Title: The Word For Today Is Sex

Author/psuedonym: Ramblin Rose

Email: PattRose1@aol.com

Pairing: J/B

Rating: NC-17

Category: Nasty Poetry

Date: September 8,2000

Series/sequel: Sequel to The Mighty Fine Prick.. Fuck, Fuck,Fuck and I'm In An Abyss.


Archive: Peja

Other website: https://www.squidge.org/sentinelsites/psindex-2.html

Disclaimer: These guys don't belong to me, never did, never will, but I can dream. Petfly doesn't like to share. They also don't pay me, darn it anyhow.

Warning: m/m Lisa was my inspiration on these. She knows it, she created a monster and makes her smile. As you can tell, this is a wonderful series that is probably going to be talked about for years.

Notes: This is for Lisa, who gave me the word of the day, and this is her fault.

Summary: How many words really rhyme with sex and can you put them all in a poem? Why yes, you can and I did. Read, but be warned ahead of time. Also remember that there are many I didn't use. This is a sequel to The Mighty Fine Prick, fuck, fuck, fuck and I'm In An Abyss.


The Word For Today Is Sex

by Ramblin Rose

What is wrong with me, I can't get my mind off of sex?
And here comes Jim, walking buy with his gorgeous pecks.
Now he turns around and asks me if I've seen his new checks.
As he puts his newly ironed shirt on, his muscles he does flex.
I'm falling apart, I'm telling you, belonging with all the other wrecks.
I'm looking at him now and wondering if he thinks about our necks.
I better start dinner; I think we'll have something warm, like Mex.
I could go put on my boots while I cook and he could call me Tex.
I glance at his arm and see spots and realize they are his frecks.
I go over to my desk and start to look through my index.
Jim says, "Hey tonight is the marathon of all the different Treks.
I am wondering what the hell is wrong; stop thinking of sex.
It all began when I started watching that stupid show, Lexx.
I wish I could think of somehow that we could see who collects.
You never are quite certain, what a person expects.

The end, thankfully.
Suggested by Lisa, but I take full responsibility for the silliness.