Title: Midnight Stalker: Thanksgiving

Author: Angela

Fandom: The Sentinel

Pairing: Jim/Blair

Rating: PG-13

Challenge: Peja’s Thanksgiving challenge

Status: Complete

Archive: WWOMB

Feedback: Yes

Email Address: ladybug74873@hotmail.com

Series/Sequel: Midnight Stalker series

Disclaimers: They aren’t mine. Petfly and UPN own them

Summary: Blair observes Jim while he gets to know his mother’s family and his father and brother.

Warnings: none that I know of

Notes: Thanks to Patt and Mick and Star for the wonderful encouragement to add another chapter to this story line.

Further Disclaimer: none

Midnight Stalker: Thanksgiving
by Angela

The fire was lit and you could smell the roasting turkey in the kitchen. Through the window you could see two men working side by side getting Thanksgiving dinner ready. They worked well together getting everything set up so that very little had to be done later. The two men were happy
especially the bigger man. He was getting his mother back. And he was looking forward to it.

Over the spring and summer and part of the fall Jim Ellison had gotten to know his mother and her new family. They had readily accepted him into their warm embrace and he readily took to the love and happiness found there. Jim and Grace Deveraux had many a talk about the past especially the reason why she had left. He had not understood completely then and wasn’t too sure if he did now. But he was trying to with the help of his Guide and lover

I watch Jim covertly to see his reactions of the day. Nothing seems to make him not want his second family here. He seems to be happier for the invitation that was sent out to his mother and her family.

I stop watching Jim for a moment to think over the last few months since discovering that my Sentinel had been helping out Grace Deveraux and her family. In more ways than one it seems that we have come full circle in life.

The few weeks after Jim’s mother had welcomed both of us into her family were a little difficult to say the least. Jim didn’t know the family dynamics or where he stood with his newly found family. To say the least Grace loved him. He was her oldest son. She asked him many questions about his life. What surprised me the most was that Jim let his guard down and answered the questions with honesty and a lot of tears. Those nights found my Sentinel in my arms letting out his grief of not knowing his mother growing up. I was seeing a whole new side of Jim. He readily took to his stepfather and Brad Deveraux took to his stepson. Both men seemed to share a bond and have a lot in common. Brad wanted to do nothing more than to make Jim feel comfortable with his mother and her new family. I wouldn’t blame him one bit.

It really surprised me that Jim was so easy going about getting to know his mother again. I didn’t ever see the little boy lost when she would spend evenings with Jim and me. It was wonderful to watch. Grace would smile, touch, and look her fill of Jim. And my Sentinel? He would do the same thing back. It was like they were cataloging each other. I watched in fascination. I couldn’t get enough of those two and how they reacted to each other. It was like Jim knew that his mother was not a threat to him or his territory. But then again why would she be.

While I have been musing about Jim and his new found family that family has come through the door of our home. I look up as Grace Deveraux sends a smile my way. I smile back at her and go to greet all of the family. Jim wraps an arm around me and leads the others and me further into the loft. Jim kept his arm around me, as we got comfortable. I smiled at Grace. She was looking happily at her oldest son. And Jim had the same look. I sometimes want to pinch both Jim and myself because I think this is to good to be true.

“Dad and Stephen are coming.” Jim says to Grace.

She doesn’t blink and then nods her head. We both knew this was inevitable that both Jim’s parents would have to see each other at one point in time. Stephen had told Jim that he was excited about seeing his mother. I smile at that. Jim has gotten up to greet the two remaining guests to our Thanksgiving dinner. What amazed me about it was Jim hugging both his father and brother. Jim has come along way to this point. I like to think that I had some hand in it. I got up to greet our guests. William and Stephen both shook my hand and thanked me for the invitation. I said they were welcome and gestured for them to take a seat. It was a little awkward at first but me being me couldn’t see anyone uncomfortable. I took things in my hand and things turned out to be more comfortable for everyone. I knew that Jim sighed with relief when his and Stephen’s parents didn’t go for each other’s throats. I was too. I couldn’t see my beloved hurt anyway. He had been hurt so much in his life that it seemed that he never got a break. I smile up at him and he has a ready smile for me.

