Title: DUG in too Deep

Author: Virginia Sky

Author Email: rassie@comcast.net

Rating: NC-17

Pairings: Jim/Blair

Status: Complete

Date: 09/01/02

Category: Senslash Fun

Author's website: http://www.ravenswing.com/~sky/splashpage.htm

Disclaimer: Honestly, all I was doing was playing with them. Aly said I could for just a short while. I didn't mean to take them home with me. Honest!

Author's Notes: I want to thank the ladies (they know who they are) who welcomed me into the Sentinel fandom with open arms and warm hearts. Thanks, ladies!

Story Notes: This humble submission has been self-beta. So blame all mistakes on me.

Summary: What's a poor Sentinel to do when his partner is blue, because he can make it to his favorite con?

Warnings: none


DUG in too Deep
by Virginia Sky

"It's not fair!"

Sighing Jim thought, 'How many times have I heard that one.' Glancing up from his newspaper he noticed his favorite boytoy was on the computer and probably online.

"Aw, geez....I'm jealous."

"Blair," softly implored his buff lover. "I know you're disappointed. You know I would do anything in the world to make it better. How about I take you out to dinner tonight...then treat you to a full body massage."

Looking up with a cute pout Blair stared at Jim for a second. The older man could tell that the massage was a direct hit to his lover's libido. But it only worked for a second.

"Thanks, man...but...but...it's not fair."

Jim groaned as he placed his shaking head in his hands. Looking up with imploring eyes, he said, "Sorry, Blair, but that's life."

"That's life...That's life!" Blair stood up and stomped towards Jim, waving his arms in the air. "Sure, sure it is life that two of my favorite actors in the world, Rich Buggy and Graham Maggot, are going to be at the PUG convention. Not only will my online friends get autographs, but also
they will be able to see the premiere of Graham's movie, Passion UnderGround. And...and they are going to get to gather and talk and watch episodes of Rich and Graham's defunct show, The Sensual! WHY THEY ARE EVEN GOING TO SEE RICH'S PLAY, N-BAS!"


"Nothing But A Slowpoke...aw, geez!" bemoaned Blair as he plopped himself down by Jim on the couch.

Kneading the tense neck, Jim consoled his mate more through touch then words. "Blair, we just can't afford the time right now. With you just out of the academy and practically no leave time accumulated we couldn't possibly justify a trip to Los Angeles. Sorry Chief.

"Why don't you take a nice hot shower and get ready for a night you won't forget, lover."

With a downcast look Blair muttered, "Okay." And with a wet Jim-peck on the forehead the younger man headed for the bathroom.

As soon as Jim heard the shower running he quickly moved to the laptop computer on the dining room table and powered it up. Speed was essential since he would not have much time.


Blair stood in the shower. Head bowed with warm water sliding over his compact body. He was using a lot of water. But in his mind he thought, 'What the hell! I deserve some pleasure in life...right?'

Never mind that his mate was one of the best-looking hunks of meat on the West Coast. Never mind life had with all its twist and curves still allowed him a decent living...man, a great living that allowed his partner to be by his side all the time, physically and spiritually. 24/7

"How many people have that, uh?" he muttered to his toes, feeling quite childish. He watched the soapy water swirl around his feet and go down the drain, wishing his mood would go with it.

"Have what, Chief?"

Blair hair whipped up, spraying water in all direction, including right in Jim's eyes. Unfortunately, said water also included soap. Pain caused by soap in the human eye was actually agony in a sentinel's eye.


Trying to wipe the water out of his own face, Blair realized there was a naked Jim in front of him. "Jim...oh, god. I'm so sorry, lover. Ididn'thearyoucomein.I'msosorry.Areyouallright?God,Ifeellikeajerk!"

Grunting the injured man managed to say, "Blair...Blair...it's okay. Can you help me?" His squinted eyes were aimed in the general direction of the smaller man.

"Sure...sure, Big Guy!" Grabbing Jim by one arm and his waist, Blair aided his lover out of the shower and on to a closed toilet seat. After obtaining a soft, clean washcloth and soaking it in cool water, the younger man nudged himself between two, tree-trunk legs. Gently he washed the eyes as he murmured words of love, sympathy and instructions. When it appeared as if the pain had diminished significantly Blair placed his hands on Jim's shoulders and bestowed a soft kiss to each closed eyelid.

