Title: Turning a Blind Eye.

Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean

Author: Shara Nesu

Pairing: Jack/Will (of course!)

Rating: NC17 Warning: M/M Graphic sex

Disclaimer: Nope, don't own them *sob* Wishing I could have a little Johnny Depp all my own though.

FB: Shara-nesu@supanet.com

My Second story outside the Angel/Spike fandom. Actually this fic did start of as one, but it mutated. Also Sorry this wasn't posted sooner (to those that asked for it) I haven't been well. Sorry.

Archived: Shara's place: http://www.shara-nesu.supanet.com/index.html

Distribution: Want, Have, Take. Please!

Summary: *AU - Changes to the end of the Film - you'll see as you read.* Barbossa has a unique way of dealing with wilful prisoners, and unfortunately Will falls victim to them. Will he be able to deal with what has befallen him or will Jack have to come to the rescue once again? Yes, he does. (PS, I am Happy Ending Girl - Remember!) Thanks to Helen, my fabulous beta. And to Rose, who convinced me too see the film in the first place.

Turning A Blind Eye
By Shara Nesu

William Turner is dead.

I know this for a fact. Jack saw his gravestone last year. He told me about it. It’s beautiful really. A marble stone Angel, staring out to sea, looking for the man who’s name she stands upon. The plinth has my name on. William Thomas Turner. The stone says I’m only 19 years old. A Boy. A Child. Innocent. And like that innocence Will Turner *is* dead - dead and gone. He died at the hand of Captain Barbossa.

I’m not Will Turner. I’m not the boy that Elizabeth Swann fell in love with.

I’m Will. Will Sparrow to most. I’m the Will that Captain Jack Sparrow brought to life.

He gave me life, while Elizabeth gave me death and a tombstone. I can’t blame her for that. The man she knew is gone. So let me tell you who this new Will is. Who I am. And how I came to be.


Seven Years Earlier: The Black Pearl {Captained by Barbossa}

Will’s POV: The last thing I clearly remember is the Interceptor exploding into flames. I remember the colours, the shades of gold and red. The flames that turned into black smoke. I escaped from that dying ship, by accident really, I managed to squeeze out a hole in her side, and then dove into the safety of the water as she exploded into flames.

I remember swimming to the Black Pearl, knowing that Elizabeth had once again been taken prisoner by that bastard pirate, Barbossa. This time, however, I could save her. This time I had the power to stop this stupidity. It was my blood the cursed pirates wanted, and I was going to give them just that.

Of course, I asked for a price. The safety of Elizabeth and Jack. I couldn’t have anything happen to them, and I also included the rest of Jack’s crew in the process. That agreement didn’t go as planned. The crew were locked in the Black Pearl’s hold, while Jack and Elizabeth were forced to walk the plank, and abandoned on a small island. Not at all what I envisioned. They were alive though, and I trusted in Jack to keep Elizabeth that way. He might be slightly...well, more than slightly strange in the head, but he is a survivor and I trusted him... to a degree.

Unfortunately, Barbossa wasn’t the fool I took him for. That was and will always be my greatest downfall. He might have been evil, vindictive, swarthy, but he was no fool. After Jack and Elizabeth had been forced off the ship, he turned to me and smiled in a way that made my insides turn to ice. Never have I seen such a smile... and never would I again.

Oh, Barbossa was clever. He called for Bo’sun, a huge black man with strange markings, to hold me down. I was confused at first, wondering what the devil was going to happen to me.

“Now Master Turner,” Barbossa purred in his rough voice, “I’ve decided I’ve had quite enough of prisoners escaping, and little maids doing the run around. This time you won’t be able to escape me.” He nodded at Bo’sun and his hands tightened around my chin and head. I started to panic, frantically struggling in the powerful grip of Bo'sun’ enormous hands. “This time you’ll be begging for me to end it.”

That was the last sight I ever saw. Barbossa standing before me, a monkey grinning on his shoulder, and in his hand an impossibly large and sharp knife. Four slashes and I never saw anything again.

Afterwards, I was thrown into a damp cell in the hold. I know it was there, because Jack’s crew kept crying out to me. AnaMaria was sobbing my name. I didn’t answer, I couldn’t. There was just the dark and the pain. Pain such as I’ve never experienced, nor wish to experience again. Pain you can’t explain, for there are no words. No words for when all you want to do is scream for death to appear before you and end your suffering. I would have said anything. Done anything to end that pain. But I bit my lip, because I knew that death would come on swift wings when we reached our destination. After all, Barbossa had promised.

Everything was a bit of a blur...sorry, muddle after that. Barbossa came and took me from my cell, Bo'sun carrying me out as the pain was debilitating. I was dragged ashore and deep into the caves. Everything happened so fast. I heard Jack’s voice, recognising the shock in his tone when he laid eyes upon me. Jack and Barbossa fought, while I managed to fend off a couple of pirates. Don’t ask why I did, it seemed that even with the incredible pain, I still held on to life. I held my own for a long time until suddenly, without warning, I felt this pull towards the Aztec treasure. Whatever guided my hand, whether it was God or fate I don’t know, but I cut my own wrist and bloodied the gold. I didn’t see the drops of blood fall, I only felt something pass through me, and I knew the curse was broken.

Hands were upon me then, Jack’s hands. Soft words I can’t remember were whispered into my ear, and ragged linen was wrapped around my bleeding wrist. I think I was in a daze after that. I just followed where Jack led me. There was something of a scuffle when the English soldiers arrived, and I remember female screaming.

A woman...Elizabeth? was screaming my name over and over like a lament. I think it was, for it was then that William Thomas Turner died (for her at least). Soft hands touched my face, but were roughly shoved away, and that was the last time I would ever touch my Elizabeth.

Then there was screaming and yelling. Jack was shouting into my ear; “the Pearl’s ‘ere. She’s ‘ere, Will!” More sounds of battle, and I was dragged along once again by Jack. He never left me. It was as if I was attached to him by apron strings.

