Title: Risk assessment

Author/pseudonym: Kata Avalon

Fandom: Sentinel

Pairing: Jim/m

Rating: G

Status: complete

Archive: be my guest

Feedback: I would love some

E-mail address for feedback: catya0@yahoo.com

Disclaimers: I now they belong to someone else, but I just like playing with them.

Summary: Is it worth it?

Warnings: angst

Risk Assessment
by Kata Avalon

Jim leaned against a trunk of a tree. Slowly he slid downwards to sit on a cold ground.

He struggled to even his breathing, muscles shaking from exhaustion.

He did not understand why he had felt the need to get away, to run, to get as much distance between himself and his lover as possible.


The word assumed there was love involved. But there were so many kinds of love, so many different definitions of the word.

To be in love.

Strange how that one small addition made all the difference. How it scared him.

It meant that he was in, under, involved. And could not get out without hurting someone, without hurting himself.

He did not want that.

But he did not want to be alone either.

He wanted the small touches, the snuggling, the warmth and affection. But he did not want the quarrels, the insecurities, the possibility of love dying out.

But could he get the one without the other.

He had tried.

He had kept his distance, and had gotten hurt anyway.

But could he trust his lover not to hurt him?

His thoughts kept chasing each other in his mind.

Jim's cell phone rang.

"Hi. … No I'm okay. … I'm sorry for that. Just needed to get out, to think. … No, it wasn't you. … Tomorrow's okay. … I'll see you then."
