Reminders 4

Author: Selena

Fandom: The Sentinel


Disclaimer: I don't own Jim

Reminders 4
By Selena

Jim sat in stunned silence for what seemed like an age. He was pretty sure that he hadn’t zoned, but then how could he really tell? He was also pretty sure he was blinking, so there was movement. No he wasn’t zoned, he thought. Slowly he raised his right hand and turned it around in front on his face, looking at it as if he were seeing it for the first time. Yup there was movement, no zone here.

So then why did he feel as if he had lost all touch with the world? Like he was just out of reach from something? Like he was waiting? He turned his head to look at the phone; it was hanging off its cradle where Jim had dropped it after he had concluded the conversation he had just had. He was afraid to reach over and hang it up properly in case there was still someone on the other end, waiting to tell him that it had all been a cruel Joke.

Nothing said in it had been real, not the apology, not the tears, nothing.

Then he felt the sudden urge to hurl the offending object across the room. He didn’t act on it, it would make a mess. That and he had been sitting still so long his legs had gone to sleep, if he stood up now he would just fall down again. But he would have to get up soon; he needed to get down to the store to get some of that herbal tea that Blair liked. He didn’t have any in the house anymore. He used to but no one else would drink it and it would go all funky. But he needed some now. Maybe he would get some bagels and some stinky cheese whose name he couldn’t pronounce. Blair will be hungry after his long trip.

Shit, Jim winced when he realized what he had done. Once again he was making Blair come to him. Since he had admitted that he was in the wrong, shouldn’t he make the effort to go to Blair? Meet somewhere neutral? But no, Jim had insisted that Blair come here. Oh well one more thing to apologize for, this list was getting longer. Ok time to get up, he will be here soon.

(Knock, knock)

Oh crap.