Title: The Trouble with vacations…

Author: Angela

Fandom: The Sentinel

Pairing: Jim/Blair

Rating: PG-13

Challenge: Peja’s The trouble with………… challenge

Status: Complete

Archive: WWOMB

Feedback: Yes

Email Address:

Series/Sequel: if you want any

Disclaimers: They aren’t mine. Petfly and UPN own them

Summary: Jim, Blair. One on vacation and the other is not. But they eventually get to spend that vacation with each other.

Warnings: none that I know of

Notes: Hope you like.

Further Disclaimer: none


The Trouble with vacations…
By Angela

The trouble with vacation is that it they never turned out right. Blair Sandburg sat on a beach in Cancun, Mexico thinking about his Sentinel and lover. For some reason his and Jim’s vacations weren’t scheduled at the same time which was a bummer for both men. Jim had planned to take the younger man to Cancun for a nice relaxing vacation. Instead of both men going Blair went by himself.

The Guide couldn’t understand why his lover couldn’t go. Their vacations were set and then Jim got the news that his leave time had been revoked. Revoked for who knows how long.

"The with this particular vacation is I can’t have Jim in bed or on the beach." Blair thought.

With that thought the young anthropology professor got up and went to walk down the beach to see if he could find something to hold his interest long enough so that he wouldn’t be thinking about missing Jim. He missed the older man so much. He wanted to be held and loved by Jim. The last few weeks leading up to this trip had seen the two men frantically leading separate lives. Jim was working on two big cases that were keeping him at the station and away from the young anthropologist. Blair was having the same problem. Finals, his own papers and articles and student grades were keeping him away from Jim and the station. At times they would get in a grope here and a blowjob there but nothing towards their nightly ritual of lovemaking or just holding each other.

Both Jim and Blair had been looking forward to this trip when the news came from Simon that Jim’s leave had been revoked and the detective had to put in overtime for a few more weeks on one of the big cases that he was working on. After learning this Blair had ranted and raved but to no avail. Jim had insisted that the young man go ahead on the trip and if anything happened with the case he would join him at a later date. Now a week and a half later still no Jim. It worried Blair at first but with a few phones and explanations from Jim the young man quieted down some. Blair sighed and continued on towards nowhere when all of a sudden in his line of vision appeared a man that looked like his Sentinel, Jim Ellison. Without his glasses he couldn’t really tell if the man was Jim or not. Blair briskly walked towards the vision to see if it was his missed lover.

Once within sight of the man, Blair gasped at the sight before him. Jim Ellison in a Speedo. The younger man couldn’t believe it. He thought that Jim was still in Cascade and wouldn’t make it to the beaches of Cancun. But here was the older man who was staring at the curly headed young anthropologist with a big grin on his face. Blair practically ran towards the detective and threw himself in the older man’s arms.

"Missed you, too, Chief." Jim whispered.

Blair mumbled something into Jim’s chest and just stayed like that for a few minutes before Jim pushed him out of his arms. The older man tugged at his lover’s hands. Blair followed the Speedo towards their hotel room for a much-deserved night of lovemaking.

Later on that night as Jim was holding Blair in his arms after their two or three rounds of lovemaking, the Sentinel just watched the young man sleep. He watched and held tighter. He had missed his Guide too much and had wished that he could be with him. Now that he was he made himself a promise to leave the hotel briefly and not let Blair up unless it was bathroom breaks. The detective was going to make up for all the missed nights.

"The trouble with cranky captains is to never argue with them about vacations and guides." Jim thought as he drifted off to sleep.

Sentinel and Guide slept wrapped in each other’s arms only to wake and make love throughout the night.

The end