Title: Forest from the trees

Author: Kata Avalon

Author Email: catya0@yahoo.com

Rating: G

Pairings: Jim/Blair, Jim/male

Status: Complete

Date: 03/31/02

Category: Drama, First Times, Humor

Author's website: http://www.geocities.com/catya0/index.html

Disclaimer: I know they are not mine, but a girl can dream.

Author's Notes: Written while drinking Italian wine. Blame it on Chianti. Thanks to CJ for betawork.

Summary: Sometimes it's difficult to see what's in front of your nose.

Warnings: m/m


Forest From The Trees
by Kata Avalon

Jim was sorting out the laundry in the basement. He did not trust Blair to do it, not after the pink dress shirt incident. Blair had acted sorry and contrite, but the sentinel could tell that he had been stifling his laughter the whole time.

Everything was loaded. He had to admit it was nice, the way their smells mixed.

What ??

Jim froze with the box of detergent in one hand.

He liked the way Blair smelled??

He sniffed. He could smell Blair. The scent tingled his nose. The tingle traveled southward.

*Hold it. Way too much information as Simon would say.*

Jim got the washing machine going and sat down. He liked the way Blair smelled. Well, the curly haired obfuscator was his guide. It was only logical that his senses liked him. Right?


Blair was going through files and crime scene reports. Trying to find some clues in a major fraud case. Jim was trying to concentrate on the files in front of him. No use. He could not concentrate on thieves, even in ones who had ran off with a couple million US dollars. Finally he gave up the pretense and just stared at his best friend.

He liked the way Blair looked. The multi-hued curls, blue eyes, healthy skin.

"What?" The question startled Jim out of the potential zone-out. "I've got something in my hair or what?"

"Nothing, just thinking."


Jim was lying on his bed. Looking at the night sky.

They touched a lot. He liked to touch Blair and he really liked it when his guide touched him. So, the energizer bunny was his guide. Nothing more to it. Right?

The explanation sounded ... inadequate. But what more could it be? Love?


They were guys, men. Jim had never been with a man. Had never seriously considered being with a man. He was straight, not bi.

He tossed and turned.

He liked the way Blair sounded. His voice soothed him, his heartbeat calmed him.

Smell, sight, touch, sound. Taste was the only one missing. He thought about tasting Blair. He liked the idea.

He turned.

Love? He forced himself to think about Blair leaving. It hurt. Thinking about spending the rest of his life with Blair was easier, and a lot more pleasant. His cock enjoyed the idea too.

Should he tell Blair? He did have the right to know his best friend and sentinel had a crush on him. But what if he didn't feel the same?

Jim thought about it. It was pretty unlikely that Blair would feel the same. He knew his guide was bisexual, but he had never indicated that he would like to jump into bed with his sentinel. Had he?


Jim concentrated fiercely on the table cloth. Blair was chatting with a waiter, flirting. Jim breathed deeply, as his guide had instructed him many times in the past, trying to release his disappointment and frustration. Jim could feel the coil inside him loosening a bit. Seemed like Blair's advice helped.

Jim looked out the window. He had to admit Blair's advice worked, always. His guide resembled a walking encyclopedia and self-help guide. *Too bad he does not go for older scarred tom-cats.*

Jim grinned.

"Jim? You here, man?"


"Are you all right? This is the second mini zone in a few days. Anything happen I should know about?"

Jim smiled. His guide was always on duty. At least that part of Blair was his.

"Nothing. Just feeling down, I suppose."

"What for?"

Jim debated about how much to tell. Half-truths were better than none, he supposed.

"Just ... feeling lonely. Every relationship I've ever had has crashed. Maybe it's me, maybe it's fate." A deep sigh. "I've been thinking about trying the other side."

"Other side?" Blair was baffled.

"Men. Maybe I'd have better luck with a boyfriend. None of that opposite sex, patriarchal system crap. Blair? Everything okay?" His guide looked shell-shocked. Did Blair think him that inflexible? Or was it just that Jim being bi didn't fit in with Blair's image of him? Jim was not sure whether to feel smug because he had succeeded in surprising his guide or to feel disappointed because Blair obviously did not think of him *that* way. Jim settled for acting as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Easiest that way.


Blair shook his head. He must have heard wrong.

