Title: Storm Surge

Author: KatLyn

Fandom: Original Fiction

Paring: Alex/Conner

Rating: NC-17

Status: WIP

Archive: Yes

E-mail address for feedback: KatLynFic@yahoo.com

Series/Sequel: Part One of Storm Surge

Other websites: http://www.geocities.com/KatLynFic/index.html

Disclaimers: There mine. Please DO NOT borrow these characters without my written permission

Alex Montgomery
A ten-year veteran of the FBI. She lost everything of meaning in her life, in the blink of an eye. She has now returned to where it all began, to heal, to rebuild, and to find the man responsible
for the hell in which she now lives. Will Alex ever find the peace she once knew? Will she ever find a love like she once had?

Conner Harris
An undercover cop with the Jacksonville Police Department. Her home is the streets, and her life is her job. She is a loner by choice who finds her fun in chasing drug dealers, and her relief in one-night stands. Life is just as Conner wants it until one fateful morning when she is it by a storm surge, and finds life never to be the same again.

Warnings: Not much sex or violence in the beginning, but it gets hotter, and meaner as the story progresses.

Disclaimer: These characters live in my imagination only. Any similarities to you or anyone you know are purely coincidental.

Category: Slash. This novel depicts a loving relationship between two females. If that offends you, please don't go any further.

Key Words: Slash F/F Lesbian

If you have any constructive comments, positive or negative, please E-me and give me your feedback.

I am proud to say I am a lesbian. I will defend my honor and the honor of the thousands of Gay and Lesbian citizens in this country who live in a society that preaches freedom and equality, but practices restriction, and discrimination. I will defend our honor with calming words, and an open mind, not blaring insults, and NEVER violence.

If you just want to bash me for having the strength to create a lesbian piece of Fiction, don't bother… I'll just hit delete and send you into the darkness where you belong.

Storm Surge
by KatLyn

The wind blew softly in the darkness, caressing her skin like gentle fingers. It was soothing, reassuring, and hopefully it would be healing. The air still held the heat of the day, as did the sand
sifting between Alex's toes as she walked along the deserted beach. It was after midnight, and all of the tourists had long since retired for the night. This was the time Alex liked to walk the beach.
There was something about the darkness and the unending roar of the surf that calmed her. Maybe it was the simple fact that the ocean never slept, never tired. Or maybe it was because she felt so comfortable in the darkness. Who knew, who cared, as long as the peace came?

For Alex, peace had been a distant friend for far too long. The last six years had been hard, mentally and physically. However, Alex knew that if life were to move forward, she would have to finally find some sort of peace within her self. Too many days and nights had been spent running from the past. Now she was here, back where it all started, to face the demons, exorcise them, and hopefully move on.

The drive had taken sixteen hours, and Alex had driven it non-stop. Once she had made up her mind to come back, she hastily packed, called the agency to get the house prepared, and set off for the long journey home. Alex had arrived in Jacksonville earlier in the afternoon, and spent the first few hours settling into the house. Sam, the owner of the agency, had as usual gone beyond the call of duty.

When Alex arrived there had been fresh flowers, a bottle of wine chilling in the refrigerator, and a well-stocked pantry. Sam had even put the usual personal touches on everything by leaving a prepared dinner, ready to heat and eat. Alex made a mental note to call Sam the next day and say thank you. She knew she would have to see some of her old friends while she was here, but all she wanted to do for the first few days was get settled in the house and relax a while.

Now walking on the deserted beach, Alex began wondering if she had made the right decision to come back. Maybe it was too late to attempt to reconcile the past, but that nagging pull kept tugging away until Alex finally decided it wouldn't go away until she just dealt with it.

Alex remembered her childhood years in Cedar Cove. She had been one of the few that had bolted after graduating from CHS. She attended the University of Florida in Gainesville, a few hours north of her hometown. There she focused all of her attentions on her studies, and graduated six years later with a Masters degree in Political Science with an emphasis in International Relations. After graduation, she felt caged working a desk job. She wanted, needed to be free, so when she heard the FBI was taking applications for Field Agents, she jumped at the chance to apply.

Alex had always been athletic, playing basketball, softball, and volleyball in high school. While in college she had also developed a daily routine of running to keep in shape. What with her natural athletic ability and her excellent grades at UF, she made the initial cut, and was invited into the Inner sanctum of the elite FBI.

Alex stood about five foot nine inches, weighed 130 pounds soaking wet. She was a tall svelte creature. Her body was like a panther, dark skin, and rippling muscles. She had dark shoulder length hair that she allowed to fall in a naturally curly style. Her face was, was simply indescribable. Her cheekbones high and sharp, a nose that was absolutely perfect, and led right down to the most delectable mouth you could possibly want to taste. Unbeknown to most were the hidden twin dimples on each side of that luscious mouth. Only when she smiled did they appear from the depths of her cheeks. She smiled very little, especially lately, but on the rare occasion that she did, it was an all-encompassing caress that warmed the soul. Unless, of course the smile was a cold calculating expression, then it could send chills throughout its recipient's body, warning of the barely contained fury that raged within. Probably her most intriguing feature were her eyes, so blue they could kill or seduce you, depending on her mood. Combined with the smile, one could easily tell if they were loved or hated.

Alex fit in well at the Quantico, excelling academically as well as cruising through the physical tests much to her classmate's astonishment. She could do a 15 miler with a 30-pound backpack, and spend only 10 minutes re-energizing before taking off for the gym or the obstacle course for a little practice. She was hated and admired by all of her classmates. Hated because it all came so easy, admired because she excelled in almost everything she attempted, but never let it go to her head.

Alex was always the first to give a high five to one of her classmates for a job well done. The competition so often present between the trainees at the academy was absent within Alex. The only competition Alex desired was to better her personal record. She believed the adolescent competition between the trainees only consumed their much-needed energy, and took up too much of their thought processes.

After graduating from the academy, Alex spent the first four years learning the job inside and out. After two years she was assigned to the counter intelligence department of the Chicago FBI Field Office. There she spent her time collecting, analyzing, and utilizing information. Information that would identify and neutralize the activities of foreign powers and their agents.

While this area of work fell within her area of education and expertise, she often felt pulled towards the sometimes-darker world of drug trafficking, and organized crime. When an opening came available with the Jacksonville Field office in the drug and organized crime department, she put in for a transfer to Florida. To her surprise, she found her self moving everything south a short time later. Alex thought she would finally find her niche in life, but what she found, almost too late, was her worst nightmare.

Jacksonville allowed Alex more time for visits with her family, and she would often travel to Cedar Cove for long weekends when she wasn't on an active investigation. Alex had always thought of Cedar Cove as a haven away from the dark world in which she lived. When she went
home she was simply Alex, not Agent Montgomery, Special Agent for the FBI. There was a peace that surrounded the small south Florida town. A stillness that allowed her to drop her guard and simply relax and enjoy her surroundings.

These long weekends had allowed her to regenerate, refocus, and smooth out the ragged edges of her mind. On occasion, Alex was lucky enough to plan a weekend home when Karen her baby sister would be there as well. Alex and Karen had always had a special bond, like twins, although there were four years separating their birth. One would know what the other was thinking or feeling just by looking into the others eyes. Sometimes that was good, for it opened the door for long heart to heart conversations. Other times it wasn't so good for Alex, when all she wanted to do was forget and not think of the darkness in her soul.

Karen could somehow tell when these times were present, and would allow Alex the time and space to reveal what she could. Other times Karen knew the only way for Alex to escape the darkness was to stage a frontal assault and force Alex to purge the blackness from her soul. Now as she walked the darkness she wished that Karen were here to help her purge. The last time Alex had talked to Karen was a little more than a year ago. Hopefully she was safe, and happy, rebuilding her life. A life that had almost been destroyed because of Alex.

Alex, at 35, had been an FBI agent for 10 years. Now as she walked on the beach, she wondered if she wanted to come back. This was a time in her life that crossroads were presented, and choices made. Choices that not only affected her, but everyone for which she cared. The last few years had proven to Alex that she didn't live in an encapsulated world within the FBI.

Everyday her life was in danger, but more terrifying than anything else was that everyone she cared about was endangered as well. Her last case had proven that the best way to get to an agent was to get to someone they loved. It had been drilled into them at the academy. Alex had always been careful that she kept her family and friends well away from her work. However, somehow they had found the one thing she loved most dearly in her life, and extinguished it like a match. They not only destroyed the only person she had ever allowed her self to love, they had destroyed her heart, and darkened her soul. As Alex walked through the darkness she vowed that they would pay.

"I will come for you Malcolm, and when I do you will pray for an escape to hell."

Alex walked up the steps towards the warm lights shining in the house. She sat on the deck a while and drank a glass of the wine, and ate one of the sandwiches Sam had left for her. She laid her head back against the cushion of the deck chair and was instantly asleep.

About 2 AM Alex awoke to the sounds of the tide coming in, and crashing on the shore out in the darkness. She shivered in the cool breeze and pulled her self up to a standing position. Groaning at the aches her body felt, she slowly made her way into the house, locked up, and went to bed. Falling into a restless sleep filled with dreams of times since past

The room was dark. The air conditioning provided the only noise in the house. She rolled towards the middle of the bed and felt its emptiness. How long had it been since she had awakened to find someone there. Lately, the only encounters she had allowed in her life were not even one-nighters. They could be more easily described as half-nighters since once the sex was over she made sure she disappeared into the night and was gone.

She never brought anyone to her lair, but would always accompany her latest conquest to their respective apartment, house, or hotel. It was a protective mechanism that allowed her to remain aloof, and alone. She didn't need anyone, and except for the occasional primal need that rose from her soul, she allowed no one to get close.

Connor threw the covers back and felt the cool air flow across her naked body. Wanting to languish in the comfort of her bed, she sighed, rolled, and sat on the edge of the bed in one graceful motion. Running a hand through her hair, she stood and headed down the hallway, anticipating the smooth full flavor of that first cup of coffee, the only thing she needed at the moment.

"Damn, damn, damn." Conner mumbled to her self, as she looked at the still sleeping automatic coffeemaker. She stumbled to the freezer and retrieved the coffee beans, ground up three scoops, poured in the water, and watched the proverbial watch-pot boil.

"You would think in this age of technology, someone would invent a damn coffeemaker that you could put a pound of beans in, connect it to a source of water, program it, and miraculously have a cup of java each and every morning without this daily ritual of grinding pouring…waiting." Conner complained to the empty kitchen.

Conner trudged back down the hallway to the bathroom, deciding to shower while the coffee brewed. Stepping under the spray, she allowed her muscles to relax and allowed the warm water to wake her. She stretched out her arms toward the wall, tucked her head, and let the spray wash the shampoo from her hair. She was surprised to find not only the warm water from the shower, but tears gliding down her face when she raised her head.

"What the hell is wrong with me this morning?" Conner bellowed, as she stepped out of the shower. Counting the days, she assured her self that it wasn't a bad case of PMS, so what the hell was it. She thought back to the lonely feeling she had had when she woke this morning, now this. Surely she wasn't going to start falling apart like this on a regular basis. She didn't need anyone in her life, she had her job, and there wasn't enough room in her life for both.

Conner looked sideways at her reflection in the mirror, and chastised her self for the emptiness that she saw on her face. "Ok, snap out of it, shut it out and get moving… this is no time to be losing it, I have to go to work." She dried her body, and pulled on her silk robe, heading once again down the hallway towards the kitchen.

Reaching in the cabinet for a cup, Conner felt a presence in the room, and all of her senses went on full alert. Thinking quickly, she remembered her Sig-Sauer 9mm under her pillow. Not turning she reached into the drawer and instead of removing a spoon, grabbed a knife and spun around facing her attacker.


Conner slumped against the counter, and cursed. "What the fuck do you mean sneaking up on me you little shit?" If you weren't the owner of my partner, I would de-fur you right here." The tiny cat just meowed once again and stared at Conner.

Conner replaced the knife in the drawer and started once again for the coffee. Throwing her most vile look at the cat, she leaned back and took a sip, trying to ignore the stares of the fur ball at her feet.

"Ok, ok, already. Geez, your just like Seth, always hungry, and always vocal about it too. How did I let him talk me into keeping you for a week while he went traipsing around the country."

Seth had dropped Magnum and his luggage off last night. Conner had stared unbelievingly at the huge backpack that contained the cat's personal belongings. "He'll miss me." He had said with an embarrassed look on his face, as he opened the pouch. "I just thought he might get along better having some of his toys and stuff.

"Damn, Seth, what's that smell. Don't even tell me that I have to feed this cat sardines, and other rotten shit for the next week."

With an even more embarrassed look on his face Seth pulled out an obviously well worn, seldom washed piece of cloth that he called a t-shirt.

"No it's not sardines Conner." He said a little harshly, "It's just a old t-shirt. I thought he might feel better if he had something that had my scent on it while I was away."

"Please put it away." Conner said while pinching her nose, failing in the attempt to hide her teasing smile beneath her hand.

After a few more minutes of playfully arguing over the cats' routine, Seth left for his long awaited vacation. Once Seth was gone the cat had cried unmercifully until Conner dug through the backpack and using only two fingers, brought out Seth's dirty t-shirt, and tossed it in the farthest corner of the room.

"That's fine Seth spoil the damn cat, but did you have to bring the dirtiest thing in the hamper."

Oblivious to the smell, the cat immediately ran over and curled up in the shirt and went to sleep. "Well, I'll be damned." Conner mused. "Who'd have ever believed it?" That was the last time Conner had thought of the cat. She had turned and headed for bed, falling asleep almost as quickly as her head touched the pillow.

