Title: Screamers2: Screaming Allowed

Author/psuedonym: Ramblin Rose

Email: PattRose1@aol.com

Pairing: J/B

Rating: NC-17

Category: PWP/Humorous

Date: January 9, 2001 v Series/sequel: This is part two of the three parts. Part three will follow tomorrow.

Status: new

Archive: It'll be at my page, and Mary can do whatever she wants with it.

Disclaimer: These guys don't belong to me, never did, never will, but I can dream. Petfly doesn't like to share. They also don't pay me, darn it anyhow.

Notes: Thanks to Mary and Lisa again. They're the best. They keep me hopping.

Warning: Well there is no fucking nudity in this one. There are teasers, but no real nudity. No fine Jim ass to think about. No fine Jim cock to drool over. Oh sorry, I got sidetracked.

Summary: What happens when Jim and Blair go to the bullpen the following day after being outed. We see many, many grown people acting like children. Will the guys ever let Jim and Blair live this down? I doubt it. You'll have to read and see.


Screamers 2: Screaming Allowed

By Ramblin Rose

Jim had his head lying on the top of his desk and said, "Chief, just kill me now, please?"

Rafe said, "I never heard a thing."

Brown said, "Mum's the word. They didn't say mum anytime, did they?" He asked looking around quickly.

Now Blair had his head lying on the desk.

Conner said, "No mum was ever mentioned. Can you imagine that?"

Joel said, "I doubt that Blair would bring up his Mum, Conner."

Simon said, "Okay, you two. Things are back to normal. Now get to work everyone." Simon walked back into his office and slammed the door.

Jim looked over at Blair and said, "I'm going to make them all die a nice slow death."

This made Blair smile and he asked, "Can I watch?"

"You betcha." Jim said smiling finally. Blair had a way of bringing him out of any kind of bad mood.

It was almost time to go home. Jim found himself never happier. It had been a long fucking day. He'd embarrassed himself about four too many times. He couldn't wait to feel Blair beneath him. Oh yeah, that would make all things better. He needed to fuck his partner.

Jim's phone rang and he picked it up, he answered, "Ellison," and the tape recording started of last nights call from his neighbor. Jim slammed the phone down, looked around to see who it was. He didn't see Joel or Simon, so it had to be one of them. Jim stormed off to the restroom without saying a word to Blair.

Blair walked into the restroom about five minutes later and said, "Hey, Jim, you all right?"

"No, I'm not all right. What's wrong with these people? Don't they have anything better to do?" Jim asked actually expecting an answer.

"Jim, listen for someone to come this way and then follow my lead."

"Someone's coming. It's Rafe and Brown. They're discussing how they know we're not doing anything. They're coming to laugh in our faces." Jim said.

Blair pushed Jim into a stall and shut the door and locked it. Then Blair proceeded to pull Jim's jeans down and he stood on the toilet, so all they would see would be Jim's feet.

Brown and Rafe walked in and saw no Jim and Blair. Rafe finally said, "Ellison, you in here?"

"Yeah, I'm busy. Can't a guy go to the bathroom alone anymore?" Jim called back.

"Where's Hairboy?" Brown asked almost laughing.

"I don't know, I haven't seen him." Jim said trying to hold the laughter in. Jim could hear them bending over to look to see how many pairs of shoes were showing.

Rafe got up and said, "Shit."

"Well, we'll see you later then." Brown said as they walked out of the room. Jim listened and he said, "They're telling on us. I don't fucking believe it. Now Simon and Joel are coming in here."

Blair said, "This is too funny, Jim."

"Yeah, but you're not the one with your pants down. Then Blair moved and let Jim sit on the toilet as he straddled his hips. "This might not be a good idea, Chief." Jim said seriously.

"Think of Simon or Joel and that ought to do it for you, tough guy." Blair said laughing softly.

Joel and Simon walked in to the restroom and Simon said, "Hey, Jim, are you in here?"

"What's going on? I came in to take care of business and everyone seems to be having role call with my name at the top of the list." Jim said sarcastically.

