Title: Death house

Author: Lvblair


Rating: R - Graphic violence - I guess its horror.

Pairing: Jim/Blair

Date: October 2002

Series/sequel: yes

Disclaimer: Jim and Blair belong to Pet Fly not me. This was written purely for enjoyment. There is some disturbing contents. I had a really bad dream one night and woke up shaking. It was 2:30am. I couldn't go back to sleep. I was really scared and kept a closer eye on my son that day. That is how badly this dream scared me. It wasn't until my husband said "you know that would make a great story for your dues" well here you have it. Oh and by the way I can sleep better now.

Ok also know that I know nothing of satanic rituals or crime scenes and such.

The paragraph between the * * is almost the same lines I took from the movie FROM HELL with Johnny Depp. I changed it a bit. It just fit right in. So please I don't want anyone writing me saying I'm stealing. I'm giving credit where I got it from! Also the first paragraph of this story was taken from http://www.sjgames.com/gurps/books/darkplaces/

It was so perfect..it just fit. So I made it the first paragraph of part two. But check out the website. It's creepy.

// // indicates thoughts

Death house
by Lvblair

Jim and Blair were driving back from a day well spent at the North Cascade national park. Jim and Blair took advantage of the weather being so warm and clear they spent the day hiking through the national park. Jim even agreed to some tests that Blair had in mind. It was a good day for both men. Blair thought to bring along the fixings for a nice picnic.

They didn't have much time together during the past week. Blair was swamped at the U and Jim after a week of long night stakeouts had just finished the paper work on a huge drug bust. It made Jim happy that he caught so many top bosses with this past bust, but he really missed having Sandburg with him. It wasn't the same without the hyper, energetic young man at his side. This was a great day for both of them. They were able to re-establish the bond between them not only as friends.but also as sentinel and guide. Jim found that he needed to connect with Sandburg, to touch him and keep him close when they got together after being apart for so long. Yea, he saw him every night at home, but most of the time Sandburg had his nose buried in a book for research, grading papers or was passed out from sheer exhaustion. They had packed everything up and put it all in the truck and drove off heading home.

Jim took the back road out of the park. It wasn't a road used often, but Jim was reluctant to go back so he took the long way home. He had such a wonderful day he didn't want anything to spoil it. The sun was setting as he drove on. Jim looked over at Blair who was putting his backpack between his feet.

"Why didn't you put that in the back with everything else?"

Jim stared at him.

"I always keep my back pack with me. You know that, what if I need something?"

Blair looked up and shouted..."Look out!"

Jim slammed on his brakes just as a young girl ran out into the road hysterical screaming and crying. Blair was out of the truck before it stopped. Jim hollered at him to get back. As Blair neared the girl he noticed she had blood on her back and thigh. Jim jumped out of the truck with gun in hand as he screamed for Blair to get the girl in the truck. Blair looked up as he tried to approach the girl. She turned to Blair and screamed as she looked past him. Blair whirled around and he saw an older man coming out of the wooded area and he was covered in blood carrying a large serrated knife. Blair grabbed the girl and pulled her around to the passenger side. The man started to run towards them. Blair shoved the frighten teen in to the cab of the truck. Jim raised his weapon and shouted,

"Cascade PD! Drop the knife and put your hands up!"

The man kept advancing. He was mumbling.

"I am the killer of children. I am the killer of children."

He started towards Blair and Jim fired hitting the man in the shoulder. He fell to the ground dropping the knife. Jim quickly ran over and handcuffed him. He looked up and Blair was on the cell calling for back up. He put his attention back on the man as Blair went into the truck to check on the young girl. She grabbed him as soon as he opened the door. Blair hugged her to him.

"Shhhh.it's going to be okay. Can you tell me your name?"

Blair looked at her. She had long brown hair down to her butt and big brown beautiful eyes. He put a hand to her cheek.

"My name is Blair. Can you tell me yours?"


"That's a really pretty name. How old are you?"

"Fo...fourt....fourteen. I....is...h...h.he dead?"

Blair looked over to Jim and saw him shake his head. He took a deep breath okay how to handle this one. He was saved as two police cruisers, an ambulance and Simon pulled up.

Simon walked over to Jim.