"Men? You're thinking about having a boyfriend?"

"That's what I said." The irritated frown was familiar.

"Right." Blair took a deep breath. He tried to gather his thoughts, they had been scattered, trashed and blown away.

Jim. With a man. With someone other than him.

The thought bothered him. He had been careful not to think about his friend as a potential lover. Jim was straight, or had been until now.

The waiter brought their orders. Blair barely noticed him.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes." Jim put the napkin on his lap and got ready to attack his lunch.

Blair ate mechanically.

Jim. With a man.

"Have you ever been with a man?"


At least he was not that unobservant.

"Do you know what's involved?"

"Yes." Jim was getting pissed at him.

"Jim, I know you probably know the basics, but I'll loan you a couple books. I want you to read them, thoroughly." Jim was cute when he blushed. "And I want to be with you when you go out."


"I mean it. I don't want you getting hurt in any way. Let's face it, you're entering a whole new social setting."

"I can take care of myself." Jim sounded offended.

"I know, but how about making sure it doesn't come to that? I'll tell you about the setting and the rules of conduct." He could see Jim's jaw muscles working hard. Tough. The guide's protective streak was wider than the sentinel's in some ways.

And, let's be honest here, he wanted to check out Jim's potential boyfriends. It was always good to know the opposition.


Jim was upstairs with the books Blair had given him. Shoved at him practically.

Blair was sitting on his bed, pretending to read.

His sentinel was leaning towards men. Blair was a man.

Maybe he should volunteer to introduce his friend into gay sex. Except he suspected Jim would be addictive. He might not want Jim to be with anyone else. Just him. Just the two of them.

Blair threw the book away.

So, is it just lust or something else? Blair's cock leaped up at the thought of having sex with Jim. But that was not the only kind of fantasy that came to mind. Blair thought of lazy evenings with Jim, camping trips, choosing the weekend food.

*I'm in love with the big lug*, Blair thought. Not really surprised. But is it the kind of love Jim wants? The 'til death do us part love?


Jim kept blushing as he read the books Blair had loaned him. His cheeks were starting to hurt.

Jim's libido was real interested in some of the suggestions, specially when he thought about acting them out with Blair. The only problem was that Jim did not think his guide would be interested. After all, his love interest had all but volunteered to find him a boyfriend. The guide was just looking after his sentinel.

It was true that he had not faired well with women. Since he was bisexual - evidence number one: his sexual fantasies of his 100 % male friend – he might as well see if he would do better with men. Jim kind of doubted it,
but he was an eternal optimist when it came to relationships – evidence number two: he had not taken a vow of celibacy despite a string of criminal girlfriends and a doomed-from-the-start marriage. Though when it came to Blair Jim was about ready to give up. After all, they had lived together for years and Blair had not shown any interest in him. Probably knew him too well.


Jim was in the station, looking at a short list of cafes and bars his guide had given him. Saying it would be best to start slow.

"Hi, Jim. You got that file on Sangiovese?"

"What? Sure." How did Rafe get so close without Jim smelling him? Jim shook his head. He really had to come back to earth.

Rafe glanced at the list on his table.

"Going out?" Carefully neutral voice.

"Thinking of it." Jim could feel his ears turning pink. "Here's the file."

"Thanks." A small pause. "Got a date yet?"

Jim shook his head. "No." He could not keep the disappointment from his voice.

"Oh. Sorry to hear that. Or maybe not. Have you been to that new bar on Ash?"

*That's it. You have now officially entered the Twilight Zone.*


Blair was busy with some project at the university, for which Jim was grateful. He was real nervous, and confused. Just last weekend he was your normal heterosexual divorcee. Now he was having fantasies about his male roommate and going out on a date with his male colleague. He supposed he could still call Rafe and cancel the evening, but he did kind of like the guy. And he had promised.

Jim took a deep breath. And checked the time. Still time enough for a shower. And some breathing exercises.


As soon as Blair got into the loft, he flopped down on to the nearest couch. God, he was tired. Some people had to quarrel about everything, just on principle.

"Jim, how about take-out?" No need to shout with a sentinel. Who should be home at this time of the day.

"No thanks. Had a bite to eat already. Going out with Rafe."

Rafe?! Jim was going out with Mr GQ?! Blair was suddenly totally alert and energized. Amazing what a good old-fashioned shot of adrenaline can do.

