Title: Through My Eyes: Joel’s story

Author: Angela

Fandom: The Sentinel

Pairing: Jim/Blair, Simon/Rafe, implied

Rating: PG


Status: Complete

Archive: WWOMB

Feedback: Yes

Email Address: ladybug74873@hotmail.com

Series/Sequel: if you want any

Disclaimers: They aren’t mine. Petfly and UPN own them

Summary: A look at Jim and Blair through Joel’s eyes

Warnings: none that I know of

Notes: I liked this title and type of story with my Mutant X fic that I wrote. I thought I could make a multi fandom series out of it and within that fandom write about the two main characters i.e.: Jim and Blair through their friends and/or family’s eyes. Anyone is welcome to use the concept if they want

Further Disclaimer: none

Through My Eyes: Joel’s Story
By Angela

Jim and Blair have asked me to babysit with their son, Sean so that they could have an evening to themselves. I couldn’t say no. I enjoy being around the little boy. He is so precious. I once told Jim that Sean looks like him. Jim just laughed and shook his head at me.

I watch the two men in question quickly get ready for their night out. We all three of us have come in straight from work. The boys had to go out on a last minute case before they could leave the station and work in general. Jim looks so relaxed and so in love with life. That is all thanks to Blair. Jim wasn’t the man he is now when he first came to Major Crimes. The man kept his distance. He didn’t open up to anyone not even to his ex-wife. And then along came Blair Sandburg. Blair showed Jim there was more to life and that it needed to be lived and experienced. Blair has never let Jim down. Jim loves and adores Blair. He can’t get enough of the man. It’s funny to watch sometimes. Jim isn’t touchy feely around too may others unless he is around Blair. I can remember a time when he would barely touch Carolyn but then again Carolyn didn’t liked to be touched all that much. I look more closely at Jim. His face isn’t as hard as it was once was. It is softer and gentler. His face invites people to look a little closer and to let Jim listen to their problems. Jim though was always deep down a caring and loving person. I can’t see him as anything less.

Blair has been a good influence on Jim. He has brought Jim back to the land of the living. He has shown him how to experience life. He has shown him to laugh a lot more. Blair always told Jim that it frees the soul and makes people feel a lot better about themselves and each other. I believe that myself. I laugh a lot more myself because of Blair. Jim has always been a friend to me. When he really gets to know a person and feels more comfortable with them he lets them in. Blair in life’s lesson has shown Jim that it is easier to let a person be themselves. That’s so true. Blair saw the true Jim Ellison and strove to free that person.

And did he ever. Jim is into more things now that Blair is around. He makes an effort to get to know his neighbors, colleagues and a stranger on the street. But sometimes that cop nature of being suspicious comes out. I wouldn’t blame him for that. I am that way too. A lot of people at the station are. Jim is running from his and Blair’s room to Sean’s room. He is gathering things up for the little boy. I would have never thought that Jim would have been this way. I knew that Jim liked kids but I never knew how much until this little boy came along.

And then there is Blair. Blair is one of a kind. He helps everyone and anyone who needs it. He helped me get over my bombing scare. I appreciated that. He is great. He is a good friend. He is so special. Especially to Jim. I have seen no one else like Blair Sandburg. He is like a mini hurricane. He has whirled into our lives but has not gone out again. I am glad. He has done so much for not only Jim but also everyone else. He is selfless. He acts without thinking but I think that is his nature. He wants to keep everyone safe regardless of his own safety.

Blair experiences life. He has let everyone in and called all of them friend. He is a great teacher. He teaches about so many things. Some of them are about life, cultures, life’s lessons, love and lots of other stuff. That’s Blair though. He is like a pit bull. Once he gets his teeth into something he never lets go. He is happy and bouncy all the time. I can’t remember a time when he wasn’t like that. Well, there were a few times. He has been through a lot with Jim but has stuck around. He hasn’t let that get him down. He is knowledgeable. He brings in parallels to cases that no one
else would have thought of. I enjoy working with him. Blair brings in a fresh insight into something that gets stale too soon. Blair is an old soul. But he has a little boy inside of him. He once told me that through all his travels he always wanted to have a permanent home and he has found that in Cascade and Jim. I smile once more and watch the two. Jim is bringing out Sean to the living room. The smile on his face is huge. Jim is a great father and so is Blair. I have never seen two people that have totally enjoyed the joyful gift of a child as these two men. Blair is behind them bringing a little basket of things for the baby. He sits them down beside the couch and them heads off for a few more things. Jim leans down so that I can take Sean from him. The little boy comes to me easily. He loves all his "uncles." And we love him. I can’t forget his one "aunt." Megan showers Sean with so much. She has told me she wants children.

"Joel, here are the numbers you will need."

Jim passes off a list to me and I smile. I have raised four children and you would think that I would be new at this. Jim smiles briefly and I start to shoo both of them out of the door. Both of the men lean over to kiss Sean and they head towards the elevator.

I watch them for a few minutes. Blair has leaned into Jim and Jim has put his arm around the younger man. Jim holds his husband closer and they get into the elevator. I am glad to see them both happy.

Downstairs Jim listens into Joel and Sean and smiles. Everything is ok and Sentinel and Guide go to have a worry free night.

The end