"Can't you go anywhere with out trouble following you?"

Jim just shrugged. Once the man was loaded into the ambulance it was off to the hospital along with an officer to keep watch.

Jim and Blair drove Sophia to hospital themselves. One reason she would not let go of Blair. Blair had to go with her into the ER because she was terrified. She had a gash on her back and one on her thigh the doctor said it was not too bad. It was cleaned and stitched. When Blair stepped out with Sophia her parents were there. Sophia ran to her parents crying. Her mother and father held her tightly crying and whispering thank you to God and everyone else. Blair went over to Jim as they watched the reunion between the parents with their daughter. A doctor came over to Jim, Simon and Blair.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Perez. I was told you would like to question the man I just treated."

They shook hands and Jim replied.

"Detective Ellison, Captain Simon Banks and my partner Blair Sandburg. Can you tell me if he can be questioned?"

"You can go in but I don't recommend questioning him. He is groggy from the medication given to treat the gun shot wound. It's not a bad one it went straight through and didn't hit anything major. He'll be fine."

Jim thanked him and the trio went in. Looking at the man gave Blair the creeps. There was something he just couldn't put his finger on. Then the man turned his head and looked at Blair. It felt like he was looking into his soul. Jim felt Blair tense beside him. He put his hand on Blair and rubbed it in a circular motion. Simon went over to the nurse and was getting the man's name and address. Simon pulled Blair over to keep his attention off the man. Blair looked down as Simon was copying the man's name down. Jim looked up as Blair gasped. This caught the attention of the man as well. He looked deeply at Blair again and said in a voice filled with pleasure.

"Oh ..my...little one....you have the heart of a child. I must add you to my collection."

Terrified even though the man was tied down he backed up right into Simon and almost yelled. He took a deep breath and all but ran out of the room. Jim read the man his rights again and then went out to find Blair. Before he left the room he heard the man call him.

"Guardian, he will be mine. I must have him he is filled with such an innocent."

Jim felt the hair on the back of his neck rise. For someone who was suppose to be doped to the gills he seemed very aware. Simon went over the man and in a voice he reserved for criminals in an interrogation room he said.

"Now we are going to have to add threatening a police officer to the list of charges. You have the right to remain silent. I suggest you use it!"

The man just smiled as he watched Jim walk out.

Jim was really worried. Sandburg was really shook up. He found him just down the hall. He put his hand on Blair's shoulder and jumped with a squeal.

"Hey, easy there Chief, are you ok?"

"Oh my God Jim, Oh my God, that mans name is Luis Cipher!"

Jim just shrugged.

"Don't you get it Jim it's another name for the devil."

"Calm down Chief, I don't think that is his real name. He is not the most stable person. He may be using it. We'll find out his real name."

Jim didn't tell him of the man's threat to come after Blair. He didn't need to worry him like that. Besides he was in custody. Just as Jim calmed down Blair he told him he was going to go to the man's house and check it out. See if he could find anything someone else might have missed. Of course, there was a fight when Jim said he would drive Blair home first. In the end Jim relented and let Blair come. As they were walking towards the exit Sophia and her parents intercepted them. Sophia hugged Blair.

Blair promised he would keep in touch with her to see how she was doing. He looked up at the parents and added only if it's ok with your parents. Sophia's father, Charles, his eyes welled up with tears and he grabbed Blair into a hug then turned to Jim and grabbed him in a tight hug and he whispered,

"Thank you for bringing our baby back safe. Thank you."

Sophia's mom also hugged Jim and Blair. Then they departed.

Jim and Blair drove to the address given and it wasn't that far from the back exit of the park. It was blocked off with yellow crime scene tape. They went inside and both men were shocked at what they saw. The house was filthy and smelled horrible. Blair placed his hand on Jim's shoulder as he helped him utilize his senses. When they got to the second floor Jim stopped cold. He went to a closed door and went in. It was a good size bedroom. But something wasn't right. He gasped when he realized what he was looking at.

"Oh my God, that sick bastard!" whispered Jim.

In the walls all around were the bones of young children. When Blair finally noticed what he was looking at he felt physically ill. Blair replied so softly Jim almost didn't hear him.