She opened a can of cat food and spooned it into the personalized bowl Seth had brought over the night before, along with enough toys to make any kid envious. The cat curled around her legs, rubbing his scent onto her body, marking his territory. "Damn men, your all alike. Spend one night with a woman and you think you own them. Well, I've got news for…. Ok, Conner you are really losing it now. Conversing with a cat, what the hell has my life come to?"

Conner finished her second cup of coffee while reading the morning newspaper and went to the bedroom to dress for work. She pulled on a pair of faded Levis, and a white cotton tank top. She strapped on the shoulder holster, pulled the Sig from under the pillow, tucking it nicely under her right arm. She topped it off with a brown leather jacket, and her Doc Martins. Conner glanced in the mirror, not vainly, but checking for any cracks in the façade she called her cover. Nodding her head in approval, she headed back down the hallway to the living room.

Magnum had finished his breakfast and was in the midst of contorting himself to better reach parts of his anatomy that shouldn't be reached. The cat continued to wash himself and was oblivious as Conner made her way to the door. She picked up her keys, and walked out into the cool early morning heading for her Jag. The car started with a roar, and she pulled quickly out into the street. This was really her home, the streets.

Feeling the Jags energy under her she smiled at the power it gave her. For some unknown reason driving and expensive machine such as this instilled a sense of awe from others. Little did they know that the Jag was hers only because it was part of her cover. A possession of the JPD, courtesy of some busted drug dealer.

It was a thirty-minute drive to downtown. Conner lived on Amelia Island a small island just north of Jacksonville. Living on the island provided Conner with the anonymity she needed to protect her personal life. She didn't converse much with her neighbors, nor did she have any close friends on the island. That didn't mean that she had no close friends, she did. They all lived inland and came over for an occasional weekends of bar-b-queing, sailing, and beachcombing.

The drive also provided an opportunity to transform her self into the persona that she worked under. Conner was thirty-four years old and had worked under cover for almost two years. Sometimes it was more difficult to make the transformation from her professional to her private side. It somehow seemed easier to not feel, not care, nor love. However, there was something inborn in her that screamed to be set free.

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts she drummed her fingernails on the steering wheel. Conner had heard too late over her hand held scanner that there had been an accident on I95, the main north-south corridor leading into Jacksonville, so for the moment she was stuck in a traffic jam, impatiently waiting for the lanes to be cleared.

Conner picked up her cell phone, and like a hundred other people in the traffic jam, called work.

"Hey Buet" Conner replied when Mack Buetford answered the phone.

"Got a pile up out on 95 south, and I'm stuck in the aftermath. I'll be in as soon as I can break free."

"Just don't think that snazzy Jag can give you the power to fly Conner. Get here when you can, and by the usual means, we'll leave a light on for ya." Buet said with a hefty laugh.

"Ok, see ya soon Buet." Conner pressed the end button breaking the connection, and started to toss the phone into the passenger seat. On second thought she flipped the tiny phone open and dialed.

"Hey there you sexy thing got any clothes on at the moment." Conner said in a low sultry voice.

"Yes, and even if I didn't, I don't think I could ever drag your attention away from work long enough to get you to do anything about it. "How the hell are you Conner? It's been way too long." Sam smiled into the phone.

Conner smiled back and pictured Sam's face on the other end of the line. "Well, I was wondering if you wanted to get together for dinner tonight. It has been a while and we have a lot of catching up to do."

"Oh my god, something terrible has happened, right?" Sam almost screamed into the receiver as she tried hard to suppress the laugh that begged to escape from her chest.

"Ha, Ha, very damn funny, Sam. If you're just going to heckle me, I'll just find someone else to spend my evening with." Conner teasingly said into the cell phone.

"Like hell you will. Meet me at Mikes at 7 sharp, and make sure your driving that cool machine you call a car. I just may feel the need for a drive up the beach, and I want to feel some power under my body tonight."

"Your insatiable, you know. Always thinking about getting laid. If I were smart I'd take advantage of that by getting you drunk and…" Conner was cut off by Sam's teasing voice on the other end of the phone. "Well Conner, hanging around all those drug heads mush have mushed your brain. If I remember correctly you have already been there, done that…and walked away. I don't give second chances to just anyone. And any way Kelly loves you like a sister, but I think she would draw the line at you providing that kind of comfort while she is out of town.

"Well lover, or maybe I should be politically correct and say ex-lover, I'm not just anyone. However your probably smart by denying me the pleasure, I would only screw it up like the last time," Conner said with more than a little sadness in her voice.

"Ok, enough heavy stuff, see you at 7, and don't be late." With that Conner heard the line go dead and knew that Sam had hung up.

Sam hadn't hung up on Conner; she had just simply hung up, a trait that Conner had grown to know well. Sam never was good in uncomfortable situations and chose to avoid them whenever possible. That in itself had made their pairing difficult. Conner always believed in spilling it all out, and dealing with problems head on. Sam on the other hand tended to let everything simmer until it one day exploded.

Sam had a difficult time dealing with Conner's work. Never knowing when or if she was going to come home. Every time she did walk through the door Sam immediately scanned Conner for any injuries. Too many nights she had had to help her to bed, to tired or hurt to get there by her on volition. Somehow, she had always made it home, only to collapse once inside the safety of her lair.

What Sam could not deal with was the thought that one day she wouldn't make it home. Conner loved Sam like no one else she had ever loved before, but she also knew that the same love that kept them together would tear Sam apart one day, so she did the only thing she could do, and that was to walk away. Sam knew what Conner was doing was the only way for them to salvage anything in their relationship, but it hurt nonetheless. Eventually, they had fallen back on the friendship that was the foundation of their love, and had found peace with one another.

The kidding and jesting was, for each woman, a way of letting the other know that the love they had shared still remained, even though neither would ever do anything to rekindle the flame. Sighing sadly, Conner eased the car through the remnants of the accident, and headed into the River City.

Conner walked into the station house, and headed for her desk, but was intercepted by Buet who always had a cheerful word for Conner. Buet was the in-house archive for gossip and politics in the department. At 56 he had come to the hard realization that too many days on the beat had worn out his knees, and decided that the streets were a part of his past. Everyone in the department knew Buet missed the street, so they always included him in their after shift get-
togethers at one of the local pubs.

He had known about Conner's alternate lifestyle for several years, and was one of several who never let it come between them. He somehow found out about her breakup with Sam two years ago, and let her know in a subtle way that he was there for her if she ever needed to talk.

Conner had always protected her personal life, by not bringing it into the station. However, cops would be cops, and some investigated Conner after trying their best to get her into bed. She had been with the department about 5 years when her preference for dates was made somewhat public information. Most of the officers that had worked side by side with Conner had accepted the news with a shrug. Some however didn't and she often wondered if those officers would just look the other way and simply fail to cover her back when trouble came. Conner chose not to dwell on the things she couldn't alter. Choosing instead to focus all of her energy on her work, and making sure she never got into a situation that would depend on one of the un-friendly officers covering her back.

Conner was resting her elbows on the counter casually chatting with Buet when she heard a quiet "excuse me" come from just behind her. Conner stood and turned, just as Buet spoke. It was a good thing Buet still had his voice, for Conner's was buried somewhere in her stomach at the moment.

Looking into the bluest eyes she had ever seen, a chill ran up her spine. The only thing she couldn't figure out was if the chill was caused by the beauty of the irises looking back at her, or the danger that lurked just beneath.

"Can I help you" Buet asked the woman.

Holding Conner's eyes, the woman handed her identification to Buet. "Yes, I have an 8 AM appointment with Captain Peterson."

"Sure, if you would like to have a seat, I'll let him know you're here." Buet said while looking at Conner.

"Um, well, see ya later Buet, I've got a ton of paperwork waiting." Conner barely got the words out of her mouth; afraid she would choke on each of them as they came out.

As she walked towards her desk, she could feel the heat of the woman's eyes on her back. As she turned the corner into her cubicle, she dared a glance back, and sure enough the woman had sat so her line of sight was directly down the corridor Conner had just walked.

Conner pulled the first of a stack of papers from her in box, and proceeded to finish off the paperwork she had allowed to overwhelm her desk. Only at the order from Captain Peterson had she been forced to take a desk day and get it done. Conner was the best undercover officer the department had ever had stationed here. With an 80% conviction rate on her collars she was allowed to essentially come and go as she pleased. Until of course, the evidence of her own crimes, that of abandoning her required follow up paperwork, had grown too strong that even she couldn't escape it's sentence.

Conner sat growling, "I hate this damn paperwork shit. I need to be on the street doing what I do best, not in this damn cubby-hell-hole pushing a pencil."

From behind her Conner heard a sultry voice say "Think of the collar as a great date with the paper work being a good night kiss. Together they pack quite a punch."

Conner spun around in her chair just in time to see the mystery woman from the front desk walk purposely into Captain Peterson's office and close the door. Conner sat for a moment looking at the closed door wondering why the mystery woman was seeing Cappy. I hope it has nothing to do with anything I'm ever involved in since I just made a complete ass of myself she thought.

As she sat in front of Captain Peterson's desk, she couldn't help but smile at the reaction from the officer outside. She also couldn't believe that she had allowed her self to relax, and to tease the other woman, it was so against her style. Oh well, I'll never have to see her again, what harm could it possibly do.

Peterson relaxed and rested his elbows on the desk in front of him. "Well Shadow, you seem to be in a good mood for a change."

The woman's eyes turned a deep blue, showing the danger that such a comment twisted within her. Peterson shifted back slightly in his chair and raised his hands in a gesture of peace. "Ease up Shadow, just happy to see you are still among the living."

The woman purposely relaxed her shoulders, "Sorry Jack, I had a long trip and I'm still a little tired. Give me a few days and I'll be back to my old jolly self."

Jack looked at the Shadow, and knew the words were hollow. She would never be back to her old self, not after the hell she had been put through. "If you want a few days, before you jump in the game again, just say so, I've waited a long time to have you back in the city, a few more days won't make me change my mind."

Really Jack if you don't mind, I would like a few days to get settled. It's been a long time since I've been home and I would really like to get the house in shape and a few good nights rest before I get started. I was thinking of next Monday if that's ok with you."

"Take all the time you need Shadow, we'll be here waiting." With that said Jack stood and extended his hand across the desk. The woman shook his hand firmly, and when she began to pull her hand away, Jack held hers a little tighter. "It really is good to see you again, and I am glad you decided to come home where you belong." He then released her hand and led her across the room opening the door for her to leave."

Halfway out the door the woman turned and looked Jack Peterson in the eyes. "One more thing Jack… the Shadow died the last time she was in town, she's not coming back…ever. If she is what you want, maybe you should do some thinking yourself between now and Monday morning. Give me a call if you change your mind between now and then." The woman turned and started walking away.

From behind her, she heard Jack say "See you Monday, 8 AM, and make it sharp."

As the woman walked past the officer's cubicle, she couldn't help but glance inside. Conner was buried elbow deep in the paperwork before her. The woman stopped turned around and stuck her head in the cubicle in one quick motion startling Conner and making her spill her coffee.

The woman smiled the most blazing smile Conner had ever seen. "Must have been a hell of a date officer", and just a quickly as she appeared, she was gone.

Damn, why do I let myself get talked into these things. The last thing Alex wanted to do was spend the evening sitting in a bar talking over old times. Most of the old times Alex could remember since the raid were times she would love to forget. She plundered through her closet searching for something to wear. Selecting a pair of tan linen slacks and a white silk shirt, Alex turned to get ready for the evening.

After showering, Alex almost called and made some excuse not to go, but as the phone was in her hand she placed it back in the cradle deciding that she couldn't put off the inevitable. She had to get out and see people. She at least had to go through the motions of being recovered and ready to face the world again.

Alex pulled on a blue blazer that complimented her eyes, and made them even more alluring. She gave her reflection one last look in the mirror, took a deep breath, and mentally prepared her self for the coming evening. Grabbing her keys she headed out the door of the house, and got in her jeep. Hesitating only for a moment after putting the key in the ignition, she turned it and started the engine. It came to life with a roar, and only after a few seconds did Alex realize that she had a death grip on the steering wheel.

There was a thin sheen of perspiration on her face, and her hands were damp and clammy. Taking a deep breath, Alex shook off the memories that would forever be frozen in her mind. This driveway. Feryle leaning out the window of her Camaro on a cool Monday morning, smiling and waving goodbye as she left for work, after their weekend together. Then came the blast, the pain, and the knowledge that her life, along with Feryle's body, had just been blown to hell.

Alex sat for a few minutes, letting her heart rate return to a normal pattern. Usually she could control the memories, at least while she was awake. The nighttime was different. There she had no control, and the ghosts and darkness haunted her on a regular basis. Alex backed out of the drive and headed north into the city.

Alex and Feryle had bought the beach house together for their fifth union anniversary. It was located in a lush area south of Jacksonville on the ocean side of Ponte Vedra Boulevard. It was a gift of love, commitment, and promise. It had also been a contractor's nightmare, most shaking their head in disbelief when they found out that they had paid over 200,000 for the house, and were more than willing to throw more money into vortex.

Several mortgage companies refused to loan them the total funds for the house saying it's true value would never come near the asking price. However, they had followed through with the purchase depleting their savings to make up the difference between the asking price and what they could borrow, and spent countless weekends demolishing, scraping, painting, and hammering, loving every moment they spent together creating their new home. Feryle was an architect and openly drooled over the vaulted ceilings, the sharp angles offset by smooth curves.

