TITLE: The Jade Jaguar

AUTHOR: Stormwolf Dawn


PAIRINGS: Jim/Blair Jim/m Blair/f

WARNINGS: AU, Rape(of course), blood letting, BDSM

SUMMARY: The new mistress of the city needs new servants.

NOTES: This story will take place in a world created by one of my favorite authors, Laurell K. Hamilton. The world of Anita Blake Vampire Hunter. If you've never read these books...do so. They are excellant. The world Anita Blake inhabits is like our world, except all things preternatural exist. READ THEM! if you haven't especially if you are a fan of vampires and were animals.

Anita Blake and Laurell's other characters will not be showing up in this story. Instead of St. Louis, this occurs of course in Cascade.

The were creature called the 'mule' is of my own making, and is not in the Anita Blake stories. You'll find out what a mule is in the story.

Dislaimer: Sentinel and its character belong to Pet Fly. Anita Blakes world belongs to Laurell K. Hamilton. I am only playing in the Sandbox, not stealing it for monetary gain.

WARNINGS: Forgot to say there will be bestiality in this story.



By Stormwolf Dawn

Blair Sandburg walked inside the club known as the Jade Jaguar. As the preternatural consultant to the police department, as well as Cascade's leading vampire hunter, Blair knew that the Jade Jaguar belonged to the pack leader of the local were-jaguars. The were-jaguars were the second largest pack in Cascade, WA, next to the were-wolf pack. Blair didn't know the pack leader, only that his name was Michael Carrington.

Beside Blair was Officers Rafe and Brown, two of Preternatural Crimes leading detectives. Officer Rafe was a psychic, and Banks had immediately snapped the young man up when Rafe graduated from the Academy. Captain Simon Banks was always looking for anyone with preternatural talents for his squad. If it weren't for the laws against it, Banks would have hired a were-beast, or even a vampire.

Smiling a bit at that, Blair led the two detectives into the club. They walked over to the carved oak bar were a tall, blonde haired man was tending bar. Blair sat down at the bar, and motioned for Rafe and Brown to do the same. The bartender looked at them, and Blair felt the power over his body that told him the man was a were=beast, and not a very powerful one. At least in terms of power. Definitely a subordinate. Blair could tell the man knew that Rafe and Brown were cops, and he wasn't impressed. However, Blair could sense the were-jaguar's nervousness.

"What can I get you?" the blonde man asked.

"Information. We were hoping to talk to the owner about a murder that happened last night here in the district." Rafe said coming straight to the point.

"Boss ain't here today." Blonde man said, "But Angie will take care of you. She's his partner."

"So can we take to Angie." Blair asked.

"Of course." A woman's voice purred behind them. The men turned to look at the beautiful woman behind them. She was a tall dark skinned woman, with warm brown eyes. She wore a black leather skirt, and red silk shirt opened in the front to show considerable cleavage.

"Angie, I take it." Blair said.

"Yes. Angie Ferris. And you are?"

"Detective Brown, " Henri introduced them, "And this is my partner Detective Rafe, and our preternatural expert, Dr. Blair Sandburg."

"Ah, yes. The local vampire hunter. I've heard that you have more kills than anyone other than The Executioner."

Blair shrugged. He didn't like to boast.

"Come and join me at my table. The show is about to start."

The men followed Angie Ferris to a table near the stage. She sat down after Blair pulled out the table for her. The three men sat down, and a waiter wearing nothing put a black g-string, and a leather collar came over. Angie ordered a margarita, and the three men ordered cokes.

"What is it you wish to discuss?" Angie asked after the waiter left to fill their order.

Rafe pulled out a few pictures, "Do you know this man?"

Angie looked a the pictures of the man who had been savagely torn to pieces. The head and face had remained intact. She did not seem disturbed by the gore.

"I've seen him in the establishment quite a few times. He practically drools on our dancers. He is human. I am afraid I don't know his name."

"His name was Mathew Densworth. He owned Densworth Construction." Brown supplied.

Was he here last night?"

"I wasn't here last night. However, if he was then Jim would know."

"Jim?" Blair asked.