"What do you think you were doing, Jim Ellison? You scared the shit out of me!"

With an apologetic smirk Jim glazed into the blue eyes and tender soul he knew and loved so well. With a deep sigh, he stated, "Hon, I wanted to make you feel so good. Some romantic shower we had there, uh?"

Chuckling Blair twisted himself around between his lover's legs. Squirming he settled on the naked lap and placed his arms around the thick neck. "Jim, I want to apologize for being such a jerk. I know....."

Two fingers fell on full lips stopping the flow of words. Gently rubbing Blair's lower lip, Jim soothed, "Shush..... Blair, someone who has gone through so many sacrifices as you have in your life is entitled to throw fits once in awhile."

Jim continued as he rubbed smooth circles around Blair's back. "I came in to tell you I had ordered dinner over the Internet...that new food delivery service. I wanted you to take your time...enjoy your shower. Then I wanted to treat you to a romantic evening of wine, food, and love. But when I saw that beautiful body of yours...iridescent soap bubbles sliding down your hair-plastered chest, groin, and legs...you made me think of a water nymph...a siren beckoning me to join you in the water. I'm the one who should apologize to you for scaring you."

Laughingly Blair admitted, "We are a pair, aren't we?"

"Indeed we are!" Jiggling his knees up and down, Jim addressed the bouncing lover. "Blair, why don't you and I finish washing this soap off and whatever else that may end up on our bodies?" His wiggling eyebrows accented the question.

Blair jumped up, grabbed Jim's hand and pulled the taller man towards the shower.

It was sometime later that a prune-skinned, red-face man, garbed in a robe too small for his big frame, admitted a delivery service into the loft.

Speculation ran through the deliverymen's mind as they set up a romantic dinner for two. However, one thought clearly ran above all the rest.

'You, mister, are one lucky, son-of-a-gun.'


Blair just knew something was going on though he wasn't sure what. Every once in awhile the men would be working at their perspective desks and Blair would feel eyes on him. Looking up he would see Jim looking at him with this cute smile.


"What, Chief?"

"Okay, Ellison, give. All week you have been giving me these looks...like 'I know something you don't.' What's going on?"

"I don't know what you're talking about Blair. You better finish that report if you don't want Simon nipping at your ass."

Snorting Blair turned back to his work, but in a Sentinel soft whisper he stated, "I'm on to you, big guy."

It was a few hours later that Jim stretched and gave a pointed look towards Simon's office. As if on cue Simon opened his door and yelled, "Sandburg!"


"I need to go over that deposition with you for Monday's trial."

"Ah...geez, Simon. Can't we do this Monday morning? My brain is on overload and it's getting late."

Sputtering Simon responded. "Sandburg, it's Captain Banks to you! And YOU WILL come to my office now."

Pulling himself out of his chair as if he had loaded weight on his shoulders, Blair began to drag his feet towards his tall, imposing boss.

"Chief, I noticed this morning we were short of a few supplies. Why don't I go and pick up some things and swing by here and pick you up?" Jim called out. "You should be finish in an hour...right, Simon?"

"Yes," the captain nodded. "In fact, why don't I take Sandburg home."

"That would be great! Then I could start dinner..." grinned Jim.

"Hello! Is someone forgetting there is another adult here? You're making plans for me without my input, and acting as though I was a child," pouted Blair.

Simon chuckled, "Well...if the shoe fits."

"Simon!" Blair turned to Jim. "Go ahead, get what you need, and start dinner." With drooping shoulders Blair turned and entered the inner office.

What he missed was Jim mouthing the words, "Thank you," to Simon.

With a smile and a nod, Simon turned and attended to the newest member of major crimes.

As for Jim, he had too much to do and not much time, so he took the stairwell instead of the elevator. Strategy plans raced through his head as he descended to the garage.


After Simon politely declined a half-hearted invitation for dinner, Blair slowly made his way into the building on Prospect Avenue. Blair felt ashamed as he entered the elevator and began the ascent to the third floor. Simon was a good friend, but all the young man wanted to do was go
home to his lover. And a threesome was not on his agenda. Besides right now it appeared as though nothing would be on his agenda for the evening except a hot shower and a soft bed.

