A Christmas Story My Ass

Author: Patt

Jim/Blair - The Sentinel

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: J/B __ Sentinel

Summary: Jim is going to get a promotion and will be separated from Blair for Xmas. Long distance emails ahead.

Disclaimer: The boys don't belong to me. Drats! I'll put them back when I'm done using them. (I'm a big fat liar.)

Feedback address: PattRose1@aol.com

Advertisement: Part of the Slash Advent Calendar of 2003 at http://www.kardasi.com/Advent/2003

Beta: Mary Browne did the Beta. Thank you, darlin'.

A Christmas Story, My Ass!
by Patt

Simon called the dangerous duo into his office with bad news. "Sit down, gentlemen."

"We'll stand. Every time you to tell us to sit down, someone died." Blair said quietly.

Jim looked at him oddly and said, "And you think that if we stand they won't be dead anymore?"

"Excuse me. This is my office and I called you in here. Jim, you have to go away for three weeks and you leave tomorrow."

"No, thank you." Jim stood to leave.

"Jim, it's something to do with the government. They have questions about when you were a Ranger." Simon seemed worried.

"Fine. I'll just leave the one time of year I had plans. Lousy fucks." Jim stormed out of Simon's office and Blair stood looking lost.

"You can leave, Sandburg."

"I know I can. I just don't know what to do."


"Because I'm in love with him."

"And he knows this? Is that why he was so upset?" Simon asked.

"No. I've not said a word to him, sir."

"Well, he has to go. They mentioned something about they owed him more back pay and a promotion."


"Yes, he's going to be the Colonel that he had planned on being the entire time." Simon looked very proud.

"Simon, they wouldn't hurt Jim, would they?"

"I don't think so. We all know where he is. Now get out of here. Go help Jim pack."

Blair drove home listening to Christmas music and was miserable about Jim leaving. Not just for the holidays, but because he cherished him so much.

Jim was packing upstairs when he heard Blair's heartbeat pounding at the front door. "Hey, Chief. Come on up here and keep me company."

"You seem in a better mood, man." Blair said as he got to the top of the stairs.

"Simon called and told me a few things. I talked to them four years ago about this promotion and they wouldn't give me the time of day. But Simon thinks since I'm getting so much attention for my police work, they feel like they had better change their tune."

"I think so too, man."

"Do you think I packed the appropriate things to wear?"

"Jim, I've never been on base. How would I know?" He smiled up at his partner and they both laughed.

"Well, I think I'm done." Jim started to close his suitcase.

"Wait... I have a few things I want you to take with you. Okay?" Blair bolted down the stairs and got his presents. When he got back, Jim laughed.

"Chief, I'll need a separate suitcase for those. What in the world were you thinking? How about we celebrate when I get back?"

"Okay." He walked sadly down the stairs.

"Chief, how about choosing one present? Pick out your favorite thing and I'll take that with me. And I'll leave you my favorite thing to open on Christmas."

"That sounds good." Blair thought and thought until he figured out which present it would be. Like there really ever was a choice. He finally settled on the leather bracelet that he chose with an inscription. "Here you go, man."

Jim took the gift and packed it like it was made of fragile glass. "Chief, I'm going to have a private room with computer access. So I'll be sending one letter every day. I'm just warning you. I'll probably drive you nuts." He in turn handed Blair his gift from him.

"Oh yeah, you'll drive me bonkers. I'm going to miss you, man. Thank you for the gift man."

Jim pulled him into a strapping hug and said, "I can't call you or receive calls when I'm there. So if you need me for anything, just use my email address."

That evening the men went out to eat to pretend they weren't upset. "So where are you going to go on Christmas, Chief?"

"Nowhere. I'll be sitting at home waiting for my roommate to write to me."

Laughing Jim said, "Chief, go to Simon's. You'll have fun with everyone."

"No, I won't. It won't be the same. I'll talk with you online. Isn't that all right?"

"Sure." The rest of their meal was picked at in silence.

Jim tossed and turned in bed that night. He knew that Blair wasn't sleeping either. Then he heard his Guide walk up the stairs and figured he needed to talk about something.


"Yeah, Chief?"

