Forgotten Son



The Sentinel

Rated R

An AU. Blair is alone on an Island. Or is he?

Smut and lots of things. Tear jerking. A Sad Blair. Perhaps a bad Blair. Perhaps a plot along the way.

Forgotten Son
by Bluesky

The Sea was as cold as his heart, The sky a steel blue that spoke of a story.

"Mr. Sandburg, We have arrived"

Blair turned to the purser, aware that the man was trying to be kind, but that he had a job to do nonetheless.

"A storm is coming. We have little time." The man turned away, hobbling a bit.

Blair turned and surveyed the place that was to be his new home. It was a small Island, and he had been told that it had ample food and water and that he would have supplies and twice yearly visits from his fathers ships,.. to restock.. and bring him things. Even books.

Such was his fathers shame at and with him, that he was being shunned, shipwrecked in this small out of the way place, were no one would or could know of the shame that was .... His fathers son.

Blair sighed, and gathered up his small bundle of belonging, and boarded the row boat that would take him to his new home. There were two boats, one filled with Items that he would doubtless find helpful, and this one filled with his personal items, clothing and books.. Lots of books. Trunks filled. with knowledge that he would share with no one. His father's misguided kindness, and desire to advert a scandal. ... Well, At least he would have something to fill his days for the next six months till the next boat would come along, unless his father would not for fill his promises. Blair thought grimly that he had most sincerely fulfilled his. He had thought of going to some of the far away places that he had read about, perhaps joining Sir Richard Burton in one of his travels, but that was far far too high profile to suiting his fathers tastes.

Banishment. Blair sighed, as he watched the sailors unload his now meager seeming belongings. Cask of supplies, barrels of salted meats and even wine ale and a smaller one of brandy were set up on the small sandy alcove.

"I must leave you now. This is a map of the place, but you can walk it over in a day or less. There is fresh water from a small fountain in the center of the Island, be sparing with it, if the water drops too low, it will start taking in salt water they say, the trees are full of bread fruit and coconuts that you can roast. Eat some of the limes ever day, it will keep away the scurvy. There is gear for bad weather, and Fishing equipment. I was meaning to show you the manner of it, but I have to put out from this shallow place, least the ship be smashed in the coming storm. "

"Thank you, " Blair looked up, This was the last human face that he would see for the next six months, perhaps a year if weather was bad. Perhaps ever if his father whim to support him failed.

"My suggestion is that you make yourself a nice shelter, easy enough to do, use some of the wood from the boxes and the branches from the palm trees. You have to keep changing them ever few weeks, as they dry out, but it will keep you snug for the most part. Keep your head, use your supplies sparing, fish and eat off of the land. Stay away from any Island people that come to this
place, they sort of superstitions about white foke. Likely to eat you be your friend. Just sort of steerer clear of them. "

Blair watched them row away, forlornly waving good-bye in a half-hearted finger folding. The storm was coming He had to get the goods away from the water as fast as he could, and find some sort of shelter.

He was alone. He wished for some of the island people that the purser had warned him about. Any company would be better than no company. He sighed and started to gather his Belongings. It was going to be a Very rocky storm coming. And he needed to prepare.


It had been over two months without any outside human companionship. It was telling on Blair. He would scour the beach every morning, looking for rare glimpse of human kind. He had found a native fishing boat, broken leaking, storm tossed and battered, with a net for fishing and some fishing spears. He had poured over them for days, trying to ascertain what tribe they might be, what sort of skills and crafts they had, what the eye carved on the front of the boat meant, the few carving on the shaft of the fishing tools. It heartened him, the small touchstone with humanity. It fueled his desire to learn more. He yearned to patch the boat, and strive to find the makers of the items, but it was beyond his skills, and he had no way of knowing even in what direction they lay.

Nights were the worst. His lamp oil was running low, but it was so hard not to have a light, a source of comfort in the dark of night, mostly when there was a storm like this one. He huddled in his make ship shelter, made with boxes and barrels and a oil cloth to keep him self and his books dry. This storm so far was the worst. He comfort himself that after a storm like this there would be more things of interest on the beach, shell and fish and things perhaps that had been made by the hand of man. With a strong resolve he blew out his light, and tried to deal with the panic that the dark always installed in him.

