Title: Another Incident

Author: Discord26 (Maddie)

E-mail: Discord26@yahoo.com

Rating: PG-13

Style: Angst, Humor

Sequel: No but it does follow my first dues, "The Incident"

Disclaimer: These Characters are the property of Danny Bilson and Petfly Productions. I'm only borrowing them. Damien is the property of 20th Century Fox.

Feedback: Please. Constructive criticism is always appreciated.

Archive: It's fine with me. Let me know where.

Spoilers: None really.

Acknowledgements: To Cecilia Lind for the very helpful beta. To the Big Dig project in Boston which gave me my first experience dropping a couple of floors in an elevator. To the building I work in that closely resembles the one in the story down to the bad air quality and the elevators.

Another Incident
by Discord26

It was late evening when Jim Ellison and Blair Sandburg answered a call at the Cascade Design Center. There had been a well-executed theft of over a million dollars worth of antiques. When Jim pulled up to the large, impressive building, he noted that the parking lot, building and the surrounding area were deserted. "Come on Chief. Let's get this over with. I had very definite plans for the evening and this is not what I had in mind." He said as he got out of the truck.

Blair grabbed his backpack and followed. "Jim, I have a question. What plans? Last time I looked there were a bunch a of movie rentals on the coffee table and a case of beer in the fridge."

"Yeah and your point? Can't a man enjoy a quiet evening at home with a cold drink and a little imaginary violence?" Jim said as he walked though the front door of the interior design center. It was then that he stopped in his tracks and clutched at his head.

"Hey, Man what's the matter?"

"I don't know but I have to get out of here. My senses feel like they're on overload," he said as he staggered back out through the front door.

Blair followed Jim to the truck. "What did it feel like? Could you tell me what you saw and felt? Details are key."

"I don't know. The first thing that hit me was a sickly sweet almost cloying smell of flowers. My sinuses felt like they were going to explode. Then I could smell varnish, wood oils. Then there was an odd feeling in my lungs like I was breathing fibers." Jim said as the odd feeling began to abate.

"Okay Big Guy, listen to me. Try dialing down your senses as far down as you can go. I think I know what the problem is." He said as he turned back toward the center.


"It's the building, man. It's an interior design center and an old building to boot. There are probably showrooms with carpeting, fabrics, old furniture and flowers. Take that and combine it with a building with poor ventilation and I'm lucky I'm not falling over from the overload myself."

"I still have to go back into that building. I think I'll be fine if I can keep our stay brief." Jim managed as he started back toward the building.


The two men did a brief reconnaissance of the first floor of the building without incident. "Chief, I'm not feeling as bad now. I think we should head up to the eighth floor where the theft was supposed to have taken place. Let's do this fast so I can get out of here."

Blair was half-listening as he looked into the showroom windows. "Hey Jim how do you think that chair would look in the loft?" he asked. In the showroom was a large Rattan chair with an animal print throw. "Jim, come on look. Don't you think it would add a little character to the loft."

Jim came forward to placate his friend. "What character were you thinking of? Lord Jim?"

"Ha, ha, but I'm serious. You're boring, man. The past couple of years I've tried to bring other cultures and a little variety to the drab walls of the loft but to no avail." Blair feigned hurt as he walked away.

Jim smiled. "Okay, okay , I kind of like it but did you see the price tag? The last name's Ellison not Rockefeller."

"Ooh Big Guy, I found it; the perfect wall hanging for my room. It has that whole rainforest feel."

Jim walked up behind Blair and looked ahead. "Speaking of price tags. That little piece of rope and wood costs more than my truck and your car... new."

"Sheesh, can't a guy window shop? All right, I'm done. We'd better get upstairs and see what the damage is."

Jim just nodded as he pointed toward a bank of elevators.

Sandburg walked hesitantly toward the elevators.


Jim knew there was something wrong. He decided to get whatever it was out in the open. "What's wrong?"

Blair looked absently toward Jim. "Nothing, really. You know how nervous I am in elevators. They just give me a bad feeling."

Jim smirked as he pressed the elevator button. "Don't worry, Chief , I'm here. I'll protect you from the Muzak and the metallic interiors."

Blair glared as he stepped into the elevator. "Man, I'm gonna make sure Simon volunteers you for the Christmas show because you're a real riot."

Jim followed him into the elevator. He pressed the button for the eighth floor. The doors closed and both men stared at the ascending numbers on the control panel. As they were reaching the eighth floor the elevator suddenly stopped. Then there was a loud tearing of metal and the elevator began to fall.

"Oh, man!" Blair cried.

"Hang on," Jim said.

The elevator dropped two floors before it stopped abruptly. Both men fell in a heap on the floor and the elevator went dark.


"Yeah, Chief, I'm okay. Are you all right?"

"Nothing years of therapy and an ace bandage won't cure. I'm also thinking it's like really dark in here. Here, let me feel around for the emergency button."

"Sandburg," came a strangled cry. "That is not the emergency button. Just stand still, will you?"

