Title: Discussion

Author: Kaiburr


Timeline: Sometime during series 6

Archive: Wherever stuff from this list (RedDwarfFic-subscribe@yahoogroups.com) gets archived to. Anyone else, just ask.

Category: SLASH, ficlet

Pairing: Rimmer/Lister

Rating: PG

Summary: An argument... or is it?

Disclaimer: Grant Naylor owns Red Dwarf. I'm just a loyal fan who attends conventions, harasses her PBS station, and buys RD stuff. No money is being made, and no lemmings were harmed, by this story.

Feedback: I crave feedback the way Lister craves curry.

Acknowledgements: Big thank you to Ro for being such a lovely beta.

By Kaiburr

"What d'you mean, MY fault? If you weren't such a smeghead..."

"I was only pointing out, milado, that if you'd just listened to me...."

"You may be Alexander the Great's chief eunuch, but he's dead now and so are you! Smeg off!"

"The great generals lead from the rear, where it's safer."

"Yeah, well we can't ALL cower under the table in the recreation room, can we?"

"Are they gonna be at this all night?" Cat asked plaintively to Kryten. "They're cutting into my eighteen hours of beauty sleep." He grabbed another pillow to wrap around his ears. Even from two rooms away, Rimmer and Lister's bickering was loud enough to pierce Starbug's thin walls.

"Apparently Mr. Lister and Mr. Rimmer are still discussing our encounter with the multi-quasar demon from the Orion cluster." Kryten explained, engaging Downplay mode.

Cat curled into a fetal position. "Discussing? Man, if they discuss any louder all my hair is gonna stand on end. Do you have any idea how much mousse that would take to fix?"

"I suggest you shut the door and listen to music, Sir."

Cat nodded, and Kryten moved to shut the door.


"Cat's door shut?" Rimmer asked quietly, a marked contrast to his earlier volume.

Lister peeked out their quarters. "Check," he whispered.

"Both Cat and Kryten going to leave us alone for the rest of the night?"

"Check." Dave grinned.

"Thank God for that." Rimmer smiled, then pulled Listy into a tight embrace.

-the end-