Jim tells everyone that dinner is ready and we all head to the dining table with much laughter and talk. Jim is pleased that everyone is getting along and that everything is going so well. Grace sits between her two oldest boys and Brad and William take the ends of the table. I sit by my lover where I know if anything happens that I can be there. Jim squeezes my hand under the table as we all sit around to enjoy company and good food.

Grace looks around and then smiles. She has a look of happiness on her face. I think sometime in her life she has forgiven herself and William for what they did to each other and to their sons. She and Brad lead a prayer but we all say a small prayer of our own.

Covertly I look at Jim again. I see this surreal look on his face. It has been put there by learning to forgive and forget all the hurt. William has caught my attention when he starts to tell stories about his two sons. Laughter abounds as he tells of Stephen and Jim’s antics. Jim just shakes his head at his father. Jim’s voice joins in on some of the story telling as well as Stephen’s voice. This gives me more insight into my Sentinel’s life as a young boy and man.

To watch Jim was almost watching someone I never knew and in a sense I don’t know Jim as well as I think I do. I never knew him during his growing up years but the stories told show me a different picture of the man I love.

I let my mind drift over the last few months as I cleaned up the leftovers of the Thanksgiving dinner that we had.

The first time Grace Deveraux stepped into the loft my beloved Sentinel was nervous. He wanted everything to be perfect including me. He cleaned the loft so many times that I thought the neighbors were going to kill Jim. Then when it came to me no outfit would do. He had dressed and undressed me several times before he settled on something that he semi liked. All I wanted for him to do is stop and take a breath. He did. But it didn’t last long. The nervousness still was there and I had to do something. And that something was to take my lover in hand, literally. That stopped him for sure. After that Jim was a big softie and less nervous.

Grace showed up about an hour after our lovemaking session which seemed to make Jim a little nervous. He kept telling me the loft smelled like sex and that his mother would know. I had to chuckle at that. Jim was acting like a little boy about to be caught at having sex in his room. I assured him everything was all right and to take a deep breathe. He had nothing to worry about. But Jim thought different. He didn’t think his mother would like knowing that her son had sex before she came for a visit. I laughed at him and gave him a kiss to settle him. He grinned and then went back to what he was doing.

Later when Grace came over Jim acted like he had never been nervous at all. I had to laugh at that. Jim was a wreck just minutes and hours before. I watched the two of them. It was like they had never been apart. They laughed and talked and even did some crying.

I cried and laughed right along with them. I couldn’t help it. It gave me some insight into why Jim was so loving and compassionate. Jim, the big tough cop, could be made into a big teddy bear if you knew just how to do it. Both Daryl and I knew how to play Jim and get what we wanted.

I looked up at the laughter. I had to really look at Jim when I heard that. In the recent months leading up to my discovery I had not seen my love smile or laugh. It was like something had happened. A bad case had happened and it had practically consumed Jim.

I hear Jim softly call my name which brought me out of my reverie. I smile at him and he smiles back. Everyone was leaving and he wanted me to say goodbye to them. William invited everyone for Christmas and we all accepted.

Later in the evening as Jim and I sat before the fire we discussed Thanksgiving dinner. Jim had a smile on his face even then. I smiled I liked seeing him happy.

“Happy Thanksgiving, Chief.”

“Happy Thanksgiving, Jim.”

I smiled and gestured towards the stairs. He smiled and nodded. As we walked towards our bedroom, Jim stopped and gave me a kiss. I looked at him quizzically and wondered what was up.

“Nothing Chief. This was the best Thanksgiving that I have had. I have a family. Not that you aren’t but it’s nice knowing that there is more than just you and me.”

He led me towards our bed where we made love and held each other.

I look over at Jim and brush my hand across his face. I bend and give him a gentle kiss. I am glad he has found more. This has been a great Thanksgiving.

The end