All of a sudden, I was back aboard the Pearl. It was immensely funny. I was screaming with laughter, tears running from my damaged eyes, and Jack was shaking me. Then there was nothing.


Jack told me it was a fortnight later before I regained my wits. I drifted between sleeping and waking, dreams and insanity. I had been running a high fever, AnaMaria had feared I was near death, but with her and Jack’s nursing I recovered my strength. That is to say in body only. For my mind was broken, and I could see no future for me, a blind blacksmith.

For a month I languished in my Cabin (which used to be Jack’s), until the fateful day I decided to take my own life. AnaMaria brought my dinner that night and left. I had refused to eat in their presence, and wouldn’t allow them to help feed me either. I didn’t eat it, just sat there for what felt like hours, feeling the weight of the sharp meat knife in my hand. Moments later, it was against my right wrist and I was cutting.

It was only good fortune (though I didn’t think that at the time) that saved me. Jack had chosen that time to come and see if I’d eaten. Once again he rescued me, this time from myself. He was screaming, his words rolling into one as he bandaged my arm. Then he was shaking me, violently.

“What in God’s name do yer think yer doing!?” He bellowed, his hands holding tight to my shoulders and shaking me until my teeth rattled. “Ya stupid fool!”

“I’m dead,” I moaned, my head snapping back and forth as he shook me. “Will Turner is dead!”

“Master Turner might be bloody dead, but Will - my Will is still damn well quickening, and yer damn well better get used to it!”

His Will? The shaking stopped and I couldn’t breath. His Will? Strong fingers released my arms and I fell back, slumping to the floor.

“I’ve been too easy on you, Will. Things are going to change, Savvy?”

And change they did. No longer was I allowed to wallow in my Cabin. With every dawn, I was dragged out my nice warm bed and set to work. Each pirate it seemed had something to teach me, and my days were rapidly filling up with learning to handle this fine ship blind. It was then that The Black Pearl was my only home. It was as if she was mother and protector, and as the weeks passed I didn’t think I could ever leave her...or her Captain. Life changed. Master William T Turner, the beloved of Elizabeth Swann was dead. I knew that now. I was someone new, I was just Will, and I was a pirate.

During the months that followed, my training was as harsh as it was when I apprenticed at the local blacksmith‘s when I was younger. I scrubbed decks, tied rigging, and relearned all the simple things in life. I could sew my button back onto my shirt without pricking my fingers. I could fix the large fishing nets, when they split after a good catch. I could clean a gun barrel and load it. Kinda guess too in what direction I should point it at. As long as it was living and talking, I could aim at my target. I could peel vegetables and help prepare meals. I could even tell the difference between ordinary metals and precious metal (gold being Jack’s favourite) after Jack raided a merchant’s ship. My most exciting lesson however, was at the Pearls’ wheel.

Aye, Jack taught me how to navigate. I could tell the direction we were going by the sun on my face or the wind in my hair. I knew aft from fore, and could follow Jack’s directions when he called to port or starboard. Jack trusted me to sail his ship and to me that made life worth living.


It was now eight months after the fateful day that Barbossa took my sight. My face and eyes were healed, but I could only guess at my appearance. AnaMaria, when cleaning my wounds had told me the cuts to my eyes were healed nicely, wounds reduced to whitening scar lines across my skin. She said that my eyes, that were once hazel, were speckled across with lines of white, though they were in no way ugly. I didn’t believe her. I could feel the rough lines of the scars round my eyes. To me they felt like huge ridges of skin standing out from the surface of my face. I felt like I was a freak.

However, to my joy, after all that time I discovered I wasn’t totally blind. As the swelling and the wounds healed, a little light reappeared in my vision. I began to be able to tell light from dark, spot large shapes around me, and not walk into anything, but that was about it. After a while, my sight didn’t improve but it was better than total darkness.

One day, however, my whole life changed again. Will the Pirate, suddenly become Will the very unsure. Jack raided a Merchant ship carrying wares from far and wide. Something different from what we were used to. No longer were there treasure in metals and items to sell in Torguna, but the ship held cases and cases of linen and what they called Silk from the East. Jack, for some unknown reason, was thrilled at his raid, and had case after case dragged onto the Black Pearl’s deck. I couldn’t figure out what he found so exciting at the time because I was steering, making sure the Ship remained at the side of the Merchant vessel. It was only later that I discovered what Jack found so wonderful about his new discovery.

I had retired to my cabin after a long day, when abruptly Jack threw open the door and waltzed into my room carrying armloads of materials, which he dumped, unceremoniously into my lap. Strong, slim hands grabbed my own and filled them with the softest material I’d ever felt.

“Feel it, darlin’,” Jack purred, as he forced my hands to stroke the material. “Softer than the finest velvet or fur.”

I smiled as I stroked the material. It was true what he said. It slipped and slid through my fingers, like water but with substance. Jack loved this kind of thing. He loved touching things. He would stroke the Pearl’s wheel, feeling the hard wood under his hands. He would play with my hair when I steered, braiding it, or twisting little ornaments into it so it wouldn’t fall into my eyes. He would forever be straightening my shirt, touching my throat with long soft fingers... My thoughts immediately stopped.

“It’s called Silk, that’s what that Capt’n said.” He played with the material, letting the soft waves fall through his hands into mine. Stroking the bulk of it over my lap, across my thighs.

Holy mother! I immediately realised what was happening. Jack’s fingers were touching me. The silk was there between us, but that was but an excuse. He was...wanted to touch me! I felt myself trembling with his caresses. He started to fold a length of silk around my shoulders, sliding his hands across my back, his breath next to my ear.

“It would make a fine shirt, for ye Will,” he mumbled, seeming to lean closer to me.

I couldn’t answer. I don’t think I could comprehend anyone wanting to be near me. I was a blind freak. Ugly. Unbearable to look at! “Please,” I moaned, though not entirely sure what I was asking for.

“Shirts of silk for me Will,” Jack whispered into my ear.

