Listen or Ignore

by Patt

Notes: For the opening line challenge

"Kiss me, right here, right now...."


Pairing: J/B

Rating: NC-17

Category: drama/humor

Date: August 27, 2003

Status: new

Archive: You know it.

Dreaming of Sentinels:

Disclaimer: Disclaimer: Petfly still owns these boys. But I own their bodies. And what fine bodies they are. So there, Petfly.

Notes: I'm still suffering from block. It's been bad. I'm sorry you have to pay. [g]

Warning: m/m bad language. No beta.

Summary: Blair talks in his sleep, Jim listens. Shame on him.

Listen or Ignore
by Patt

"Kiss me, right here, right now...." Jim heard coming from Blair's room. He listened to hear if Blair had someone in his room with him. No, he was alone. Must be talking in his sleep.

"Oh just like that. Yes, suck it..." Blair was still talking.

Jim felt a little guilty listening in. Oh what could it hurt?

"You suck so well. Now fuck me, Jim..." Now Blair was almost talking in a whisper.

// Fuck me Jim? What in the hell is going on? He doesn't date guys. This is what you get you moron. Didn't you ever hear about listen or ignore? You shouldn't have been listening in on his private thoughts. You're an asshole. //

Jim didn't fall asleep until morning. When the alarm went off he wanted to use his gun on his throbbing head, not the big one, the little one. // Oh good, Ellison, now you're wishing evil things to happen to your cock. //

He just had to pretend everything was normal. Yeah, that ought to be easy and fun.

When Jim got out of the shower Blair had breakfast ready. "Morning, Jim."

"Morning Chief."

"Did you sleep well?"

"Not really. I didn't fall asleep until about 4:00 this morning." Jim yawned.

"We have that stake out tonight, do you want me to go with someone else?" Blair asked.

"No, I'll be fine by then." // Oh right, you moron. You could stop by somewhere for a quick lobotomy. That would work. //

"Jim, you seem off your game." Blair said worriedly.

"Don't worry about my game. Worry about yours. Ten minutes and we're out of here." Jim rushed up the stairs to get ready.

Blair watched him and wondered what had happened between yesterday and today to make his partner insane. Sighing, the younger man got everything cleaned up and ready to go.

During the entire day, Jim was very prickly with Blair. Everyone noticed and each one was ready to take Jim out for it.

Blair walked up to Jim and asked, "Want to go have dinner before the stake out?"


"Your choice." Blair said quietly.

"WonderBurger it is." Jim got ready to go for the night. He checked in with Simon to be sure the stake out was still on.

Both men walked into WonderBurger and ordered their meals. Jim knew that Blair hated this place, but Jim loved it. "Chief, have you ever tasted their shakes? They're to die for."

"They use that ingredient that goes straight to the heart. What is it? Oh yeah, fat. No thank you. And it's funny you should mention dying for it." Blair said sarcastically.

"Suit yourself." Jim ordered himself two dinners and two shakes. In case he got hungry while working later.

"You're going to die before you're 45, man." Blair was just shaking his head. Blair ordered a nice salad with low fat dressing and a diet soda.

When they sat at the table, Jim kept teasing Blair. "Wanna bite of my sandwich, Chief?" He kept running it under Blair's nose.

"Fine, you want me to eat some of your sandwich, so be it." Blair took a big bite and then handed it back to Jim.

Jim watched him and finally said, "Well???"

"Well what?"

"Did you like it?" Jim asked.

"Jim, I like WonderBurger's just fine, I don't like all the fat and the calories."

"You are no fun, Sandburg."

"You can 'so' ask for a new partner at any time, Ellison."

"What? You don't like working with me anymore?" Jim became suddenly upset.

"I love working with you. But you seem sick of me."

"I had an off day, Chief. I'm sorry."

"We better take off and relieve Henry and Rafe." Blair walked towards the trashcan and saw Jim was zoning.

// Oh shit. Oh shit. //

"Jim, listen to my voice. Feel my touch on your hand. Can you feel that?"

"Of course I can feel it Sandburg. I'm not paralyzed." Jim growled.

"I give up, Ellison." And out the door he went.

When Jim brought his bag of goodies to the truck, Blair was there and waiting.

Henry and Rafe were never so happy to see anyone. They wondered if there was anyone who could possibly like stakeouts?

"I really like stake outs, man." Blair said trying not to bounce on the seat.