"Jim.oh Jim, there are so many of them."

Jim looked at Blair and watched fat tears pool then run down his cheeks. Blair continued.

"They are so little. How could anyone hurt...how could...I mean."

Blair started to panic and hyperventilate.

"Jim I have to get out of here...its pure evil. Can't you feel it I can't be here, I have to leave please let's go."

Jim conceded and left the house with Blair. As they got to the truck Jim's cell rang and both he and Blair jumped just about two feet in the air. Jim looked at Blair and sighed.

"Ellison" he answered as he and Blair got into the truck and buckled up.

"Jim it's Simon, Luis escaped."


Blair nearly jumped through the roof of the cab.

"How did that happen? Simon he was supposedly sedated and tied down! HOW?"

Jim stiffened as the madman's words came back to him.

(Guardian, he will be mine. I must have him he is filled with such innocence.)

"I don't know how he got out. Jim, the freaky thing is that the restraints are still in place. Its like he slipped right out of them."

"How is that possible?"

"I don't know Jim. But please don't let Blair out of your sight, this guy...well he scares me."

Jim was shocked that Simon would admit that outright to him.

"Me too, Simon, me too."

"Yea well after what he said about Sandburg...just keep an eye on the kid."

"You know I will."

"You'll need to put a guard on Sophia, Simon."

"Already done detective."

"Okay, call me when you find anything out Simon."

Jim closed his cell and put it away. Blair had a feeling he was so not going to like this.

"Well, what was all that about?"

Jim looked at Blair but didn't say anything. He took a deep breath and said.

"Well it seems Luis Cipher escaped."

Blair's reaction was not what he expected. He didn't scream or yell. He just sat there. Being very quiet and a quiet Sandburg is not a good thing.

"Sandburg, you okay? Sandburg, hey Chief."

Jim shook his arm. Blair up at Jim with frightened eyes and he quietly said,

"Oh my. little one.you have the heart of a child. I must add you to my collection. Jim that's what he said to me. He'll come after me won't he? Oh my God Jim!"

"He'll have to go through me first. Don't worry Chief I won't let you out of my sight."


*There are places in this world that are just bad. Haunted houses, abandoned cemeteries and desecrated churches.even whole ghost towns. Whether corrupted by human wickedness, haunted by demons, or blasted by powers from beyond, these are places that draw death and madness. They are magnets for evil.and for heroes. The mysteries must be solved, the corruption burned out, the menace revealed to the world. *

Blair re-read the paragraph. Could it be the house was cursed.evil. Did he really want to go down that road? How could a man kill so many children? How could anyone harm a child? He just didn't understand it. Why? Blair had so many questions but no answers. It had been almost two weeks since Mr. Luis Cipher (turned out that was his real name. He had it changed in 1987 from Lenny Garrison to Luis Cipher) disappeared. They had the house staked out. But he would not return there. Would he? There was no record of family or any relation to this man. Blair was frightened, truly frightened. The last time he was this frightened was when he was held captive by David Lash. A shiver ran through him at the thought. Jim looked up when he felt Blair shiver.

"You okay Chief?"

Blair just smiled and nodded his head yes. How could Blair explain to Jim in a way that he would believe him? Right now Blair didn't believe himself. The only thing that Blair kept coming back to was the man was unadulterated evil. What other explanation was there for the gruesome findings in that house? The house of death as Blair had named it. When Jim called forensics back to go over the bedroom they found, they pulled out 12 children's skeletons. 12! He wanted to add one more to the collection. ME! That will be thirteen. One of the skeletons dated back to 1990 or 91 around there. Blair usually fought when Jim got overprotective but this time he stayed by Jim like glue. This man scared Blair. He scared him badly. There was no way he wanted to run into him with out Jim. The man's eerie voice kept running through his head.

(I am the killer of children) He said it over and over again trying to get Sophia. He was glad that Sophia was doing okay. Once her parents were told the man had escaped, her father up and took his family to another state to visit relatives and to keep his daughter safe. Blair wasn't sure if they would ever return.