I gasped when I realised just how close he was to my face. I could feel his breath on my neck as he breathed, and when he spoke, he puffed into my ear. Every breath made me shiver. Then within a heartbeat - he was gone.

Jack’s visit had left me breathless, and with a small...well actually, very hard problem. I couldn’t move from my spot on the bed, folds of silk draped around my body. I found myself thinking, wondering if Jack’s skin would be as soft as this silk. Wondering if...

Oh God! Please no more. I can’t torture myself with these thoughts and feelings. Jack aroused me! A man! What had become of me?!! Jack would be so disgusted...wouldn’t he? For the first time in eight months, I prayed.

The next morning, I didn’t rise with the dawn. I couldn’t face another day wondering. I hadn’t slept all night, the feeling, the smell, and sound of Jack was still on my mind and body. I tried to fight the arousal that flared just at the thought of Jack’s hands on me. I tried to form the words, to beg Jack‘s forgiveness for thinking of him in such a way. We were men...I couldn’t desire him. The blindness must have taken my sanity with it, because for a moment last night, I had believed that Jack wanted to touch me. That he had, at every opportunity, found a way to lay his hands on my body or hair. No, that couldn’t be true. I disgusted myself. I should have died when I was meant to. For the first time in eight months, tears filled my eyes and I wept for myself and for Jack.

It must have been a few hours after dawn when the door to the cabin flew open. “Will!!” Jack’s voice screamed out. Strong hands were upon me again, pulling my arms away from my body for examination. Fingers dug into my skin as he checked me over. Then I understood, as the soft pad of his thumb rubbed against the twin scars on my right wrist. “Oh gods, Will,” Jack suddenly breathed in relief, and flopped down beside me.

I drew myself up into a sitting position and pulled my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around my legs. I was trembling; a soft sniffle escaping every now and then as the last of the sobs slowed and finally stopped. I could see the dark shape of Jack sitting on my bed - I wished I could see his face. What would have been reflected there? Shock? Disgust? Fear? Disappointment? “I’m sorry,” I mumble, burying my face into my bare knees. I sleep in a long nightshirt, but it must have ridden up and my legs were bared.

“Darlin’, I thought I’d lost yer.” Jack’s hand attentively touched my leg, and I felt his fingers stroking from my ankle and up the curve of my fibula muscle. I shivered. “Don’t ever frighten Captain Jack Sparrow like that again, luv.”

“I...I...” I mumbled into my knees.

I shuddered again, as his strokes became stronger, firmer. The whole palm of his hand was stroking up and down my leg, almost reaching the knee, but suddenly turning back down again. It was like he was trying to reach my head that rested upon my knees, but stopping before he touched my forehead. Could he want to touch me? Surely not... However, that touch was starting to affect me and arousal blossomed in my stomach and drifted downwards... By all that was holy! He could see me...see my aroused reaction at his touch!

“Oh Jack!” I cried, “how I must disgust you!” I pushed his hand away, flinging myself into the furthest corner of my bunk. I pulled at the long nightshirt, trying to cover my betraying body. The tears started again, and I wished he’d leave. I couldn’t hurt him or me anymore with my sinful thoughts.

“Darlin’ you could never disgust me,” Jack proclaimed, his voice holding that firm determination it carried when he gave orders. “You’re so beautiful, Will.” Fingers - two whole hands - were reaching out for me again, and they caught my arms. He didn’t hurt me, just held me still. As though he was looking closely at me. Suddenly, one hand moved from his hold on my arm, and rested against my cheek. “So beautiful,” he moaned.

“Beautiful?” My voice was but a whisper, but he must have heard my questions because he chuckled and his fingers began to stroke my cheek.

“Yes luv, yer like the sun. Will, you blind me.” I felt his breath against my mouth. My eyes could see nothing but a large shadow before me blocking the light. Oh! I realised that Jack was leaning over me, his face next to mine...his lips. They were like rose petals when they touched mine. Soft and sweet...yet, I couldn’t understand how a Pirate’s lips could be so soft. They were a little dry however, and tasted of rum. Jack’s lips brushed against mine a couple of times, leaving me gasping for breath. It was like I couldn’t take in enough air! “Will,” he moaned, and then pressed his lips fully on my lips. It was a shocked gasp that opened my mouth to Jack’s questing tongue. I’d never been kissed like this before - never! A long, hot tongue invaded my mouth, touching my tongue, my teeth, trying to persuade my tongue to return his kiss. And return it I did. That was until I realised what I was doing. I was kissing Captain Jack Sparrow on the mouth...with tongue!! My tongue was in his mouth, his teeth scraping against it, leaving me with a taste of Rum and gold. And I wanted more! It was like I was trying to get inside of Jack. Trying to crawl, bodily, into the warm cavern of his mouth. My body arching forward, my chest pressing against Jack’s shoulder as he leaned across the bed towards me. My hands were reaching out...

“No!” I shoved Jack away, hearing a thump when he must have fallen to the floor. He yelled in surprise, calling my name.

I couldn’t stop. I wrapped a sheet around my body, trying to hide my full arousal, and ran. I didn’t know where I was running to, but I just had to get away. I pushed open the door, flung myself out onto the open deck and kept on running. I heard Jack following, still calling out my name.

“Will! Will!”

I ran until I hit the stairs leading to the fore of the ship, and beyond that was the ocean. I climbed on my hands and knees, until I reached the solid deck and ran again, heading for the figurehead and the deep waters beyond.

“Nooooooo!” A bellow split the air, and a body landed upon my back. I screamed, Jack’s whole weight crushing me as we fell onto the deck. I fought, bringing up my hands into fists, trying to wriggle around onto my back and fight Jack off me. How could he stop me? I kissed him! A man kissed him. I was more than a little confused and frightened. Never, not even when Barbossa blinded me did I feel the depth of confusion I felt at my current predicament.

“Oh me Darlin’ Will,” Jack sobbed, his arms holding me so tightly. “Don’t leave me!” He wept the soft words into my ear, and I went still.

