Title: I Can't

Author/pseudonym: Lori J

Fandom: The Sentinel

Rating: G

Status: Complete

Archive: Absolutely!

E-mail address for feedback: lojojan@worldnet.att.net

Series/Sequel: Nyet

Other websites: not yet

Disclaimers: Not mine, don't own 'em, blah, blah, blah

Notes: Darn muse, you never know when and where they'll show up! A thanks to Dawn C for writing a fic showing what Blair would have to go through in a courtroom!

Summary: Blair can't be what Jim needs him to.


I Can't

By Lori J

"Please, Chief. Think about what you're doing."

"I have thought Jim. I've thought long and hard about this. I can't be a cop. I can't face knowing that not only do I have to carry a gun, but someday I might kill someone with it! I'm sorry, Jim, I really am."

"Me too, Chief. Why do you have your suitcases out?"

"There's no easy way to tell you this, but I'm leaving Cascade."

"WHAT! But...Blair, why?"

"Well, let's review. I've just thrown my academic career away. I have denounced myself as a fraud. If I have to testify in court, the defense lawyers will throw that back in my face *all* the time. What if a jury lets a serial killer go because they thought I was a lying cheat? I am so not into that. I'll only hinder things now."

"Don't leave Cascade, Chief. Don't leave m...."

"What was that Ellison. 'Don't leave *you*'? Hey, man you left me a long time ago. Remember Alex? 'I don't think I'm ready to take that trip with you'. Thanks, Jim, for the vote of confidence. You never even talked to me about Alex killing me, and next thing I know, you two are humping in the sand!"

"No, it wasn't like that at all. Please believe me Blair, I never meant to hurt you."

"But you did. Just like when the whole Sentinel thing was all over the papers. You actually thought I would betray you like that! What the hell is wrong with you? I'd accepted a long time ago that I wouldn't be able to publish. I *died* for you, Jim. Doesn't that count for anything?"

"Please, don't go."

"Sorry, Jim. I have to. I'll be staying with Naomi for awhile. When I get to the commune she's staying at, I'll contact you."

"No, you won't."

"You're right. I won't. Have a nice life, Jim."


"Wait, Blair, I never meant..."

The End