The Blue Mile

by Shadow the silly

Disclaimer: Not mine and making no money

Archive: yes

Warnings: 1) no beta 2) if you really must have one go to the end and see other warning


Summary: The prison gets a new inmate.....

The Blue Mile
by Shadow the silly

"Hey Frankie look at the new meat."

Frank 'the Knife' turned and glared at his cellmate. "Don't call me Frankie. But I'll forgive you this time because of the view you have just shown me. Look at that hair and those blue eyes. I wonder what block he is going to." Frank eyes followed the new guy as he was processed in.

The Next Day

Frank set his tray down next to Chuck's,"Did you hear. That new guy was sent to Suicide Row. Wonder what he did to piss off the Cat."

Chuck just shook his head and sighed, "Will the word ever get out, not to fuck with the Cat or his cub. Come on we gotta here this story." They finished eating and headed out to the exercise yard where they quickly found the young man already surrounded by at least ten others.

Frank and Chuck just shoved the other aside and looked the kid in the eye. "What's your name kid."

The kid paled as he stared at gruff, scared man before him. "Call me BJ."

"Well, BJ you have gotten yourself sent to Suicide Row only one type is sent to our row. What did you do to piss off Ellison?" Frank almost laughed when he saw the kid's eyes bugout.

"H-H-How did you know? Wait all of you have run up against Ellison and that long-haired freak?"

"Yeah, we all have come down on the bad side of the Cat and his Cub. So what did you do?"

BJ looked at the group around him and thought about how he was caught. "You guys tell me what you did first and then I will tell you my story." Suicide Row agreed and thus the tales began.

The End

Yes I know I am evil ending it there but my dues for SA were way over do and I had major major writers block.

Warning- This is not a rape and neither of our guys are in prison so you can breath easy. ;-)