Darling? He’d called me that before, but I’d never took much notice of it. Jack had such a strange way of talking and addressing people but you didn’t notice it after a while. I didn’t know what to think. I was twenty years old with no experience of sexuality or sex itself. There were chances, but I wasn’t very good at taking those chances...Elizabeth being a prime example.

“Me Darlin’, Will.” Strong arms went around me, my fists crushed into Jack’s chest. For a long time, all I could concentrate on was breathing; it was hard enough just to force breath into my lungs than do anything else.

“Tried to take a running leap again, did he?” I recognised the voice of First Mate, Mr Gibbs. Jack didn’t reply, but brushed his face against my hair. I gasped at the gentle touch, but before I could do anything more, strong arms were lifting me up. They weren’t Jack’s but Mr Gibbs and I was carried away, back to my Cabin. Jack didn’t follow us.

When Mr Gibbs settled me into my bunk, I heard him clink some glasses and a whiff of strong Rum filled my nose. I reached out slowly and my fingers found a glass before my face. My fingers brushed Mr Gibbs, and I noticed with surprise that I felt nothing of the arousal I did when Jack touched me. It was at least some relief that all men didn’t arouse me. Then again, Jack was special...a thought that frightened me terribly.

“There now, drink that up lad, do yer good.”

I swallowed the bitter Rum in one fowl swoop and gasped as the hot liquid burned my throat. I’ve never been one for alcohol. Elizabeth didn’t like drunkards...but why should I care about that now. I held out the glass, and Mr Gibbs refilled it. The second shot wasn’t half so bad.

“Whatcha’ trying to do, boy?” Mr Gibbs asked with a sigh, and I could hear him sit into the chair opposite my bed. Next to him would be the table and bottle of rum. I held my glass out and it was quickly refilled.

“What do you mean?” I mumbled in reply, knowing exactly what he was talking about.

“Well lad, yer either choose one or the other. Live or die. But at the moment yer killing Capt’ Sparrow with yer foolishness. He can’t take anymore of yer trying to...” He can’t to say the words.

Kill myself. I was trying to kill myself. To my surprise, I found that thought kind of painful. What would Jack do if I did? Would he be relieved, his burden gone? Or would he miss me?

“Oh he’d miss yer, lad. Just like he’d miss his heart.”

I didn’t know what I’d said out loud, but I couldn’t ask as Mr Gibbs rose to his feet and left, quietly closing the door behind him.


The next morning, I awoke to something soft brushing against my face. It wasn’t hair or flesh, and when I reached out it was as soft as...silk. A silk - something - was brushing against my face, it’s cool surface tickling my cheek. I shuddered at the touch as it instantly reminded me of Jack.

“Wakey, wakey,” a soft voice whispered into my ear, and I chuckled.

“I am awake! What are you doing?” I reached out blindly with my right hand, the material blocking what little sight I had. My hand didn’t find Jack, but the material was suddenly dropped onto my face and I picked it up. It felt different from the bolt of silk Jack had brought me the other night. It was shaped. Sown.

“AnaMaria made yer a shirt. It’s blue silk, luv.” Jack’s voice was further away than before, and I assumed he was sitting on the chair opposite the bed. I heard the clink of glass and bottle, and realised he had poured himself a Rum.

“Jack...I...” I began. I didn’t know what to say. I felt like I needed to say something. Thanks for the shirt maybe, but I had to get more out. I needed to say - apologise - about what I’d tried to do yesterday. “I’m sorry...about the whole...”

“Do yer hate me, Will?” Jack asked, breaking my concentration. I heard another glass of Rum poured and immediately thrown back. I guessed he was a little nervous too. Jack might love his Rum, but not this early in the morning...but then again; he might have never made it to bed.

“No...I don’t...I-I...” Why the hell can’t I find the words! I’ve never been tongued-tied with Jack before - Never! Only Elizabeth, and that was because I was in love with her and couldn’t tell her... Oh shit! I took a deep breath and started again. “Jack, how can you bear to touch me? I’m a monster...” I felt tears prick my eyes and I hugged myself, wrapping my arms around the blue shirt pressed to my chest. “My eyes...Oh god! I must look like a freak!”

Suddenly, in a flash of movement, a shadow moved across the room and I was in Jack’s arms and for the first time I didn’t fight being there. Arms and hands were wrapped around me, a solid chest pressed against my face, a small beard brushing my forehead where his chin rested.

“No Will! Yer so beautiful...more than...err...more than the Pearl herself!” His fingers touched my face, stroking the soft skin of my cheeks and chin. My small moustache and beard were long gone since AnaMaria had shaved me when I was unable. Though I now do it myself, I rather like not having them. Short nailed fingers move further up my face, and attentively touch my eyes. “There’s nothing ugly in you, Will. These scars are proof of courage, where lesser men wouldn’t have fought as you did.”

“I didn’t fight!!” I cried, pulling my face from his hands and burying it into his shoulder. “I didn’t! Three time now...”

“No Will. You fought. When I brought yer ‘ere, you were so ill, a poison in yer blood but you lived. You tried to end it but couldn’t. You have done things, learned things, where lesser scum would have given up. You are no coward; you’re my Will, Savvy?”

Jack’s strong hands lifted my face and hot lips descended on mine. This kiss was different from the other. Stronger. More passionate. More desperate. Jack’s tongue filled my mouth, making it hard to breathe, but I didn‘t want to if it meant he‘d stop. I clutched my fingers into his shirt and hair, dragging him even closer. He tasted like Rum and the ocean - like Jack Sparrow should taste. I moaned as his tongue reached further inside, tasting my tonsils, my fingers wrapped in shirt sleeve and black hair...until he drew away, gasping.

“What a mouth!” he moaned, before covering my mouth again, his tongue even more impatient to search out every corner.

