I'm His Furnace

Author: Patt

Jim/Blair - The Sentinel

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: J/B __ Sentinel

Summary: Both men want, but neither have the nerve to make the first move. It's Simon to the rescue.

Disclaimer: The boys don't belong to me. Drats! I'll put them back when I'm done using them. (I'm a big fat liar.)

Feedback address: PattRose1@aol.com

Advertisement: Part of the Slash Advent Calendar of 2003.

Beta: Mary Browne did the Beta. Thank you, darlin'.

I'm His Furnace
By Patt

It's December 23rd and Blair still didn't have the courage to ask Jim if he could be Jim's furnace. He wanted to warm him up. He wanted to toast his buns. He wanted to do everything. But, alas, he didn't have the nerve. Sighing, Blair stood up and started dinner. Jim was out shopping again. // What's up with him and shopping? The man hates friggin' shopping. //

The door opened and in stepped Blair's dream come true. He tried not to stare, but was unable to. Jim had that damn sweater on that drove him wild.

Jim looked over and asked, "Everything all right, Chief?"

"Peachy, Jim. Dinner will be done in twenty minutes. Get cleaned up." Blair ordered.

"Now there is the Guide I love, bossing me around all the time." Jim laughed as he headed for the bathroom.

During dinner Jim finally said, "All right, what's going on?"


"You're never this quiet, Chief. Never."

"I've got some things on my mind."

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Jim offered.

Blair looked at him and became sadder. This man was one of the kindest and most gentle people that he knew. "No, Jim. There is nothing you can do. It's my problem." Blair got up from the table and retired for the evening.

This was the first night that they didn't do dishes together after sharing a meal. Jim found himself getting depressed over dishes. // You moron. It's not like he likes you or anything. Why do you insist on carrying this torch for him? You know better. You know straight people don't suddenly turn gay. Get over it. //

The next morning, Blair was gone when Jim got up. He figured he had more shopping to do. Blair was shopping but for only one thing.

Blair arrived at the jewelry store and asked, "Do you carry any pendant necklaces with a Jaguar on it?"

"Yes, we have some lovely ones here." He showed Blair six or seven and Blair about swallowed his tongue when he saw the prices.

"I love this one. Can it be inscribed?"

"But of course. May I ask why you were asking for Jaguar's and then settled on a Wolf?"

"Because the Wolf is my sign. The Jaguar is his. So I want to inscribe the back." Blair was getting excited. He didn't care that it was costing almost his whole paycheck.

"What do you want inscribed?"

"This Wolf is yours forever. Love, Blair."

"Very nice. He'll love it." The man took off for the back room and Blair stood and waited for his prize. He pulled his cell out and called Jim.

// Ellison. //


// Where are you? You're supposed to be here at work. //

"I'm living on the edge today. So what are you going to do about it?"

// Chief, something is wrong. What is it? //

"I'll fix it tonight. Don't worry and I'll be there in an hour. Bye."

Jim looked at his cell and frowned. Simon watched him and knew something was up.

"Ellison, my office."

Jim walked in and shut the door. "What's up, Simon?"

"That's my question. What's wrong with you and Sandburg?"

"You noticed something was wrong with Blair?"

"Actually, I noticed something was wrong with you. If I didn't know better, I'd say you had a crush on him."

Jim blushed and put his head down. "I do have a crush on him, sir."


"Yeah, what you said."

"Jim, have you talked to him?"

"No, he's straight."

"How do you know? And since when are you only straight?" Simon already knew.

"Since forever. I only married Carolyn to make my dad happy. I'm bi, Simon. Don't freak out."

"I'm not freaking out. I'm just surprised. // Hardly! // Now what do you plan on doing?"

"Nothing, sir."

"Go to the jewelry store and buy him a nice necklace and tell him you love him on it. That would work." Simon was getting in to this.

"Simon, he's straight. Why would I buy him a necklace?"

"Because I'm giving you an order. I bet he got you one."

"For Christmas?" Jim looked confused.

"He kind of likes you, Jim. Didn't you notice at all? You're supposed to be the Sentinel." Simon looked at his poor stupid friend with pity.

"He just likes me as a friend. No more."

"You're dumber than you look, Ellison. I can't believe you got the Detective of the Year Award. You have to be the slowest person on earth at getting to the clue bus stop."

"Simon, what the hell are you talking about?"

"The clue bus. You two keep missing it. Everyone actually thinks you're a couple already."

A shocked Jim finally said, "They do not."

"Do too."

"Do not."

"Do too. And I'm the Captain, I know."


"Yes, we want you to do this." Simon smiled.

"Simon, stop teasing me. Blair is here. I have to get out there." Jim became very nervous.