Finally after a year, it was complete, and they finally had the time to enjoy the home they had created with their blood, sweat, and sometimes tears…especially after bashing a finger with a hammer. It was the happiest times they had spent together. The effort Alex and Feryle had put into the house had not gone unnoticed by the local developers, and soon new homes were appearing on the landscape.

Some of those homes Feryle had even designed, and it was almost as if this neighborhood were her creation. They had been fortunate to be one of the first on the scene, for they had managed to purchase the lots on both sides of their home assuring them the privacy they wanted, a total of three acres of beach front property. They would spend many nights sitting on the deck, watching the waves, and Feryle would tell Alex about the houses she designed that were visible from where they sat drinking wine and gently caressing each other.

Now those houses only brought an emptiness that Alex knew would never be filled again. Before Alex realized it she was at her exit to JT Blvd. She was headed to Baymeadows Road, and was running late as it was. Rolling down the window for some fresh air she focused on the drive to the restaurant. Pulling into the parking lot a few minutes later. Alex spotted the familiar car. A 1963 vintage Mustang, that was in mint condition. Smiling at her friends love for old things, she entered the restaurant.

The bar was dark as she entered, and it took a few seconds for her eyes to adjust to the subdued light. However it didn't take a lot of light to recognize the voice screaming from across the bar. "Aleeeeeex, over here" the woman yelled as she practically crawled over the table to get out of the booth. Alex looked around rather self-consciously, and began walking in the direction of the screaming woman. Several eyes had found their way to her, and she met their eyes with an apologetic look, stepping a little quicker so as to quickly quiet the woman.

The woman barreled into here and immediately clamped Alex into a bear hug. "My god you are skinny, woman. If it weren't for all those muscles you'd be nothing but bone." Alex groaned as the woman hugged her again. At the sound of her pain the woman quickly released Alex. "Oh damn Alex, I'm sorry, did I hurt you. I'm just so glad to see you I forgot about your injuries."

"I'm fine, really. Just a little stiff still, but I'll get all the kinks worked out soon. Lets go have a seat and quit making a spectacle of ourselves, alright?"

The woman led Alex to the table. Alex stopped dead in her tracks when she spotted the woman sitting in the booth. "Alex, I'd like you to meet a friend of mine. Alex Montgomery, Conner Harris." The two women didn't speak, only stared at one other for what seemed like an eternity, then they both turned to looked at Sam, who was looking very confused at the moment, and once again back at each other.

"Um, hey guys everything ok, here? Did I say something wrong?" Alex was the first to recover, and stretched her hand towards Conner. "Hello Conner, it's nice to meet you."

Sam was watching the exchange with a gaping mouth, totally speechless, and unaware that the two had ever laid eyes on one another before this moment.

"Nice to meet you too Alex." Conner said with a shaky voice and grasping the warm hand that was extended towards her.

Seeing the reaction from Sam, Alex couldn't pass up the chance for one more surprise. As she slid into the booth next to Conner she flashed her brilliant smile and asked "How did your date turn out, Conner? Did you get all the goodnight kisses you could stand for the day?"

Totally confused now, Sam sat back a watched the interaction between the two women. Finally, she shook the confusion out of her head and said, "Ok you two, someone has some explaining to do, so who wants to start."

Alex leaned back and smiled at Conner. "Seems like mom wants some answers Conner, and since I was the one who bounded into your territory, maybe you would rather explain." Conner knew Alex was giving her an out for the embarrassing moments they had shared that morning, and silently thanked her with a return smile.

"Oh Sam, it's not that mysterious, Alex came into the precinct this morning and we sort of met in passing, but didn't get a chance to make any formal introductions."

Alex hid the smile on her face fairly well, but Sam could see the smile escaping from the blue eyes. Hmm, she thought, there's more to this than they are letting on, but I won't push it for now. "Ok, well that explains that. Now to more pressing matters…I'm going for refills what are you having Alex."

"I'll take a Miller draft, with the coldest mug in the house. Looking at Conner Alex's eyes sparkled "Conner what are you having?"

"Umm, beer's fine Sam, whatever is easy."

"Well just make it a pitcher then and two frozen mugs" Alex called out over her shoulder.

Alex turned back towards Conner, who was visibly nervous. "So Conner you never did answer my question. How was the good night kiss?"

Conner wanted to crawl under the table, but somehow knew Alex would only drag her back up for an answer. Garnering all her strength and courage, Conner looked Alex in the eye and held her gaze for a moment before responding in a low breathless whisper. "Actually Alex it was beyond anything I ever imagined. I couldn't believe how satisfied I was when it was over. All that struggling, and sweating can really tire a girl out."

Conner knew she had caught Alex off guard, and was relishing in the satisfaction as she watched Alex's lips part just slightly, and saw her swallow hard. Her eyes turned the deepest blue as she retuned Conner's look from under hooded lids, and Conner lifted a brow and smiled at Alex, "Well Ms. Montgomery, seems you're the speechless one now."

Alex took a deep breath to reply. However, her response was interrupted by Sam's return to the booth with their drinks.

"Well, did you two get acquainted while I was gone? Sorry it took so long but Mike is really backed up at the bar tonight." Sam had always retrieved her own drinks at Mikes. They had been friends since Sam had sold him the bar five years ago. She felt like part of the family here and never allowed Mike or the staff to waste their time catering to her needs.

"Actually Conner was telling me about her day and how satisfying her work is to her" I can only hope mine will be as fulfilling."

Conner felt the heat rise in her face, and knew if the lights were brighter both women could see the blush creeping up her face. Conner gave Alex a pleading look silently begging for a truce. Alex only smirked, and lifted one of her brows not committing to anything.

The rest of the evening went smoothly with Sam catching Alex up on all the latest gossip. During the evening Alex had figured out that Sam and Conner had once been lovers. Neither expanded on the subject and Alex didn't ask any further questions. It did surprise her a bit that they had never met. Sam, Alex and Feryle had become friends when Sam had sold them the beach house. They had spent a lot of time together over the last couple of years, but she couldn't remember Sam ever mentioning Conner before.

They talked about Alex's return, but only in a superficial way. Sam didn't know if Alex was ready to talk about what had happened to Feryle, and the raid that had followed, and Alex almost getting killed. Sam decided to let Alex set the pace, and Alex was grateful for her friend's perceptiveness. It was good to see Sam again, but she just wasn't ready to face the demons yet. The conversation drifted to Conner and her work in the JPD. Alex learned that Conner had quiet a reputation as a good under-cover cop, and was impressed with her humble attitude about her work.

"I just do my job, and get the collars. Then hopefully if the suits do theirs, we get a solid conviction and get one more piece of dirt is off the street." Conner had quietly responded after Sam had boasted of Conner's conviction percentage. During the conversation Sam had shone a new light on Conner that Alex hadn't witnessed that morning. She knew what it felt to be out of her usual environment, and dismissed the flighty impression Conner had presented in the precinct.

Sam's pager went off a little after eleven. She returned the page to find out Kelly had returned a few days early and was waiting at home for her. By listening to Sam's end of the conversation, Alex and Conner both knew exactly why Kelly wanted Sam home in such a hurry. Sam's bright red blush was apparent even in the subdued lighting of the bar. Kelly had been out of town for two weeks on business, and Sam couldn't hide her excitement about seeing her again.

"Your making me nauseous, for gods sake go, get out of here." Conner said in a teasing growl. "We're big girls we can find our way out by ourselves."

To Sam's relief, Alex agreed, and off she went. Looking out the window they watched as the Mustang sped out of the parking lot.

Alex sat back in the booth and sighed heavily. "Well, she still drives like a maniac, some day one of us will have to arrest her just for the hell of it. Maybe that will slow her down a bit"

"I doubt it. It would probably just piss her off and make her drive that much faster." Conner replied.

Smiling, and shaking her head, Alex said, "Well, you do know her better that I do. Maybe your right, I guess we should leave well enough alone."

"How long were the two of you together?" Alex asked as she refilled their mugs with the last drops of their second pitcher of beer.

"About two years. My work was the reason we broke up. She couldn't deal with what I did on a daily basis, not knowing when or if I would come home, and I was too stubborn to ask for a transfer to something a little less risky."

"Do you really think that would have saved the relationship?" Alex cautiously asked, not knowing if she had over stepped the boundary here.

"No, not really, one of us would have eventually ended up resenting the other and it would have come apart anyway." Conner said sadly. "I love her and I always will, but thankfully our friendship has reached a level that I can be happy for her and Kel. We have a great friendship, all three of us. Kel knows how I feel, but she also knows that I would never do anything to hurt Sam again, and she respects that. I'm really lucky, when you think about it, not many people are fortunate enough to remain in contact with old lovers, much less become best friends. What about you, do you have a partner waiting patiently at home."

When Alex didn't immediately answer, Conner turned towards her, and saw the pain in Alex's eyes. "Oooook, Here I go again, putting my foot in my mouth. Sorry if I'm being nosy."

"No, you didn't upset me, it's just that…well…umm…no, I'm not with anyone." Alex said in a whisper so low Conner almost couldn't hear her.

"Damn, I always seem to say the wrong things around you." Conner ran a hand through her hair and was openly flustered.

Alex reached out and grabbed Conner's arm. Conner turned and looked into Alex's eyes as she told Conner of Feryle's death, the raid on the drug lab, and her resulting injuries. At some part during the story Conner had reached out and placed her hand on Alex's, gently caressing her hand and fingers as she relived the hell that that had consumed her last year. The pain in Alex's eyes was so raw it hurt Conner to see it, and all she wanted to do at that moment was take the woman in her arms and help soothe the pain away.

When Alex finished the story there was a moment of uncomfortable silence between the two women. Conner had lost people she had loved in her life, but never had she experienced a loss such as the one Alex had lived. Gently, she squeezed Alex's hand. " I am so sorry for your loss Alex. I can't even imagine how you feel. We have all lost people in our lives that we have loved, but each loss in unique in it's own way, so I won't even pretend to understand what your going
through. But, I will say you have a new friend, and if you ever need to talk, you know where to find me."

Alex listened to Conner, and was amazed at her compassion. For the first few days after Feryle's death, she had been bombarded with friends and colleagues expressing their condolences. They all said the same thing, in somewhat different ways. "I know just how you feel." Alex had heard it so many times she wanted to scream. No one knew how she felt, no one. How could they, not one of them had set the scene that placed their loved one in harms way, and then had to stand there and watch them die. None of them had been so careless as to allow the darkness into their home.

Alex looked into Conner's eyes, and said "Thank you Conner. Thank you for not making this just another death. So many people kept telling me that they knew how I felt, but they didn't. You're the first person that has ever recognized that, and I appreciate your thoughtfulness."

Conner gently squeezed Alex's hand once again and then released it. By that time the bar was closing down and both women knew that they were outstaying their welcome.

Conner picked up her wallet, pulled out a few bills, and laid them on the table. "Well, I guess I had better get going, I have quite a drive, but thank goodness tomorrows my day off and I can sleep in. Alex searched for her wallet to do the same but was stopped by Conner's firm grip on her arm. "No way lady, tonight's on me. Consider it a welcome back, here's to new friends, evening." Conner said lightly.

Slightly embarrassed, and a little surprised, Alex nodded, and smiled. "Ok, Conner, but only on one condition…you allow me to treat next time…got it?"

Conner chuckled at the compromising attitude from Alex, and agreed. "Ok, ok, you win. Next time's on you." Sliding from the booth both women were contemplating the last few comments, and the expectation of the next time.

As they made their way to the parking lot, and their respective cars, neither woman wanted the evening to end just yet, but knew it had to. The evening had turned out to be very entertaining, and uplifting for both women, something unusual for each of them.

On impulse, Alex turned to Conner. "You know I was just thinking, It's been a while since I've had a good meal, and… well…umm… I was wondering if you aren't doing anything Friday night…umm…maybe you would...umm… like to get something to eat, and…ahh…maybe
catch a movie, or something?

Conner's voice was once again swimming around in her stomach, and she could only manage a garbled "Sure, sounds like fun. Follow me to my car and I'll give you my number."

Alex followed Conner to the Jag and looked at it with envious eyes. "Wow, maybe I should apply to the JPD, they sure seem to pay better that the FBI.

Conner only snorted and explained that the Jag was part of her cover, and that it was really an asset of the JPD. Her only privilege was getting to drive it off hours to keep up appearance, and to more importantly have it close by in case she had a meet somewhere during her official off hours.

She reached in the sleek Jag and pulled out one of her cards. Alex looked at it, and back at Conner, who was smiling. "Another part of my cover, I'm afraid."

The card advertised a personal courier service. Alex smiled and shook her head in acceptance of the double lives they both had to live in order to do their jobs. Welcome home Alex, she silently said to her self.

Conner wrote her personal cell phone number on the back of the card, just in case Alex needed to get in touch with her when she wasn't at home, she told her self, and handed it back to Alex. Their hands brushed lightly as the exchange was made, and each woman unconsciously jumped as the heat radiated between them. Alex noticed the trembling in Conner's hand, and wondered what it meant.

Alex recovered first, and asked Conner if she was ok to drive. They had consumed two pitchers of beer between them during the evening. Although that wasn't much alcohol for either over the course of the six hours they had been in the bar, neither of the women drank a lot. It concerned Alex that Conner had such a long drive. "Just how far of a drive do you have tonight?" Alex asked in a slightly nervous voice.

