Title: Through My Eyes: Rafe’s story

Author: Angela

Fandom: The Sentinel

Pairing: Jim/Blair, Simon/Rafe, implied

Rating: PG


Status: Complete

Archive: WWOMB

Feedback: Yes

Email Address: ladybug74873@hotmail.com

Series/Sequel: if you want any

Disclaimers: They aren’t mine. Petfly and UPN own them

Summary: A look at Jim and Blair through Rafe’s eyes

Warnings: none that I know of

Notes: I liked this title and type of story with my Mutant X fic that I wrote. I thought I could make a multi fandom series out of it and within that fandom write about the two main characters i.e.: Jim and Blair through their friends and/or family’s eyes. Anyone is welcome to use the concept if they want

Further Disclaimer: none

Through My Eyes: Rafe’s story
by Angela

I walk into the Captain’s office for a conference of bullpen detectives. We have a big case and the lead detectives are Jim Ellison and Blair Sandburg. I look at them and contemplate them as individuals and as a team. I smile. It has been a hard fought road for the both of them. But they won.

I have known Jim for years. Just as long as Henri but I didn’t get to really know Jim until he came to Major Crimes. Henri used to tell me all about Jim. Through him and seeing Jim work I became to admire the man. He was a great detective. But the man himself wasn’t so great. Well that was before Blair Sandburg came into his life. You see Jim was a very closed off man. He wouldn’t let anyone in expect maybe Henri and Simon. They where his friends. Once I got to know him I found him to be a loyal and caring friend. He would do anything for anyone but not a lot of people saw that nor did a lot of people ask about it either. Jim was a legend in Vice. But that chip that started in Vice is what got him transferred to Major Crimes. I am glad. You know you probably wouldn’t have seen Blair around here. But on the other hand Blair would make a good undercover detective for Vice.

Jim is like no other man. He can be tough one minute and gentle and loving the next. He is pretty helpful too. He has helped many of the fellow cops and detectives around Major Crimes and throughout the PD. That’s just Jim. I think Blair had a little to do with that though. I am not saying Jim is heartless far from it but you probably wouldn’t see him volunteer until my Simon volunteered him. Jim is well Jim. He is a multi faceted person. You see so much of him emotionally in one day. Like some people I can’t say that I totally understand him. In some ways I do. Jim would not intentionally hurt anyone that he loves or cares about. It’s not in him. He has opened up more thanks to Blair Sandburg. He has what some people have said more human. I don’t know about that. Henri always told me he held back because he was afraid of getting hurt. Now I do believe that. I would be afraid to.

I look again at Jim. He is such a strong man but on the inside he is a big mush. I chuckle at that. My Simon gives me a glare and I quiet down. Jim heard it too and just gives me a smile. I smile back and go back to contemplating both of Major Crimes’ best team.

I steadily look at Blair. By looking at him you wouldn’t know that he is more than just a neo hippie. He is so much more than that. He is smart, caring, compassionate, giving, a teacher, and so much more. I can’t remember a time when Blair hasn’t helped one of us. He volunteers quite regularly and gets the detectives and uniforms of Major Crimes to join in whenever possible. His smile brightens everyone’s day not just Jim’s. Although Jim needs to be brightened up once in an awhile. That helpfulness has extended to Jim. Blair helped Jim become more of the person he is today. He taught Jim to be a more open person and to accept what’s out there. It has been a long road for them. They have had so much go on in their lives. Blair is accepting of anyone and everything. He experiences the world and wants everyone to experience it with him.

I like that about Blair. He is so knowledgeable that he allows everyone to look into other worlds and cultures that we might not know about. He is giving. He gives to whatever he is doing or to whoever needs. He has helped so many people. He not has helped Jim but has helped each one of us to be better persons and to look at life from many different perspectives. Blair is the type of guy that could put a different spin on a case or something in general. And you are going I can see that too. I have never seen anyone champion a cause as Blair Sandburg.

One of his causes is Jim and his senses. He not only guides and helps Jim with his senses he shows Jim that it is a gift to be proud of. Jim I think is getting to that point of where it’s not much of a burden to him anymore. Blair is a great friend. He lets everyone in. He doesn’t close himself off. He shows that it’s ok to hurt and to open oneself up to all things.

My Simon said one time that he is thankful that Blair came along. He can see the change in Jim and the Major Crimes gang. We have all benefited from Blair’s presence. We have benefited from what he has to bring to the table. He is truthful with everyone and lets then know that he will be on his or her side.

I look up to find that Blair has leaned into Jim. No one else notices. I guess everyone is used to them by now. I smile. Their love for each other generates outward to everyone else. They love and live life for each other and for friends and family.

Jim smiles at Blair and Blair returns the smile. They are happy. I look at Simon and am thankful for the both of them when they encouraged me to tell Simon what I felt about them.

I’ll always support Jim and Blair. And I will always be their friend and return any love that they give me.

I look one last time at the happy Sentinel and Guide and smile. There is no other love like theirs.

The end