Title: Rumors of Truth

Author/psuedonym: Patt Paulos-Darrow

Email: PattRose1@aol.com




Date:March 30,2000




Other website: http://pattrose1.tripod.com/index-1.html and http://pattrose1.tripod.com/index-2.html

Disclaimer: These guys don't belong to me, never did, never will, but I can dream. Petfly doesn't like to share. They also don't pay me, darn it anyhow.

Warning:Warm and fuzzy feelings had by all.

Summary: Semi-serious drabble. Feedback, wanted, needed and desired.


Rumors of Truth

by Patt Paulos-Darrow

In the bullpen, they kid each other about everything.

They try to see who can outdo the next one.

They are such good friends and colleagues.

They work together, they play together, they laugh together.

When someone is upset, they are all upset.

This is Major Crimes at its best.

You want to know what Major Crimes is at its worst?

Well, that would be the guys trying to make fools out of each other. One day it will be Joel telling some silly story that couldn't be true and then to find out it is.

Now someone has to top that.

Rafe tells everyone that he has found out that there is someone in love in the bullpen.

They all have a good laugh and say that this isn't true.

He swears that it is, and that they all need to watch and see for themselves.

Oh they do need to watch. Rafe knows that Jim and Blair are hot for each other.

But he also sees something in one of the girls in records having a thing for Joel.

This makes him smile.

They are all laughing at him, but he looks right at Jim and says, well I will have the last laugh.

Next Brown is up and says that he hears that someone is moving to Vice, and soon.

They all crack up because they all know they are teasing their newest addition.

With his long hair, he is perfect for the role.

Not in this lifetime, Blair teases back.

They all have a good laugh over this.

Megan is up next and she tells everyone that the news she has heard is that Jim and Blair are sleeping together.

Everyone cracks up but she and Rafe.

They just sit there with their stone faces on.

And Jim and Blair are just sitting there wondering if they should say something yet.

Blair finally says, does this bother anyone?

And Simon laughs and says, no, we all thought you two were sleeping a long time ago.

So, they all smile and Jim says, okay, Megan is right.

All of a sudden they all stop laughing, they drop their mouths open and go into shock.

But they get over it fast.

These are their friends and they don't care what they do away from work.

No one says too much though and this bothers Jim and Blair a little bit.

Simon is next and says I don't think I can top that one, but here is what I heard.

Blair is the father of the baby of Helen in Administration's baby.

They all just crack up.

Jim doesn't laugh and looks at Blair.

Blair laughs very hard and says lighten up, big guy.

And he does, as sometimes they are just rumors.

They all say, nah, have you seen the baby, it is ugly.

And they all crack up and Simon gives.

Everyone seems happy and smiling.

Blair is up now and he says that the rumor mill has Simon and Megan together.

Brown and Rafe start laughing their asses off.

Joel starts laughing hard too, but notices that Simon isn't laughing along.

Oh man, another truth one.

All of a sudden Blair jumps up and grabs Megan and tells her he is really happy for her.

Doing what he had wished they would have said and done for he and Jim. This whole time Jim is just smiling, he hears more than anyone, so knows more than they all do.

It is his turn for the rumors and he said that Joel is dating a women in records that has three children.

They all just smile and say, I will be damned, that is why you haven't wanted to come to Poker lately.

Again, Blair jumps up and gives him a hug and tells him congratulations.

Everyone is smiling and happy.

Except for Jim.

He wanted the happiness, he wanted the joy.

He is tired of hiding things.

Poker night is tonight and it is at Jim and Blair's.

He is wondering if everyone will still be coming.

They are getting ready for the event and all the voices in the hallway let Jim know they are all there.

He smiles and so does Blair, for they were a little bit worried.

When they opened the door, everyone walked in with wine, beer and presents for the lovers.

They just stood there with their mouths open.

Then everyone started hugging them and giving them congratulations.

Jim thought he would bust with happiness and instead just got a little teary eyed.

He looked over at Blair and saw the same in his eyes.

God how he loves this man.

They all see it too and told them to get a room.

This made the night perfect and they all laughed and played cards.

This is what happens sometimes when rumors lead to the truth.

And friends are there for each other and they accept them no matter what.

Life is good.