"Not that far, maybe 45 minutes. I live on Amelia Island." Conner replied.

"Well if you don't feel like driving all the way home tonight, you're welcome to the spare room at my house. I don't live very far from her, may 20 minutes." Geez, Alex what are you thinking, asking this woman home. You only met her today, and although she probably isn't a serial killer…

Conner interrupted her thoughts, explaining that she was keeping her partners fur-ball for the week and needed to get home to check on him, or more importantly her house. There was no telling what the little creature had gotten into.

For some reason Alex felt a little disappointed, but hid the feeling well. "Ok, then I wouldn't want to be the reason for starving your partners cat, so I guess, I'll see you on Friday." They said their good-byes, and drove off on opposite directions, with small smiles forming on their lips. As they drove into the night each wondered just what to make of the evening and the mysterious women they had met.

Alex realized she was humming along with the radio, as she pulled into the driveway. The contrast of feelings overwhelmed her for a moment, and she sat quietly in the car staring out into the darkness. The house, Alex thought, looked almost as it had that cool October morning just before the blast.

The trees were bearing new foliage, covering their scorched, and scarred limbs. The grass had been replaced, and the new green growth had filled in the barren spots. The day after the blast, a demolition crew had shown up, completely stripped away the blackened concrete, and replaced it with a freshly paved drive. After two days of endless questioning from Alex, the men had finally agreed, and told Alex that Sam had sent them to do the work. The bill had already been paid, and she didn't have to worry about anything. A few weeks later when Sam still had not mentioned the new drive, Alex had quietly questioned her about it.

Sam had looked at Alex, tears running freely down her cheeks, and explained. "Alex, I'm sorry if I overstepped any boundaries, but I just couldn't let you come back to the house and face the carnage that those people inflicted. I knew there was nothing I could do to bring Feryle back home to you, all I could do was what I did."

Alex was openly crying by the end of the explanation, and Sam gently pulled Alex into her arms, and rocked her. Alex's mournful howls, and primal moans echoed off the walls, as she finally crumbled against the force of her pain. For what seemed like hours, Sam held Alex as she cried, softly speaking her name and encouraging her to feel the pain that was so evident in her heart…the pain she had refused to acknowledge lest it weaken her in some way to the evilness that threatened to consume her. "It's ok…let it go…I've got you…come back to us Alex, get it all out, and come back to us. Until that moment Sam had not seen Alex cry, she had been too consumed with the anger to allow any other emotions to be expressed. The darkness that shrouded Alex had eclipsed everything except the anger, and the hate that now seemed to consume her heart.

Finally, Alex had slowly calmed down, and her breathing returned to a normal cadence. Sam continued to hold Alex in her arms until finally their bodies screamed for relief from the cramped positions in which they had been sitting.

"Jesus, Sam… I'm sorry" Alex whispered with a look of total exhaustion on her face. "I don't know what happened, but…I…I just couldn't hold it together any longer…I'm really sorry you had to see me like this"

"Like what Alex…human?" Sam gently asked. "I know your hurting…no dying inside. You don't have to hide the pain from me Alex, I'm your friend, and I was Feryle's too. I'm sure I'll never know the depth in which you loved each other, but I do know how much she meant to you, and you too her. She was your world…the only light that could take you away from the darkness you have to face everyday."

As Alex sat in the car and looked across the lawn, she remembered that night, and knew that the new, deeper, friendship she had formed with Sam that night would last a lifetime. She slowly got out of the car and headed into the house. Alex was still too keyed up to go to bed so she grabbed a beer from the refrigerator and walked out onto the deck.

Sitting once again in the darkness she thought about the past few hours, and realized that meeting Sam tonight had been a good idea after all. Maybe she was beginning to heal, not only outside but inside as well. Alex certainly couldn't remember the last time she had smiled, much less laughed as she had tonight.

Sipping her beer, she thought about Conner, and their surprise meeting at Mike's. Both had been shocked to say the least. Alex wondered if she would have been as openly playful with Conner, as she had been that morning, had she known they would ever see each other again.

Finishing off the remnants of her beer, Alex wondered what had possessed her to ask Conner out Friday. Well, she hadn't really asked her out on a date…just a meal, and a movie, right? Alex ran her hand through her hair, as she always did when frustrated or confused. She stood up quickly, as if trying to escape the question, and felt the muscles in her back scream against the sudden movement. "Damn", Alex muttered as she headed to the kitchen.

She tossed the bottle in the recycling bin, and hobbled off to the bedroom, holding her back, feeling like an elderly old lady. She thought about, and then discarded the idea of taking a hot bath to sooth her muscles. "Damn, right I'm not taking a hot bath…next thing I know I'll be scooping Epsom salts in the water, and knocking back Geritol shooters." She growled as she eased her self into the bed.

For the first time in weeks, sleep came easily to Alex, and for the first time in months the ghosts, and demons of the night stayed outside.


Conner had arrived home the night before to find just about everything that wasn't attached to the walls or floor, scattered throughout the house. "Freaking cat, you're a visitor…in my home…not
out on some adventurous scavenger hunt. Where the hell are you, you little beady-eyed fur ball?"

Stomping down the hallway and into the bedroom, she stopped short. There curled up on her pillow, was Magnum. He was obviously awake because she could see his beady little eyes, peering at her expectantly. Conner crossed the room and scooped the cat up in one swift motion. "No one, especially a man sleeps in my bed without and invitation…got it?" Conner dropped the gently on the floor, trying her best to stay mad at the creature. She went into the bathroom, removed and tossed her clothes into the hamper, and proceeded to get ready for bed. Walking back towards the bed she heard a quiet "meow" coming from the hallway. "Damn, now I remember why I don't have any pets, or kids, always wanting something."

Conner trudged back to the kitchen and plopped some food in Magnums bowl. He immediately started gobbling it down. "Slow down kid, your just like you dad, never chews just swallows everything whole." She growled, and headed back down the hallway.

She crawled into bed, turned out the light, and lay in the darkness thinking about the evening. Conner had been stunned, embarrassed, and to her amazement excited to see Alex tonight. After the initial shock had worn off they had fallen into a comfortable conversation. Of course, having Sam there as a buffer helped ease things along. One thing you could always count on around Sam was conversation. It seemed Sam never ran out of things to talk about, unless of course it was something serious like their past relationship.

Conner thought, the evening would quickly come to an end when Sam left to go home to Kelly, but the easy rapport she and Alex had developed during the evening continued. They had both been surprised to realize that two hours had passed since Sam had left them there.

Conner thought back on the events Alex had shared with her concerning Feryle's death, and was a little surprised that Alex had opened up to her. Alex hadn't seemed like the kind to quickly trust another person. Maybe it was the beer, maybe it was jut time, she didn't know."

Conner's thoughts were interrupted by a soft thud on the bed. Rolling over she saw the fur ball sitting, and staring at her, half ready to bolt at her first move toward him. She couldn't help but smile. "C'mere you little shit." Conner whispered as she gently reached for the cat.

"You're a very lucky little guy, because I had a great night." She crooned to the cat as she sat him on her chest. "Just this one time, you can stay, tomorrow it's back to the stinky shirt for you…got
it? Magnum just purred, and snuggled between Conner's arm and torso, and went fast to sleep.

As Conner listened to the purring cat, she sighed. "Damn your getting to be a real softie Harris." With that, she drifted off to sleep, dreaming of dark blue eyes, and warm soft hands.


Alex woke with a start. The sun was shining brightly through the wall of windows, providing an unobstructed view of the pristine ocean. She sat for a moment allowing her mind to catch up with her body. For the first time in almost eight months, she had slept through the night without dreaming. She glanced at the clock only to see it was past 10. With a sigh she lay back on the pillows and looked out over the ocean. Oh well, half the morning gone, might as well not rush
things, and so decided to languish in the comfort of the cool sheets against her body.

The waves crashing to the shore were hypnotic, and soon had Alex reminiscing of lazy morning like this with Feryle. They seemed to wake up almost at the same moment. Maybe it was the fact that they were so in tune with one another's mind, and body. Whatever it was, they always treasured the rare morning that they could lie in bed together, watch the sun rise over the horizon, and make slow gentle love to one another until a different hunger drove them from the bed.

Alex closed her eyes trying to remember Feryle's touch. Feryle had been the gentlest lover Alex had ever been with. Often driving Alex to near insanity, with her slow caresses, and feather light kisses, and only providing the relief she needed when Alex begged for release from the sweet torture. Making love to Alex like this was Feryle's way of pushing the darkness, and evil from her life.

Sometimes though, Feryle could sense a deep primal need within Alex to just release and purge her body of the demons with cold, hard sex. Alex was always surprised that Feryle could tell exactly what she needed, and how she needed it. On those times their bodies came together with a fierce, and powerful need, that only they could understand. A need so strong that, in the end, left them sweating, exhausted, and gasping for breath.

Alex felt the heat spread through her body. A heat that had been absent since that last lazy Sunday morning. She hugged the pillow against her torso, and buried her head. The tears were gentle, not like the ones she had shed so long ago with Sam, but slow, tender tears, that epitomized the loss of the love of her life. Alex drifted off to sleep, and didn't wake again until almost noon.

As she lay waking up for the second time that day she remembered the dream she had just had. Strong, yet gentle hands, caressing her face. Tender, full lips, gently kissing her neck. It was only when the woman lifted her head to claim Alex's lips did she realize it wasn't Feryle, she had been dreaming about, but the mysterious, and intriguing Conner Harris.

Alex pulled the covers off of her body and slowly rose from the bed. She had learned by now that mornings were the worst moments of the day on her body. After lying in bed for hours, her muscles would get cold and stiff, and only gentle persuasion would get them to cooperate.

As she made her way through the house to the kitchen, she thought about the dream. It's only because I was thinking of Feryle, and our making love. Conner was the last person, I spoke with she argued to her self. "It's only a brain thing going on…it has nothing to do with her holding my hand last night." She mumbled to her self. "Sure, it felt good…hell, it felt great…but…oh hell woman, pull yourself together. It was a dream for god sake, just be thankful it wasn't like all the others." She growled as she walked into the empty kitchen.

Alex poured her self a glass of juice and walked out onto the deck. Leaning against the railing, she let the warm breeze wake her up. Just as she was about to step off the deck for a walk down to the water, the phone rang.


"Good morning sunshine" Sam's voice literally beamed over the line.

"Good morning to you to. I'm surprised you're up and about this early. It's only noon, and I know you didn't go right home and go to bed." Alex playfully kidded back.

"Yes, hell I did. Didn't get a lot of sleep though, and I'll have you know I've been awake for hours." Sam laughed as she teased Alex, knowing her friends face had to be bright red at the moment. "Haven't gotten out of bed yet, but I have been slinking about."

"Enough" Alex cried. "God woman, you're a maniac. How's Kelly, did she survive the night?"

"Yeeees, she survived my dear Alex. But hey, I didn't call to chat about my sex life, good as it is though" Sam snickered. "I was calling to see how your evening went last night after I left. You
and Conner stay for a while and talk?"

Alex could feel the heat rise in her cheeks. "Yea, we stayed for a little while after you left, and finished off the beer."

Sam could hardly contain the snort she felt, and just couldn't pass up the opportunity to rib Alex a bit. "Hmmm, well I just got off the phone with Conner. Seems she just drug her lazy ass out of the bed, and told me she didn't get home until almost 2 AM. Must have been quiet a party, but I'm not sorry I missed it."

Great, You were just busted, and good. Alex thought to her self.

"Ok, ok, maybe, we did stay just a little longer than a little while, but…hey don't you have more important things to be doing on a Thursday morning, than ragging on me? Don't you have to go to work or something?" Alex was clearly flustered at this point.

"Settle down girlfriend. I'm just giving you a hard time." Sam said with a little bit of sincerity.

"Ok, now for the real reason I called." Sam snickered.

"Gee, Sammy, I don't know if I can handle any more of your reasons for calling today." Alex laughed into the phone.

"No really." Sam started. "Kelly and I were thinking about doing a little grilling out on Saturday, and wondered if you were game for a nice fat steak."

"Come on Alex. I haven't seen you in ages." Alex could hear Kelly pleading.

"Enough already, ok. I'll bring the wine and dessert." Alex said in a surrendering voice. "What time is my presence expected?"

"Come early, say 4'ish. That way you and Kel can get caught up, and then we can concentrate on getting sloshed and going skinny dipping in the ocean." Alex teased.

"No way, been there, done that, ain't going there again." Alex laughed, remembering the night the beach patrol had them cornered in the surf. It had taken a lot of smooth talking on Alex's part to get them out of an indecent exposure charge. "Ok, well we'll see you on Saturday. Oh and Alex, you'd better make that two bottles of wine…two large bottles."

"Hey, I'll take care of the wine, you take care of the steak. See you Saturday, bye"

Alex couldn't help smiling to her self. Damn that woman. Always up to something sneaky. I can't believe I let her trip me up like that. "Your out of practice Montgomery. Better shape up, and quick."

Suddenly Alex felt a surge of energy and decided to go for a long run on the beach. She quickly changed clothes and was out the door. She hit the sand running, and was at least a half-mile down the beach only moments later, when her phone rang.

Alex set the phone down, and wondered what had possessed her to call Conner. Sure, she needed to confirm their plans for the next evening, but even as she dialed the phone there were still questions in her mind about going through with the dinner. She hadn't been out with anyone since Feryle, and the thought of actually having to carry on a personal conversation with someone made her stomach hurt. Still she had called, and now was standing there smiling over the conversation.