Jim and Simon kept on constant guard around Blair. Everyone felt it best if Blair stayed with Jim at the police station until they caught the fleeing lunatic. Jim was surprised that Blair agreed so quickly. That just proved to Jim how frightened Blair really was. Jim went with Blair to a few classes at Rainier he had to be there for and sat with Blair through some office hours. The rest of the things Blair had to do he brought with him to the station. But University work was not what his mind was working on. No.all he could think about.was...those words that the lunatic murmured.

"You have the heart of a child.I must add you to my collection." Blair looked over at Jim who was starring at him. Jim put a hand on his shoulder.

"You ok chief?"

"Yea, just tired I guess."

"Relax Chief it's going to be ok."

Blair just nodded his head. He jumped when the phone on Jim's desk rang. Jim reached over and answered his phone.


"Jim, its Rafe. It looks like someone might be in the house. I don't know how, Henry and I have been here since we took over this morning.we didn't see anyone enter. Maybe there is another entrance."

"Hang on I'll be right there. Wait for me."

Jim hung up the phone he turned to Blair who was getting his jacket and backpack.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm going with you, Jim."

"No Chief, I think it would be better if you stayed here with Simon. You don't have to be there."

"Jim I am your partner. I'm going so don't waste your breath."

Jim just sighed there was no talking to Blair when he got like this.

"Blair, I really would rather have you stay here."

Blair took a deep breath and looked at Jim.

This was going to be a tough one.

"Jim I have to be there. You're my partner I help you with."

Blair looked around the room to make sure no one was listening in on their conversation. He lowered his voice.

"Well you know...your senses. What if they wig out on you when your there? Please Jim, I have to be close to you. I couldn't take it if anything happened to you. You're my best friend Jim. You're my family. I am your guide. I have to watch over you. I love you man. It would kill me if.if something happened to you. This guy, he scares me Jim. I have to be with you. Please understand. I promise I'll be careful. Okay big guy."

Jim nodded his head. He couldn't say anything. A lump had formed in his throat preventing him from saying anything. No one....one ever cared for him that way before. Oh sure, he was getting back together with his dad and brother....thanks to Blair. But Blair truly cared about him, Blair supported him in his beliefs but most of all Blair believed in him and that made Jim feel like he was ten feet tall. Jim smiled at Blair.

"Fine Chief, you do what you're told okay and stay close to me."

"Yes mom."

Jim put his hand on Blair's and said...

"I'm serious Blair, if anything happened to you.I."

Blair was shocked. Jim only called him by his first name when he was really worried or upset. Blair put his hand over Jim's. He knew Jim was worried but now he saw it in his eyes. Blair smiled at him.

"It will be ok. I'll be careful."

Jim took a deep breath and said okay chief but he had a bad feeling. He would have to keep a close eye on Sandburg. The trip to the house was made in silence. Jim pulled up next to Henry's parked car he got out and looked at Blair and told him he'd be right back and went over to the other detectives.

"I saw someone earlier in one of the upper windows but now there doesn't seem to be anyone there. I thought the front was the only entrance but there must be another one. No way would anyone have gotten past us." Henry said firmly.

Jim looked up then back at Henry. Jim scanned the place with his senses but he couldn't really do it with Rafe and Henry chatting in his ear.he needed his guide.

"I think maybe we should take a look inside.just incase. We can see if anything has been disturbed."

"Okay, we're with you Jim."

Blair got out of the truck when he saw Henry and Rafe get out of the car and follow Jim towards the house. There was no way that Blair wanted to go in there but he'd be damned if he let Jim go in there by himself. No, he could do this for Jim. They went in and immediately Jim knew someone was here.

"He's been here. I can...."

He stopped in time he almost said that he smelt him. The other detectives were looking at him. He pointed to the back window.

"That window was closed before. I saw it the last time I was here."

Blair let out a sigh boy that was close. Henry suggested they split up. Henry and Rafe stayed on the first floor while Jim and Blair went upstairs. As Jim and Blair got to the top of the stairs Blair felt the hair on the back of his neck rise. He felt like he was being watched. Jim sensed someone, some sound but it was like.muffled. He had trouble hearing it. He was about to mention it to Sandburg when he heard a shout from downstairs he turned to Sandburg.

"Stay here I'll be right back call for back up."

