

"I'll be right out, I want to talk to Simon alone. No listening Jim."

Jim walked out like a whipped puppy and sat at his desk.

Blair turned to Simon and said, "The man was touching me, Simon. He had his hands in my pants and was fondling me. That's why Jim hit him. Jim didn't want to report it because he's ashamed. I'm really sorry Simon and I'll talk him into staying." Blair got up to leave and Simon put his hand on Blair's arm.

"Blair, I'm so terribly sorry. I'll make things better."

"Night Simon." Blair was so sad.

"Sit here. I have some things to talk to Jim about." Simon stormed into the bullpen and yanked Jim out of his chair. "You're with me, Detective."

Jim followed him and had no idea what was going on. But this was Simon, so he just followed.

Once they were in the staircase, Simon slammed Jim up against the wall and said, "You lousy fucker. He's sitting upstairs thinking it's his fault. You're embarrassed aren't you?"

"Wouldn't you be?"

"No, I would defend his honor not by actions but by words. He's so hurt, Jim. I've decided what your community service will be. We're going downstairs to the jerk and you're going to tell him in front all of his friends that Blair is still considering the proposal that he made. I need you to act upset and vice will be in an uproar over this. Then I'm going in and talking to the Captain and bringing charges. Real ones. We're going to take care of Blair the way he deserves to be taken care of. Got it? And no hitting."

"Got it, boss. I'll be good, play your games and thank you for understanding about Blair. I was afraid you would think he was just being over-dramatic." Jim had his head hanging down.

"Ready?" Simon asked when they got to vice.

"As ready as I will ever be. Hey, Simon how come you could smack me around in the hallway, but I'm not supposed to?"

"Because I love you. This guys an idiot. He doesn't deserve any of that energy being used up on him." Simon hugged Jim quickly before they walked in.

Jim did what Simon asked him to do and then stood there as vice made fun of him and Blair. He was listening to something that was upsetting him so much; he was ready to kill the man. But Simon made him promise. He had to make good on it.

Simon walked up behind Jim, seeing him shaking and listened in.

The idiot said, "Yeah, he wanted me to jerk him off, so I did. I wanted to check out his penis. He has a fucking nice one too. The only reason Ellison is upset is because he was too late and he came into my hand. I licked it off."

Simon stormed over to the man, grabbed him and said, "What is your name?"

"Detective Litton. They call me Litty."

"Litton, we're going into your bosses office and you're telling him that story that I just heard." Simon drug him in and threw the door open and threw the man inside. They were all in there for about an hour.

When Simon walked out, he was smiling and grabbed Jim and took off out the door. "So what happened?"

"Litton is being brought up on charges and since I witnessed his talk, that makes it more believable."

"Since you're not a fag, right?"

"Jim, cool your jets or I'll kick your ass." Simon put his arm around Jim and hugged him.

"Sir, I think you need anger management." Jim smiled at his boss and friend.

"So what shall we have you do for Community Service?" Simon asked.

"I love babies. How about day care or hospital every morning?" Jim actually did love babies.

"Sounds good to me. I'll set it up. Now your mission if you decide to accept it, is to take Blair Sandburg out for dinner and dancing and then home to your bed. You'll then tell him how much he means to you and you can't live without him."

"Did you want to come too?" Jim laughed.

"If I could get away with it, I'd be there."

"Seriously?" Jim asked.

"Seriously, he one fucking hot man." Simon took off running from Jim yelling, "Can we say anger management?"

So that's exactly what Jim did. He took Blair out and begged forgiveness and then when they got home they made love to one another until dawn.

The phone rang at 6:00 a.m. and Blair answered. "Sandburg."

"Hi Sandburg, I need to talk to Ellison." Simon ordered.

Blair passed the phone over to his mate, who wasn't happy about waking up. "Ellison."

"Community Service is going to be the neonatal ward at Cascade General. You'll start next week."

"Thanks, Simon. Goodbye." Jim hung the phone up and lay on top of Blair.

"What was that all about?"

"I have community service at Cascade General for the neonatal care. I told him I love babies." Jim smiled into Blair's belly. He knew that Blair could feel his smile.

"Maybe we'll have one some day." Blair wanted a family too.

"We'll talk about it this week. I love you, Blair."

"And I love you, AMCS." Blair whispered into his ear.

"What is that?"

"Anger Management and Community Service." Blair giggled and Jim began to get more into it.

"Fuck me Blair." Jim loved when Blair was the top, but he didn't do it often. Jim figured it was because Jim didn't make him feel comfortable about it.

"I can do that."

And he did.

If you want to see Jim, join the AMCS.

End Trouble With A Capital J