Boy, can this man kiss. I almost swooned like a woman with his attentions. I started to return the kiss, my tongue duelling with his and my teeth scraping against his powerful muscle. He kept thrusting it into my mouth in the parody of sex, and I was lost. My fingers dug into his arm and great handfuls of hair were pulled, as I drew him closer. Jack’s arms were suddenly around me, and I was crushed to his chest. I couldn’t stop the small yelp of surprise as his lithe body fitted against mine. For a moment, I struggled with my legs, but then gave up and just wrapped them around his waist until I was sitting in Captain Jack Sparrow’s lap! Much better.

Jack’s not a large man, tall but with a lithe muscular frame. His poor clothing, baggy and ragged makes him look even skinnier...well, they did when I could see them. Now all I could feel was strong, firm muscle. Powerful arms, wide firm chest, long tapered fingers that carded through my hair, and ran down my neck, as our kiss grew even more impassioned. His firm thighs were crushed beneath my weight, and by heaven, when I shifted...oh, his erection brushed against my ass. I couldn’t help but tense.

“Shhh me Will,” Jack whispers into my mouth as he breaks the kiss. “I’ll not do anything yer don’t want.”

I sighed softly, wrapping my arms around his strong back, and resting my head onto his shoulder. His hair smelt of salt and oil, which surprised me because I always thought the dreadlocks would smell bad. Dirty. He didn’t however, he smelled clean. Which was really a shock. I couldn’t say that Jack was the cleanest fellow I’ve ever seen...when I could see. Had he washed to come to see me? Shocking him and myself I laved my tongue along the length of his throat. Jack groaned, his hands slipping down from my shoulders to my ass. He squeezed once, groaned again, and then wrapped his hands around me, holding me tight.

“Not if you be doing more of that, luv.”

I giggled in an unmanly way and rested my head once again on his shoulder. And there I sat in Jack’ lap.

Jack tasted clean and confirmed my suspicious that he must have had his yearly bath the night before. His hair smelled of lavender oil, and I could feel the trinkets in it against my face. His bandana was wrapped around his head as usual, and he wore less than ripe smelling clothing. With all the facts I got the idea that Jack Sparrow was indeed trying to seduce me. Just that by itself gave me the courage to remain in Jack’s arms. I wanted to be there, yet at the same time, was terrified that I was. At least I wasn’t dreaming his desire. It was real. He wanted to be here, it wasn’t just me thinking that he did.

“I’m scared, Jack,” I whispered into his ear.

“I know luv,” he replied, fingers smoothing my hair. It had grown longer in the last 8 months, some of it was plaited with beads, and some turned into dreadlocks. I guess I looked like a pirate now. I never wanted to be one, it was against everything I believed in, but now it’s the only life I know. I can never leave...oh, by all that’s holy, I am in love. With Jack!! He’s what holds me here, makes me want to live, to learn, to even be something I once despised. I would do anything for him.

Our, well, cuddle was abruptly interrupted by a sudden knock on my cabin door. “What!!” Jack growled his arms involuntary tightening around me.

“Don’t snap at me, Jack Sparrow!” a female voice shouted back. I grinned as AnaMaria threw open the door, and barged in. I loved her sharp wit, and also her almost male like personality. She had presence and demanded respect, unlike other women I’ve known.

“Capt’ Sparrow to you,” Jack growls, holding me close. I’m startled that he would do so in the presence of another. Two men holding each other. Him in shirt and beeches, me only in my long sleeping shirt. Did it disgust her, as it once did me?

“Whatever,” she tuts. “Will, I’ve done yer some breeches, dark navy silk they are.” Her hands touched my shoulder and guided me to take the new clothing from her. The navy silk was so soft against my fingers that I wondered what it would feel like against my lower regions. A shiver passed through me, and Jack must have known my thoughts because that bulge in his trousers pressed harder against my arse.

“Now come on, Jack. He’ll be wanting to try them new clothes on.”

AnaMaria’s hands pulled at Jack‘s arms and he slowly released me. “I’ll leave yer to dress, precious,” he purred, finally allowing AnaMaria to pull him away.

I stood on unsteady feet, unsure of what just happened. Jack kissed me. I kissed him back. I liked kissing him. I want to do it again. And I was aroused by it. I smiled softly, touching my bruised lips. Maybe I think too much. Maybe I should just let fate take its course. See where Jack leads me. I’m not saying it didn’t scare me, it did, but what other choice did I have? I’m was blind, my only home was the Black Pearl, and I was falling in love with her Captain.


Later, when I appeared on deck in my new clothing, dark navy silk breeches, black boots, and blue silk shirt, I think I caused quite a commotion. I heard a couple of wolf whistles, but Mr Gibbs soon but a stop to that, shouting for the sails to be tied off. I lifted my face towards the sun, feeling the strong wind against my skin. The sails needed to be fully unfurled, giving the Black Pearl plenty of power and speed. I turned my face away from the brightness, and made my way to the aft and Wheel. I knew this ship like the back of my hand; I could find any rigging or step without feeling for them.

I heard Jack shouting orders at the Wheel, and made my way to stand beside him. I didn’t interrupt, just stood there, feeling the sun and wind against my skin. The breeze made my new silk clothing flutter, causing gooseflesh along my arms and legs. Yes, silk is a very sensual material.

“Hmmm...soft.” Jack’s voice spoke tenderly against my ear as he broke into my internal thoughts and I turned to face him. I might not have my sight, but I always try and face the person I’m speaking too. “Yer should always be dressed in silks, Will.” A rough hand stroked my arm; rubbing the silk against my flesh and making me shiver. “Yer so soft, Will. So smooth.” Jack’s hand glided down to mine and drew me forward towards the wheel. I took hold of the struts, and held her course.

“Not soft,” I mumbled, “blacksmiths hands they were.”

“Seductive hands they are,” Jack purrs into my ear, and then he’s gone. “Keep her straight on this course!” My Captain shouts back.


I remained the helmsman all day until Mr Gibbs took over after he’d had an early dinner. I was about to bid him goodnight and go to the galley, when he informed me that my dinner was to be served in my cabin. That was a surprise since over the last couple of weeks, I’d taken to eating with the rest of the crew. I thanked him and with slight confusion returned to my cabin. When I arrived the most wonderful smells assaulted my nose. Roast fish, with what smelled like potatoes. It’s been a long time since we had any of them!

