Hold On To The Night

by Latoya Smith

Fandom: Sentinel


Rating: NC-17:

Summary: Duty gets in the way of a relaxing vacation for two


Hold on the night

by Latoya Smith


Jim could tell that Blair was upset just by the way he was storming up the stairs and using each step as his personal stomping ground. Jim got up and held the door open for Blair, who threw his keys into the dish and hung his jacket up on the coat hanger.

"What's wrong chief?" Jim said.

"I can't believe it, Jim. I totally can't believe it."

"Can't believe what chief?" Jim asked in his most ‘let me kiss it and make it better’ tone of voice.

"Oh don’t you even try to pull that on me. I'm not in the mood today. Can you believe that I wasted all my time preparing for this trip with you and now I can't even go."

"Why not Chief." Jim said, trying his best to keep the disappointment out of his voice.

He and Blair had been lovers for a year now and Jim wanted to show him just how much he loved him by planning a trip just for them. A little sun and fun and no university or time consuming case to work on. Just each other was all that Jim wanted. He hardly had time alone with Blair.

"Professor Davidson has become ill and I have to take over his classes for the rest of the week and that means I can’t go with you on the trip."

"It’s okay love we can just go another week." Jim said as he wrapped his arms around his lovers waist.

"No we can’t." Blair said as he pulled out of Jim’s arms and stepped out of Jim’s reach.

"I’ll have classes to teach or you’ll have some case that requires your undivided attention. There’s never anytime for us. There used to be but not anymore, not anymore." Blair trailed off sadly.

"Come and watch T.V with me Chief, we’ll figure something out."

"But what?" Blair argued still not going over to watch t.v with Jim.

Jim held out both arms to his love and said in his best soothing voice. "I don't know chief but will figure it out I promise. Please come and sit with me and we'll talk about it."

"Okay." Blair mumbled as he went to Jim and Jim pulled him into his lap.

Jim searched his brain trying to come up with a solution. Blair looked so sad. He could feel Blair's sadness and it bought tears to his eyes. It was like something was keeping them apart for a reason, but he was going to fix that. He was the blessed protecter and he was going to make everything right.

He picked Blair up with him as he stood. Carrying Blair easily up the stairs to their bedroom. Once there he sat Blair on the bed and began to strip him of his clothes.

"Jim?" Blair said. Blue eyes wide and liquidy.

Jim placed a a finger over Blairs' lips and shushed him.

"It's going to be alright luv, just wait and see. All I have to do is call Anna at the resort and she can put the tickets aside for another time. I'll tell Simon that I want the week after next week off than we can go. We'll give professor Davidson a chance to get better or find someone else to cover the class okay?"

"But what if you get a case, we can't just leave."

"Hey there are other detectives in major crimes other than us Blair. I'm sure Simon can find a few good men. It's going to be okay. Your just going to have to trust me. You do trust me don't ya Blair?"

Blair showed his agreement by giving Jim a deep kiss. "You know I will always love and trust you. I've just been so fustrated thats all. I feel like the world has you all the time and I get lucky if I get you for one night."

"I feel the same way about you sometimes all wrapped up in school work and trying to find out about things that help me. We do have tonight so lets enjoy it as long as we can okay?" Jim started stripping himself of his own clothes.

Blair answered him again with a deep kiss. "Yes my love we have tonight and the rest of our lives."