Conner certainly didn't seem like the tongue-tied, klutzy, woman that had been on the other end of the line. Experience told Alex that in order to survive the rigors of undercover work, one had to be quick witted and agile. Maybe it was meeting someone new that made Conner nervous. Sam had mentioned in her conversation earlier in the day that Conner hadn't seen anyone, well more than once anyway, since they had broken up two years ago. Alex chalked it up to nerves, just like the ones she was feeling.

Alex worked in the house, frequently glancing at the clock, waiting for Conner to call and say she was safe at home. A small smirk came to Alex's face when she thought about Conner' chin slide. Being home, and safe were not necessarily synonymous considering Conner's tendency to be accident-prone lately, she thought. Alex wandered around the house, finally deciding to have a nourishing dinner of wine and cheese out on the deck.

She watched the sky begin to turn into subdued shades of gold, and purple as the sun began it's nightly decent behind the horizon. She watched as two women, totally oblivious to everything but one another, walked hand and hand down the beach. How many times had she and Feryle walked that same path; making plans for their house, and for their future. She acknowledged that those days were long gone, as a tear slowly crept down her cheek.

Today, Alex decided, it was ok to feel the pain. She almost welcomed the raw, heart wrenching feelings that poured from her memories. Today she would allow the pain, for it provided the reminder of why she was back. Monday, she would turn the pain into the hate she knew so well. The hate that would bring Malcolm to his knees.

Alex ran a hand through her disheveled hair. Damn, if I keep this up I'll be bald. The habit was one that always gave away the fact that she was frustrated. Feryle had noticed it right away, and used it often as a means of getting the upper hand in some of their heated discussions.

Walking through the house to her office, Alex decided to read back over some of the files she had compiled on what she called now called "Feryle's Revenge." During her time recuperating after the raid, Alex had painstakingly cataloged, cross-referenced, and categorized hundreds of files, interviews, and case notes that pertained to the elusive Malcolm. As she read, she relived the fateful night of the raid. The night that she found out someone on the inside was a traitor, and the night she was almost killed as a result of that treason. She remembered the warehouse, the explosion, and the searing heat that radiated throughout her body as flying shrapnel imbedded itself into her back. She flinched as she remembered the pain, and literally jumped out of the chair, knocking the phone on the floor, as the shrill ringing of the damn thing broke into her thoughts.

Conner heard the receiver clattering to the floor, and Alex break into a colorful array of exasperated curses while picking up the phone, and then a breathless "Hello"

Conner wasn't sure how to respond, so she simply told Alex that she was home and safe.

"Good, I was about to dispatch the Calvary and the Coast Guard."

Although Alex had tried to make her comment light and playful, Conner could tell the woman was upset.

"Alex, is everything ok? I mean you sound a little upset." Conner asked hoping Alex wouldn't be offended by her questioning.

"Yea…sure Conner, I'm fine. I was just reviewing a case file, and the phone startled me, that's all." Alex hoped the lame excuse would satisfy Conner, although it was evident that her reaction hadn't been just the result of a ringing phone.

"Ok, if you're sure. Well, I'll let you get back to your reading." Conner decided to give the ball to Alex and let her decide if she was interested in any further conversation.

"Hold on a minute officer." Alex almost ordered over the phone, "How's the chin…and the head…and the rest of your beaten and bruised body?"

"Chin hurts like hell, I now look like a cone head with this goose egg I have, and the rest of the body, well it's not going to be very nice to me tomorrow I can tell already." Conner said laughing into the phone

"I am sorry I caused your…umm…accident. Maybe I should just page you in the future, maybe that will be safer, and easier on the body." Alex couldn't help but chuckle. She did feel bad about Conner's chin and head, although the visual she got when thinking about her sliding across the deck of the boat seemed to ease the pain of her guilt.

"Ha, Ha. That damn thing usually scares me worse. I have to keep it on vibrate, especially when I'm on the street, and it always feels like a stun gun when it goes off. Most people probably think I'm having the DT's or something when they see my reaction.

Alex couldn't hold back her hardy laugh at Conner's description, and added "Well maybe I'll just start e-mailing you then."

"Oh no you don't. I hate damn computers. They make me feel so incompetent. Last time I checked my email at the precinct, I had to get Buet to get me into it. I had something like a 100 emails, dating back six months. So my suggestion is if you want a timely response, just call me. I promise not to do anymore swan dives, ok."

"As you wish, it's your body after all." Alex replied

"Hey there, I can get this treatment form the guys downtown." And I'm sure I will tomorrow morning Conner thought. "I thought you liked me?"

"I do Conner…I like you a lot. Why else would I give you such a hard time? I don't treat just…anyone like this." Alex's voice took on a dark and sultry tone as she chided Conner, surprising herself when she thought back on the remark she had just made.

On the other end of the line, Conner found herself searching for her voice somewhere in the depths of her gut. Not knowing just how to respond to Alex's statement she simply uttered a simple, "Oh, ok"

Alex knew the woman had been temporarily speechless by her comment and tried to lighten things up a bit. "I usually just body slam and cuff the one's I don't care for. You might want to watch out that you never make me mad. I just might come at you with and evil look on my face and cuffs in my hand."

Conner could feel the heat radiating in the lower parts of her anatomy. She could just imagine what Alex could look like with and evil look and handcuffs. Although lust and not anger was the emotion Conner was contemplating in her mind. "Well. If your not careful agent Montgomery, I just might think your daring me here. It's been a long time since I've had a woman come after me with handcuffs. She said in an equally sultry voice.

Conner could almost hear Alex swallowing. She didn't know if the silence on the other end of the phone was because of Alex being angry, or speechless as Conner had been just moments before. She knew the conversation had turned towards dangerous ground, and didn't want to frighten Alex away before she really got a chance to know the mysterious woman.

Alex was trying very hard to find her voice when she heard a Conner screaming from the other end of the line.

"You little shit, I'm going to kill your furry ass in about two seconds if you don't get out of my face."

Alex broke out in a hardy laugh, knowing the cat that Conner was baby-sitting had managed to irritate her again. "Conner, how is it can you take down drug dealers, but can't seem to control a tiny little kitty?"

"This isn't just any tiny little kitty, I'll have you know. This is the cat from depths of hell. You should have seen my place when I got home last night. Almost everything in the house that wasn't nailed down was scattered in the middle of the floor. When I left, he was doing that cat thing licking himself, and looking all innocent, but when I walked out the door he apparently found other things to take up him time." Conner finished her raging with an audible growl.

"…And if that's not bad enough, my living room smell like a dirty shoe. Seth, Magnums daddy, decided he needed to have something that had his scent on it so the poor little thing wouldn't be frightened. Now I have an old dirty t-shirt lying in the corner of my living room, and from the stench coming from it, I think it's been worn daily, and not washed in years."

Alex let Conner vent her frustrations, and laughed as she recanted her experience with the cat. At least the conversation had veered back toward safer ground. Alex decided it would probably be easier if Conner just met her at the house the next evening. Alex knew of a great Italian restaurant not far from where she lived. They talked a while longer deciding to meet the next evening at six. Alex gave Conner the directions to her house, and her phone number in case anything came up or she got lost, and then said their good-byes.

Conner replaced the phone, and gave the cat a glaring look. "Well, I guess you did get me out of a tight situation. At least my scream broke the heavy silence that had made its way into out little conversation." With a growl, Conner gave the cat a pat on the head and walked down the hall to the bathroom, to the next order of business, a nice hot bath.

Conner relaxed in the bath as she let the warm water soothe the aches and pains that were quickly beginning to settle throughout her body. She let her mind drift back over her conversation with Alex. The conversation had taken an avenue of intimation, which allowed Conner's imagination to run rampant. She had already witnessed what those blue eyes could do to her heart the night before at Mike's. The visible pain in Alex's heart when she had spoke of Feryle, had
shown deeply in her eyes, turning them into pools of deep blue. She wondered just what shade of blue they turned when want and need was the emotion she felt.

The heat Conner felt drifting through her body was not from the water, which had cooled measurably, but from the thoughts that raged in her brain when she thought of Alex. The strong muscles, hidden under her clothes, were what Conner was imagining at the moment; and how they would feel pressed against her naked body. Conner had felt the strength in Alex's hands the previous night. Hands, that could not only fire a gun, or disable an assault, but were also capable of great tenderness. The full soft lips just begging to be kissed... Conner let out an involuntary groan as the heat ripped through her body.

Realizing that she was not helping her muscles relax, she pulled the plug in the tub, and stood to rinse off her body with the showerhead. "Cold water, gotta have cold water", Conner growled as she turned the spray on full force. Although the icy spray was doing its job in cooling off her libido, it was wreaking havoc on her already tense and sore muscles. Turning off the spray, Conner grabbed a towel and began to dry her body. The nerve endings in her skin were on full alert, and the usually soft towel was sending a menagerie of signals to her brain, as she felt the heat begin to stir once again. Throwing the towel on the floor in a bout if frustration, she pulled on her UF T-shirt, and headed into the bedroom. There curled up in what was now becoming his pillow, Magnum had settled down for a good nights sleep. She silently swore at her unwelcome houseguest, and crawled into the other side of the bed.

Alex woke up early on Friday morning. She had decided the night before to do some more reading on the case files. After a quick shower, and brewing a pot of coffee she headed to the office. One thing that kept bothering Alex was who on the inside had turned. There were a lot of reasons a cop would be tempted to turn, money being top of the list. Agents were always being offered bribes, payoff, drugs, almost anything to keep them off the criminal's backs. However, it was a bad cop that would allow his or her fellow agents to be killed. Alex have given herself migraines trying to think of any agents or cop involved in the case that had shown any weakness, and so far she had come up empty handed. As she sat and read through the files, she made a mental note to ask Conner about her fellow officers. The FBI and the JPD had worked closely on the case so it could be someone from the inside of JPD. She thought over how Conner might react to such a question. Local law enforcement officers were just as protective of their own as the FBI agents. Conner might not take it too well if she just blurted it out. Alex decided to see how things progressed during dinner and decided she wouldn't bring it up unless the opportunity presented itself.

Alex's body started screaming for relief from sitting in the chair, and she glanced at the clock realizing it was almost one o'clock. She decided a little fresh air and a long walk was what she needed to limber her up. A few minutes later Alex was walking along the shoreline, the cool ocean water lapping at her bare feet. She thought back to the two women she had seen the day before, and felt a sudden feeling of sadness flood over her. "Stop it, damn it, just stop it." She chided herself as she felt tears well up in her eyes. "We had some great years together. Maybe one day Feryle when this is all over, I can focus on those times, and not hurt so bad…maybe."

Alex knew she must look ridiculous, walking on the beach alone, talking to herself. She looked up realizing she had walked a lot further than she intended. Looking back over her shoulder, she could barely see the house beyond the dunes. Turning towards home, she began jogging at an easy gait, thinking about all she had to do before Conner arrived that evening.

Conner tried to look inconspicuous when she walked in the precinct the next morning. Of course Buet, being a jokester didn't let Conner even get by the front desk before he was looking her over with a gleam in his eye.

"Thought you had the day off yesterday Conner?"

"Morning, and yea, I did Buet." Conner said trying to sound casual, knowing Buet had spotted the gash on her chin, and the bruises on her arms. As she rounded the corner, she could hear him yelling. "Must have been one hell of a date, Conner. Didn't know you were having problems fighting them off. Let me know if you need a big stick." At the commotion all the other officers within earshot looked up and wanted in on the action.

"Hey Conner, you can borrow my stick anytime." Frank Bivins, one of the more repulsive cops in the precinct, yelled over to her.

"Give your wife a break Bivin's and go fuck yourself." Conner snapped back, as she headed into her cubicle.

Bivin's hated being laughed at and headed over towards Conner with that macho stride he thought looked tough. He came into Conner's already cramped cubicle and sat down on her desk, making his presence known not only to Conner but everyone else within sight.

He leaned over so close Conner could smell the bacon he had eaten for breakfast, and growled "So was your hot date with the legs that came in to see the Captain the other day. I noticed how much she flustered you when she stuck her head in here. Made you spill your coffee all over the desk." Conner sat forward effectively pushing Bivin's away with her movement, stood up and looked him squarely in the eyes. In a voice that could easily be heard by the convening crowd outside the cubicle Conner snarled, "You know Bivin's, I'm not like you, fucking anything that walks. When and if my private life becomes your concern… I'll send you a memo."

Bivin's face turned so purple, Conner thought for a second that he had stopped breathing until he leaned to whisper in her ear. "Better watch out how you talk to me Harris, one day I might have to cover your ass, and I don't think you want me pissed off when that day comes."

Conner stood her ground, not flinching when she could feel the whiskers on Bivin's face brush against her smooth skin. She turned her head just enough to hid her mouth from the onlookers and whispered, "That's true Bivin's, but you also have to remember, that it might be your slimy ass I'm covering one day, and I think you want me to be a real happy camper when that moment comes." Leaning back her voice rose just enough to include her audience again, "Now if you don't mind, get your ass off my desk, I have work to do."

Conner sat down at her desk, turned her back to Bivin's, and started searching through her filing cabinet thus dismissing him. "Watch your back Harris" was all Bivin's said as he turned and stormed off towards his own desk.