Morning. The beach was strewn with seaweed and shells, some broken bits of wood that he eagerly began to gather up. Little was burnable on the island, and this was very useful for cooking.

He dropped his bundle of wood when one of the larger clumps of seaweed rolled over and reveled itsself to be a man. Rushing to his side, He looked down at the first human face that he had seen in what felt like forever. The uniform that he had on was that of one of his father's ships.

"Are you all right?" Blair attempted to examine the man for harm. The blank blue eyes registered nothing, A quick examination showed only a bump on his head, and chill from the sea. The man was too heavy for him to move alone. He needed warmth, dry clothing, water and food. It would be better to bring them things to him than for him to try and move him. Blair succeed in pulling him
up away from the highest tide, And hurried to his shelter not far away.

When he returned with his bundle of supply's, the man had not moved. Blair attempted to trickle a bit of brandy down his mouth, a few drops at a time. The offering was swallowed, and encouraged, Blair gave him some water. Even though he was very dehydrated, he remembered the warning about giving too much too fast.

He striped away the rags of the uniform. There was a tattoo of a blue eye on his upper arm, similar to the one that was on the boat that he had found. He pondered this as he wrapped the chilled body in his wool blanket. The wood that had washed up on the beach would be still too wet to burn. He gathered that up, along with all the sea weed and eatable fish that had washed up, and
began a watch over the stranger that the sea had gifted him with.

He had so many questions. He could only hope that the man would survive to answer them.

Blair had set the seaweed to dry, and clean the fish, done all the tasks that he could do in the small amount of time. The man was so cold, still, and unresponsive. If only he could build a fire!.

Wait. One of the tales that he had heard of. In a place were the world was snow and ice, when some one was so badly chilled that death was at hand, you put a person next to them to warm them. Blair hesitated. But his eagerness to save this person pushed past any hesitancy.
He striped off his Clothing, and slid under the blanket next to the chilled man. Only the shallow breathing and heart beating let him know that he was still alive.. Instinct directed him to rub the chilled arms and legs, spooning up to the cold back, attempting to bring back circulation.

His efforts were rewarded shortly. Some warmth returned, and the ridged body next to him lost it rigidity, and socking began to shiver. He hoped that this was a good thing. He continued his efforts till the shivering stopped, and breathing had settled into something more like normal sleep.

Weary from his efforts, emotionally and physically, Blair fell into a sleep. He could only hope that his efforts were enuff to save the man that might be his salvation. He drifted off with his arms around his new companion.


Confusion. Pain. A whirling sensation of being dragged under water, of cold and dark and then.. Nothing. He opened his eyes a strange head rested oh his shoulder dark curls cascading over the face on to his skin. Who was this woman? How did he get here? He hurt all over. Like he had been in a fight with ... something. A Groan passed his lips. So dry, so thirsty. Had he been drinking? There was a taste of brandy in his mouth. An urgency to void pushed him to slip away from his sleeping companion and ..

Where in the hell was he? He looked around. The sea in front of him. Vast and frightening felt like he was drowning just looking at it. The need to pee was what shook him from the horrified fascination that had over taken him.

He was naked. On a beach. He staggered to some distance away from were the blanket was and relived himself.

Clothing. Next. The Breaches next to the Blanket were tight.. Way too tight. And short. He buttoned up as many as he could, and tossed on the shirt. The Sleeves were too short, and it was too tight across the chest and back. How odd. And the shoes would never do. He looked about for his companions clothing, a dress or chemises.. Or..

A growing feeling of dread. There was noting, but a few tattered remains of clothing that looked more like it had fit him, damp salt encrusted, ripped weathered and ruined. That must mean. That.......

"Good morning. I am Blair Sandburg." The blue eyes that peeped out at him we framed by wild curls, but a very masculine face and deeply furred body.

"I ... I'm... I don't remember. " Panic crossed his face, and his broad forehead and face clenched in agony. Jaw grinding in a moment of tension, as though he could force some thing to come forward.

"It's going to be all right. Lots of people have problems with remembering thing after a head injury or a trauma. Just take it easy." Blair said this in a calming soothing way. He had to relax. "Want some water?" Blair got up, unconcerned at his nudity, and got a leather-covered bottle filled with water from under a rock. And brought it to him.

