Title: Looking at a day in the life of Blair (Jim’s POV)

Author: Angela

Fandom: The Sentinel

Pairing: Jim/Blair, Simon/Rafe (implied)

Rating: PG

Status: Complete

Archive: Yes please

Feedback: Yes

Email Address:

Series/Sequel: if you want any

Disclaimers: They aren’t mine. Petfly and UPN own them

Summary: A look at Jim and Blair’s relationship through Jim’s eyes

Warnings: none that I know of

Notes: I like Blair as an anthropologist and I have, to keep with canon in some way, Blair as a consultant to the police department

Looking At A Day In The Life Of Blair
by Angela

Ah, my precious Blair. Leaning over his laptop. I had hoped for a little more than my husband typing in student grades tonight. But it looked like that’s all I was getting for the night. Poor Blair he had been at it for weeks now. Finals, term papers, grades, articles and anything else that came along keeping him at the University instead of the station and with me.

"Hey, Jim."

"Chief. Working hard tonight. I thought that maybe I could see a little more of you tonight."

"I wish but I have to get these grades in and…"

I interrupt him with a kiss that melted him immediately but it didn’t last long. Blair just shook it off and glared at me. Ok that’s it I am putting my foot down right now or so I think I am. He knows me too well and puts his hand up to stop my progress towards him. There is that glare and scowl again. So beer and couch potato time.

I hate leaving him alone especially when I need a little Blair cuddle. No Blair cuddle tonight. He’ll probably come to bed tired and seeing only student grades.

I guess I am sounding jealous. I hate finals time. It seems that the love of my life gets further away from me during that time. In a way he does but he always comes back to me. And the
sex is great. Well, that's another story.

I look over at him and sigh. He looks up at me and smiles. I smile back. I can't help it. He melts me. I can't begrudge him what he is doing. If I had files to look over I would do the exact same thing he was doing.

Maybe I can interest him in a vacation with just the two of us. The last vacation got out of hand. All of the Major Crimes gang decided they wanted to go along.

That one I blame Connor for. I should have never told her that we were going to the Hawaiian Islands and the reason we were going. So the demented little devil of course told Simon who told Rafe and so on. And we had more people there than we wanted.

Ok so we should have told our friends that we were having a commitment ceremony but we wanted to be just us and few witnesses. Well, we got more people than we bargained for. Connor and Simon called Dad and Stephen who in turn called Naomi.

Ok I admit it was great to have both family and friends with us for the ceremony but not for the rest of the honeymoon. But what surprised me the most was Dad and Stephen. Even though our relationships are on shaky ground it was nice of them to make the ceremony between my beautiful Guide and me. What was even more surprising was Stephen bringing the wife and

All right so it was difficult at times with everyone around but not seeing Blair naked and draped across me was even more difficult.

I know I am being selfish. So sue me. Why shouldn't I have the man I love in my bed and naked
and whimpering and making all kinds of sex noises.

Ok, I am getting a little horny here and not being able to have Blair take care of the situation is so not fair.

Maybe I need to try to put my foot down again. No Blair looks like he could do some damage if I tried. Poor little Blair. I mean the poor guy hasn't seen the light of day. All right so maybe he has seen some light.


But all the projects, classes consulting and other things have taken my husband away from ME!

Oh, I love the man and wouldn't take away what he has spent his whole life trying to achieve. I just want a little Blair cuddle. Ok, I am whining but why shouldn't I.


"Yea, Jim."

"Finishing anytime soon?" I smile hoping I could get a reaction out of him.

"Give me a hour."

He barely glances my way at that comment. His hour will turn into more hours. That means going to bed alone and no cuddle. You know I have had a hard day at the station and all I wanted to do is just come home to Blair, a very naked Blair. Like any other night this week and previous weeks that want happen.

I am a happy man though. Our relationship has grown especially since we became lovers. It was about a year after first meeting him; you know when he pretended to be a doctor to see me about my senses. We had been dancing around each other thinking that the other one would run if we told each other of our feelings. I don't know what did it maybe it was one too many shooting, kidnappings or something but it brought us around.

I think it was Simon and Rafe. Both of them are two of the worst romantics I have ever seen. They had about had it with Blair and me and decided to take upon themselves to get us
together. They involved Henri and Joel in their scheme to put us together.

I am still not sure about how the Jell-O came into play. I always wondered what it was with Jell-O and Simon. But then again maybe I don’t want to know. Maybe I need to ask Simon some time. I smell Simon before he makes it to the loft. I get up off the couch, which means no couch potato time, and open the door for my boss and friend.

Oh and did I mention Rafe was with him. The intrepid duo. I have got to ask them how they got together. Another story for another time.

