An Invitation to Disaster

by RLB

Another day, another story. They're coming fast and furious to me this millennium. I'm not happy with the title so don't be confused if it changes.

Suggestions welcome and, as always, feedback of any sort is appreciated.

Thanks to Hawky and Margaret for looking it over first.

An Invitation to Disaster Takes place between first and second season. Assumes that "In Father's Footsteps" was never written and no one ever read it.

An Invitation to Disaster
by RLB

Nathan Bridger yawned, and pushed back in his chair. He was getting too old for these late night work sessions. Giving a long look at the bed in his half finished cabin, he decided that he'd better head home. His permanent house guest had used a few choice words the last time he hadn't gone home.

He'd rather be on the giving end of a lecture with a teenager rather than be on the receiving end. Besides, by the time he found something working to call Lucas, he could be home in his king size bed. Stacking his paper work neatly, he dropped the empty coffee cup in the trash, grabbed his jacket, and hurried out the door.

In the corridor, he saw Tim O'Neill wandering, head down, paging through a thick book. Slowing down, he fell into step with the Lieutenant. "Working late, too?" Bridger inquired.

O'Neill grunted, absorbed in his book and Bridger grinned.

Two seconds later, Tim realized who was walking with him, and he looked at the Captain sheepishly. "Sorry, Sir, good evening. I'm trying to solve a communication puzzle and each time, I think I found the right piece, another problem pops up." He sighed and slapped the book closed. "What are you doing out so late?"

"Paper work. You wouldn't believe the amount of paper work the UEO wants. You blow up your boat to save the world and they want 52 reasons, in triplicate, including what you had for breakfast that morning." Bridger raised his arms in exasperation. "Now I have to hurry home so I don't irritate our resident teenage computer expert, whose probably pacing the floor like a nervous father with his daughter out on her first date."

Stopping suddenly, he turned to the startled Lieutenant. "Don't have kids, Tim, and if you do, find a good boarding school for the teen years!" He winked, with a grin on his face, and started walking again.

O'Neill wasn't quite sure what to make of this and decided silence was the way to respond. He knew the Captain had strong feelings for the teenager and knew it was reciprocated on Lucas' end. Lucas was considered ‘one of the guys' but they all felt that he needed the Captain's parental influence. "I'm going home too. Let me grab my things from the ward room and we can walk out together."

Stopping at the ward room, which was the only part of the boat that was finished, Tim ducked inside and returned with arms full of papers and his laptop computer.

"Here, let me help," Bridger offered as he took half of the pile.

"Thanks, Captain. Oops!"

A small white envelope fell, fluttering to the ground and Bridger bent down to pick it up. "So you got invited too," he commented, noting the Lieutenant's name written in calligraphy.

"So did Ford, Hitchcock and Miguel. Lucas wasn't too thrilled when I told him about it."

The pair entered the launch bay, climbed down the ladder, exiting into the humid Florida night.

"I know. He's been stamping around the house, grumbling for the last week. Something about how his father is just using him to show off, again." Bridger shrugged. "I don't see what the big deal is. Maybe his father has finally decided that he should get to know the people who've been caring for his son for two years."

"So are you going to go?" Tim questioned. "Miguel thinks it will be a drag but it might be nice to have a little champagne and rub elbows with the rich."

Bridger snorted. "I think it's going to more of a fund raiser event for World Power. Practice saying, *Yes, Dr. Wolenczak is a brilliant scientist, give him more money and he'll do it right this time*. Lucas doesn't know it yet, but I do plan on attending. I would like to get to know his father a little better. If I'm the boy's guardian, I need to know about his family."

They stopped in front of Bridger's car as the Captain fumbled for his keys. "Good night, Tim. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Night, Captain."

Karel Black 2000