"What? Are you insane?"

"No, I enjoy watching people and things. It's part of who I am. Lighten up, tough guy."

"I am light. I just think you're nuts. And besides in an hour you'll be sound to sleep."

"You big liar. I can make it." Blair stuck his tongue out at Jim, making Jim laugh for the first time that day.

They were both silent as they watched the building and no one came out, no one went in and there was no activity at all. "Chief, I'm so fucking bored."

"Well, what do you want to do?"

"Leave?" Jim suggested.

"Simon might frown on that, big man."

"He might at that." Jim agreed.

"So why don't you tell me what happened during the night that ruined your entire day."

"Nah, I don't think I want to." Jim pulled the binoculars out.

"Jim, you don't need fucking binoculars."

"I know, but I just feel cool when I use them." He smiled over at Blair.

Smiling back Blair said, "What happened?"

"Chief, I don't want to discuss it."

"Well you were fine when you went to bed, so did someone call?" Blair inquired.

"No. The phone never rang all night long."

"Then it was me?"

"Now why do you think it was you?" Jim almost shouted.

"Gee, maybe because there is only you and me in the loft. Not to mention you just yelled really loud while in a closed up vehicle."

"I did not. I stopped myself before it got to the yell stage."

"Jim, talk to me. Either talk to me or I'm moving."

"Threats don't work well with me Chief." Jim growled.

"Fine, then it won't be a problem. I'll be out in the next few days." Blair leaned back and watched the building.

Neither man said anything for two hours. Nothing was happening, making it all the worse. "Chief, I was listening to you talking to yourself in your sleep."

"So what? I don't care. That's not a biggy, Jim." Blair smiled over at him to calm him down.

"Well it is a big deal. It's what I heard that's the bad part." Jim continued.


"You were talking sex talk and ended with fuck me Jim." Jim stared out the windshield and didn't know what to say now.

"Okay, then it's back to me moving out."

"Why?" Jim asked honestly.

"Because Jim now you know how I feel. I can't stay."

"Wait a minute. Did it ever occur to you that I might have feelings for you?"

"You have feelings for me?" Blair looked into Jim's eyes for the truth.

"Only for about two years now. I didn't know you did guys."

"Been doing guys since I was young. I didn't know you did them." Blair teased.

"How young?" Jim teased.

"Shut up." Blair smacked him on the shoulder.

They continued their talk until it was time to go home. As soon as they were in the door, they both went up the stairs to Jim's bed. It would now become their bed.

Lying on the bed naked, both men were touching, exploring and kissing. Jim said, "Kiss me, right here, right now...." Blair smiled and asked, "Did I say that?"


"Then we have to do it so that both of us will sleep well." Blair crawled on top of Jim and began to kiss him like there was no tomorrow. Both of the man's cocks were getting quite a work out rubbing on the others.

"I want to feel you in me, Jim."

"Oh god. I'm going to come." Jim howled as he shot his load all over Blair and himself.

"Was it something I said?" Blair teased.

"Give me a half-hour and I'll be right as rain." Jim kissed Blair's neck as he kissed his way down to Blair's cock.

Sucking a man's cock is something that a person either loves or hates. Thankfully Jim Ellison loved it. And he was fucking excellent at it too.

Blair found out first hand and it didn't take long before he was yelling Jim's name out as he came into his lover's mouth.

Jim leaned over and got some lube out of the draw and began to prepare Blair. "Are you sure you want this, Chief?" He stretched the younger man out and got him ready for the company he was soon to have.

"Never been more sure in my life. Fuck me, Jim. Fuck me now."

"I love you, Chief. Never forget that." Jim slid into Blair slowly and soon began to fuck his love like he had wanted to for years.

"Jim you feel so good. Thank you."

"Kiss me now." Jim leaned in for a kiss and Blair came all over them both.

Jim pounded into Blair's hole about ten more times and came just as loudly as Blair did.

Jim pulled out and went and got some wipes to clean up with. As he cleaned Blair he saw the big smile on Blair's face.


"Have you learned anything from this?" Blair asked.

"Not to listen to other people's dreams?"

"No, there is no such thing as listen or ignore with you. If someone says it around you, you hear it. You can't help it. This time it worked out well."

"Goodnight Chief." Jim pulled him into his arms.

"Night, Jim. I love you."


End: Listen or Ignore