Blair used his cell and watched as Jim went downstairs he hung up when finished and headed toward the stairs when Jim didn't come back. As he got to the top someone grabbed him from behind. He started to scream but his mouth was covered with a cloth. Chloroform! He fought and tried not to breath in the drug.but he couldn't hold his breath any longer. He became weak and dizzy as he breathed the drug deep into his lungs

// please find me Jim, oh god// were his last thoughts before darkness claimed him.

Jim got downstairs to find that Rafe had fallen through a loose board in the floor. His leg had slipped through but Henry managed to grab him. He helped Henry pull Rafe up and as he asked if he was ok they all stopped as they heard Blair's muffled scream by the time they ran upstairs Blair was gone.


Henry and Rafe Jumped as they heard Jim's scream.

All they found were his cell phone and backpack on the floor. Jim was beside himself. How could I be so stupid and leave him alone here. HERE OF ALL PLACES! Oh God..he knew how badly this psycho wanted Blair. The heard sirens and went out to see Simon and two black and whites pull up. Simon told them that he got Blair's call and came himself to see what happened. Simon was not happy to learn that Blair was taken. Simon rounded up everyone there and they searched the house from top to bottom finding nothing. Jim knew he was missing something. He had heard something before but it was muffled. He went over to Simon.

"Sir, when we first got here I knew he had been here. I didn't know he was still here at the time. I sensed something but it was muffled before I could tell Sandburg what I was hearing I heard Rafe downstairs. You know the rest. But I think if you help me I can find it again."

Simon looked perplexed.

"I don't know Jim; I don't even know what I'm doing. What if."

"Please Simon.Blair's life depends on it."

"Okay Jim, what do I have to do?"

"Just place your hand on my back so you can ground me while I dial up my hearing."

Simon and Jim went back into the house and went right by the spot at the top of the stairs where Jim found Blair's cell and backpack. Jim nodded at Simon and took a deep breath. Simon put his hand on Jim's back watched as Jim tilted his head to the side. He stood there for what seemed like hours.then he felt Jim gasp.

"Jim...Jim, what is it? What do you hear?"

Jim didn't answer him. He just stood there.

//Great! Now what do I do? What would Sandburg do? How does he get Jim out of this? SHIT! //

He leaned closer to Jim and said quietly but firmly in his ear.

"Jim, can you hear me.don't pull this now! I don't know what to do here Jim snap out of it!"

//DAMNIT! //

Finally Simon grabbed Jim by both arms and shook him while he shouted at him.


Jim jerked back with a gasp and

"OH MY GOD Simon he is here.there is a secret passage somewhere.we have to find it now!"

Simon called all the men he had with him and everyone started too look for a hidden door.

Jim calmed himself.

// I have to stay calm, I'm Blair's only hope //

He concentrated like Sandburg taught him he could almost hear his guide in his mind talking him through his exercise to dial up his sight. He looked slowly around the room careful not to miss anything.when something to the right of him caught his eye. The panther was at the foot of the stairs pacing, agitated looking back like it wanted Jim to follow. Jim looked around but he seemed to be the only one to see the great beast. He followed the panther up the stairs and just at the head of the stairs that part of the wall had a groove and as Jim looked closer he saw a tiny line of light.had it not been for his senses he would have missed it.


Jim yelled as he searched for a way into the wall.


Blair woke to find himself in a dark room. He was on some kind of alter with his hands tied over his head tightly with some kind of twine his mouth was duct taped shut and his feet bound with duct tape. He felt nauseous from the chloroform and his head was pounding but more than that. he was terrified. When his vision cleared a bit he realized his shirt was gone.

//Oh god.where am I? //

He saw movement to his left and saw the wolf pacing back and forth then Luis Cipher came into his line of vision.

// Not again. Wasn't it enough with Lash? Can this happen twice? How can this happen TWICE? I can't take this again! //

"Oh my little one you've decided to join me. You'll be feeling poorly for a bit, but only a bit.I will make you feel much better in a second little one."

Blair's eyes widened in fear as he saw Luis pull out a syringe he then cleaned a spot on Blair's arm. Blair started to struggle. Luis kissed him on the forehead.

"Shhhh little one.It will be over soon. Struggling will do you no good. I made sure you were secure. Now relax once the pentagram is done it will all be over."

