Title: Jim’s love

Author: Angela

Fandom: The Sentinel

Pairing: Jim/Blair

Rating: PG

Challenge: Peja’s Falling in love challenge

Status: Complete

Archive: WWOMB

Feedback: Yes

Email Address:

Series/Sequel: if you want any

Disclaimers: They aren’t mine. Petfly and UPN own them

Summary: Blair is taken care of by Jim.

Warnings: none that I know of

Notes: none

Further Disclaimer: none

Jim’s love
by Angela

Falling in love with Jim Ellison wasn’t hard to do. Even though he puts up the hard exterior and walls at home he is gentle and romantic. So romantic that I can’t seem to get enough. No one knows the Jim I do. They don’t see the man who will go to great lengths to distress your day and make you happy. My Sentinel will do anything to make me happy or anyone that he loves happy.

I had walked into the loft in the evening anticipating a loft without Jim. He was supposed to be on stakeout. Instead of an empty loft I found lit candles, an elegantly set table, and an equally elegant Jim. He was smiling at me. And it took my breathe away. He handed me a glass of champagne and I had to look around the loft several times before I believed this was my home. Finally, I smiled back at my lover and let him lead me to the dining table. He pushed my chair to the table and left to get something from the kitchen. The first course of our meal was anti-pasta. Oh man, can Jim cook. After the anti-pasta next came our salad. Next came our main course of pasta with bread. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the taste of the food. When I opened them again I found Jim staring at me. I smiled my appreciation and he motioned for me to continue. As soon as I was finished with the pasta Jim laid in front of me the most decadent dessert I had ever seen. And let me tell you I was astonished at what the treat looked like. I wonder what bakery would make my favorite dessert into the shape of my most favorite body part on Jim: his cock. I looked at Jim and cocked my eyebrow. All he did was grin widely at me. I took a bite out of the sweet treat and enjoyed every bite of it. That’s when I noticed that Jim hadn’t eaten a thing. I looked at the big guy quizzically.

"Jim, did you eat." I asked.

He just smiled and went for the next course in our evening. He helped me up from my seat and lead me towards the bathroom. In there was a bubble bath to die for. Jim was so wonderful. I don’t know how he did it. He helped me off with my clothes. Not once did he want to touch me in a sexual manner. But this didn’t mean that he didn’t want me. There were just times that our love
making could wait until we were both full desire and want. After he had helped with the clothes, he helped me into the tube and made sure that I had safely settled myself for a good soak. I had tried to get him into the bath with me but he just shook his head and walked out of the room. I heard him turn on the CD player and go towards the kitchen to clean it up. Oh how I loved my anal retentive Sentinel. This much attention got me to thinking.

Jim must have heard about not only my day but also how my last few weeks to a month or so had been going. I hadn’t really been to the station in what seemed like months even though it might have been a few weeks. Because of my position at Rainier there were times that I had to stay away from Jim and the station long lengths of time. This was one of them. I have been so frazzled that I didn’t think that my lover noticed. He must have or else I wouldn’t be getting the All-Nighter as I call elegant dinner and all that comes with it.

Jim’s through in the kitchen and I hear his footsteps go up to our bedroom. It seems like hours before he comes back down to check on me. He helps me out of the tube and wraps me in a big worm towel. With that done he leads me out of the room and upstairs to our bedroom. He has every candle I think in the loft lighting up the bedroom. I reach my hand up to his face and rub it
against that chiseled jaw. He leans into my touch but doesn’t allow it for long. Jim reaches for the bedcovers and then helps me into the large bed. I snuggle down and wait for my Sentinel to join me. He does. He holds me while both of us drift off to sleep. Several hours later we wake to make love and then fall asleep sated.

Now you see falling in love with Jim Ellison is so easy. He has made all the bad go away and let this weary anthropologist have a little downtime. I didn’t have to ask. Jim just knew instinctively and let me have that time. I love him so much for that.

I kiss his cheek. Jim holds me tighter and I know that I have fallen even more in love with my beautiful, strong, gentle, and romantic Sentinel.

The end.