Title: David Sandburg

Author: Scorpio

Email: LouisdPdL@aol.com

Archive: Yes please.

Fandom: The Sentinel

Pairing: Jim/Blair (implied), Henri/David (sort of)

Rating: G

Catagory: Romance, pre-slash, post TSbBS

Story Notes: This short story takes place after TSbBS and assumes that Blair is a Detective in Major Crimes and is in a commited relationship with Jim (although Jim does not make an appearence in this story). I wrote it because my muse liked a picture of the actor GM that was taken after he had cut his hair short. I think he looks *very* sexy with it short, but unBlair. So,... I thought, cousin. Thus David Sandburg, Blair Sandburg's cousin was born.

Disclaimer: All things Sentinel belong to Pet Fly Productions and no infringment is intended. Ian, Sarah, and David, however, are mine. Still, I'm willing to share mine if they will share Jim, Blair, Henri, Simon, and Rafe with me. Sounds fair, right?

Warning: m/m, minor smarm

Summary: Blair's cousin David moves to Cascade to find work as an E.M.T., so Blair brings him to the bullpen to meet his co-workers.


David Sandburg

by Scorpio

Henri Brown, Major Crimes Detective, Cascade Jaguars basketball fan, and all around great guy *knew* that Blair's younger cousin David was moving to Cascade. *Everyone* knew that David was coming because Hairboy,...er, Blair was ecstatic about it. For several weeks now, all the Detectives had been bombarded with stories of David and the times that Naomi had dropped Blair off for a stay with his Uncle Ian, Aunt Sarah, and cousin David.

Henri had laughed out-loud at Blair's funny tales of their childhood antics and inwardly cursed Naomi Sandburg for her too frequent disappearances from Blair's side, along with the rest of the Major Crimes Unit. Like everyone else, Henri expected David to be intelligent, charming, and socially aware, just like his cousin Blair. However, when David Sandburg, newest member of Cascade General's Emergency Medical Team, walked through the doors of the Major Crime bullpen by the side of his cousin, Detective Blair Sandburg, Henri Brown's whole world tilted on it's axis.

Henri had turned around to watch them walk in and gasped as his heart skipped a beat. David Sandburg was beautiful. Not just 'good-looking', but drop-dead gorgeous.

Henri could see the family resemblance to Blair easily enough. While he was willing to admit that Hairboy was fairly easy on the eyes, he had *never* seen anyone quiet as breath taking as his cousin. David and Blair had many similar features. Large, heavily lashed eyes, pert nose, and soft full lips. The most obvious difference between the two men was their hair. David's was curly, just like Hairboy's, but his was cut short and tight on the back and sides, and just slightly longer and fuller on top. Henri liked it. A lot.

The other major difference was something that took a few more minutes for Henri to discern. Where Blair was bubbly, energetic in a hyper-bouncy sort of way, David was more subdued, calm, and reserved. His eyes held the same joy and mirth, but he expressed it in more subtle ways. His voice was deep and sensual just like his cousin's, but his east coast accent and unusual turn of phrase made everything he said caress Henri's ears like golden honey.

Suddenly, the two men were moving through the bullpen as Blair introduced David around to his co-workers. Henri found himself entranced by the graceful and sure movements of the beautiful man shaking Inspector Megan Conner's hand. David had a compact and sturdy build and was in obviously good physical shape. Henri grinned. Must be a Sandburg thing.

Then, Blair was leading David over to his desk, babbling excitedly. Something he said must have amused his cousin, because David smiled brightly. Henri's heart skipped another beat and his cock twitched. In a flash of inspiration, he suddenly understood how Jim could be so head over heels in love with Blair. While he had easily accepted their intimate and loving relationship, it had never made much sense to him, but now,... now he *knew*.

The two Sandburg men made their way over to Henri's desk and stopped right in front of it. Hairboy bounced on his heels twice, bubbly cheer pouring off of him.

"Hey H. I want you to meet my cousin from Boston, David Sandburg. David, this is Detective Henri Brown."

Henri stood up and reached out to shake David's outstretched hand. When their skin met, a tingle ran up his arm and his blood rushed through his veins. In an instant, Henri decided that love-at-first-sight was not a fairy tale. It was, in fact, standing there before him in a mahogany sweater.

"It's very nice to meet you Detective Brown."

Henri nearly swooned at the blinding smile aimed point blank at his heart.

"Same here David,... and please, call me H. All my friends do."

That smile got impossibly bigger. Henri's pulse raced.

"Sure thing H."

Without warning, Simon Banks banged open his office door, glared around with an unlit cigar clenched between his teeth and then bellowed.

"Rafe! Brown! My office now."

Henri sighed at the horrible timing and for one brief moment, he wanted to defy his Captain and keep talking to the angel made flesh standing before him. With a heart felt twinge of regret, duty and responsibility won out over the desire to flirt shamelessly. He shrugged ruefully at the David and Blair.

"I gotta go see what the Cap wants, but... Let's get together sometime. I'll show you around the city. Okay?"

David smiled at him again and nodded. Henri's hope soared.

"Yes. I'd like that. I'd like that a lot. Thanks."

Henri smiled back at him, nodded once at Blair, and then turned to go find out what had upset Simon so badly this time. As he was walking away, he over heard Blair say one final thing to David before leaving the bullpen.

"I can't believe H just asked you out on a date man. That's, like, *so* cool."

Grinning like a fool, Henri had to agree.


David Sandburg