Title: Sorry Chief

Author: Lori J

Fandom: The Sentinel

Rating: PG

Status: New/Complete

Archive: Pretty please?

Series/Sequel: Sequel to 'Oh Chief!'

Disclaimers: Not mine. But I reserve the right to damage them!

Notes: Read 'Oh Chief!' for this to make sense.

Summary: Blair gets hurt...again/



By Lori J

"Sure you're OK, Chief?" Jim said worriedly.

"Dammit, Jim! For the last time, yes!" Blair was getting extremely annoyed at his Sentinel's mother hen mode. Ever since Blair had been in his little accident, Jim had been...hovering. That was the only way to describe it. If Blair shivered, Jim was there with a blanket, if Blair's stomach growled, Jim was there asking if he wanted to order take out. /Damn Sentinel senses! Can't get a moment's peace. /

Jim drew back a bit at the annoyance in his Guide's voice. "Sorry," he said shortly, getting up to go into the kitchen.

Blair sighed. Now he'd hurt the big guy's feelings. "Jim, sit down for a second, OK?" He patted the couch cushion next to him. "We need to talk."

With a look on face that clearly said 'No I don't. I never need to talk about anything', Jim sat. Running his fingers through his short hair, Jim said, "Look, I know you hate having someone mother you. I-I just can't seem to help it. This is all my fault. I am so sorry, Blair."

"Jim, how many times are we going to have this discussion? It wasn't your fault. Shit happens, man. I just happened to be in it's way. Granted this seems to happen a lot, but that's neither here nor there." Blair leaned forward and grabbed the detective's arm. "Listen to me, man. I don't blame you for this."

"But if I hadn't said anything..." Jim couldn't believe the anthropologist could be this forgiving.


Finally, a smile! "It was kind of funny, though. Who knew?" Jim remarked.

"Knew what? That Brown and Rafe are closet N'Syncaholics? There was no way *to* know. When someone has an addiction like that, they become adept at hiding it from others. That's why they sought each other out, to have someone to share that addiction with. The sad thing is; they don't even realize they have a problem. Remember when they took that vacation to New York?" at Jim's nod, Blair continued, "You remember the story Brown told us? About the strip clubs they went to? All a lie man, Brown and Rafe were actually at the MTV studios for 'N'Sync TV'. "

"No way!"

"Yes way! I have a tape." Blair smiled a truly evil smile.

"But if I hadn't mentioned that you bought the wrong CD, this never would have happened." Poor Blair, he never knew what hit him.

"Like I said before, how could you know? They kept their obsession secret. You had no idea they would freak out."

"And freak out they did. Enough to come running up to you, slip on some wet tiles, and fall on you." Jim started to snicker.

"Exactly, man. I gotta share something here. Seeing those two come barreling down that hallway, squealing..." The grad student shivered. "I had no idea Brown could make a sound like that."

"Should we get them some help?"

"Nah, I want to milk this for as long as I can. I got Rafe getting me coffee and Brown running my errands. I may just have them grade some tests, too." Blackmailing those two was worth the concussion and bruised ribs.

"You are evil, Chief."

"Careful, 'Candy'. I still have those pictures!"

The end