"Sorry. What about an emergency generator?" Almost before he finished his sentence the lights came on, but the elevator remained immobile.

"I have my cell phone. Let me call for help" A minute passed while Jim tried. "My cell keeps cutting out on me. The battery is probably dying. How about your phone?"

"Sorry, man, I didn't bring it. Try the emergency phone" as Jim moved toward the phone the elevator began to move jerkily and then stopped.

"Stay as still as possible. I'm thinking there may be a problem with the elevator cable." Jim grabbed the emergency phone and called 911. "Chief, they said they'd be here as soon as they can so sit tight."

Blair gripped the sides of the elevator and slid down to the floor. "Oh,man... This is like my worst nightmare coming true. We're gonna fall down the shaft and die."

"Calm down, Junior, even if we fall down the shaft the impact probably won't kill us. We may break a few bones but we're only between the 6th and 7th floor. "

"Thanks I feel so much better...not., " he said, staring wide-eyed and waiting for the other shoe to drop.

"Will you relax? They'll get us out of here. Look, calm down. Do that Sentinel dial thing. Dial down your fear."

Blair began picturing a dial and slowly felt himself calm down as he headed toward the number one. Time passed and the emergency phone rang. Jim answered it.

"Ellison. How long? Okay, but put a rush on it, will you," came the irritated response.

"So...?" Blair queried.

"The fire department is here but they said it's going to be awhile. We're kind of between floors. There's twisted metal and cables in the way. They're working on it."

*One hour later*

Time seemed to drag as the two men sat quietly listening to the rescue crew working on the floor above them. Occasionally, they heard the shouting of orders and the din of machinery.



"I was thinking"

"Oh my God...Why?"

"Ha, ha. Funny, but I'm serious."

"Okay, what were you thinking about?"

"Elevators and gravity."

"And you're telling me about this now because?"

"Look, man, I know you think I'm being a big wuss about this but I have my reasons." Blair said indignantly.

"Chief, I don't think you're a wuss. This could have been a bad situation but it's not so far. I think that you're just getting a bit carried away."

"Jim, have you ever seen Damien: Omen II?"

"No but I did see The Omen. What has this got to do with your fear of elevators?' Jim asked confused.

"You see, Jim, it all started when I was a wee lad back in the days of yore."

"You're only doing this because we're trapped in here, aren't you? But I'll get you back."

"As I was saying: Way back when you had hair and I was stringing together my first few sentences I was left with friends while Naomi went on retreat. They took me to see my first movie."

"Should I get comfortable? This sounds like it's going to be a long story."

"No, I'll keep it brief. I can get to the point you know." Blair retorted.


"Man, the movie had the scariest elevator scene I can ever remember."

"So what happened?" Jim sat up with arms folded waiting.

"We both know that Damien is the Devil's son spawned by a jackal. Well, his uncle, William Holden, wants some proof that there's something off with Damien. He gets some of the kid's blood and pre-Designing Women Meshach Taylor is testing it. Meshach's hair was almost as scary as the movie." Blair digressed.

"Blair, since when do you know who Meschach Taylor is? You've been making me watch mind numbing wildlife documentaries for years now. Hmm?"

"Man you're interrupting the flow. Shh. Well, Meshach is on the top floor of this building when he finds out Damien has jackal blood so he has to tell someone but it's late. He heads for the elevators, big mistake because all of a sudden the music gets scary. So he's in the elevator, relaxing, when it starts plummeting. I'm talking an express elevator now. He's hanging on but the elevator stops abruptly and he falls across the middle of the elevator... recovering. Meanwhile, outside the cable has snapped and is whipping its way downward."

"Sandburg, come out of the zone." Jim said as he leaned forward snapping his fingers.

"Shh. Poor Meshach is still lying down in the elevator thanking God he's been saved when the cable from hell slices through the elevator and him. I mean the man was sitting beside himself in wonder. If you get my drift."

Jim just stared at Blair. "That is why you're afraid of elevators?"

"Hey I was young, impressionable and riding high on concession stand goodies." Blair sat back with a smile on his face. The smile was short lived as the elevator began to move. "Whoa, what's going on?"

The emergency phone rang. "Ellison? Yeah, thanks."


"That was the fire department. They said that they should be able to get us down to the next floor. They have the doors open."

"About freakin' time."


The two men were able to get out safely on the next floor. They made their way down the other floors by the nearby stairwell. Once at the bottom of the stairs Blair asked, " So,big guy, how are your senses doing? The air in there was kind of stuffy."

"I'm fine, Chief. Let's just get out of here. I've seen enough of this building. We can get what we need from the lab tomorrow."

"Sounds good to me. So, Jim, what movies did you rent? I could sure use a nice relaxing night after this."

Jim turned to his friend and said with a mischievous gleam in his eyes. "Speed, Resident Evil, Deep Rising and Terminator 2."

Blair stared at Jim for a minute. "Oh man, that is so cold. Elevator movies. Are you trying to kill me? Just for that I want the so-called "piece of rope and wood" for my room and the Rattan chair for the loft," he said, heading for the truck in a huff.

The End