"Can I sleep with you just for tonight?"

"Sure. Climb in." Jim was never so happy to have someone in his bed, in his life.

Blair not only climbed in, but also curled his body into Jim's. Before long the two men were sound asleep. In the morning, Jim didn't have the heart to wake Blair up, so he left him a note instead.

Blair woke up and realized he was alone in the bed and freaked out. "Jim? Jim? Jim?" A certain Guide was very upset about being left behind without a goodbye. All he left was a note that said;


I'll write to you today, I had to get going. I miss you already.


Blair waited until that evening and he sent an email message to Jim.

Subj: Merry Christmas...

Date: 12/20/03 8:13:52 PM US Mountain Standard Time

From: StudlyCop@aol.com

To: BuffCop@aol.com

Dear Jim,

I'm trying to keep my anger under control right now. I can't believe that you left me this morning without a goodbye. I was so hurt. Didn't you want to say anything?


Jim got done unpacking and had some dinner with some of the men he needed to talk with. Then he went to his room and signed on to find Blair's note. Sighing, he started to write one back.

Subj: Merry Christmas...And a lot more

Date: 12/20/03 9:13:52 PM US Mountain Standard Time

From: Buffcop@aol.com

To: StudlyCop@aol.com


There were many things I wanted to tell you this morning. But I knew it wasn't the right time. And to tell you the truth, I was too upset to wake you. I'm not big on saying goodbye. Especially to someone that I think I've fallen in love with. You don't have to say anything. I would never force anything on you. You know that. Please don't move. But I do love you and when you climbed in bed with me last night, it was a dream come true. Thank you for that. The present I left with you is totally inappropriate. Please don't open it. Promise me you won't.

If you want, you can sleep in the big bed upstairs. I would love to think about you being up there. My cock is loving it, too. Sleep well, Chief. I love you. See, this was all inappropriate too.

Your partner and best friend, Jim.

PS: Soon, I hope to put love, Jim, but until I talk to you, I won't do that. Please don't move.

Blair read the email and couldn't believe his eyes. He rushed to the bedroom to get his gift and sat and opened it. Inside the box was a leather bracelet with Panthers on it and inside the bracelet was Yours Forever, Love Jim. Blair put it on right away and then went to the computer.

Subj: Merry Christmas...I love you too!

Date: 12/20/03 10:45:58 PM US Mountain Standard Time

From: StudlyCop@aol.com

To: BuffCop@aol.com


First of all, I love you too. Secondly, go and open up your present. I opened mine from you and you got the same thing. Man, I can't believe you love me. It's great. I do hope you know I don't share, right? No more women or men for either of us. I'm not moving. Ever.

I'm staying here on Christmas because I just don't want to be around anyone that isn't you. Maybe I'll just fist my cock all day thinking of you. How do you like that?

I didn't even ask before and I'm sorry. How was the flight? How is the stay so far? Is everything all right? How are your senses? I worry about you. I would like to fuck you once before I hear something happened to you. So take good care of yourself and we'll do one another when you get here.

Love, Blair

Jim read the email and about fell on the floor. He rushed to get the gift and opened it. Sure enough, it was the same gift with a different animal on it. His had Wolves on it and inside it said, 'Jim's forever. Love Blair'. Jim couldn't get to the computer fast enough.

Subj: Merry Christmas...You're a dream come true.

Date: 12/20/03 11:15:04 PM US Mountain Standard Time

From: BuffCop@aol.com

To: StudlyCop@aol.com

Blair, I love you so much it hurts. I have my bracelet on right now and it's beautiful. I can't wait to show you how much I love it. And speaking of loving, yes, we're going to show each other as soon as I get home. It's been a very long time since I've been with a guy, so be patient.

My flight was uneventful and everything is fine here. They're treating me pretty good. They already gave me my promotion and I missed you being here for it. Chief, I worked hard for it while in the service, and they would never give it to me. And then I finally get it, and they won't let you be here. I'm lonely, can you tell?

On Christmas Day, we'll talk all day on the computer. I miss you so much and I love you even more than I miss you. Talk to you soon. Get to sleep and we'll talk tomorrow. Goodnight, Babe.