"Jim Ellison. One of our dancers. He worked last night, and if Densworth was here he would have been in the front row. I am sure Jim would remember."

"Can we talk to this Jim." Brown asked.

"Yes, but after his set. Aaah, its time now." And with that she turned her attention to the show.

On the stage, the lights went out until only one spotlight remained. A figure stepped out onto the stage under the spotlight. The man was tall, at least six foot four, and had short brown hair. In his left ear were two gold rings, and around his strong neck was a black leather dog collar. The dancer wore tight black leather pants, and a light blue silk shirt, and black boots.

The music started, and the man began to dance. He danced sensuously, moving like a cat, quick and powerful. He unbuttoned his shirt sexily, and threw it off revealing a broad hairless chest, and a hard abdomen. He continued to dance to the music, stripping out of his boots and pants to reveal the black g-string. When the music came to a close, the were-jaguar removed the g-string to reveal for a few seconds his large hard hard cock with the small silver ring pierced on the head. Then the lights on the stage went out completely.

When the waiter returned with their drinks, Angie whispered to the waiter. The man nodded, and went backstage.

A few minutes later, the waiter came over followed by Jim wearing nothing but the black leather pants, boots, and the dog collar.

"You wanted to see me." Jim asked Angie, his eyes down in a submissive gesture.

"Yes." She waved a hand at him, and he went immediately to his knees beside her chair.

Angie picked up one of the pictures. "Was this man here last night?"

Jim looked at the picture with his icy blue eyes, "Yes, mistress. He was sitting at table #2. He left after my set."

"Good. Go in the back, Jim and get ready." Angie said. Jim rose and obeyed.

Blair watched the man go, his eyes lingering on the nice ass covered in leather. *Man he is hot. But he feels strange. I know he's a were-jaguar, but there's something else.*

"I hope you got the answers you wanted." Angie said.

"Yes, thank you. Is there any chance Jim can come to the station to give his statement?" Blair asked knowing that he need to go through Angie and not directly to Jim. After all, it was obvious JIm was low in the pack status, and would have to have permission from Angie to do anything.

"Yes. He will come in tomorrow afternoon, if that is convenient."

"Yes, it is. Thank you."

Angie smiled, but it did not touch her eyes.

Rafe and Brown stood up and began walking out of the bar, but Blair lingered behind, "If you don't mind, could you tell me what Jim is. I know he's a were-jaguar, but he feels different."

"Jim is a 'mule'" The woman said a bit of distaste in her voice.

Blair nodded. He had never felt a 'mule' before, but knew he would recognize it now.

As he walked out, Rafe asked him, "What's a 'mule'?"

"You heard?" Blair asked.


"A mule is someone who had one parent that was a were-beast, and the other parent was a real beast."

"Huh?" Brown asked wondering if he heard that wrong.

"In their beast form, a were-beast can mate with a regular animal. During mating season however, pregnancy can occur. Ninety percent of the time the fetus is aborted, and those who survive to term usually die within a few days of birth. But a small percentage will survive to adulthood. Jim may look like he's forty, but he's probably only lived a few years. Mules mature quickly, both physically and mentally. They even have their animal instincts, but in terms of power they are usually weak. And they are always sterile, hence the name 'mule'."

"Damn, you mean he's a real jaguar." Rafe said.

"Only half, the other half is human."

"Oh man that is too weird, and really gross." Rafe said.

Blair shrugged. It wasn't Jim's fault that one of his parents had mated with a real jaguar. And besides which, the man was obviously sapient as well as sentient. He wasn't a wild beast that killed for pleasure.

Remembering the picture, Blair began to wonder if he wasn't thinking to clearly about the stripper. He knew stories about 'mules' who had gone rogue. As the thoughts swirled in his head, the rain began to fall. They barely made it to Rafe's car before they were drenched.


Jim Ellison walked out of the dressing room of the club. He had changed from the black leather pants to a pair of blue jeans, a gray T-shirt, and a pair of tennis shoes. The leather collar was tucked away in the pocket of jeans. With his back pack over his shoulder, Jim walked over to Chris, the waiter who had come and told him that Angie had wanted to see him.

"You heading out," Chris asked.

