Title: Through My Eyes: Simon’s story

Author: Angela

Fandom: The Sentinel

Pairing: Jim/Blair, Simon/Rafe, implied

Rating: PG


Status: Complete

Archive: WWOMB

Feedback: Yes

Email Address: ladybug74873@hotmail.com

Series/Sequel: if you want any

Disclaimers: They aren’t mine. Petfly and UPN own them

Summary: A look at Jim and Blair through Simon’s eyes

Warnings: none that I know of

Notes: I liked this title and type of story with my Mutant X fic that I wrote. I thought I could make a multi fandom series out of it and within that fandom write about the two main characters i.e.: Jim and Blair through their friends and/or family’s eyes. Anyone is welcome to use the concept if
they want

Further Disclaimer: none

Through My Eyes: Simon’s Story
by Angela

I stand in the doorway of my office and watch my best detective, Jim Ellison and his partner, Blair Sandburg. Here are two men that are so different but yet so much alike. I chomp on my cigar as I watch the two laugh with two other detectives. They must be telling some kind of joke and it must really be funny. I shake my head and contemplate these two men some more.

In the last three years I have seen Detective Jim Ellison change. And is he a changed man and it’s all due to one Blair Jacob Sandburg. I would haven’t thought that such a man could get Jim to loosen up but he did. He took a man who was closed off to most people even his ex-wife and made him see the world. Jim is a caring person. He cares for the ones he loves. Look at how he came after both Daryl and me when we were captured in Peru or how he came after me when Quinn kidnapped me. That’s a love and loyalty that everyone should experience. From the first Jim started to open himself up more. He started to learn to let people in. To let people see the true Jim Ellison. The true Jim Ellison is not the hard nose ex-military man turned harden cop. Jim is loyal, compassionate, loving, gentle, caring, passionate. And is he ever passionate. And his passion is standing right beside him. I would have never suspected Jim to go for Blair but he did. And I can see why.

I look up as I hear Jim’s booming laugh. Blair did that. He showed Jim what love, life and laughter was. He showed him that there was more out there to be seen and experienced. And Jim has experienced even more with Blair around. We all have. Jim has lightened up more. He has made friends with the most unlikely people. He and Megan Connor have called a truce and became friends. He has friends but he has gained more letting them see him the true him. I like that more about Jim. Henri is the only one besides Blair that has seen Jim in his most vulnerable state. And Jim can do vulnerable. He hurts like everyone else but his hurt runs deeper. It starts with his father. Even though there is a tentative relationship there Jim can’t forget all the hurt that his father had imposed on him when he was younger.

I like seeing Jim happy. He was never really truly happy with Carolyn. I think he was waiting for the real "One" for him. I do think he loved Carolyn in some way. But it never worked out. They were better off friends than husband and wife. I sigh and think of that brief marriage. I know in the beginning it was ok but as the months went by Carolyn would complain that Jim wasn’t doing enough especially in the bedroom. What could I do? I would just nod. I would never let her know that I was on Jim’s side. I celebrated when they divorced. I was happy that Jim had seen the light. Or more like Carolyn had realized that Jim wasn’t what she was looking for.

And then comes in this neo hippie witch doctor punk that had given Jim a chance. A chance to control his senses and love and live life again. I think before Sandburg Jim was in a holding pattern. He was just waiting for his Guide to come along. He boy did he ever. Blair bounced in and never left. He has helped him with not only his life but also his cases. His insight into those cases have helped Jim greatly. Jim would have never believed that this young man could turn his world upside down and neither could I.

I look over at the young man in question. I see bouncy curls and a smile that is for the whole world. He must be getting into whatever he is lecturing on because his face is alight and his arms are everywhere. Blair Sandburg is the Energizer Bunny in human form. He never quits. He is just as loyal as Jim. With everything that Jim has ever handed him he has stuck to his Sentinel. He wouldn’t let his Sentinel down no matter what. He is so intelligent. He has a vast knowledge that would knock your socks off. He shares that knowledge with everyone else. He has a love for teaching and helping. He has helped out the other detectives of Major Crimes and they are appreciative. Thank goodness. His being accepted by them bothered me when Jim brought him in that first day when Kincaid decided to hold the PD hostage. He kept his cool and helped everyone remain calm. He also had Joel from day one. He worms his way into everyone’s life somehow.

Blair’s compassionate has shown through time and again. Blair will not let anyone down. I saw that when he helped Joel through his own personal crisis. A few months ago that compassion showed through when a young family had lost everything in a fire. He got all of us to donate something. We did, too. That’s Blair though. He is helpful. Volunteers for everything. He will not let anyone go without some kind of small gesture or help in some small way. He looks after people too. Especially the detective he loves more that life itself. Blair took care of Jim when he came down with pneumonia not once but twice. He was exhausted and frightened. Blair had thought he was going to lose his Sentinel and lover. He didn’t though. With a good nurse and lots of TLC Jim got through it.

I always wondered when the lover part came in. It must have been when Blair moved in after his warehouse apartment was blown up. That’s just like Jim to give some small part of himself. I shake myself and go on contemplating Blair.

There is so much Blair has done. He has shown his friendship. I think there is not a person that cannot say that Blair has shown friendliness towards them. He is gentle, passionate especially about one Jim Ellison, and he is tireless. He will follow Jim anywhere. And he will do anything Jim asks without question. And Jim would do the same.

These two men who are so different have found each other and a great love that I know that has stood the test of time, burdens, betrayals, and whatever has been thrown at them. I sigh and go to see what is up with my detectives.

I see what’s up with them. Jim and Blair are showing off pictures of the boy again. Those two can’t help it. They adopted a baby that had been abandoned by his parents. In that moment when they found the infant I could see all the emotions that the two had. The emotions on their faces told the story. It went from anger to a love so great that it has never ended. Jim officially adopted the boy but Blair is just as much a father as Jim is.

I have to smile. They are happy and finally well on their way to keeping that happiness. It has been hard for them. It’s not easy being gay and a cop but Major Crimes is very protective of Jim and Blair and they both return the sentiment. They are just as protective of their "family"

"Hey, Simon. Come look at these pictures. I could swear that Sean has grown."

"Since when, Sandburg."

I laugh at the look on his face. He doesn’t like that comment. I was just teasing him. I was like that with Daryl. I thought he was the greatest. And he is. Now Jim and Blair have one of their own to think that of.

A call comes in for my best team and I shoo them off. As I watch them walk out the door I see Blair lean into Jim for a moment. For just a moment I thought Jim would lean down and kiss him. But it was just a brief moment. They disappear from my sight. Rafe is standing by me smiling. I look at him. And I see the same thing that Jim sees on Blair’s face that I do on Rafe’s every morning. One of love and trust.

Blair trusts Jim and Jim trusts Blair. It has come down a long and hard road but it was a good fight.

Both of them have a love, baby, and friends and family that will do anything for them.

"Should we tell them, Sir?."

"What? That your pregnant."

I laugh at Rafe’s expression as I walk back to my office. My two best detectives are protecting and serving not just each other but the citizens of Cascade, Washington.

The end