

Notes: For the Phrase challenge

"Wanna shag..."


Pairing: J/B

Rating: NC-17

Category: drama/humor

Date: September 3, 2003

Status: new

Archive: You know it.

Dreaming of Sentinels:

Disclaimer: Petfly still owns these boys. They called me the other day and said, I was being such a good girl on Peja's lists, that they might share the boys with me. Oops, time for my Liar's Anonymous meeting.

Notes: I'm still suffering from block. I'm still trying.

Warning: m/m bad language. No beta.

Summary: To Shag or not to Shag. That is the question of the moment.

by Patt

Jim, Blair and everyone in the bullpen had been there for three days. They were all sick of each other. Not only did they have no leads, but also they all smelled from lack of showers and soap.

Simon walked out and announced, "Okay, who would like to go home for the first shift of sleep and shower?"

Everyone put their hand up, making Sandburg laugh. "Why don't we draw straws,
sir?" Blair suggested.

"Good idea, Sandburg. Now if we had straws, we would have it made." Simon growled. "I don't need straws. Sandburg and Ellison you're on the first shift for sleep and showers."

Jim walked up to his boss and said, "Sir, I would prefer to go last. Everyone smells and it's bothering me. I'll wait."

"Okay, they've passed on it. So Rafe and Brown, you're up next. Six hours men and I mean, no more."

Rafe and Brown flew out of the bullpen. Simon and Joel began to look over more of the clues they had. They had few, but they had to mean something.

Conner walked up to Jim and said, "Ellison, will you watch my back while I take a shower downstairs? I can't stand being yucky anymore."

"Let me tell Simon." Jim walked over to his desk where Simon was standing. "Simon, I'm going to watch Conner's back while she takes a fast shower downstairs. Is that all right?"

"Sandburg, you go too. Ellison can watch both of you. What in the hell are we watching for?" Simon was shaking his head in confusion.

"We could get shagged." Blair said in a hushed voice.

"And this is bad?" Simon asked.

"No, not really. I'm joking, Simon." Blair walked to the elevator and said, "Come on slow pokes."

When they got downstairs, Jim stood guard over the showers so that no one would come in. He was watching Conner's naked body and Blair's naked body and wondered why Conner's wasn't doing anything for him.

"Hey Conner. Need me to wash anything?" Jim teased.

"Get naked and join me Ellison."

"No, that's all right."

"Are you a big ole chicken?" She started to make clucking noises.

"Yup, that's me." Jim answered and mover further out of the room. He still had a good spot for watching naked Sandburg. As he watched his cock was getting harder and harder. He was trying to ignore it.

Conner saw what was happening and got Blair's eye and let him know he had an observer. Conner got out and dried off and got some clean clothes on. "I'm going upstairs now. You two behave." She laughed all the way out of the room.

"She's so weird." Jim grumbled.

"Wanna shag?" Blair whispered.

"I think I do." Jim smiled down at his partner.

"Can you wait till our six hours is up?" Blair asked.

"Yeah, I think we can wait Sandburg."

"Don't be calling me Sandburg and wanting to get shagged in the same sentence."

"What shall I call you ole wise one?" Jim teased.

"Prince, King, Lovey would be nice too." Blair laughed.

"I vote for the lovey one. That's cute. The guys will like it too." Jim pulled Blair into his arms and hugged him.

"Chief or Blair."

"You got it, Chief."

"Ready to go upstairs?" Blair asked.

"No, I'm ready to get shagged. Damn it anyhow."

"Maybe you're sick with your senses. Are you?" Blair was offering up the idea.

"Nah. We have to go and work on this case. We'll get to it. And when we do, I'm going to shag you too." Jim smiled.

"And I'm supposed to work like this?" Blair pointed down to the bulge in his jeans.

"Come here." Jim unzipped Blair's jeans, pulled his cock out and began to fist him fast and furious. It didn't take long and Blair yelled 'Jim' and came all over himself and Jim. Jim cleaned them both up and asked, "Better?"

"Way better, man. Thanks."