“Will yer join me, luv,” Jack asked, the sound of glass tinkling as he poured out some Rum. (Couldn’t be anything but Rum!!)

“Err, right,” I stuttered, carefully making my way to the table and taking a seat. The food smelt delicious.

We ate in near silence, the only conversation was about the day and where Jack planned to head next. He wanted to return to Tortuga and sell what they had looted and stock up with supplies. Jack hated spending too much time on dry land and away from his precious ship.

After the meal was done, I washed it down with another glass of Rum, and wondered what Jack had in store. To my utter surprise, he came and knelt beside me, kissed my fingers and then left. “Goodnight, my beautiful Will,” he called as he closed the door behind him.


Each night for a week, Jack and I shared our evening meal; he kissed my hand and then left. Leaving me totally confused and miserable. I couldn’t understand what was happening, and Jack hadn’t kissed me again like he did before with all tongue and lips.

AnaMaria had made more clothing, not just in silk but with fine linens, velvet and even a hide jacket. Each night Jack would present me with these gifts, asking me to wear them the next day. I was even more confused.

It was then that we arrived at Tortuga, and everything changed.


Mr Cotton and I were left in charge of the Black Pearl while Jack and the rest of the crew enjoyed shore leave. We’re a perfect team, Mr Cotton and I, I can’t see and he can’t speak. Bloody perfect. Somehow, however, we managed to secure the ship and keep unwanted vagabonds away. I never go ashore nowadays, the last time was before I was blinded. I don’t think I’d remember how to walk on solid ground. You see I can’t go out there. To me that’s the great unknown. Out there I’d be lost, confused and useless. Here - on the Black Pearl - I know every squeaking deck plank and line. I can’t get lost here. I know my way; the Black Pearl would never hurt me. She protects... oh damn, now I’m talking like Jack! To him the Pearl is a living breathing woman-ship...not a heap of wood and twine.

Jack was a long time at Tortuga and I began to wonder if he’d forgotten about our dinner together. He’d never missed a night, and I couldn’t bear the thought of dining without him. Some small part of me feared that Jack was at the local inn, the Faithful Wife, bedding one of their whores. If he returned to the ship smelling of cheap perfume I’ll.... I’ll... heck; I didn’t know what I’ll do.

When dusk fell there was no sign of Jack, so I retired to my cabin to eat alone. The cook would have prepared cold foods for me allowing him to enjoy the night out at Tortuga, but when I arrived at my cabin I could smell smoked ham and fresh bread.

“Yer not thinking of dining alone are ye, Luv?” The soft voice with the slightly common accent spoke directly into my ear, making my whole body shiver.

“Jack!” I cried, turning quickly and finding myself enfolded into strong arms. He still wore his coat and hat, which I quickly knocked off in my enthusiasm. “I didn’t... I thought...”

“Ye thought I nay be ‘ere, didn’t ya luv,” he whispered into my ear, pushing my hair back. I’ve taken the habit of wearing a bandana to keep my hair from my face, looking like Jack I guess, but tonight it’s free and the long dark strands fall over my forehead. “Thought I’d find any lass purer than my Will?”

Before I could say a word in reply, Jack’s mouth covered mine. He tasted hot like spice, Rum mixed with Jack’s spit - a fine combination. I groaned, and held on tighter, as Jack’s hands slid down my side to gasp my hips. This was the first time, ever since I had run away, that he’d touched me so. His hands were tightening, running around to my ass, grabbing a cheek each and hauling me to his body. I yelped as his hard manhood brushed against mine through breeches and coat. I wasn’t sure how to react, I had this desire to lift my legs and wrap them around his waist... It was so embarrassing in a way. There I was a 20-year-old man, totally unsure how to react to this person kissing me. Even if it had been a woman - I still would have hesitated. I just wasn’t forward enough. Even when I was a Blacksmith I didn’t shout out - “Hey! This is my work!” - When people complimented Master Brown on a fine sword or knife. Hell, I couldn’t even call Elizabeth by her first name and I’d known her since I was 11.

Jack must have felt my hesitation, because he broke the kiss and gently stood away from me. “Better eat up, lad...” I felt as though he would say more - maybe that he’d eat me! I almost wished he had.

We ate the cold meat and bread in silence, washing it down with a glass of rum. The atmosphere this night wasn’t like any other. It was tense with confusion on my part, and I believe passion on his. I kept asking myself as I swallowed the food automatically, if I really wanted this? If I wanted a man to lay his hands on me? To become a sodomite? I knew that some people tarred pirates with that name, whether it be true or not. But did I want to make it true, though, to break the rules and have carnal knowledge of another man. To have sex with Jack.

“I’d better be off then...” Jack spoke suddenly, breaking me out of my inner most thoughts. Had my face shown what I was thinking, I wondered. He usually stayed for a last drink before kissing me goodnight. I had to make a choice. And on the spur of the moment, not wishing Jack to go, I did.


“Wh-what?” I heard Jack stand, and suddenly his chair crashed to the floor. He muttered something under his breath and I could hear him straighten the furniture. “Y-yer want me to stay?”

“Yes, I want you to stay, here with me,” I replied, my voice sounded firm, though my heart was thumping in my chest.

“Truth, Will?”

“Truth, Jack.” I carefully stood, and walked over to Jack. The light from the oil lamps wasn’t very good, but I could still make out his large shape. I reached out, trying not to poke him, and managed to rest my palm against his rough cheek. For a second, I wondered if he still wore as much kohl to keep the sun from reflecting into his eyes. Such dark hazel eyes darkened by kohl, even when I could see I remember them to be piercing and attention grabbing.

“Yer have to sure, Will. If I stay, I don’t think I could stop,” Jack says, an edge of fear to his voice. I think that was my deciding moment.

