Title: Blank Page

Author/pseudonym: Silk

Fandom: The Sentinel

Pairing: Jim/Blair

Rating: G

Email address: silkn1@att.net

Disclaimer: All things Sentinel belong to Pet Fly and Paramount. This work is not for profit.

Status: New/Complete

Date: 2/09/02

Series/Sequel: This is the first story in the Open Book series.

Other Web Site: http://www.angelfire.com/ny4/tinsel/

Archive: If I sent it to you, please feel free. All others, please ask.

Summary: Jim reflects on what he really knows about how Blair feels.

Warnings: None

Notes: This is from Jim's POV.

As always, for Tinn.

Blank Page
by Silk

People think that Blair is so easy to read. He's an open book, waiting to be read by the next woman who's interested.

That's b.s.

Yes, Blair wears his feelings like a comfortable old coat, but that's just the top layer. He never puts what he's *really* feeling out there. If I'm guilty of repression, he's guilty of something far worse.

I didn't know I *had* feelings for Blair. I couldn't admit that I...okay, hard word coming up here, but yeah, that I *loved* him. Finding out...well, it took my breath away. Literally.

But Blair...he plays hide and seek with his feelings. He knows what he feels; he's just not willing to put it all on the line. Little coward.

That came as a shock. I always thought Blair was brave. He takes innumerable risks, most of them just to stay at my side. I never wondered why. I expected it. Hell, it's what I do every day. But that's my job. It's not his.

Unless he thinks his job is to be with me. That never occurred to me. I mean, what if he thinks that the only important thing he can do for me is to be there, no matter what the cost to him personally?

What if he's right?

What if he's wrong?

All this love and need twisting my guts into knots can't be one-sided. He must feel it, too. But if he does, and he's keeping it to himself, so carefully hidden, always going so far and no deeper, what does that mean?

Maybe he's not an open book. Maybe he's just a blank page, waiting for me to write on him.

And if he is...what should I say?