Bivin's received a lot of joking on his way back to his desk. He had come in intending to intimidate her, but left being dismissed by what he would refer to as a 'dyke cop' half his size. Conner knew the danger of alienating her fellow officers. Undoubtedly some of them would corner with Bivin's against her. However when she glanced a look beyond the cubicle she saw a few respectful looks given back her way. She even saw Sonny Henderson, one of the hardest cops on the force; give her a slight nod when she caught his eye.

Conner was sick and tired of the abuse doled out by the macho boys of precinct one. She had heard almost every insult, she could think of since she had been assigned here. I guess it's by no fault of their own, she thought to herself. She was in the middle of the Bible belt. Most of their belief system was so ingrained in them their DNA had mutated to reflect that fact. Conner finished up her rest of her leftover paperwork, and hit the streets.

Conner had been working on an unusual case. There had been some bad cocaine floating around the streets. It had shown up all over the north Florida area, which was a little unusual. Typically when a load of bad drugs hit the street the affected area was confined to the neighborhood dealer, or at least a relatively small area. She had worked with some of the agencies in the other locals, and what she was hearing back didn't sound good. Apparently, the neighborhood dealers, when busted had rolled over on their suppliers, in a trade off for a deal. All the fingers were pointing to a man the JPD, the FBI, DEA, and ATF had been drooling over for years. A man covered by layer after layer of protection that no one had ever been able to penetrate his shields…Malcolm Hernandez.

Malcolm Hernandez began living on the streets when he was twelve. He had never known his father, and never had any interest in finding out who he was, even if his mother could recall his name. Malcolm's mother, if you could call her that, was nothing more than a junkie. The only work she did, was the occasional robbery, or petty theft to feed her habit. On the days her body hurt from the need of her next fix, Maria would sell whatever she had in her possession for a hit. She wasn't above trading sex for her drugs either. Malcolm had spent uncountable nights listening to his mother's escapades in the next room. Finally, after one of her friends, as she called them, had come to his room after his mother passed out, he decided the streets were safer than his own home.

Malcolm had fit in well on the streets. He made his rounds from store to store, sweeping the sidewalks for the owners in trade for food. He had always considered himself lucky the day the long black car pulled up outside of Mr. Stone's market. Malcolm watched as three big men stepped out of the car. One walked into the store, the other stood on the street with his right hand in his coat pocket. The other man calmly opened the rear door and out stepped the man Malcolm would come to call Pop.

Mr. Stone sent Malcolm on an errand when the man walked in the store. Feeling like he was being shooed away, Malcolm snuck around to the back door and crept in, hiding behind the large boxes in the storage room. Malcolm heard Mr. Stone begging as the man's bodyguard held a gun to his head. "I promise you Mr. Gonzolas, I sent the money with my usual boy. I don't know what happened to him. I haven't seen him since yesterday morning, I swear."

Malcolm could see the sweat sliding down Mr. Stone's face as he shook with the terror of knowing he was about to die. Malcolm knew something had to be done or they were going to kill him. Slowly he slide out from behind the boxes, and eased his way toward the men. Gonzolas, looked up casually as if he knew Malcolm had been there all along. "I seen him yesterday after Mr. Stone gave him the bag. Don't know what was in it, but Joey went around the corner, and got in a big car just like yours and drove off." I promise Mr., don't hurt Mr. Stone, he didn't do nothing."

Gonzolas, looked hard at the boy pleading for Stone's life. "What's it to you kid? Afraid your going to lose you meal ticket?" Gonzolas asked the boy.

"No sir, I just don't want to see Mr. Stone hurt for something he didn't do."

"So how you know they didn't plan this thing together kid." Maybe, Joey's hanging low for a while, till things settle down. Then the two of the are gonna split the money and run." Gonzolas countered.

"Don't think Joey wanted Mr. Stone to know nothing bout it mister. He would always look around real nervous like, whenever that car would come around…like he didn't want Mr. Stone to know."

Gonzolas laughed deep from his belly. "Well, Stone looks like this kid saved you sorry hide today. I'll keep you around, but only on one condition. From now on the kid is your courier. Do I make myself clear."

"Yes sir, yes sir, anything you say Mr. Gonzolas." Stone knew he was sentencing Malcolm to a life of darkness, but as usual greed and his will to live won over his conscience. Mr. Gonzolas, calmly walked toward the front of the store, removing himself from the sound of shattering bones, as the guard brought the gun across Stones face. Malcolm watched with blank eyes. It wasn't his first taste of violence, and it certainly wouldn't be his last.

Conner worked the rest of the afternoon chasing leads. She felt like she had been chasing her tail more than anything else, but she had made a little progress. She had run down a few of her snitches, and questioned them hard. Although none would confirm her suspicions she had gotten the feeling Malcolm Hernandez was behind the bad drugs.

At Five o'clock Conner, started wrapping up her day. There was lightness in her step as she walked into the precinct and spotted Buet.

"My, my, we must have had a productive day. I haven't seen you smiling this big in…well…never, actually. What do you have up your sleeve Conner?" Buet always liked to tease Conner. He was probably the only person that could tease her about her private life, and walk away unharmed.

Conner grinned, and headed towards her cubicle chuckling at Buet over her shoulder. "Well Buet, if I told you that, it wouldn't be a secret…and I'm sure it wouldn't be nearly as juicy as what you're imagining."

She dropped her notes in her filing cabinet and locked it, grabbed a few files she knew she wanted to read over the weekend and headed towards the door. She reached for the door and pulled it open. Bivin's was on his way in and effectively blocked her exit as he stopped in front of her. Buet's senses came on full alert, as he watched the two officers stare each other down. Bivin's leaned down towards Conner, and whispered. "You have a good weekend officer Harris. Don't do anything that might make those bumps and bruises any worse." Conner shoved her way past Bivin's and stormed out the front door.

"Damn what a fucking, bitch of a day." Conner growled as she headed to the parking lot

"Well, at least it's over until Monday, and I am sure the night will be an improvement." She had just finished that thought when she rounded the corner and saw all four tires of the Jag flat against the concrete floor.

"Bivin's, that mangy piece of shit." Conner growled as she walked over to the car. She glanced at her watch and knew she wouldn't have time to get them replaced. It was five fifteen now, and she had to be on the road by five-thirty if she were going to be at Alex's on time.

Pulling her cell phone from her pocket, she dialed a taxi.

Alex saw the taxi pull into the driveway, and wondered who it could be. She waited at her bedroom window and saw Conner getting out. A few seconds later, the doorbell rang.

Alex opened the door to a clearly frustrated Conner Harris. Holding a hanging bag in one hand and a duffle bag in the other, Alex invited her inside.

"Sorry if I'm late. One of my esteemed colleagues decided to flatten all four of my tires this afternoon." Conner explained.

"Whoa, you mean another police officer slashed your tires" Alex questioned clearly confused.

"Well, I can't prove it was him…yet. But I have one of my famous gut feeling he is the one who did it." Conner offered, knowing she was jumping the gun accusing Bivin's of the deed. She should know better, she was a cop after all.

Alex stood watching Conner, with the baggage in her hands. "Here, let me take that for you. Do you haul around luggage in your car on a routine basis." Alex laughed as she helped Conner by lighting the weight in her arms.

"Well, actually no I don't. I didn't think I would look presentable going to dinner in my street clothes. I also didn't want to change at the station, especially after the hassle I got when I walked into the precinct this morning." Conner tried to growl but couldn't hide the smile coming through her voice. Turning towards the hallway Alex said, "Let me put these in the bedroom. Looks like you could use a drink, and a little time to settle before we go out."

There is beer in the refrigerator. Why don't you grab a couple and I'll meet you on the back deck.

Conner looked around the house for the first time. The house was absolutely amazing. She didn't think she had ever seen so many windows in one structure. Combined with the oak hardwood floors, and the high vaulted ceilings, the house was both energizing, and refreshing.

She walked over to the fireplace and noticed a collection of photographs on the mantle. There were several that had captured Alex in an amazing smile. One that was set off by the twin dimples that usually hid within her cheeks. Her eyes were a clear sparkling blue, emitting a happiness that only love could generate. The other woman could be no one else but Feryle, Conner surmised. There were photographs taken at moments that Alex and Feryle had shared on
vacations, weekends having fun, and holidays.

Alex hesitated as she entered the room. It had been a long time since anyone had been in her home, and she wasn't quite sure what she felt having a virtual stranger examining her private moments with Feryle.

"Umm, everything is in the bedroom, whenever you're ready to change. I don't know about you but I'm ready for a drink. What would you like Conner?"

Shocked by the voice behind her, Conner turned around quickly and faced Alex. She was surprised by the contrast of expressions she saw. She wasn't sure if it was anger, sadness, suspicion or all of the above that swept across Alex's face. One thing she knew was that it certainly wasn't the laughing happy face she had just observed in the photographs.

"Ahh, beer is fine with me, unless you would prefer something else."

"Beer is fine with me too. I just thought you might need something stronger, considering the kind of day you've had." Alex offered. Walking towards Conner Alex focused on her chin. As she stood in front of her she reached out and gently took Conner's face in her hand, and lifted her chin for a better view. "Ouch. Bet that hurts like hell." was all she could say.

Conner froze at the contact. She silently cursed her voice for turning tail and hiding in her stomach every time Alex was near. "Umm…well…it does kind of smart a little."

"Have you put any antibiotic on it this afternoon?" Alex questioned

"No mom." Conner laughed, I haven't been any where near a first aid kit, out on the streets."

"Well, you get the beer, and I'll get the first aid kit, and see you out back." Alex said as she headed back down the hallway.

Conner found her way into the kitchen where she retrieved two beers from the refrigerator, and headed out to the deck. When she stepped through the sliding glass doors what she saw was remarkable. The view to the ocean was completely unobscured except for the natural dunes, lying peacefully between the house and the water. The saw grass swung lazily in the evening breeze, and the water…the water was the most beautiful azure blue Conner had ever seen.

She looked down the beach in both directions and saw nothing but the pure undisturbed environment for at least a hundred yards on each side. The few houses she saw dotted on the landscape fit in perfectly with their natural surroundings. Conner couldn't believe this home was sitting close to one of the largest cities in the state. It felt more like she was on a deserted beach somewhere on a far off island.

"Well, I see you're admiring the view?" Alex said as she walked out onto the deck.

Conner looked at Alex is total wonderment. "Admiring, that's and understatement, this view totally blows me away Alex. How did you find this place?"

"I will tell no secrets until your chin has been seen to, so don't even try and change the subject." Alex said as she motioned Conner to a deck chair.

Conner couldn't move. She thought for a moment that she might pass out right here on the deck. Laughing at the look on the woman's face Alex laughed and grabbed Conner's arm and pulling her toward the chair. "Geez, and I thought you were a tough cop Harris. You look like I'm about to perform major surgery here. Relax its just a little peroxide, and some antibiotic salve."

Conner took a deep breath, and sat in the chair, relieved that Alex didn't see the terror in her eyes. Terror of having the woman so near, and touch her. She sat in the chair and nervously put her hands in her lap.

"You're pathetic Harris. I've seen kids braver than you." Alex said kneeling in front of Conner. Touching her chin Alex gently lifted Conner's head to get a better view of the gash. Alex could feel the woman trembling beneath her hands and wondered if Conner felt the jolting shock that she had when their skin had met.

Closing her eyes for a moment to regain her composure, Alex became aware of the delicious scent of the other woman. The clean, spicy scent that radiated from this woman made Alex want to lean in for more. When she finally opened her eyes, staring back at her were Conner's sea green eyes. Alex could almost hear her self gasp at what she saw in that instant. Desire, confusion, uncertainty, those were apparent, but also a hint of uncertainty.

Alex felt as if the air was being squeezed from her lungs. Taking a slow deep breath, and nervously licking her top lip, Alex broke eye contact first and looked down at Conner's lap. "Umm… Let's get this…ahh…cleaned up, so you can go get changed for dinner." Alex
said in a ragged voice, as she reached for the first aid kit, giving them both a moment to regroup.

Both women had to focus to control their involuntary reactions when their skin once again touched. Conner tilted her head back and stared at the sky, trying to think of her flat tires, groceries, anything but the gorgeous women touching her. The heat that radiated through her body, threatened to consume her at that moment.

Alex gently cleaned the broken skin on Conner's chin, taking great care not to inflict any more pain that necessary. Her hands were visibly shaking as she dabbed the peroxide on the wound, and hoped it wasn't too apparent. As tenderly as she could, she applied the antibiotic, and as she was beginning to sit back saw a faint scar running under the length of jaw. Unconsciously, she reached out and ran her hand down the scar, wondering how much pain this woman had endured.

Conner couldn't control her quick intake of breath as she felt Alex's hand stroke her jaw line. She lowered her head and looked deeply into the dark seductive eyes, asking her a wordless question. She knew if nothing else ever happened between them, that she would always remember this moment. If only she had a clue as to what Alex was thinking, then maybe she could make a reasonable choice as to how to respond. Taking the safe way out, she curled her lips into a smile and said "Bernie Fromboiskie."

Conner's comment broke through Alex's thoughts like a knife, and she sat back on her heels looking a little confused. "Excuse me?" "Bernie Fromboiskie." Conner said dryly. "A ten year old nightmare." The spell was broken and now Conner sat back in her chair and laughed as she remembered the night.

"My partner and I got called to a domestic dispute. When we got to the residence, this woman was beating the crap out of her kid. Seth went for the boy, and I went for the woman. Together we managed to separate them, and everyone chilled out. Seth had the kid a few feet away trying to distract him, and was showing the kid his bully stick. I was in the middle of questioning his mother when out of nowhere this kid whacked me in the jaw with Seth's stick."

