Title: Souls

Author/psuedonym: Patt Paulos-Darrow

Email: PattRose1@aol.com




Date:March 19,2000




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Disclaimer: These guys don't belong to me, never did, never will, but I can dream. Petfly doesn't like to share. They also don't pay me, darn it anyhow.

Warning: Death Story.

Summary: Serious Poetry.

Feedback would be nice. Let me know if you like my serious work. Thanks.

by Patt Paulos-Darrow

Their lives were cut short by violence.
Who could do that to Jim and Blair.
Some evil must live in certain people.
To destroy two wonderful men.
Tears run down my face as I read the article.
Something like this makes me wild.
Who could do this, indeed?
Someone that everyone fears.
Pure evil walks this earth.
And it found his work here.
Major Crimes will pray for the souls of the loved ones lost.
And hold those terrible thoughts off for awhile.