Title: Seduction

Author: Angela

Fandom: The Sentinel

Pairing: Jim/Blair

Rating: PG

Challenge: Peja’s Seduction Challenge

Status: Complete

Archive: WWOMB

Feedback: Yes

Email Address:

Series/Sequel: if you want any

Disclaimers: They aren’t mine. Petfly and UPN own them

Summary: Jim plans Blair’s seduction but things take a curve.

Warnings: none that I know of

Notes: none

Further Disclaimer: none

by Angela


That little word means a whole lot in my world lately. And of late it means that my Guide is in my bed. Ok, he’s been in my bed awhile. But on weeks and months like these seduction is just the thing that helps not only Blair but me, too. It helps both Sentinel and Guide to rediscover each other. And I plan on rediscover my Blair. I want to rediscover every inch of him. I want to reacquaint myself with his smells, groans, and little mewls.

Seduction is a fine process for this particular Sentinel and detective of Cascade Police Department. So fine in fact that if it’s not done just right I am sleeping on the couch for a week until I find someway to make up for it. This doesn’t happen very often thank goodness. I carry in the various bags and boxes I have gotten for this night of seduction. I take out all the perishable items and put them in the refrigerator. I put out Blair’s favorite candles and then put out some of his favorite potpourri scents. Next dinner. I am going to make all of Blair’s favorite foods. Well, maybe not all of them. Just some of them so that he will happy and satisfied. Got dinner going now the shower. I take a quick shower and shave. Smooth skin for only my Guide.

I check on dinner and then set the table. He should be suitably impressed with dinner. I go upstairs to prepare our bedroom. Clean sheets and more candles. I can light the candles in the bedroom when we come up here. I hear the familiar heartbeat coming down the hall and go to meet Blair at the door. I open it to only see a frazzled a Professor of Anthropology. My poor Blair. He has been working so hard. I have seen little of him over the last weeks and for the last month or so come to think of it. I am thinking a bubble bath will do him good to.

Bubble baths are always a part of my seduction of the Guide of the Great City. But sometimes they are to relax my lover. He enjoys them greatly so I know that they work on him when I need them. I run a bath for him while he checks out the kitchen and then puts his stuff away in his office. I hear Blair’s footsteps go towards the front door. I perk up at that. There is no way that he is leaving again. I poke my head out the bathroom door to only see Blair reach out into the hallway for whatever he left there. He has probably brought something home from the University.

"Blair, love, your bath is ready." I call. "Blair?"

I look over to the couch where Blair had gone to wait out my series of seductions. He was sound asleep with a cute kitten curled up in his lap just as equally asleep as the man holding him. Well, this seduction won’t happen tonight. I make the Guide more comfortable along with the kitten and then go to put way the meal I had made. I walk back to the couch and kiss my lover on the forehead and set down on the chair to wait him out.

I must have fallen asleep myself because I was awakened by a rough tongue. The tongue wasn’t Blair’s. It was the kitten’s. I look into the blue eyes of the little cat. He or maybe she is kinda cute. Blair got it thinking that we could give it a good home. He’s right. I’ll let him keep it. I smile over at the blue eyes watching me from the couch. He smiles back and holds his hand out to me.

I was the one who was supposed to seduce Blair but instead Blair has seduced me. His seduction is his warm smiles, openness, big heart and helping nature. I guess the seduction goes both ways then instead of just me planning the seduction.

"I love you, Jim."

"Love you, Chief."

I smile at him. I take his hand and we end upstairs in our bed making love and ending up holding each other afterwards with full hearts of love. A love that allows us to seductions that don’t always begin and end with lovemaking but with each other doing the little things in life for the other.

The end