Both of the men look at the professor and then turn towards me. Simon just glares. Rafe doesn’t know what to say.

"How long, Jim."

"Since I’ve been here. And I’ve been told it will be a hour before Blair comes up for air."

This was said with a little humor. That got be the patented ‘Ellison you are in big trouble now’ glare. And then Simon and Rafe got the other glare. The one that says you are going to become annoying really soon.

Simon doesn’t back off though. Rafe does a little. He hid behind Simon so that the LOOK
wouldn’t find him.

By the time Simon and Rafe left Blair was still at his computer typing and growling away.

And I thought I was the only one that growled. I guess not. I yawn and glance Blair’s way. No reaction.

So I head off to the shower and bed. Think he will get the hint. More glances his way. Nope still no reaction. I head off upstairs and settle myself with in bed with the new Linda Fairstein book. I hope this waiting will bring Blair.

After about an hour of reading I look over the railing and Blair is still at his computer.

"Blair." I call down to him "Are you coming to bed?"

"In a hour, Jim. Let me get this done and I’ll come up for a cuddle."

Promises, promises. I start to read some more of my book by the end of the hour still no Blair. I put the book down with a sigh and snuggle down under the covers. I listen for the beloved heartbeat as I drift off to sleep.

I don’t know when Blair finally came to bed. But sleeping with arms full of Blair is a good thing.

The next morning found me with no Blair and a note saying he had to be at the University early. It’s my day off and I had hoped that Blair would be able to spend it with me. The University calls. Maybe I’ll call him later and see if he wants to go for lunch.

After some heavy duty cleaning which my intrepid husband and soul mate would snort at and
tell me I was a neat freak, I call Blair’s office. Two rings and he picks up.

"Hey, lover. What are you up to this afternoon."

"I have students most of the afternoon. Why?"

"Oh, I thought my loving and faithful husband would join me for lunch."

"Sorry, Jim, can’t. I’ll just pick something up later."

I frown and then end the conversation with a sigh and an I love you which he responds to. At least I know he still loves me.

What am I going to do? The cleaning is done and my attempt at lunch was a failure.

H that’s it call H and see if he has lunch plans.

I call H at the station and was told he and Rafe were out. Ok now what one of my oldest friends and his partner are out on a case and I am bored. Simon? No the last lunch I went out with him we ended up fighting over the place to go. Connor? Why not I think I can survive one hour with her. I chuckle at that. We are actually good friends and I wouldn’t have it any other way. She had been mine and Blair’s biggest supporters.

No Connor either. She is out tracking down her bad guy on a tough case she was dropped. Hey, Blair and I aren’t the only ones who get the tough cases. Just the crazy ones. At least Blair hasn’t been a trouble magnet lately then again the poor guy has spent the last several weeks at
the University.

More reading. This book is really good. And no I haven’t found out who did it. I don’t look. Ok so maybe I did once and then the book wasn’t so enjoyable.

I hear the beloved heartbeat. I look up thinking something is wrong. The keys are rattling. I go to the door and open it up which of course startles the little brat. But he’s my brat. Oh man he is so beautiful. He is smiling at me. Something is up and it isn’t the bad guys. I reach for my beloved and he comes easily into my arms. I can’t help but to smile at the beautiful face that’s looking up at me.

"This is a nice surprise. I thought you were spending the day at the University." I guide my Guide to the couch while saying this.

"Well, I had a few cancellations and thought I would come home early and make up for the last few weeks."

I raise my eyebrow at this and he just smiles. I can’t look a gift horse in the mouth. I am spending the rest of the day in bed with my husband and intend to not let him out again. Well, until we have to be back to work tomorrow. He looks at me and then takes my hand and leads me to our bedroom. Blair must have the same thing on his mind that I do. I am so going to enjoy

My wish came true for today. I look at the most precious person in my life as I lay here and hold him. Our lovemaking has not been any sweeter as it was today. Blair is my life and love and I wouldn’t trade him in for a minute. Some things are worth waiting for. I snuggle up to him even more and think that I have wasted my time pouting about the last few weeks instead of
being grateful for my Blair. Although Blair will tell you that I will whine and pout some more to get my way. I do believe he wouldn’t have it any other way.

I love you, Blair; you are my light and strength.

He stirs a little and I hang on tighter. I will not let him go. We have been through so much together. I couldn’t live without Blair if something were to happen to him. I shift closer to my love and lay my cheek against his curls and wonder how I ever deserved this special person. Oh how I love Blair. I kiss him on top of the head and drift off to sleep dreaming about this
wonderful man in my arms.

The End
I hope you like.-Angela