Title: Futile

Author: Patt

Author Email: PattRose1@aol.com

Rating: NC-17

Pairings: Jim/Blair

Status: Complete

Date: 07/31/03

Category: Challenge

Author's website: http://patt_rose0.tripod.com/dreamingofsentinels/

Archive: Please.

Disclaimer: Petfly still owns these guys. They won't take my calls about buying them out. I cleaned them off and put them back when I was done.

Author's Notes: Thanks for the challenges, Peja.

Summary: Jim finds out who is in charge.

Warnings: m/m

by Patt

Blair stared across the bullpen and watched his Sentinel. Jim was going to be his. He was going to fight him on it, because that's what Jim did. Blair would not give in.

Jim looked over at Blair and saw an odd look on his Guides face and began to worry. It almost looked predatory. // He doesn't do guys, Ellison. So don't even dream about it. //

Blair walked over to Jim and whispered, "In the truck, now."

Jim broke speed records getting down to the parking garage. He figured who was he to argue? Blair was the Guide. The Sentinel always listened to the Guide. Well, most of the time, anyhow.

Blair climbed into the truck, shutting the door softly and again, whispered, "Resistance is futile."

The poor Sentinel came in his jeans and knew he was in big time trouble. // Hot damn. //