It was as Blair approached the loft that he noticed noise coming from the apartment, music and people talking...a crowd of people. 'What the hell?' thought Blair. 'Did Jim plan a party without consulting me? I'm too tired for this!'

But when Blair entered the loft, there was no one there, except Jim. And it was where Jim was at that puzzled Blair even more. Jim had moved the small sofa table that was usually situated against the wall and placed it directly in front of the door. And the sentinel was seated at the table facing Blair.

"Welcome to the first annual PUG at the loft! Have you registered yet?"

"Jim, what's going on?"

Glancing down at the table, Jim picked up a nametag. "Oh, here you go, sir. Blair Sandburg. Please remember to wear your nametag at all times so security will not have to question your presence at any of the events." Stunned, Blair allowed his mate to pin the nametag on his shirt.

"Events? What events?" asked Blair. To which Jim Ellison donned with his own nametag quickly extended a piece of paper to his lover.

"Your program, sir."

What Blair received was a Printshop brochure. The front page was embellished with the words, "Pug at the Loft", the weekend's date, and a scanned picture of the Prospect Avenue building. Inside was a map of the loft, which had been divided into labeled sections. A brief description
was given of each area or event. Also on the back page was a listing of the 'con's' committee members: Kira, dcp, Jo Ann, Chris, Tricia, Maig, and Jim.

Glancing back and forth from the map to the apartment Blair took in all the changes. The kitchen island was decked out with all sorts of goodies and labeled the concession stand. Chuckling Blair thought, 'That's the sports-minded Ellison for you.' The dining room table was converted into the dealers' room and load with all sorts of treats that the younger man was itching to get his hands on. Autograph pictures, keychains, videotapes and dolls were just a few of the items he could make out from where he stood.

Two portable tables were set up between the sofas. One represented the zine library, which held all of Blair's personal copies. The other table was identified as the zine dealer. With widening eyes he could see new zines. Zines he had wanted for awhile, such as Hate and Roses #52, I'm Not Dyeing My Hair #4, and the novel, Sentari.

The noise that Blair had previously heard was from the television, which appeared to be playing a videotape of a crowd. It was then that he noticed every once in awhile someone would stop in front of the camera, wave and say a few words. Just at that moment in fact, a group of insane women stopped in front of the camera jumping up and down, waving, and shouting "Hi, Blair!" Blair ran towards the tv and squatted in front of the screen. "Oh, my god!" he said in a soft voice as each woman said her name. There was Barbara, Marilyn, Annie, DebraC, Holly, Sheryl, Aly, Lisa, Mo, and K. "Jim, Jim...these are my online friends who were are the con last week!"

Acknowledging with a shake of his head, the older man had a grin so wide that is looked as though it would split his face in two.

Standing up and turning around Blair noticed a sign outside of his old bedroom, which had been converted into a study. The sign and the program proclaimed that area as the viewer's room. And it was as he approached the viewer's room that he noticed one final addition to the loft.

There on either side of the stairs leading up to the loft bedroom were life-size, standups of The Sensual actors, Rich Buggy and Graham Maggot. And Rich seemed to be holding a sign with the words, 'Stairway to Sensual Delights'.

Moist-filled, blue eyes turned to Jim. "Man...I...don't know what to say! How did you manage all this, Jim?"

Swaying back and forth Jim looked very pleased with himself. "Well, I contacted your friends online - those who were not at the convention. They in turn contacted those at the convention. And we were able to put this together somehow. The hard part was receiving the postal deliveries and hiding everything. You can thank Mrs. Wilson next door, who by the way is also a Sensual fan."

To stunned for words, Blair started running towards Jim. The taller man opened his arms just in time to receive a bundle-full of kisses. Blair, wrapping his legs around Jim's waist and his arms around the wide neck, covered the beloved face with wet kisses. Between each smack, the words, "love you", were whispered.


And that Ladies and Gentlemen is how 'PUG at the Loft' began. Of course, our boy, Blair was no fool. He started the weekend with the main event, Sensual Delights. And it was as Blair and Jim were cooling off in their bed that they decided to invite Mrs. Wilson over the next day to share the wealth.

So though Jim had thought he had DUG in too deep when he started the PUG project, things worked out quite well for his first organized convention. However, he did make one executive decision. Next year, attendance would be limited to only two.

### The End ###