My Star

Ramblin Rose




Series/sequel: Word today: Star, from Stuart. :)


Disclaimer: These guys don't belong to me, never did, never will, but I can dream. Petfly doesn't like to share. They also don't pay me, darn it anyhow.

Warning: m/m

To those not familiar with this yet, anyone that wants to challenge me,(like its a challenge) give me a word of the day and every single line has to rhyme with it. Mind you, I don't do all words because some are too hard and I don't want to do a two line poem. <g> But you are all welcome to send me your wish. And I'll do my best with your word. :) hugs, Patt

Word today: Star, from Stuart. :)
My Star
Ramblin Rose

Jim looked up at the sky and made a wish upon a star.
The evening was so dark; it was like looking through tar.
He looked down off the balcony when he heard Blair's car.
Blair was meeting friends at a hopping university bar.
Jim realized that it was time to tell Blair, exactly where they are.
They were more than just friends; they had traveled so far.
When he walked in the front door all Jim could smell was cigar.
Blair said, shower, man, as he went in the bath and left the door ajar.
Maybe Jim could go to the gym and workout, maybe spar.
When Blair came out shirtless, Jim could see all of his scars.
It was then that Jim decided he would have to keep wishing on a star.
He would and could only worship this man, from afar.