Title:Forever Love

Author:Barbarienne (now SexyLady)

Email: sexylady@callnetuk.com

Archive:yes, as long as I know where

Date: ??/07/2000

Story Type:Death Story, Romance

Series or Sequel:No


Website:No addy cos I'm moving it soon

Warnings:DEATH STORY, possible spoilers for Sentinel Too but I haven't seen it so not too many I hope

Summary: Blair muses on his death

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from the Sentinel they belong to Pet Fly and UPN. The lyrics at the end inspired the story but aren't really a part of it. I don't own them either and I'm not totally sure who does. I got the from the latest Reba Macintyre CD.

Happy now Peja (she insisted I post so I posted) Feedback is welcome but be nice. Positive criticism only, tell me why you don't like it or why you love it



by Barbarienne aka SexyLady



I wanted to go back when I heard the cry. I wanted to tell you that everything would be alright, that I'd never leave you but they wouldn't let me. That damn wolf kept pulling me away and the panther just stood there gazing at me and I knew he wouldn't help me no matter how much he wanted to. And he did want to, almost as much as I wanted him to. You have to believe me that if there had been anything, anything, I could have done to prevent it I would have.

"Please, listen to me. I have to go back. I'm his Guide he needs me."

I looked at the wolf and he looked back at me and I knew what he was telling me even though he never made a sound. It was my time and I had to leave. I'm sorry Jim, I really am but it was time for me to move on, to go ahead without you. I hope I did what I was supposed to do in this world, that I made a difference. I did make a difference, didn't I? I brought your senses under control, taught you to use them to do what you do best, help other people. And I know even without me you'll carry on doing that. So in a way I'll still be making a difference. I hope I helped you in another way too. I taught you to open up more and I loved you. Now you know how wonderful it can be and I don't want you to waste that. Find someone else to share your life with, don't close yourself off again. Please, promise me that - but of course you can't because you can't hear me. That doesn't mean I'm not here though. Part of me will always be here, watching over you, because I love you. Forever - that's what we promised one another and that's what we'll have, I swear. Do you know how rare that is, Jim? How special what we had together was? A love that survives even through death. Two halves of the same soul. That's what I've always felt about us, since the first time I saw you in that hospital room. I knew as soon as I saw you that I'd been looking for you all my life, I just hadn't known it before. You completed me, made me whole. My love, I'll wait for you and when it's your time to cross over, be it next week, next year, or fifty years from now, I'll be here and we'll go forward together. For always. I promise you that love. Forever.

The first time I laid my eyes on you I knew,
We'd spend this life side by side,
I still feel the same though you're far away,
I swear you'll always be my,
Forever love,
I promise you,
Someday we'll be together,
Forever love,
I won't give up,
No matter what,
I'll be waiting for you,
Forever love,
Minutes and hours and years may go by,
But my heart knows nothing of time,
So, don't cry, just keep me right there,
In your dreams,
And hold on to these words of mine,
Forever love,
I promise you,
Someday we'll be together,
Forever love,
I won't give up,
No matter what,
I'll be waiting for you,
Forever love,
Love is the road to our destiny,
Nothing can change what is meant to be,
Forever love,
I promise you,
Someday we'll be together,
Forever love,
I won't give up,
No matter what,
I'll be waiting for you,
Forever love,