Love, Jim

Blair was misty eyed as he read the email. He loved this man more than life itself. He got ready for bed and crawled into Jim's bed and hugged his pillow all night long.


"Sir, I've intercepted the emails that you told me to" The private handed the printed sheets to him.

General Mission walked as he read and knocked on Jim's door.

Jim opened up the door and said, "Yes, sir?"

"Could I come in?"

"Certainly, Sir." Jim stood aside standing straight as a board.

"At ease, Colonel. I need to ask you what these are about?" He handed the emails to Jim and watched the man's face flush.

"Sir, this is private. I didn't know you were watching my emails. Or I wouldn't have done it. In fact, why would you do this?" Jim stood at attention, hoping the General would leave.

"So how long have you been a fag, Ellison?"

Jim got his suitcase and started packing.

"Put that away. If you leave now, say goodbye to the promotion." Mission stood in front of the door.

"What do you want? This is my private business. You had no right."

"We have every right. We need to know who the fags are and how to keep them in line. Besides, there are some of us that like to use fags now and then."

Jim moved further away from him because then it became crystal clear. Mission only wanted to fuck him. There was never going to be any real promotion. // Oh fuck. Now how do you get out of this? //

"Sir, I won't have sex with you. And if you make me, I will go to the police and the newspaper. They don't care if I'm a fucking fag. Get out of my way and do it now." Jim shoved him finally and walked out the door.

Jim walked quickly to the private that had taken the emails and said, "General Mission is trying to assault me. He found out I was gay and was going to make me have sex with him. Please don't let him get near me." Jim knew he could take care of himself, but he needed an ally. And Jim also knew this man was gay.

He walked around the counter and said, "Colonel Ellison, follow me." He then led Jim outside and drove him to the airport.

"Thanks a lot, Vitter. I didn't know how to get out of there."

"You should really press charges." Vitter suggested.

"I'm filing as soon as I get to my office. Thank you for everything." Jim shook his hand and headed off to the plane.


Blair had no idea that Jim was going to be coming home in the middle of the night, so he punched Jim's face numerous times when he climbed into bed.

"OW! Shit... Fuck... Damn...It's me, Chief."

"Oh man. I'm so sorry, Jim. Did I hurt you?"

"No. I get slugged in the face all the time. I'm so tired, can we sleep?"

And that's what they did. In the morning, Jim woke up to Blair licking his cock. // Is there anything more wonderful that having your cock licked? I think not. //

"Blair, I'm not going to last long. So I'm warning you."

He began to suck Jim harder and Jim burst into Blair's mouth.

"Oh that was nice, Jim."

"I usually last longer. I'm sorry."

"Babe, I'm not sorry. I had a good time." Blair kissed him, letting Jim taste himself on his lips.

"Merry Christmas, Blair." Jim pulled him into his arms and began to kiss him with fervor.

"Hey, it's not Christmas yet." Blair smiled at the larger man.

"I couldn't wait. I love you so much." Jim went back to what he was doing. He ended up sucking Blair off and Blair didn't last any longer than Jim had.

Once they were all settled in bed and cuddling, Blair asked, "So how come you're home already?"

Jim filled him in and Blair lost it rapidly. "Jim, we need to get Simon over here today."


"Okay? You're agreeing with me?" Blair was shocked.

"This fucker thinks he can own anyone or force someone to do something they don't want to. I was so glad to get out of there." Jim picked up the phone and called Simon. Once he explained he said he would bring the paperwork and Joel.

When he cuddled again, he said, "Chief, we're not going to let this interfere with our lives. All right?"

"All right. Merry Christmas. Now suck me again."

"Our boss is coming."

"Suck me fast."

"Oh you are going to be a handful, aren't you?" Jim smiled.

"Is that a compliment?"

"Yeah, Chief, it is. You're a handful all right. Lay back and let me at it."

And of course, Blair being the good cop, followed orders. He laid back and came in record time.

"Merry Christmas, Chief."

"Merry Christmas, Jim."

"This is like a Christmas Story." Jim said laughing.

"A Christmas Story, My Ass." Blair giggled and ended up in Jim's lap again.

This was going to be good.

End: A Christmas Story, My Ass