He drank, the water felt like sandpaper at first, then like the best of wine, of ambrosia, of..

"Take it easy! If you drink too fast you're going to get sick. Small sips! Concern filled the younger man's voice. Even though it was the last thing that he wished to do, he stopped himself from downing the whole jug of water.

"Were are we?" He looked around, then down at the shorter Blair.

"A island. I don't know the name. I never asked. My father dumped me here when I became a embarrassment to him." Blair grinned up at him, far too cheerful than any one is this sort of situation had a right to be.

Joy. He had a killer head ache, and was trapped on an island with someone's brat of a son. So ill behaved that he had been sent to a place like this.

"I have to call you something. How about David?"

"How about not. Jim. Call me Jim."

"Are you remembering something?" Blair looked hopeful, like a puppy that was waiting for some one to drop a bit of food.

"Jim just feels right. Don't you have some clothing?" Jim looked at him pointy.

"Right. Good idea. " Blair scurried away after shoving his feet into the shoes that were too small for Jim's feet.

Jim sighed and sat back down on the blanket. What ever he did that he could not remember must have been very bad.


"That's gross.. How can you drink that stuff?" Jim made a face at Blair guzzling down the mashed seaweed attempting not to gag.

"It's high in nutrition, you don't have to cook it, and it been keeping me alive." Blair finished off the concoction, and set the coconut shell bowl aside. "All you have to do is dry the seaweed, then grind it, then add water. Help your self to the salt pork, or what ever else you want."

"Thanks. Want any?" Jim was examining the container in front of him, checking the seal.

"No thanks. Jewish, you know." Blair said this in sort of humorless way.

"Why on earth would they do that.. Leave you with food that you could not eat?"

"At the time, I didn't feel like explaining kosher to any one. And my father told them just to make sure that I had supplies for six months to a year. Did not tell them what to give me. Or maybe he did, and this is his way of punishing me. Never know, with him, He is not Jewish, My mom was, and we were not truly practicing if you know what I mean. She was his mistress. Sad to say he
failed to hold her fascination, but he put me through school, till.. " Blair sighed.

"Must have been something big." Jim watched him carefully.

"One of the Students cheated, He also sexually assaulted some one, and he tried to rape me. Sadly he was also the son of one of my fathers business partners."

"He did not beleave you?" Jim was open mouth shock.

"I thing that he did. Just that the Shiping company was more important to him than I was. The Venture Family has a lot of clout. They could have wrecked him. I think that I was suposed to be dead, not just exiled. In a way this was the kindest thing that he could do. I refused a pay off, or to stay quiet." Blair siged quietly, his head droping, and he was still for long moment in the tailors sitting position he was in.

Anger. Anger that a father could abandon his son betray him like that. It was a shadow of some distant betrayal that slipped elusive away from him, an echo of pain that he would rather not know about. With a snap the box in front of him opened. He reeled back the smell of pork and brin and other things overwhelming him.

The next thing that he knew, Blair was knealing by his side."What's wrong?" Concern filled his eyes.

"The meat's bad. Your lucky you did't try and eat it."

"Its suposed to stay good for months, it was... Its bad?" Blair started to shake.

"Maybe you should check out all of the food stuffs. Things can go wrong" Jim was grim. as he re sealed the contanor and pulled it away. It turn out that most of the food stufs were bad, or unaceptable to Jim. After his winnowing out of the food stuffs, it left Blair with hard tack, some dried beans, Some dry sausage flower and sugar that some how had not goten spoiled.

"We can clean it all out and use the wood to make a better shelter. What's wrong? You weren't going to eat it any way."

"You don't understand. 1 it was back up. 2 some one had to sabatoge that stuff to make all of it bad. Some one wanted to make sure that I would not survive." Blair was grim, a little sad, betrayed. "Somehow I doubt that anyone is going to be coming back for me, even to resupply in six months."


Some of wood that could not be salvage was burned that night. Jim had manage to net a rather large fish, and was cooking it over the fire, tossing damp sea weed onto the fire to make smoke to cure some of the smaller fish for later consumption. Assorted shellfish were roasting on a hot rock. Blair had been mostly quiet, accepting a share of food, Brightening after taking a few bites.

