The Past Does Repeat Itself

by Estey

Series/Sequel: I might be starting a series of this, hmmmm something to think of if feedback is good!! ;-)

Disclaimers: I dont own em *going to a corner to cry, and coming back* no matter how much i wish *sigh* Any and all characters, unless otherwise noted, are mine, ask before you take. Thanks!!!

Notes: i need a beta reader, anyone interested? Email me!

Summary: When a strange doctor emerges from Lucas' past, will Lucas be able deal with it and prevent what had happened eight years ago from happening again?


The Past Does Repeat Itself
by Estey

"Red Alert, all hands to their stations, Red Alert" came the blaring announcement at 1:30 a.m. Lucas Wolenczak sat straight up, startled, and hit his head. "Owwww" but leapt up grabbed his clothes that he had discarded three hours earlier and struggled into them. He ran to the bridge, still pulling his over shirt on, and managed to smack into Chief Crocker. The Chief grunted, barley acknowledging the interruption, and kept walking.

Looking quickly around, Lucas located Captain Bridger and started to walk over to him, wondering what the heck was going on. Suddenly Lt. O'Neil called out, "Captain, I'm getting an incoming signal from the hostile ship."

"On screen Lt." Lucas, confused as ever, was stopped in his tracks as the Vid-Link came to life with the picture of an all to familiar face, and the words that came with that face were, also, all to familiar.

"Captain, I want Lucas Wolenczak, and I want him now. I am giving you five minuets to decide if you wish to keep your boat or the boy." The Vid-Link closed down, but Lucas was still frozen in his place.

"Captain, their torpedo tubes are open and flooded," reported Commander Ford.

"Sir, I'm getting a reading of high radio activity near the ship. I think they have nuclear warheads on board!!" Chief Ortiz exclaimed. "They could blow half of the UEO navy away and not break a sweat!!" Almost at once everyone looked from Chief Ortiz, to Captain Bridger, to Lucas.

Lucas was absolutely white. He was shaking, and it looked as though he might faint with the fright he was having. Slowly the Captain reached up and touched Lucas' shoulder, Lucas, in turn, screamed and ran from the bridge.

Bridger was utterly confused by what had happened, he didn't understand why someone wanted Lucas enough to kill 250, nor why Lucas was obviously so scared of this person. He needed answers, but he knew that it wouldn't be easy to get those answers. The teenager could be terribly stubborn when he wanted to be. It looked like he was in for one long conversation, or perhaps if the terrorist followed though with his threat, only a five minute one.

Part 2

As Captain Bridger ran after the youth, Commander Ford looked at the worried crew, wondering what on earth a mad man could possibly want with Lucas. The only things that Ford knew of that Lucas had done, that were not entirely legal, were the things that Bridger had asked him to do. (He lives such a sheltered life.) Still it was something to ponder.


Bridger ran breathlessly after Lucas, following him at top speeds around twists and turns, that Bridger felt for sure one or both of them would trip and break their necks. Both made it to sea deck, with their necks intact, but Lucas was breathing heavily and looked as though he had seen a ghost.

"Calm down Lucas, breath slowly, no ones gonna hurt you." Bridger soothed the teen, Lucas was going to pass out if he wasn't careful.

Lucas nodded slowly, and was carefully slowing his breathing down. Bridger nodded towards the platform above the water. Putting his arm around Lucas, he tried to guide the teen there, but Lucas shrugged the arm off and said, "There isn't time for this, I have to go with Dr. Lewis, before more people get hurt or killed."

"Hurt? Killed? Lucas, if this man is that dangerous, then you cannot possibly go."

"No Captain!" Lucas interrupted with flames in his eyes and a grimace on his face, "This man that claims to be a doctor can only be stopped by that which he created, me."

Part 3

Bridger looked at Lucas, startled, he didn't want to know what this Doctor had done to Lucas, he didn't want to let Lucas near a man who had hurt him, he didn't even want to think about such a thing!

"Captain, please. if you don't let me go god knows what will happen!" Lucas said, his fear for his friends evident in his words and on his face.

"Lucas, I can't just let you go somewhere with a mad man! I mean."

"No!" Lucas nearly shouted with a rage that shocked not only the captain, but himself as well, "What this man is capable of is not something that should be endured by anyone else! What this man did, would make your father roll over in his grave. What this man is thinking of doing, would make all the angels of heaven weep with sorrow. I'm going Captain, and it doesn't matter how much you want to protect me, it doesn't matter how much you do protect me, he will find a way. And at least if I go willingly to him, no one else with have to get hurt."

With that simple statement, Lucas turned, walked calmly out of the lab, got in the Stinger, and headed for the ship. While Captain Bridger stood in the lab, amazed at the courage of this boy. Quickly jumping out of his stupor, he headed for the Bridge, if he couldn't stop Lucas from going, he could at least try to help him. P>

Part 4

"Mr. O'Neil, how much time do we have left before our five minutes are up?" asked Captain Bridger as he walked back onto the bridge, alone. The crew was sort of uneasy when they saw that Lucas was not with him.

"Sir! The Stinger is leaving the docking bay!" Chief Ortiz cried out. Immediately all eyes went to the Captain.

"I know Mr. Ortiz, now Mr. O'Neil how much time is left?" The crew all looked slightly stunned by their captains behavior. He was snapping at them, and he acted as though Lucas leaving to go visit a mad doctor was natural. Little did they know that inside Bridger was dying. He knew that if Lucas was hurt or, god forbid, killed that most likely Bridger would not survive it. He cared so much for that boy, he didn't know if he could stand the loss of another person he loves.


Lucas had just docked on Dr. Lewis' shuttle. Lucky for him, the doctor did not know he was on. yet. Knowing the Doctor, he would know what was happening in only a matter of minuets, Lucas only hoped his mind was up to the challenge. for if he wasn't, he very well could die. Taking a deep breath and closing his eyes, to make sure his block was up, Lucas headed towards what was either his destiny or his doom.