"Jim, have you seen Sandburg?" Joel asked.

"No, Joel, sure haven't. Now do you mind if I have some privacy for my business?" Jim grumbled.

Jim heard them both lean over to look and see who's shoes were there, and sure enough they only saw Jim's. Simon walked into the next stall and Jim said, "Simon, what in the fuck are you doing?"

"Taking care of some business, too. Jim, this is a public restroom."

Jim didn't say or do anything. He and Blair were both trying to think of something, when Jim looked up and saw Simon smiling at them from over the top of the stall. "Having fun, you two?"

"Simon, give it a rest. Just go out there and say you don't know where Sandburg is. Then I'll come walking out and he'll come out later on."

"Why should I do that for you, Ellison?" Simon asked chuckling.

"If you do, you'll have a nice Lasagna dinner once a week for a month." Jim bribed.

"You're on." Simon said walking out of the restroom. Everyone came up and said, "So where's Sandburg?"

"Hell if I know. I didn't see him anywhere. I think it's just Ellison in there. Conner, I think you need to get those eyes checked." Simon said trying his best not to laugh aloud.

Jim came walking out of the restroom and said, "What's going on? Something up or going down?"

Everyone started coughing and trying not to laugh. "What? What did I miss Simon?"

"Nothing, Ellison, go home." Simon said.

"Anyone seen my partner?" Jim called over his shoulder as he headed for the stairs and the coughing started again.

A few minutes after Jim walked into the stairwell he could be found sitting on the stairs waiting for Blair. In the meantime, everyone was saying, well where the hell did Sandburg go anyhow. The door to the restroom opened up and Blair came walking out and everyone's mouth dropped open. He looked at them all and said, "Something up? What did I miss? Anyone seen Jim?"

"He went down the stairs. He's looking for you." Brown said trying to act casually.

"Night everyone. See you in the morning." Blair said and walked into the stairwell.

He sat on the stairs with Jim and waited while Jim was listening to all of the bullpen telling Simon that it was awful that Jim and Blair were doing that kind of stuff while at the station. Jim was telling Blair as he heard things. Finally, Jim said, "Okay, time to quietly get in there and see what happens.

Conner said, "I can't believe that he'd do that at the station. That would be using Sandy. I just can't see Jim doing that. He loves that man."

"Conner, stop talking about love and shit. Maybe it's just a sex thing. Ever think of that?" Rafe asked.

No one was aware of Jim and Blair standing in the doorway yet.

"Never a sex thing with Jim. He's too serious. He loves the kid." Joel said. "You think that Blair's serious about Jim?"

"I think so, Joel." Conner answered.

"Well, gentlemen and lady, I think it's none of our business. So I say we just get out of here. Tomorrow's another day." Simon said.

"I'm not teasing Jim tomorrow. I don't want to goof up their chances." Brown said with his head hanging down.

"So, all of you agree that it would be a good idea to let this whole thing drop?" Simon asked.

"Yes, Sir." Conner said.

"Agreed." Brown chimed in.

"But of course I agree." Rafe said.

"I would never want to hurt either of them, Simon." Joel said. Then all four of them turned around and there stood Jim and Blair with big smiles on their face.

"Thanks for the warm feelings, guys and Conner." Jim said laughing.

"I knew they were having one over on us." Conner snapped but had a smile on her face. She was actually very glad that they hadn't made a problem with the two men. "Night everyone," she called out.

"You guys are going to get it when you least expect it." Brown said.

Simon cleared his throat and said, "Not unless you want to get written up. This was uncalled for today. We need to have more respect for a person's privacy. So, as of now, this is done."

"Fine, Sir." Rafe said as he walked into the elevator.

Jim and Blair both turned to Simon to thank him and Simon said, "Tomorrow night for Lasagna. See you both in the morning."

They were standing there all alone by this time and Jim pulled Blair into his arms and kissed him. "I love you." They walked down the stairs together.

Blair was thinking to himself, * with any luck, Jim's going to let me do some screaming tonight. I think that all screaming should be allowed. Oh yeah. *


End Screaming Allowed