Alex was not having much success in holding back her laughter, her entire body shaking as she tried to keep the grin off of her face.

"Hey, You're supposed to be feeling sorry for me. That kid almost killed me." She pouted.

"Ok, ok, go on with your story."

"Well, any way as I was saying, the kid whacked me. The mom obviously used to the brats reactions decided to take advantage of the situation, and jumped on Seth. Next thing I knew I was calling for back-up and bleeding like a stuck pig."

By this time Alex was on the floor laughing so hard her side was threatening to burst.

"Hell, it only gets worse from there. The ass, that I suspect slashed my tires today, was our back up. He and his partner came riding in, broke the whole thing up, carted me to the patrol car, and sent me off with Seth to the hospital for a few stitches. By the time we got back to the precinct, the entire squad had heard Bivins' blown up story about how a ten-year old kid beat the shit out of me. I don't think I'll ever live that one down." Conner said in a whining voice as she glared at Alex.

Alex sat up, and reached her hand out to stroke the scar once again. She looked into Conner's eyes for a moment and wanted nothing more than to pull her close and hold her in her arms, basking in the scent of the woman. Alex took a deep breath and smiled as she looked deeply into the woman's eyes. Conner saw Alex's lips part just enough for her to see the glistening tongue that teased those inviting lips, as she whispered, "Looks like that's going to get you a double scoop of ice cream for desert." And then let flow the most enlightening smile Conner had ever seen. If she hadn't been sitting in the chair she would have surly fallen flat on her face.

"No way am I settling for ice cream tonight. You already owe me big time for my chin slide. Now, since you have found so much humor in my painful experience with Bernie, it's really going to cost you now." Conner said as she raised an eyebrow, and snarled at Alex.

"Ok, ok, what ever you say. Now go get changed so we can get moving. All that laughing has worked up an appetite in me, and I'm famished."

Alex stood up and led Conner back into the house as the two warm beers sat untouched on the deck. Alex led Conner down the hallway to her bedroom, questioning herself the entire way as to why she chose to put them here, and not in the guest room. She led the way into the room and showed Conner the bathroom. After a moment of uncomfortable silence, Alex left the woman to get dressed.

She immediately headed to the kitchen and pulled a beer from the refrigerator. Twisting the top off she took a large swallow. Feeling the cold beer flow down her throat Alex ran her hand through her hair. Damn, she thought. What am I doing? You would think I was some adolescent teenager with raging hormones. Alex walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa, wondering just what it was about the woman that was now in her bedroom changing to go out to dinner with her. No, Alex thought, not my bedroom…mine and Feryle's.

A few minutes later Conner came into the room. She had changed into a pair of brown slacks and a tan silk blouse. She had let her hair down, and it now flowed freely across her shoulders. A small gold chain hung around her neck adorned with a tiny locket. Alex felt the air rush in as she took in a surprising breath. The tough street cop that sat on the deck a few moments before had transformed herself into a stunning and seemingly fragile woman.

Conner looked into Alex's eyes, as she tried to read the expression on her face, but all she could do was fall deeper and deeper into the sultry eyes that stared back at her. Breaking the silence Conner asked, "Well, do I clean up ok Agent Montgomery." A grin across her face, as she closed the distance between them.

"Yea, I'd say you clean up pretty well, Agent Harris. Now let's see if I can do the same. Make yourself comfortable, I'll be right back." Alex headed back towards the bedroom. She hadn't intended on changing clothes, but needed a minute to let her thoughts, and body, settle down. Seeing Conner as she walked in the room had set flames coursing down to her soul. Grabbing another blouse and a vest out of the closet, Alex quickly changed.

Conner was strolling around the living room, looking at bits and pieces of Alex and Feryle's life together when Alex reentered the room. This time though, Alex didn't sense the protective shield come up, somehow she knew Conner wasn't a threat to Feryle's memory. It was as if the more she knew of Conner, the more she could remember of Feryle, and not hurt.

They gathered their things, and headed out the door to dinner. The drive took only a few minutes. Alex had made reservations for eight o'clock earlier in the day, so she knew that they wouldn't have a wait. As she and Conner walked into Antonio's, she was overwhelmed by the smell of the homemade Italian cuisine. She was telling Conner that this had been one of her and Feryle's favorite restaurants when the booming voice of a woman broke into their conversation.

"What do you mean, one of your favorite's? You always told me it was you favorite." A grin broke across Alex's face as she recognized the woman's gruff voice behind her. Turning around the, Alex was swept up into a warm and fond embrace by the woman. "Maria, of course it is my all time favorite. I can't imagine what I was thinking." Alex placed a tender kiss on the woman's cheek. Alex and Maria spoke for a few moments, Alex being chastised for not being into the restaurant in so long. The smiles were warm and loving on each woman's face. Conner knew there was a history here, one that involved Feryle, and she didn't know exactly what she should do at the moment, so she strolled over to the displayed menu and pretended to read.

A few moments' later Conner's thoughts were broken by a deep throaty voice in her right ear. I was wondering where you got off to."

Conner turned her head slightly, only inches away from those tantalizing lips. She hesitated for a moment, and then almost whispered, "Well, I had a feeling that you hadn't seen each other in a while and wanted to give you a few moments to talk."

Alex tilted her head and looked at Conner with an appreciative smile. "Thanks, it has been a while. Actually I haven't seen Maria or Antonio since Feryle's memorial service. It's is really good to see them again, but…"

"Alex, you don't have to explain." Conner broke in. Her eyes telling Alex that she understood, and that everything was ok. "I…umm…know it must be hard for you, coming back here, reliving all of these memories." Conner was about to ask Alex why they had come here, when she heard Maria call that their table was ready.

Maria took Alex's elbow and led the way through the dining room. She stopped at a very private table by a window overlooking the garden. Conner could see the strain in Alex's face as she sat down, and her trembling chin as she stared out the window.

"Alex, if your not comfortable coming here tonight, we can go somewhere else. I really won't mind. I like Mexican, Chinese, Burger King…"

"No, Conner it's ok, I just didn't think Maria would seat us here…at this table…not tonight…not my first time back." Alex ran a hand through her hair and let out a haggard breath. "Anyway, if we left now, it would only upset Maria, and I wouldn't want to do that."

"Ok, if that's what you really want, but…"

"Conner, it's fine...really." Alex smiled. "And furthermore, you can't find better, or bigger scoops of ice cream anywhere else this side of the Mississippi."

Conner saw a slight twinkle in Alex's eyes, and knew that she had dealt with the first, of probably many, demons, and everything was going to be ok, at least for tonight.

Maria hovered over them most of the evening. Alex finally able to get a word into the conversation introduced Conner to her old friend. The sideways glance, the raised eyebrow, and the small smile Maria gave Alex didn't escape detection from either woman. Alex handled it well, and they ended up having a wonderful dinner.

They talked about the house, and the months it had taken Alex and Feryle to get it livable. Alex explained that during that time was when she and Feryle had met Maria and Antonio. They had completely gutted the kitchen and had to look elsewhere for nourishment. Thus the friendship had begun. Alex also went on to tell Conner that the last night she and Feryle had spent together, was here having dinner at this very table.

Conner was flabbergasted, at the news, and suddenly felt like an intruder. Alex picked up the signs of Conner's uneasiness and let her know that it was ok. If she had not been able to deal with it they would have gone somewhere else for dinner. This made Conner feel a little easier; especially given the thoughts she had been having about Alex throughout their evening.

By the time they had finished dinner, and had shared the biggest bowl of ice cream Conner had ever seen, it was almost midnight. The evening had been enjoyable for both women, and they had completely lost track of the time. When Maria came back by the table, Alex asked for the check. What ensued was the funniest sight she had seen in a while. The two obviously bull-headed women arguing over the check had Conner in stitches. Maria finally won of course, saying it was a welcome home gift. Alex feigning a pout when she realized the battle was lost.

They made their way slowly back to the car. Both women felt stuffed from dinner, and a little lightheaded from too much wine. The drive back to the house was refreshing. Alex had taken the top off the jeep earlier in the week, and the cool ocean breeze swept though their hair. It had been a good night for both women.

When they had driven into the drive, and gotten out of the jeep, Alex started walking them around the side of the house. There was a peaceful, and easy silence between the two women as Alex led them down towards the dunes. They walked along lost in their own thoughts for a few minutes before Alex finally spoke.

"I really enjoyed dinner with you tonight Conner."

Conner could barely make out Alex's words as the sound of the waves filled the background with soothing sounds.

"I'm really glad you did Alex. I was afraid that you weren't going to when…"

Alex broke into Conner's words. "I did too…at least for a while.

Somehow it was almost surreal going back there. The memories that flooded my mind when we sat down at that table…the pain…the...the loss." Alex almost said loneliness, but realized that she hadn't been lonely. Conner had made the trip back into Antonio's, bearable. Although there had been a sad veil enveloping her spirit, Conner's presence had fashioned a peaceful ambiance to the evening.

They had stopped walking, and were facing each other in the darkness, only the glow of the full moon casting a light on each woman's face. The smell of the sea, mixed with Alex's scent, was almost more than Conner could bear. She reached out and pulled Alex onto her arms.

Alex tensed at the touch of the other woman, then let herself relax and be comforted by Conner's embrace. Conner's arms completely surrounding her letting Alex know and feel the strength of her feelings. Alex slowly let her arms circle Conner's waist, and the two women stood for a long time, just relishing the warmth of each other. Lost in thoughts they were both too frightened to utter aloud.

Pulling the woman closer, Conner let out a small quiet sigh, as she tucked her head into the soft tresses of Alex's hair, inhaling the scent of her shampoo, and the essence that could only be Alex herself. Conner could feel the rapid beat of Alex's heart in her neck. Turning her head slightly, she planted a small kiss over the pulsing beat.

Conner felt more than heard the quick intake of breath from Alex. She lifted her head, and looked into the shaded irises of Alex's eyes. What she saw was a barely concealed look of want and need, what she felt was a deep burning heat that ached to find relief.

Alex was completely overwhelmed by the warmth and tenderness in Conner's embrace. She could feel her pulse pounding in her chest, making her lightheaded. The quiet moan she heard from Conner as she kissed her neck, was almost as powerful as the sensation she felt coursing through her body. Slowly she lifted her head to meet Conner's eyes. There, in those eyes, was passion…lust…and need.

Conner's lips were but a breath away from Alex's. Her own lips parted, just slightly, in anticipation of what was to come. She slowly bent her head to kiss those delectable lips, when suddenly headlights engulfed them in a bright circle of light.

Both women jumped as the four-wheel drive truck pulled beside them. Besieged by the emotions still coursing their bodies Alex and Conner spun around and faced the offensive lights.

Sliding to a stop beside them, Bivin's let out a robust laugh, "Scared you there, didn't I Harris?"

"What the hell do you want Bivin's? You could have killed us driving up on us like that." Conner screamed at the other officer.

"Easy girl." Bivin's snarled. "Your just pissed, cuz I messed up your little party here."

Alex could tell that this man Bivin's had been drinking. She could smell it on him from five feet away. If she remembered correctly, this was the man Conner suspected of slashing her tires earlier in the evening. The more the man derided Conner the angrier Alex became.

" Do you mind telling me what you're doing on my beach?" Alex snarled in an equally hostile voice.

"Whoa, there sweetie." Bivin's responded in a sarcastic reply. "Hey Conner why don't you introduce me to the legs." Bivin's made no show to hide the fact that he was admiring Alex's body from head to toe.

"I really don't think she cares to meet you Bivin's, and I think she asked you a question." Conner pursued.

"Well, to answer your question legs." Bivin's glared at Alex, "I don't think you own the beach lady, as an law enforcement official in this county, I do believe this is a public beach." Bivin's had stood from the car and now stood inches from Alex's face, the stench of his breath threatening force her backwards.

Alex returned his cold glare, not allowing the larger man to intimidate her. She regarded him as she would a suspect. "I believe officer, that you should go back and do a little reviewing. According to the law in the State of Florida, the public beach area begins at the wet/dry line. If my estimate is correct, you would now be standing approximately ten feet within my property line, and I'm asking you very nicely…to leave."

Even in the darkness, Conner could see the veins in Bivin's neck almost explode. His breathing ragged, he growled, "And what if I don't feel like leaving, little lady? What if I feel like sticking around an getting in the game you and Harris were starting." Grabbing Alex's arm, Bivin's tried to pull Alex toward him.

Before Conner could react, Alex had lifted her left elbow and allowed her forward momentum to propel it into Bivin's nose. Stunned by the quick movement, Bivin's released Alex, grabbed his nose, and stepped back a couple of feet. Alex didn't waste any time taking advantage of the distance. She pivoted on her left foot while bringing her right leg up, and delivered a brutal blow the Bivin's chest.

Alex never slowed, and as Bivin's lay on the ground gasping for air, she flipped him over until his broken and bloody nose was pressed into the ground. She twisted his arm around his back rendering him defenseless as she pressed her right knee into his back. "Well, if you don't leave on your own, you just might piss me off officer, and I don't think you want to do that." Alex growled into his ear.

"You fucking bitch." Bivin's screamed as Alex twisted his arm higher on his back. "Conner tell this bitch who I am, tell her I'm hauling her ass in, and taking you with her as an accessory."