As he walked over to his desk, Blair looked up with an angelic smile and Jim wondered if Simon was right. // God, how could I have missed this? //

"Hey, Chief, everything done?"

"Yup. I only had one thing to buy and it's done. You're going to love it." The smile on Blair's face was making Jim hard.

"Chief, I need to go buy something. Finish the paperwork, please?"

Without another word, he was up and running. Blair knew he had him.

"Sandburg, my office."

// Shit... //


"Come in and shut the door."

Blair sat down in front of Simon's desk. "What's up, sir?"

"Sir? What happened to Simon?"

"You look mad. I usually fall back on sir when you look angry."

"I'm not angry; I want to know what your intentions are with Jim Ellison."

"Oh shit... Does everyone know I love him?"

"More or less. You light up when he's in a room. What did you get him for Christmas?"

Blair handed over the gift and Simon read the inscription and smiled. "Sandburg, he's going to love this. He's in love with you, too."

"He is not."

"Is too."

"Is not."

"Is too and I'm the boss, so I'm right."

"So chances are he won't kick me out when I give him this."

"No, chances are, he'll fuck you through the mattress."

"He will not."

"Will too."

"Will not."

"Quit this shit! He will. I'm the boss. Now don't tell him I told you anything and get back to work. Would you and Jim like to come to my house for Christmas dinner? I'll have Daryl."

"That would be great. Thank you, Simon." Blair went to his desk and began the tedious job of Jim's paper work.

Jim walked into a very nice jewelry store and asked, "Do you have any pendant necklaces with a Jaguar on it?"

The man just stared at Jim strangely and answered, "Yes, I have many. I'll bring them out."

"Can I have an inscription put on it?"

"You sure can. I'll be right back." When the man reappeared, he had four necklaces.

"They're all beautiful. How do I choose?" Jim asked.

"Well, think about him and choose for him, not you."

Frowning, Jim asked, "How did you know it was for a him?"

"I just knew, sir. Which one do you think he would love?"

"This one." Jim picked it up and handed it to him.

"Good choice. He'll love it. Now what do you want put on the necklace?"

"Your Jaguar, forever. Love Jim."

"Very nice. I'll be back in a few."

Jim walked around the store and saw about four things he would have liked to get for Blair. But he wanted this Christmas to be special. He wanted Blair, not presents and he could only hope that Blair felt the same.

The man finally walked out and smiled as he handed Jim the package. "Have a very Merry Christmas, sir."

"You have one, also. And a Happy New Year." Jim called over his shoulder.

In the bullpen, Blair kept thinking how he wanted to be Jim's furnace and was trying to think of a way to start the conversation up. Sighing, he went back to the computer and typed some more.

Jim walked in smiling and said, "Hey, Chief."

"Hey. Simon asked us for Christmas dinner. Is that all right?" Blair asked.

"Sure, what time? I don't want to have to get up to early. I'm getting old; I need more blankets on the bed or something." Jim smiled over at Blair.

"I could be your furnace..." Blair couldn't believe he said that in the middle of the bullpen.

"Would you like to be?"


"Let me ask if we can go home early and you can make me toasty warm."

He walked over to Simon's door and knocked.


"I hope so. Soon. Can we leave early? He wants to warm me up. God, you're always right. I hate you." Jim smiled at his boss and friend.

"Dinner is at 4:00. That will give you enough time for pounding anything or anyone you have to pound." Simon laughed as Jim walked out blushing.

"Why is Simon laughing and why is your face red?" Blair asked.

Jim repeated everything and Blair howled with laughter.

"Come on, Chief, it's time for our new lives to begin." Jim pushed him into the elevator and wished they could make out in there.

"Chief, work is work and home is home. We can't mix the two. Okay?"

"Okay by me. Can I say something special?" Blair asked.

"Wait until we're out of the building." Jim hurried him to the truck and took off like a streak of lightening.

"I love you, Jim."

"Merry Christmas, Chief. I love you." Jim looked over at Blair and found his eyes as filled with tears as his own.

Life was indeed going to be good... and fun, and fun and tiring. But mostly it was going to be good.

"Hey, Jim?"


"Can I be your only furnace?"

"Of course. I don't ever want any other furnace to warm me up." Jim kissed him for the first time and found out life wasn't good. It was fucking great.

Six Months Later:

I'm His Furnace

I'm asking everyone in the bullpen if the heater is broke.
They look at me like I'm nuts.
Not a far stretch, I know.
I'm so hot, I can hardly breathe.
All of a sudden, I look up at Jim and he smiles.
Oh man, I know what it is now.
Jim's turning up my furnace.
He doesn't do it on purpose.
He just does.
He loves making me too warm.
I'm his furnace.

End: I'm His Furnace