Broken Challenge Response

By Sue

Fandom: Sentinel

Pairing: None

Rating G

Summary: Read it

Note: I'm not a writer, just a lurker extraordinaire <G>.....but I thought I would actually try this since it was a 5-min. exercise. I'm sure all my English teachers would be appalled. LOL!

Archive: Anyway, if you think the following is worth while, you can do with this what you want. And you don't want to do anything with it, well that's ok, too.....<VBG>.

Challenge: And then, just now rereading your instructions, it looks like I blended the two and did a 5-min. one-liner.....oh well. It was fun.

Broken Challenge Response

By Sue

"THERE WAS SOMETHING IN HIS EYES THAT SAID HE WAS BROKEN....." up inside with laughter, even though they were hardly in a situation where it was appropriate. After all, they were in a funeral home. Looking for a possible witness to the murder. But the story that had just been told by one of the eulogists about the victim apparently just happened to hit Jim’s funny bone.

And, yes, contrary to the popular belief of most of their MC co-horts, Jim did have a funny bone.

Apparently, the story of the victim’s children placing blanket on top of blanket on top of blanket upon their perennially cold father while he was sleeping, forcing him upon waking from his nap to call his wife for assistance to help him escape the bed had Jim tied up in knots.

Blair nudged Jim with his elbow. "It’s really not that funny of a story, Jim," he softly whispered.

Jim’s mirth-filled eyes met his. "Oh, yes, my little Eskimo. It is funny. Especially when you substitute who is being covered under all those blankets!"