“Touch me, Jack. Hold me. Make me come alive again.” I didn’t allow him to answer. I crushed our lips together and kissed with all the passion I could muster. I pushed my tongue deep inside his mouth, searching as he once did mine, finding each individual taste there. Jack groaned, so deep in his chest that it vibrated through my body. Then hands were on my hips dragging me towards him, moulding our lower regions together. I gasped breaking contact as my erection rested against his. A moment of air and Jack’s mouth returned to mine. Such kisses this pirate could give. I bet he could have raided a ship just on the threat of these kisses. His hands bunched into my silken shirt, making me tremble as the sensation of hands over silk overwhelmed me. Such hands - lover’s hands.

“You can touch me, precious,” Jack panted into my mouth.

We kissed again, and I brought my hands up to his shoulders, resting them there until I let them slide down his sides. I could feel the rough coat, which Jack quickly disposed off, and then I was touching an old linen shirt and beneath that - Jack’s skin. I rubbed my hands all over his back and sides, as he did to me, feeling the strong torso, the ribs that stood out on his chest, the nodes of his spine. It was all really guesswork on my part. Never done *it* before with either man or woman. I’d loved only one woman, Elizabeth, who seemed to have abandoned me with my blindness. And now I loved only one man - a very strange and unusual man, a pirate to boot, who had had slightly too much sun and Rum to be completely sane. A man set apart from Elizabeth, because as her features faded in my mind - Jack’s never could. I remember him as clear as day. His face, his eyes, his strange twin braided beard, his long tangled hair, everything - while I couldn’t even remember the colour of Elizabeth’s eyes. Oh and his voice - it was like the finest wine. Smooth and seductive, rough and strong when need be, infuriating when Jack talked in riddles, and endearing when he made me laugh.

I groaned, my hips thrusting once against his body unintentionally. Jack broke the kiss, touching his fingers to my face. He didn’t speak, I think he was just looking at me.

“I’ve never...I don’t,” I gasped as a fire started in my belly and spread to every nerve ending. Hot burning passion for the first time was searing its way all over my body and wanted Jack to do anything to make me burn.

I yelped as a hot tongue travelled the length of my throat, the touch of his whiskers from moustache and beard sending shock waves over my skin. His tongue lapped at my ear, then rounded my face to my chin. He licked my hairless chin and found his way back to my mouth. I could taste my sweat as he shoved his tongue down my throat, only to break away before I could kiss him back. “Trust yerself,” he whispered into my bruised lips. His tongue started moving again, lapping my nose, and then licking long stripes over my wounded eyes. That broke it. I cried out, my hips thrusting against his in a rhythm I had never known. Jack was touching me in a place that I never dreamed anyone would touch me again. Scarred and disfigured - and Jack was worshipping my eyes with his tongue!

Suddenly, his wide hands were stilling my hips, leaving me panting against him. I really wanted something more...yet, wasn’t sure how to get it. On my own - my hand would have served, but this was different. I wanted it to be Jack. I ran my hands up to Jack’s shoulders again, and touched the hollow of his throat. His skin was so hot!

“Take your shirt off,” I whispered huskily. Jack shuddered at my rough voice, and he quickly stood back and struggled out of the old shirt, until I finally heard a thud on the floor. “Now mine.”

“Ahhh,” Jack groaned, his hands trying to be gentle, but almost ripping the silk from my body. And THEN there was contact. Hot skin against hot skin. Dark against pale. I would have loved to see what my pale flesh looked like against Jack’s sun darkened skin. Or was mine like his, now? I had no idea, but I didn’t care, I was lost in just touching him. He brought our bodies together again, chest against chest, and I felt as though I couldn’t breath. He was so hot, so smooth, hairless and hard against me. He smelled so good too - another bath for me?

What did Jack see in me? A boy who must be 10 years younger than him, a virgin as well, hairless chest, little weight, pale skin, scarred eyes and face...

“Beautiful,” Jack sighed.

Within a second, I’d been manoeuvred into the wall and crushed against it by his body. His lips found mine again, our tongues battled for supremacy.

“Want you,” Jack growled, as his fingers skimmed over my front down to the fastenings of my breeches.

I was totally beyond talking, and just starting to fight with Jack in the race to strip each other of the rest of our clothing. I wanted him. Now.

“Bed,” I managed to gasp out between kisses, as our boots were thrown aside.

Jack chuckled, grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the low bunk. Then we were touching again. I was falling backwards into the soft sheets, Jack‘s body following mine, coming to rest with his on top and every limb touching. I cried out with desire as we made contact. Chest with chest. Hips with hips. Legs with legs. And oh please more! Cock with cock. I had no idea what I was doing, but I wriggled desperately against Jack, anything to get more touching, more friction. I was burning where he touched me, burning inside too. His hands clutched at my shoulders holding me still and then...

“Holy mother of god!!” I screamed.

Jack started to rock his hips into mine, blissful contact of cock against cock, the pressure of his weight on my belly, and his heat!

“Mine, Will!” Jack growled into my ear, as he kissed and lapped at my throat. I couldn’t kiss him at that moment. I couldn’t do anything but gasp, pant and cry in bliss as he thrust against me.

“More! Oh Jack, more!” Suddenly, I wanted something else. This contact just wasn’t enough. It wasn’t deep enough. We weren’t connected.

“Can I be in yer, Will?” Jack panted into my ear, his body rocking above me.

Totally puzzled about what he meant, I did the only thing that came to mind. I bit him and screamed “Yes!!” into his bloodied throat.

Jack was frantic, lifting his body from mine, which I certainly didn’t want him to. I tried to hold on to him, drag his hips back into the cradle of mine, missing his weight on my raging length. “NO!” I cried.

“Comin’ luv,” he replied, his hands reaching for something, and then a strong smell of lavender oil filled the room. I was totally bewildered, still fighting against him, trying to force him to crush me into the bed. I just wanted his weight, his body on mine. I moaned in frustration as Jack lifted himself fully off my length, and attempted to urge me over. I didn’t move, so he lifted me, flopping me onto my front, and then into bliss as he covered my back with his chest. His hot skin was one again with mine. I grunted and shifted my legs, bringing myself up onto knees and elbows, trying to get ever closer to Jack.