"Yeah, I’ve got a class," Jim said.

Chris nodded and handed Jim a roll of bills. "Here’s your tips for the night."

Jim took the bills and stuffed them in his pocket. "Thanks." Jim said, then headed for the exit.

Outside Jim walked over to his truck, a black F-150 extended cab. Unlocking the door, Jim seated himself inside, and started the truck.

He drove over to Rainier University and parked his truck in one of the student parking lots. Getting out he headed into the law enforcement building, and to his Criminal Law class.

He seated himself in the back away from the other students. The teacher came inside and began the class.

When class was done, Jim walked out of the building and headed back to his truck.

"Jim Ellison," A voice called and Jim turned to see the long haired man who had been with Angie at the club.

"Hi." Was all Jim said.

"Hi. Are you student here."

"Yeah. Part time student." The were-jaguar answered.

"That’s cool. I’m a professor here for preternatural studies. What are you studying?"

"Criminal Justice." Jim answered.

Blair was surprised. As a were-jaguar, Jim would never be allowed to be a cop, and as a ‘mule’ he wouldn’t have the same life span as a regular human.

Jim opened the door to his truck.

"Say would you like to eat dinner with me." Blair asked.

Jim looked at him strangely. "I’ll come in tomorrow to give my statement, you don’t have to bribe me."

"Hey, its not a bribe. Its an offer for dinner."

"Should you be asking me dinner. After all I am probably your prime suspect."

"Why would you think that?"

"The pictures. Its obvious the guy was torn apart by a were-jag. I heard Angie tell you what I am. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that I am a suspect."

"Did you kill him?" Blair asked.

"No." Jim answered.

Blair shrugged, "Well then, since I’m only a consultant, and not a cop, then how about I take you to dinner."

Jim sighed, "All right."

"Cool. Let’s go in my vehicle." With that Jim shut and locked the door to his truck and followed Blair across the parking lot to the reserved spaces. In a parking space with a sign that said, "Dr. Blair Sandburg", was a Volkswagon Beetle, deep blue in color. Blair unlocked the doors and they sat in the car.

Jim was silent as they drove to a restaurant that Blair said was really good


The restaurant, the Blue Lagoon, was a steak and seafood restaurant. They were seated at a table near a large window that overlooked a garden complete with fish pond and a waterfall. Jim ordered a plate of baked fish…the cheapest thing on the menu. He also ordered a beer. Blair ordered a fried catfish dinner, with hushpuppies. He ordered a an iced tea for his drink.

At first conversation was light, Blair steered clear of any personal questions even though he was dying to know a bit more about a mule. He had only read of few case studies about mules, enough to know the basics. There were only a few actual mules that had ever been studied. Three werewolves, a werejackal, and a wereleopard. The werewolves had lived a space of twenty two years, the werejackal lived to be twenty seven, and the wereleopard lived to be seventeen. All had died of old age and natural causes.

Blair looked at the handsome werejag and thought it sad to know that he only had ten or maybe fifteen more years to live.

"Ask." Jim said suddenly.

"I’m sorry?" Blair said confused.

"I know you want to ask me some personal questions. I can practically smell the excitement coming off of you. Go ahead and ask, I don’t mind."

"Are you sure?"

Jim nodded.

"How old are you?" Blair asked.

"Six." Jim answered.

"How, I mean why, or who?" Blair didn’t know how to ask his next question.

"My mother was an archeologist specializing in Peruvian cultures. They were at a dig. She had kept the fact that she was a werejag secret from the others. The full moon came, and she was out prowling the jungle. She was in heat, and in a male jaguar’s territory. You can guess the rest. I was born in jaguar form. Tore my mother up enough that she needed surgery. I guess I was lucky that she kept me. I grew up fast, though. I traveled with her to Peru several times during the few years I was still a cub. When I reached adulthood I moved here to Cascade. Got taken in, sort of, by the local pard of werejaguars."

"What do you mean, sort of?" Blair asked not sure he really wanted to know.

"I’m low cat on the totem pole. Everyone is alpha to me." Jim answered then took a bite of his fish.

Blair nodded. He knew what that entailed.