//Pentagram.what did he mean by that? //

With that he plunged the syringe into Blair's arm and pushed the contents into his vein. Almost immediately Blair felt like he was disconnected from his body. He felt like he was floating.

The wolf growled. Luis Cipher looked around the room but saw nothing.

//I swear I heard something growl. //

Luis held up a dagger and started to chant over Blair holding the dagger over his heart. Blair couldn't understand the words; they made no sense to him. He was chanting in a strange language then he would say some of the things in English. It's what he said in English that really scared him.

"Lord of darkness, I have an innocent for you. The one the book of prophets spoke of a grown man.with the heart of a child. He is pure through and through. I offer him to you."

He then placed the dagger on Blair's chest and made a long incision. Blair groaned as the incision was made but because of the drug he couldn't really move. He felt the pressure of the dagger but not really the pain.

//I'm going to die.I'm really going to die. God, I'm so scared. //

Blair felt his eyes well up but he refused to let this psycho see him cry. He blinked back the tears but it was so hard. His body wouldn't do what he wanted it to do.

"I offer you this man-child. Take this gift I offer you Lord for I am but your humble servant placed here to do your bidding."

Blair saw him raise the dagger once again and the wolf growled louder. Blair looked over and the wolf leaped into his chest.

// No more, please no more. This is really going to happen. Damn you I'm not ready to die. //

Blair's tears stopped and anger replaced his fear. He could feel the wolf giving him strength. He screamed through the gag. He struggled and pulled causing the twine to dig into his wrists. Luis put his hand on his shoulder and shook him.

"All you will accomplish with that is hurting yourself unnecessarily. It will be over soon little one."

Rage all but consumed Blair. He bucked and twisted and screamed. Luis was shocked.

//This is not possible the drug I gave him would make it difficult for him to move at all. //


Jim, Simon and half of the department pushed, pulled, kicked, punched and finally found the entrance to the passage. Rafe turned on the light hanging out of the wall and the wall slid open. Everyone just kind of stopped and stared until Jim saw the panther moving down the hall he pulled his gun and followed with almost all of major crime backing him up. A little ways down the hall it split into two different directions. But the panther kept going to the left.

"Jim." Simon whispered.

"You're sure this is the right way?"

"Positive." Jim replied. He stopped titled his head.

"Oh my God" he whispered then broke off into a run after the panther with half the Cascade police department behind him. The hallway lead to a door Jim watched as the panther leaped through the door.Jim let out an angry cry and kicked the door in. It splintered and gave way giving Jim a horrific view he stopped and Simon banged into him. They stood there starring in shock seeing Luis Cipher standing over Blair holding a bloody knife. Blair was tied down to an alter struggling and screaming through the gag. There were symbols all around the room and the alter was in the middle of a giant pentagram. The room just smelled of death. Luis looked up seeing the officers.

Jim yelled at him.

"Cascade PD! Drop the knife and step back you are under arrest."

Luis looked incredulously at them.

* "I have no peers here. No man amongst you is fit to judge me. Your rituals are empty oaths you neither understand nor live by. The dark lord speaks to me. He is the balance by me which my deeds are weighed and judged. Not you!" *

With that he let out a blood curling scream holding the knife with two hands above his head he plunged it toward Blair's chest. Simon and Jim both raised their weapons and fired at the same time. Luis fell back from the force of the bullets, he was dead before he hit the ground, one bullet pierced his heart and one caught him right between the eyes. Jim looked from Luis to Blair when he heard him moan. Movement from the right caught his eye and down by the foot of the alter he saw the panther and the wolf. Simon called for an ambulance as Rafe, Henry and Jim began to untie Blair. Rafe winced in sympathy as he undid the twine around Blair's wrist to reveal deep cuts into his wrists that were bleeding freely. Jim gently as possible took the duct tape off of Blair's mouth as Henry undid the tape on his feet. The energy Blair had before that gave him strength to fight seemed to have disappeared. He felt so weak, dizzy and sick everything was blurred he couldn't seem to! focus.

He tried to call Jim but could only manage a very soft "im."

Jim leaned close to him and took one hand. "Shhhh, I'm here buddy it's going to be okay help is here."