“That’s it, precious,” Jack purred into my ear.

I let out a deafening scream as suddenly two slick fingers were pushed into my ass. I yelled as the pain flashed through my body, but it did nothing to stop the raging desire and need in my belly and balls. Jack was positioning himself between my legs, and I spread my knees wide - anything - just get closer. His two hot fingers, that felt like they were splitting me in two, started to thrust into my body. It burned, hurt and I yelled for Jack to do it even more. Then just as quickly as they arrived, his fingers were gone, and I was yelling again.

“God, I love a screamer!” Jack bellowed, and with an almighty thrust, his cock was buried deep inside my body.

I screamed with pain and joy. Jack was inside me - it bloody hurt - but at the same time filled me until I felt full of him and all of his desire for me.

“No time,” he panted into my ear, his body trembling as he kept still, his cock deep within my clenching passage, “to prepare. Need you.”

I didn’t know what he meant, and I tried to say, but only a loud groan escaped my lips. Pain flared in my ass, but was quickly vanishing with the desperate need for friction and touch in my burning cock. I needed to come. I had to come or I felt my head would explode. Then to make that need even worse; Jack wrapped one arm around my waist, took my cock in his other hand, and started to move. With small thrusts of his hips, he was sliding on thick lavender oil in and out of my arse. Well, I just answered all that with an ear-piercing scream and came all over Jack’s hand. Jack let go of my cock, grabbed my hips and thrust hard into me repeatedly. My head dropped forward onto my arms, and Jack moved even deeper inside me. I cried out as my manhood burned to life again, as Jack pounded against some spot inside me that I swear made me *see* stars.

“Mine!” Jack yelled, his voice harsh from panting, as he spilled his seed deep inside me. Seconds later, my ass contracted around his pulsing cock, and I orgasmed again to my shock and joy.

At last, unable to support both Jack’s weight, and mine I collapsed onto the bed, Jack still pressed flush against my back. I sighed with the bliss that pulsed through my body from two mind-blowing orgasms, and the feel of Jack still intimately connected to me. His weight pressed me into the bedding, but I never wanted him to move. He completed me. Filled me. Made me whole. Brought me to life.

“Hmmm,” I moaned, sleep muffling my voice, “love you, Jack.”


The next morning I awoke to the feeling of Jack’s weight along my back, and his breath blowing into my ear. He’d parted from my body some time during the night, and I missed that connection to him. I lay there for what must have been hours listening to Jack’s heavy breathing, feeling his weight, his heat against me, and nothing felt more perfect than it was with him there. It was then I knew I would never again try to take my own life. Never would I leave Jack. The Black Pearl was my home, Jack my life, and everything was...perfection.

“Hmmm,” Jack grumbled in his sleep, hands tightening around my waist. His twin braided beard brushed against my back and I giggled like a schoolgirl. “Sleepin’, ” my lover moaned, holding me tighter.

Above us, on the wheel deck, Mr Gibbs was starting to shout orders, and I knew we’d be setting off soon. “Jack, we’re casting off,” I told him, trying to twist around in his embrace.

“Stay ere’,” Jack mumbled, but allowed me to turn and face him before holding me tighter.

“Stay here forever,” I whispered - more to myself than to him. One of Jack’s eyes opened, because I felt a brush of lashes against my face. I shuddered, never had I been this close to anyone before, nor did I want to if it wasn’t Jack.

“Mornin’,” he said after a long pause, before pressing his lips to mine. We kissed softly, as Jack slowly became more awake. “I should be mannin’ the wheel,” Jack told me after we finally parted, “but for once I think they can do without me.”

Jack’s lips at once found mine and we were kissing again, his hands rubbing over my body. I shivered, my morning erection hardening with his touch, to Jack’s laugh of delight, I lifted my leg and hooked it over his hips. Soon more lavender oil was spread between us, and I was filled once again. Whole. With Jack.


That was nearly seven years ago, and I’ve remained on the Black Pearl ever since. This is my home with Jack and her crew. I am no longer William T Turner, he‘s dead, and I’m just Will. To some people I’m Jack’s whore, or even Will Sparrow, but I don’t really care what they call me. I’m home and I never want it to change. Aye, I’m a pirate and I live a pirate’s life. I’ve even a scar upon my wrist. A ‘P’ burned into my flesh by some English captain. Jack saved me, and I think he’s proud of my scar because now I’m like him.

Six years ago, Jack returned to Port Royal. He wanted to steal some of my swords from Mr Brown. Poor drunken idiot had died and his shop stood empty, my swords still hanging on their rail. I never stepped foot in the town, but Jack told me that it hadn’t fared well over the last couple of years. He had heard news of Elizabeth, that she had married Commodore Norrington, and in a cemetery overlooking the sea, she had given me a tombstone. I was saddened that she never believed I could live with my blindness, that I had died in the passing years. Though as I looked back on my life with Jack, I knew that the Will Turner she knew had died. I was now truly my father’s son, and I was good at what I did.

“Will! Stop bloody daydreamin’ and bring her closer!” Jack’s voice breaks into my memories, and I remember where I am. Standing at the Pearl’s wheel, as the crew readies to board the disabled merchant vessel. I turn the wheel slowly, edging us nearer, and then Jack gives an almighty war cry and the crew swing, climb and jump onto the other vessel. I hear the sounds of shouting, gun shots, and Jack’s voice ordering them to take only what was good enough to sell. Leave the women. Plenty of those waiting for you at Tortuga. One of the crew laughs asking if Jack is paying. He howls and replies he would since he had no need of them. My cheeks burn with a blush because all of the crew knows I’m the one who keeps Jack’s bed warm.

AnaMaria takes over the wheel and I know we’re about to cast off. Jack always likes to share what he’s found with me. I make my way towards the bow, following the sound of Jack laughing with his crew. Then out of the blue there is a voice - female -known.


The End.