Title: Bringing Down The Walls

Author/psuedonym: Patt Paulos-Darrow



Rating:G Angst


Date:April 19, 2000




Other website:http://pattrose1.tripod.com/index-2.html

Disclaimer: These guys don't belong to me, never did, never will, but I can dream. Petfly doesn't like to share. They also don't pay me, darn it anyhow.

Warning: m/m

Summary: More deep thoughts from our guys.

Bringing Down the Walls

by Patt Paulos-Darrow

I will open your heart, the lock is bolted.
You will allow me to, or know my wrath.
There is no time to be in solitude.
I will open you up, like the key in the lock.
I will see hatred and fear.
But we will lock them away instead.
Causing you ill-will won't work at all.
I must show you the way out of the prison.
The bars are all confining.
We will bend those bars.
Walls are surrounding you at all times.
I will help you bring those down.
We will be as one.
Those walls are falling, and we are smiling.