Jim came down the stairs dressed in tight black slacks and a dark silk shirt.

"What do you think?" Jim asked nervously.

Blair just stared at him. Jim was looking delicious. Good enough to eat. Slowly. With reverence.

"Blair? You okay?"

"Yeah, sure. Just tired. You look good."

"Thanks." Jim went to open the door just as Rafe knocked. Rafe was dressed in dark linen trousers and a light wool shirt. Blair was starting to feel underdressed with his old jeans and flannel shirt.

"Hi, Jim. Blair."

"Hi. Where are you two going?" Was that a growl in his voice?

"To that new place on Ash. I hear it's good, not too loud or crowded." Rafe had heard the growl.

"See you, chief." Jim had gotten his jacket. He seemed unaware of the unsaid dialogue between the two men.

As soon as the door had closed, Blair flopped back down on to the couch. Those two looked good together.

He hated Rafe. He had never been the one for jealousy, but this time he was making an exception.

What if they started going together, like steadily? Blair had seen Rafe ogling Jim's butt. Just the thought of the two of them ... in bed ... had his heartbeat skyrocketing.

He got up and started pacing.

Jim had gone out with that jerk of his own free will. But he didn't know Blair was interested. Jim's not looking for one-night stands, he's looking for a steady relationship. *Am I up to it? Yes. Would we fit together? We already do. So, why the hell am I here while he's out with that men's wear model?*

Blair got his car keys and was out the door. Once he got into his car, he sat down and concentrated on settling his heartbeat and breathing. Wouldn't do anyone any good if he crashed his classic. When his heart stopped hopping like an Easter bunny on speed, he started the car and drove out the parking lot.


Things were going well for once. The place was nice and turned out Rafe had a dry sense of humour. Looked like this was not such a bad idea.

Blair. Jim could hear him. What was his guide doing here? Looking for them, it seemed like. Blair was striding towards them like a man on a mission.

His guide sank down into a chair on his right. Rafe was sitting on his left. The two men were almost opposite each other around the small round table.

"What are you doing here?" Rafe asked, none too kindly.

"Correcting a mistake."

"Too late. Hop back to your books and the flavour of the week."

Jim was gaping at Rafe.

"You know, flavour of the week gets so boring after awhile. You start craving for something traditional and long lasting."


"A lot of flavours out there. I'm sure you'll find the right one for you."

Rafe was practically growling.

"I already have."

Blair was staring at Rafe. They looked like two fighting cocks about to start pecking each other.

Jim was feeling totally confused. "Hold it! How about one of you tells me what's happening here?"

Jim noticed that the tables next to them were empty. For some reason everyone around them had sidled farther away.

"It's quite simple, really." Rafe said. He grabbed Jim's face in his hands and kissed him. It was a real kiss, with tongue.

*Rafe really knows how to kiss.*

Blair's fist appeared out of nowhere.

"Blair!" Because of the angle Blair was not able to put much strength behind the punch but the intent was clear. "You hit Rafe!"

Blair was staring at his hand as if it were a foreign object. He shrugged.

"The SOB kissed you." Blair stated.

"He's not yours." Rafe said once he got off the floor.

"I know! That's because I was too much of an idiot to do anything about it."

Everyone in the bar was busy watching the drama unfolding before them, and trying to look like it did not interest them in the least. Some other time Jim would have been embarrassed about it, right now he could not care less.

"Bottom line, Blair. My head's aching already."

"I ... I love you."

"Love?" He had not expected to hear the word.

"Yes. As in 'til death do us part. Though if you choose Rafe, I'll promise to do my best not to kill him."

Blair was serious.

This was certainly not how Jim had envisioned his first date with a man. Though he should have known by now that nothing went as planned, doubly so when it was about his personal life.

"I love you too, Blair."

He could hear Rafe cursing quietly. He had quite a vocabulary. Some of the customers were paying off the bets they had placed on the floor show.


Blair looked at the view of night-time Cascade through the balcony doors. He had seen it before, just not from the bedroom upstairs. Blair was feeling great, and smug. He had the love of his life in his arms. Jim may have been inexperienced, but he was eager to learn. The guide snuggled closer to his sentinel.

### The End ###