Don't even ask. Two cute guys, with lots of slash potential. It just happened.

Title: Bloody Hell

Author: jd_luvs_slash

Crossover: Scrubs/BtVS

Pairing: Dr. John "J.D." Dorian / Spike

Rating: R

Archive: Anywhere

Warnings: m/m situations, vampire/human relations, un-beta-ed


Feedback: is always nice

Disclaimer: Nothing is mine. 'Scrubs', 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' and all characters, belong to someone else. No money, no worries.

Summary: JD treats a strange patient.

Bloody Hell
by jd_luvs_slash

+Monday 1/10+

"Uh...Dr Cox - I don't think this machine's working" - JD, frowning deeply, "I mean, this guy's not dead"

JD gestured at the pale-skinned patient, who was in a state of semi-unconsciousness and bleeding from several injuries, but still managing to swear and struggle at irregular intervals. The heart-rate monitor proclaimed him completely lifeless.

For once, Dr Cox was at a loss for words. The machine had been working fine barely an hour ago.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of the restraints snapping. The guy looked at them, expression guarded. He was ready to fight, however sick he looked.

"You're at hospital" - Dr Cox, "Stay still, you're injured"

The guy with bleached-blonde hair looked at the tube connected to his arm, containing flowing blood.

He grinned, slightly, and relaxed.

"None of those machines'll work", the guy stated in an English accent, closing his eyes again.

JD shared a glance with Dr Cox, who shrugged.


+Wednesday 3/10+

The guy had been right. No machines could register him 'alive'.

The nurses were avoiding him as much as possible. It was too freaky.

He was JD's patient. The intern was trying to ignore how fast the guy was healing, as he knew it to be impossible, and the fact it was happening didn't change that.

"How are you feeling, Mr..?" - JD.

"Spike" - the guy.

The guy was stretched-out on the hospital bed, wearing his black leather coat and Doc Marten boots.

"Fine - I'll go soon" - Spike.

"But you had major injuries two days ago!" - JD, stopping.

"Yeah; thanks for not proclaiming me dead - I hate it when that happens" - Spike, stretching.

"I mean, you shouldn't be fine..." - JD.

He sat down on the chair, considering the impossibility-ness.

The black-clad guy got up, slapping JD on the back.

"Bloody hell, cheer up. You just cured a dead guy" - Spike.

The guy with smooth cheek-bones, grinned in a rather predatory way. JD shivered internally.

"I'm going..." - Spike.

Spike fixed his intent gaze on JD, and reached up to touch the young guy's neck, briefly, pressing two fingers gently under his jaw.

Then, he was gone.

JD found himself rooted to the spot for several minutes, his heart beating heavily.

/What the hell?!/


Spike walked into the night, chuckling. He'd definitely got that kid worried.

It'd taken his mind off...

//Shut up!//

...that thing he wasn't thinking about.

Now that he'd done *that thing*, he had nothing really to do.

At least the hospital had supplied him with plenty of blood.

If he hadn't got the chip in his head which stopped him from hurting humans, he would have been having a lot of fun.

Spike decided to go find some demons to hassle.


+Monday 9/10+

JD was in a bad mood. Various people (Turk) had commented impolitely that this was due to the fact that he needed to "get laid", but he had dismissed these comments.

Surprisingly, being in a bad mood seemed to increase JD's productivity at work, which was decidedly odd.

/When I think everyone's a jerk I work better..?/

Just then JD saw Dr Cox.

/Works for some/

"Go home, Newbie!" - Dr Cox.

"What?" - JD.

"It's two hours after your shift. Go home, jerk off, watch tv, sing carols - get over whatever's going on" - Dr Cox.

JD seemed incredulous.

"Now! Skoot!" - Dr Cox.


The intern was fuming as he left the hospital.

/Bastard! One of these days.../

He began walking towards the train station, wishing Turk was around to give him a lift, even if he'd have to listen to the guy arguing with Carla.

/It's like they're married sometimes/

In the darkness someone was watching. Hidden by the shadows, waiting, ever-patient...

//Fuck this//

JD started, as a figure moved into the light.

"Hey" - Spike.

The moonlight made his face seem even paler than usual, and his eyes shone strangely. He was slowly smoking a cigarette, and standing nonchalantly against a wall.

"Oh...hi, Spike" - JD.


Already, Spike could hear JD's heart-rate soar, could sense the blood pulsing through the young guy's veins, could almost smell it. Whether it was from fear or desire, Spike could hardly tell, but it was intoxicating.

"Busy?" - Spike.

/Work - Brain - Work!/

"Uh, n-no" - JD.

Spike moved closer to JD, keeping his expression blank, until they were barely half an inch apart. JD couldn't move somehow - he was caught. He couldn't pull himself away from the highly dangerous-looking British guy.

/Hot. Bad, bad, badness/

Spike smiled, sharp eyes fixed on JD. He moved into the young guy's body, kissing him, smooth cool lips pressed against hot flushed lips. JD responded immediately.



Spike pulled back, regarding the panting intern. JD stood wide-eyed, wondering what would happen next.

//Damn, he looks so innocent//

"Got a bed, pet?" - Spike, leering.

/Bed - Apartment - Turk=at Carla's/

The dark-haired guy considered it for less than a second; his brain wasn't in control right now.

He nodded. Spike grinned.

"Let's go" - Spike.


Spike followed JD up the stairs to the apartment.

//He's nearly shaking//

JD locked the door behind them.

"Calm down" - Spike, murmured in JD's ear, "I can't hurt you".

He grinned, and began kissing JD with the same fever as before, making the intern whimper with desire.

/Fuck now/

Spike saw the expression in JD's face, and chuckled.

Somehow, they found a bed.

And things got a lot better.


+Tuesday 10/10+

Spike awoke to find JD asleep, pressed against him. He would have pushed JD off, but the mortal's body heat was good. Spike watched the guy - fast asleep on his chest, so trusting, so peaceful - the mortal probably hadn't done anything like this before.

//Someone is going to hurt him, one day//

This post-sex haze reminded him of...Angel, who he'd killed only 10 days ago.

Angelus, the evil bastard who he'd hated...and loved, for a while.

Spike sighed.

//Life, eh?//

Just then, JD's alarm-clock went off - it was 4am: time to get up for work.

JD frowned as he awoke, it changed into a smile, and then back into a frown, as he opened his eyes.


Spike touched JD's neck.

"'Morning" - Spike.

JD's smile was tainted with worry, but he sighed and felt good on Spike's chest.

JD decided to stick with solid facts.

"Well, that sex was good" - JD, "And you're still here".

Spike laughed.

"Yeah" - Spike.

"I have to go to work" - JD, getting up.

"OK" - Spike, watching him.

JD blushed.

"Bloody hell, as if I haven't already seen!" - Spike.

JD smiled slightly crookedly.

"You're all British" - JD, his tired brain not editing thoughts.

Spike chuckled again.

"Yeah, I am" - Spike.

JD went to the bathroom, when he came back, Spike was getting changed into his denim and leather clothes. Outside, the new day would soon be dawning.

Spike needed to get back to darkness.

"I'll see you around" - Spike, as he left.

JD heard the door click shut.

He went to make some coffee, and over-analyze as usual.