"This is really good!" Blair ate with some enthusiasm

"Could use some lemon and garlic, but the limes and wild onion aren't that bad. Butter would be nice, but we can live with out it. Beats the hell out of the seaweed shake right?"

"We won't have wood to cook on every night. And well.. This is good. Very good. But..."

"I know. We don't have a lot of options, but we can make the best with what we have got. You can take coconuts and make a lot of things with it, trust me, I won't let you starve" He pulled a blackened lump out of the fire that had been wrapped in seaweed. "You have to try this. Its breadfruit. There is enough food on this island for both of us."

"But what about water?" Blair said this almost under his breath

"What about the water?' Jim paused with a knife full of the hot breadfruit on the way to his mouth.

"I was warned if the level of the water went too low, the sea water would seep in." Blair had a glum look on his face.

"We can deal with that when it happens. I'll make some catch basins for rainwater, We can drink coconut milk and milk the palm trees if we need to. I promise you, we going to get out of this place alive."

"Thanks Jim." Blair said softly. It was so good to have a friend.


"It's going to be a storm tonight. I want to put out some containers for water, but we have to get under some shelter, There is some sort of opening in those rocks, I am going to check it out, see if it is dry." Blair experienced a momentary sense of panic as Jim disappeared into the opening. A
full-blown panic attack was averted with Jim resurfacing with a grin on his face.

"Well.. Looks like the back of the cave is dry, but we are not the first people to be here." Jim opened his hand. In it was a gold Spanish coin, very old, but it looked unworn.

"Think that we have found a pirate's chest. There is a lot more down there, a treasure trove of things. We're rich! If we ever get off of this island that is." Jim smiled fondly at his companion.

Blair's hesitation lessened with the knowledge. "What else is down there?" His curiosity over coming his fear.

"Plates, goblets, gems, some swords, more gold.. From the looks of things it's been abandoned for years."

"You're sure it's safe?" Blair gave a look at the sky, It was dark and looming.

"Safer than out here. Let me pass some stuff down to you." They hurried to the makeshift shelter and gathered up the most breakable things. Blair's books were sealed as best as they could, and covered with rocks. He took the most precious ones to him and wrapped them in a bag. Lantern, food, knives water bedding what ever could be grabbed and cared were moved to the mouth of the opening.

Blair slithered down, dropping the last foot, landing on his feet hard. The blankets and oilcloth were handed down to him, then the lit oil lamp. Carefully Blair placed it out of harm's way as the rest of the belonging were passed down.

"Its cold down here" Blair rubbed his arms. His thin shirt was little protection in the sudden chill.

"I have the rum and the port. That might fix you up. But later. I want to show you this."

Carefully Jim picked up the lantern and directed Blair to the back corner. A rotted trunk sides split spilled a glittering stream of wealth onto the sandy floor.

"Oh my goodness!" Blair was the son of a rich man. He had seen wealth and gold before but not all in one place.

"Look at this!" Jim picked up a finely crafted figure. It was a pawn from a chest set.

"We can play chess!" Blair's excitement was bubbling over.

"All of this wealth and that is the first thing that you think of?"

"Well we can't spend it here, now can we?"

It was opted that more exploration of the cave could wait till later. Both were cold and tired. It was also their first argument.

"We have to save the oil. That is one thing that we can't replace"

"But. Its.. dark..'''

"Just go to sleep. There is noting to see any way" Jim frowned in frustration. He could not understand his reluctance.

"We're not going to be able to relight it. I left the flint and steel"

"Sandburg! Just get over it. It's not that dark. Now go to sleep."

They had made a pallet on the ground, piling all of the available bedding on the oilcloth, as ward agents the chill. This meant sharing the bed,

Jim had no qualms about it. He was out as soon as he lay down. Blair shivered in the chill, the sound of the storm raging about them. Gusts of wind finding it way down the opening once in a great wile.. At long last he gave into exhaustion, and tried to sleep, as close to Jim as he dared for heat. And forbidden comfort.


