Untitled Snippet

Author: Phoenix


Rated PG

Note: ....wrote this up today while the Muses were having a fight. Now it needs a fandom. The sister will probably be an OC and can't imagine it as anything except an AU. Any ideas what to do with it? Maybe shoot it now and put it out of my misery? Please let me know.


Untitled Snippet

by Phoenix

There were people in the room with him. Did that mean they weren't done yet? Was there really anything worse they could do or did they just want to continue? How long had he been out? Why wouldn't he just die?

"His wounds are monstrous."

Was that a doctor? So they'd put him in the medical wing? Did that mean it was over? For now at least.

"Well, apparently over twenty of the inmates were involved in the attack."

And a nurse as well. They should have just let him die. As it was, he had enough energy to listen, but not enough to open his eyes. And the pain was incredible. Were there no painkillers in prison?

"And he still managed to kill five of them?"

Of course he killed them. He was no fool; it was obvious what they'd come into the showers for.

"He's not here for parking tickets."

"But he looks so young."

"Only twenty-one and already a mass murderer."

"So with the five in here, his total count is what?"

"One hundred fifty-seven."

Sure. Right. He didn't care what some court of bribed idiots said, he hadn't killed all those people.

"He had an accomplice, right?"

"Yes. Apparently when he was younger, he killed a family and kidnapped their infant child. Raised her as his little sister. She is still being looked for. Who knows what he did to that poor girl."

How dare they!? He would never hurt his little sister!

"Excuse me? How did you get in here?" Now who was the doc talking to? Fear worked through him. What if the inmates had come for another round? Would the staff protect him or walk away?

"Oh don't mind me," a too familiar and female voice filled the air. "I just came to pick something up."

The next sound was of flesh meeting flesh then bodies hitting the floor. Damn but she was as efficient as ever.

"I know you're awake, Big Brother." The words were whispered softly in his ear. "I'm sorry that this is gonna hurt, but I have to move you."

Pain lanced through him as he was pulled to his feet. Damn those bastards; they'd done a thorough number on him.

"Shit. You are damn ugly." His sister teased, trying to get his mind off the pain. "Smelly too. Don't you bathe anymore?" Light banter tinged with worry filled his ears, keeping him somewhat alert. "I swear, we get separated for a couple of months and you go an forget all the civilized ways I learned ya."

He did his best to remain awake. That her accent was getting steadily heavier proved how truly frightened she was. His little sister normally rolled with the punches, but he was the one weakness in her defenses. Yet something else burned in his stomach; something other than worry for his only family.

They had to escape so he could pay everyone back. He and she would return to the town that locked him away and teach those sanctimonious hypocrites the real meaning of suffering. God it was going to be glorious.