Jim clenched his jaw as he looked at the open wound on Blair's chest. Christ if I'd been a few minutes later.he couldn't let himself think of that. He looked up as the paramedics entered. He was reluctant to let go of Blair but saw that he had passed out. They placed a bandage over the incision after disinfecting it. They took his vitals and placed him on a back board getting him ready for transport.

Jim rode to the hospital with Blair, while Simon stayed behind to handle the clean up.

The doctor assured Jim that Blair would be fine.

"It may take a little while for the drug to work its way out of his system.but I don't see any lasting effects. He should be fine in a day or two. The wound on his chest wasn't too deep although it did take thirteen stitches to close, it won't leave a scar."

A shiver ran through Jim. Thirteen stitches, Blair would have been the thirteenth victim. Is this the mother of all coincidences or what? His attention went back to the doctor who was still going on about Blair's condition.

"I'm keeping him overnight I'll see how he does tomorrow, if all is well I'll send him home. He is sleeping right now."

Jim let out the breath he didn't know he was holding.

"Can I see him?"

"They are settling him in a room now.give it a few minutes then you can go up.

The doctor smiled and placed a hand on Jim's shoulder.

"He will be fine Detective."

"Thank you, doctor."

Jim went up to Blair's room. He looked so young lying there. Jim hooked his foot around a chair next to the bed and pulled it close as he sat down. He took Blair's hand in his and whispered to him.

"Thank God, you're okay."

He leaned back to keep vigil over his guide.


Blair lay on the alter unable to move. He was so scared. Luis Cipher raised the dagger over him.

"I offer you this man-child. Take this gift I offer you Lord for I am but your humble servant placed here to do your bidding."

The voice was distorted and thick. Blair's eyes widened as Luis brought the dagger down piercing his chest.


Blair sat up as he let out a blood curling scream. Jim, who had fallen asleep at his side, jumped up looking for an assailant; realizing it was a dream he quickly sat down by Blair taking him in his arms as a nurse and two orderlies came into the room. Jim waved to them that Blair was alright and told them he had everything under control. When they left his attention went back to Blair who was shaking like a leaf in his arms.

"I'm here Blair, its okay now."

"WH.Where is h h he?"

"He's dead Blair, he can't hurt you anymore. You hear me partner your safe. I swear it. I'm so sorry you got hurt."

Blair just held on for dear life. He was shaking so badly. He took a deep breath and looked up at Jim. Everything was still a little fuzzy. He looked at Jim for the first time and saw the worry there.

"It..w w wasn't your fault. I was.I'm still scared. I've never been so frightened before. I could just feel it. Didn't you feel it Jim?"

Jim looked at him.

"What Blair?"


A shiver ran through Jim as he thought of Blair being the thirteenth victim. There were certain things Jim kept to himself. This would be one of them Blair had been through enough. He pulled Blair close to him and hugged him then pushed him to lie down.

"I know it's a lot to ask Jim, but could you stay with me."

"I'm not going anywhere Blair."

Blair's eyes misted and he tried to swallow the lump in his throat as he was a bit embarrassed to ask this.

"No.I.mean.I want you too.I need you to.."

Finally Jim understood what Blair needed and realized why he was embarrassed. With out another word he made a scoot over gesture with his hand and climbed in beside Blair. He gathered his guide up next to him and got comfortable. Soon both Sentinel and guide were asleep.

A passing nurse checked in on Blair to find both men comfortable and sound asleep. This was really against policy.but she had heard the terrible ordeal the young man had gone through. If it had been her, she would need a protector also. She smiled at two friends glad the young man had someone to care for him. As she walked away she thought she heard a low growl. Peering back into the room she saw nothing. She shrugged and continued on her way to check her other patients on the floor. As she walked away, the panther and wolf stood guard over their charges. As night turned to morning, a ray of morning sunlight streamed through the window shining on Jim and Blair and they seemed to glow. It was a healing light. A light to make sure Sentinel and Guide were safe and protected. An evil force was defeated and goodness prevailed. The panther covering and protecting the wolf looked up and about; not finding a threat to its humans it placed its head down near the wolf to keep its silent vigil.

Cascade was safe once again.