Title: Fuck, Fuck, Fuck

Author/psuedonym: Ramblin Rose

Email: PattRose1@aol.com

Pairing: J/B

Rating: NC-17

Category: Nasty Poetry

Date: September 8,2000

Series/sequel: Sequel to The Mighty Fine Prick.


Archive: For Peja

Other website: https://www.squidge.org/sentinelsites/psindex-2.html

Disclaimer: These guys don't belong to me, never did, never will, but I can dream. Petfly doesn't like to share. They also don't pay me, darn it anyhow.

Warning: m/m Peja was my inspiration on this one. She doesn't even know it. She's created a monster.

Notes: This is again for Kira and Lex who I think both need some laughs these days. So, enjoy and realize its not good poetry, just done to make you all smile.

Summary: How many words really rhyme with fuck and can you put them all in a poem? Why yes, you can and I did. Read, but be warned ahead of time. Also remember that there are many I didn't use. This is a sequel to The Mighty Fine Prick. Good god, will I stop at nothing? Nope.


Fuck, Fuck, Fuck

by Ramblin Rose

Looking over at Blair, I see one gorgeous and stunning young buck.
I'm so damn grateful Blair fell for me and not someone named Chuck.
As I tell him this, Blair throws something at me and I have to duck.
I whisper in Blair's ear how badly I want him upstairs for me to fuck.
Blair tells me that he still has to clean the bathroom, of all that guck.
I tell him to forget the bathroom, after all I'm no dumb cluck
I plan on being on top, I'm wishing myself very good luck.
As Blair's lying in bed, he tells me he really needs to clean the muck.
What have I done to my darling Blair, turning him into a cleaning puck.
So I hold Blair down on the bed, and his cock goes in my mouth to suck.
And I tell him that next, I'll be using his ass for my cock to tuck.
When we are all done, and Blair rolls over into the wet spot and yells, "yuck."
I ask him what the hell do you want, and Blair says, "oh well shucks."
Blair looks at me and says, "Jim, I want to fuck you blind in your truck."
Then Blair leans over and says:
First you lick.
Then you suck.
Hold on tight.
And fuck, fuck, fuck.

Man, another masterpiece. The end.