"You're welcome. I'm saving myself for later." Jim grabbed Blair's hand and they held hands all the way to the elevator. Then they both let go, because of the cameras.

They all studied more of the clues and Blair and Jim came up with some new ideas. Joel and Miller went out to check up on them and Simon called Jim into his office.


"Shut the door, Jim. Sit down. I want to show you something." Simon put a tape into the television vcr player and hit play. And they're big as day was Jim and Blair. Jim was so embarrassed. He couldn't even look at Simon.

"So, how long has this been going on?"


"Today?" Simon inquired.

"Yes, today. We hadn't done anything up until today." Jim was angry suddenly. "If you're going to fire my ass, do it."

"I could care less who you sleep with. I'm just shocked it took you two that long to sleep with each other. What bothers me is you weren't being careful. What if someone else would have been in my office, Jim?"

"You're right, sir. I'm sorry. It won't ever happen at work again."

"Good, now go out and behave yourself. When Rafe and Brown get back, you can take off for your six hours." Simon held his door open.

Blair watched Jim's face and knew that Simon knew. "Oh shit. Was there a camera down there?"

"Yeah. He was pretty mad. Not about us being a couple, but doing it on camera at the PD."

"We have to be more careful man."


"We might need to rethink this." Blair was now pacing.

"What now you don't want to shag?" Jim said sarcastically.

"You know I think I don't. Fuck you and not in a good way." Blair went and started filing some reports.

Simon watched them and saw there was trouble in paradise already. "Sandburg and Ellison. My office."

Both men walked in and stood looking at the floor.

"Jim, why are you acting like someone ran over your pet dog?"

"What a terrible thing to remind me of. Someone did run over my pet dog." Jim said sadly.

"God, Jim, I'm so sorry. Simon, tell him you're sorry." Blair was rubbing Jim's back.

"Sandburg, you are so fucking easy. He didn't have a dog. His dad hated animals. You fell for it." Simon was laughing. "Jim, tell me what's going on."

"Well down in the locker room, Blair wanted to shag. Now that we're up here, he doesn't want to shag anymore." Jim kept a straight face saying it.

"Fuck you, Ellison. Don't be telling our boss I wanted to shag you. I want more than to just shag you. I want you to love me as much as I love you."

"I do."

"You do?" Blair moved closer to Jim. "I'm sorry, but you're stuck with me. I still want to shag you."

Simon laughed and said, "Now is it do you want to shag? Or I want to shag you?"

"Either way works for me. He'll end up naked and in bed. That's what's important." Blair said smiling.

Joel and Miller came into the bullpen dragging two men behind them.

Simon opened the door and said, "Oh tell me you caught the guys?"

"We caught the guys, Simon." Joel was thrilled.

After hours of interrogation Jim and Blair were finally relieved to go home.

Both men drove their own cars and raced home to get there and get ready. When Blair walked in Jim was in the shower.

Blair was already clean, so he went upstairs and got undressed and waited for his man. When Jim walked up the stairs Blair about died. He had shaved all of his pubic hair and looked so fucking good; Blair almost came just staring.

"You like?" Jim asked coyly.

"I love. Get your ass and everything else over here." Jim got on the bed and they began the kissing part of the ritual.

Jim showed Blair how many ways he knew how to kiss and Blair did the same for Jim. Both men's cocks were leaking pre-come.

"Blair, will you suck me for a little while?"

Blair did just that, but Jim wasn't prepared for the fine sucking technique that Blair used and he came explosively into Sandburg's mouth.

"Sorry, Chief."

"You do me, now."

And Jim did the same thing to Blair. He had to turn his sense of hearing down, because Blair was screaming like someone was killing him. Finally he came with a roar.

"I love your sounds, baby." Jim kissed him.

"Can we rest now? We can shag anytime, right?" Blair asked.

"Sleeping sounds good. Curl up next to me and let me feel what this is going to be like."

Both men fell asleep with wild and crazy dreams of shagging, being shagged and doing the shagging. And to think this all started with, wanna shag?

End: Shag-a-delic