Dark, so dark.. Blair opened his eyes, and for a disoriented moment, he felt that he was spinning, falling, ungrounded, unmade. It was waking into a nightmare that was worse than the nightmare that he had been having. Panic. He could not breathe, It was.. It was

Brad with his hands around his neck, trying to force him into unconsciousness, or worse, hard and grinding on him, pressing his rampant cock on his groin.

Only his roommate walking in prevented him from accomplishing his attempted rape perhaps murder. He had been so close to death, he had seen a light a tunnel. Only being tossed to the floor had knocked the air back to into him. He had gasped, unable to counter the glib comments that Brad Ventures had made about interrupting a dalliance, That He Blair had come on to him, and Brad was fending him off. Brad had made his exit to report him along with his roommate for a witness. His roommate had cast a confused frightened look at him, as he left, near dragged by the older and more powerful man/boy.

Blair flailed into the dark, panic driving him. His hand connected with an arm, and he screamed. In a moment he was pined, his flailing arms and legs held. He struggled agents this assault, Too panicked to even scream or cry out.

"Will you be still! Stop and tell me what is wrong? Has something bitten you?" The voice changed from anger to concern. Blair stopped struggling and Jim rolled off of him.

"Dark.. So Dark.. I was dreaming.. Could not breath.. Brad Ventures.. He tried to kill me.. Strangle me.. Can't breath.. Its so dark.."

"It's going to be dawn soon. And it's not that dark. The storm is gone, the moon is out. And you're safe. I WILL NOT let any thing harm you. You have my word on that." Jim handed him a flask that had some rum in it. "Take a sip. Calm your nerves."

Blair did as he was told. "How can you see?" Jim took the flask from his flaying hand.

"Careful Chief. You can put a eye out with that." Jim capped the flask and put it aside.

"You can see in the dark?" Blair's panic was being pushed aside by the puzzle of Jim's ability.

"Yes.. You can't?" Jim was puzzled. There is moonlight and starlight coming from the opening. I could read by this light if I needed to. That's why you wanted to keep the lamp lit. You can't see well at night. "

Blair nodded unable to admit to the crushing panic that dark produced in him. Jim must have seen the nod, and clapped a friendly hand on his back.. "It's OK."

Jim lay back down, a bit closer to Blair than was strictly necessary Go to sleep. Nothing is going to get past me.

Blair sighed and resigned himself to trusting in the large man beside him. Laid down and pressed his back to his and fell into an untroubled sleep.


A gray shaft of defused light came from the opening, just enough to let Blair know were it was. There was an arm around his waist, and legs pressed up behind his. And that was not all. Through the fabric of his breaches, he could feel the hard arousal of his impromptu bedmate.

Panic. If Jim wanted him, he could do nothing to stop him. Even if he did ward him off, this was the only person that was on the island with him, he would have to guard himself at all times. Blair could hardly breath, as wave of panic as crashing as any storm toss wave washed over him. Frozen he feared movement. Perhaps Jim was asleep, and that this would go away. If not.. Perhaps. He could… Give in, save himself the horror of violation by being a willing partner, barter his body for protection from the violence that would surly come.

"Why are you so afraid?" The calm voice was shattering to him. Blair stopped breathing. "I am not going to hurt you. I will not press you for any thing that you are unwilling to. But it is just the two of us, for however long it will be. Sailors take comfort in their mates, and think nothing more of it when they turn back to land. If .. When you feel the need, we can turn to each other for what comfort we can find. A friendly helping hand if you wish. But nothing for you to be up and over about." Jim patted at Blair's shoulder. "Time to go top side, and see what the storm has left us."

Jim moved to the opening, and with the aid of one of the boxes he pulled himself out of the cave.

Leaving Blair alone.

"Wait!" He would never get out with out help. He leaped up, scrambling to the opening and climbed onto the box. A hand reached down to help him up. "Thanks" Breathless confused. As Jim turned away to find a convenient location to void, Blair watched in amazement as Jim turned just slightly aside, not being overly on display, but not concealing his attributes.

The man was large. Blair stared in fascination. Now that he was aware that Jim was not a threat he had calm chance to observe what had been offered to him. Jim shook him self off and set off to the beach. "You coming?" he tossed over his shoulder. Blair quickly baptized the same spot and hurried to join him.

end part 5