Even the severity of the moment couldn't overcome the amusement Conner felt at Bivin's prone form being ground into the sand by Alex. She slowly circled, and kneeled down close to Bivin's face openly laughing at his predicament. "Well, before I do that asshole, maybe I should make some formal introduction here. "Alex I'd like you to meet Frank Bivin's, a slime ball cop I have the misfortune of working with downtown." Conner's voice was full of contempt for the man. Looking towards Alex for approval, she was met with a slight nod. "… And Frankie, I'd like you to meet Alex Montgomery, or maybe I should make things a little clearer and say Special Agent Alex Montgomery, of the FBI."

Bivin's strained to turn his head to look at Alex, but she kept him pinned firmly to the ground. Leaning forward so she could get closer to his ear, and unintentionally, well maybe not totally unintentionally, pressing her knee further into his back, Alex gave him a choice. "I'll make a deal with you officer Bivin's. I'll let you up and you can get back in your truck and get the hell off my beach, or I can charge you with not only trespassing, and destruction of a natural resource; but also with assault on a Federal Officer. I think the first choice would be the wisest…unless of course you don't have any plans for the next couple of years…or five." Twisting the arm just once more she added "What's is going to be, door number one, or door number two." Alex growled into his ear.

"Let me up…now" Bivin's growled back.

"Remember what I told you. Leave like a good little boy, or I'm coming down hard on you, and I promise you will not like it." Alex released the pressure on his arm and stood up. Bivin's stood quickly, rubbing his shoulder where Alex had stained it. Alex and Bivin's glared at each other for a moment, each testing the resolve of the other. Finally Bivin's broke the stare and turned towards Conner. "Next time, I'll make sure you don't have your pet feebie with you Conner, then we'll see what a tough girl you really are." Bivin's stalked to the truck, got in and sped away, showering the two women in a needling spray of sand.

Not realizing she had been holding her breath, Alex let out and exasperated sigh, and ran her hand through her hair. Looking at Conner's face she could tell Bivin's had gotten to her. The pale let Alex know she was frightened, and stunned by the actions of her fellow officer. Reaching out she took Conner's hand and pulled her down to the sand.

"God, Alex, I'm so sorry. I had no idea he had followed me out here tonight." Then with a sudden realization she turned and faced Alex, "He must have been watching us all evening, or at the least lurking somewhere in the shadows waiting for us to come back to the house." Conner suddenly felt guilty. Alex had already been through enough the past year, and now she had somehow managed to drag her into the middle of this undeclared war between her and Bivin's.

"It's not your fault Conner. You can't take responsibility for someone else's actions. He doesn't seem to be a very stable man." Alex spoke to Conner in soft soothing words. "If I were you, I think I would avoid him as much as possible, at least until he calms down a bit."

Yes, I know what you mean. I think it's a good thing we have the weekend before I have to see him again…at least I hope." Conner was frustrated, scared, and tired." Looking at her watch she saw that it was one-thirty in the morning. "I need to go. I wanted you to have a good time tonight. I didn't mean to practically get you assaulted, and keep you up half the night. Conner looked at Alex guiltily.

Not knowing exactly how to express her self Alex looked at Conner, and took hold of her hand. "Conner, I really don't think it's such a good idea that you be out on the road tonight. I'm sure he is halfway back to the city by now, but you can't be too careful with people like him. I would really appreciate it if you would stay here tonight." Alex said softly.

"Alex, this has already been too much of a hassle for you. I'll just go call a taxi and get out of here so you can enjoy the rest of your weekend in peace." Anger flashed through Alex's eyes, and her lips formed a very thin line on her face as she took a deep breath to calm herself before she spoke. "Conner Harris, you must think I am a cold bitch, if you think for a moment that I could go in and go to sleep, knowing you were out there on the road, not knowing where Bivin's is at the moment.

Conner's eyes registered the shock at the declaration Alex had just made. She opened her mouth to speak but Alex cut her off before she could say a word. "…As for enjoying my weekend…well…I thought I might get lucky enough to get an invitation to…umm…meet the other terror in your life. Conner's face conveyed a total look of confusion.

"You mean you want to meet Seth's cat? Conner asked in a bewildered voice

"No silly." Alex said now laughing at the confusion she saw on Conner's face. "I thought you might let me meet 'The Shady Lady'. After all she worked in concert with me to bang up that cute chin of yours." Alex reached out and gently stroked Conner's chin with her hand, not knowing if the trembling she felt beneath her finger was from her fright moment before, or her touch.

Conner smiled, and looked at Alex. Laughing quietly she nodded her head in agreement.

"Ok, then it's settled. You'll stay here tonight. In the morning we can see about getting your tires fixed, and then I'll follow you to your little island, and we can speed the day as far away from Bivin's as we can get. Does that sound like a plan to you?"

"Sounds like a damn fine plan to me, Agent Montgomery…a damn fine plan."

Standing up, Alex reached down and offered her hand to Conner, lifting her off of the sand. Stumbling from the uneven terrain, Conner found herself once again in Alex's arms. Hugging Alex warmly, Conner whispered a quiet "thank you", in Alex's ear. Pulling her face away, looking into Alex's eyes, she bent her head and gently placed a warm tender kiss on Alex's temple.

Alex held the woman warmly, and was disappointed when Conner began to pull away, until she felt the gentle kiss Conner deposited on her temple. At that moment, Alex felt welcomed warmth spread through her body. The two women held each other's eyes for a moment, and then they reluctantly released each other, turned and walked slowly towards the house.

Walking up the steps of the deck, both women realized that they needed a shower to wash off the sand Bivin's had sprayed in his heated departure. After showing Conner to the guest bedroom and
bath, the women spent a few uncomfortable moments in silence, before Alex said goodnight, leaving Conner alone.

Alex headed into the master bedroom. Closing the door, she let out a breath as the depth of the evening engulfed her. She had run through a gauntlet of emotions, from fear during the encounter with Bivin's, to pure bliss at the moment Conner had place the tender kiss on her temple, to total confusion as to how she would respond to those feeling in the morning.

Alex showered, and slipped between the cool sheets of her bed. The chill she felt was in contrast to the warmth she felt when she slipped into Conner's arms. Laying their thinking of the evening, Alex fell into a fitful sleep, filled with dreams, of Feryle…and the woman who now lay sleeping in the next room.

Alex took a cool shower. She needed the cool water to wash away the heat that had threatened to overtake her body. She quickly dried, and curled beneath the sheets, holding a pillow close to her body. She soon slept, and dreamed of what might have happened had Bivin's not made his unwelcome appearance on the beach.

Conner woke with a start, looking around confused until she remembered the events of the night before. She lay back down against the soft pillows and listened for sounds that would indicate Alex was awake. A few moments later the luring aroma of coffee crept into the bedroom pleading with her to get out of bed. She quickly brushed her teeth, dressed, and headed in the direction of the tantalizing smell, knowing Alex would be waiting at the other end of the journey.

Quietly walking into the kitchen, she could see Alex sitting on the desk, coffee in hand, gazing out at the receding tide. Getting a cup of coffee for herself, she opened the sliding door, and stepped into the cool breeze one could only find near the ocean.

"Good morning, sleepy head."

The sound of Alex speaking startled Conner. She thought the roar of the ocean had drowned out her entrance. "Good morning back. Have you been up long?"

"About an hour. I just couldn't bring myself to wake you. You looked so tired last night, and I thought you needed to sleep." Alex looked at Conner as she sat down next to her. "Actually, you look like you could use a little more. Did you not sleep well?"

"No, I slept fine." Conner lied.

A knowing looked crossed Alex's face and Conner realized she had been caught in a lie. "Well, I did wake up a few times, here and there, but overall I think I got enough rest."

"Well, I was thinking that after we both shower, you might want to get some breakfast, and then go see about your car. I would cook for us here, but I only returned to town on Tuesday, and I haven't shopped for groceries yet." Alex said sheepishly. "Any way it gives me a great excuse to expose you to another fine dining establishment that I frequent." Alex had a sneaky gleam in her eyes, as she informed Conner of their tentative plans

"I have a feeling, maybe I should be frightened here…no?"

"If you think you were full last night after dinner, just wait until we finish breakfast. I know I for one, will be feeling like a beached whale." With that Alex puffed out her cheeks and made a face at Conner, trying to get her out of the quiet mood she was in.

Conner spilled her coffee, as she laughed so hard at Alex's sudden break from character. "And just where are you taking me this morning?"


"Sal's?" Conner raised an eyebrow, imagining a greasy spoon diner.

"Yes, Sal's, it's...it's…well indescribable, you'll just have to see for yourself. I'm famished just thinking about it, how about you? You hungry yet?"

At the question, Conner's stomach growled, which sent the women into another burst of laughter.

"Well, maybe we had better go get ready, before that thing comes to life." Alex said rising from the chair. "I'll meet you back her in a few minutes", and turned and went inside.

Alex showered quickly, knowing Conner was hungry. She pulled on a pair of white shorts, and a dark blue tank top. The top was very form fitting, accentuating Alex's firm breasts. She spent a little extra time with her hair, and make-up. Looking in the mirror, as she smoothed in her blush, Alex wondered why she was being so picky about her looks this morning, and snarled at herself in the mirror. "Ok, I like her alright. It doesn't mean anything is going to happen. I just want to look good today." She ran a hand through her hair and immediately swore, "Damn it, now look what you've done."

"Alex?" came a tentative voice from outside the bedroom door.

"Umm, Oh Yea, I'll be right out."

"Are you alright, I heard you talking, and well…ahh…" Conner suddenly realized that Alex had been talking to herself, and smiled. Wonder what that was all about, she thought, heading down the hall to the living room. Maybe Alex wasn't the calm, cool and collected woman she wants me to think she is. Maybe she is just as nervous and warm as I am. She was contemplating the question when Alex walked into the room.

"What are you smirking about in here?

Rising and walking to the table to get her wallet, Conner snickered. "Oh nothing, just…stuff. Turning for the door Conner looked back over her shoulder. "You coming, or am I going to have to introduce myself to Sal?"

Shaking her head in frustration Alex followed Conner to the jeep. Sal's it seemed was a local institution that Conner had somehow managed to miss in her years in Jax. The breakfast bar as it was called to the regular patrons, was situated on a side street in Atlantic Beach, close to the Mayport Navel Station. It was a gathering place for a lot of the navel and civilian personnel of MNS and the Port Authority, as well as other early morning diners. Although it was close to ten by the time they arrived Sal's was still packed with people eating huge plates of eggs, bacon, grits, toast, and other things Conner couldn't discern.

After a twenty-minute wait they were finally seated near the window looking out over the St. John's River. They women ordered coffee first, wanting to take their time and look over the menu. Conner looked around and saw that some of the people eating breakfast had undoubtedly not been home yet, but were nourishing their bodies after a night out partying. The place seemed like an unusual place for Alex to frequent. Maybe this is Alex's way of letting me know she isn't
the prim and proper woman she appears to be, Conner thought.

"There you go again. Am I going to have to push bamboo shoots under your nails to get you to tell me what you've been smirking about all morning, or are you going to fess up." Alex asked in a raw husky voice that sent tantalizing shivers all through Conner's body

"Well…right now I was thinking about how this place doesn't quite fit your personality." Looking around she could tell these people were definitely not in Alex's circle of friends.

"Well, I do have several personalities." Alex smiled, and sat back in her seat.

"Oh…ok…well just make sure the nice ones are out and about when I'm

"I'll try Conner, but sometimes I just can't control one of them. She is always trying to get into some kind of trouble." Alex gave Conner a sly smile and lifted her eyebrow in a teasing gesture."

Conner could feel the heat surge through her body, and knew Alex could see it as well. Taking a moment to regain her composure, she took a sip of her coffee. Determined not to let Alex get away with the tease, Conner leaned back in her seat, draped her arm out and over the back of the booth. "Well, then Agent Montgomery, I wonder what would happen if both our alter egos surfaced at the same time? There might be a lot of trouble, lurking in the shadows, for us to find. Giving Alex a dark, sultry look, Conner slowly licked her lips, and spoke the words in an equally raw voice.

Alex knew she had been called on her tease, and decided to play it out a little further, just to see where Conner's interests lay. "Well, when my alter ego comes out, it's sometimes hard to get her to go away. She isn't allowed out very much and sometimes…"

"Oh…well that's great." Conner broke in, "I've never been one who really enjoyed one night reviews." She hoped Alex couldn't see the half-truth in her eyes. Conner had certainly had her share of one-night stands the past couple of years, but she had never really enjoyed them. To her they were more of a purging in pent up anger and tension.

Their eyes locked and held as each woman tried to read the hidden message in the others words. Alex knew she was playing with fire here, but couldn't stop. There was something about this woman that forced her to shed the protective shield around her. A fire stormed through Alex's body as Conner bit her bottom lip, and smiled a knowing smile.

"Alex, sweetheart, where the hell have you been?" Unlocking their eyes from one another, Alex beamed as she recognized the man waddling towards them.

"Sally, how ya doin? Been on an extended vacation, if you get my drift." Alex rose and threw her arms around the large man.

Conner sat in a shocked silence, as Alex totally transformed into another being before her eyes. Where the hell did the jersey accent come from she asked herself. Trying to read the scene she felt more than heard the two talking and looking at her.

"Sally meet my new girl here, Connie."

Working undercover had taught Conner how to play a scene at a moments notice, so she stuck her hand out to shake Sal's hand.

"Nice to meet ya, Sal." Although it wasn't as good a jersey accent as Alex's, it passed. Glancing at the other woman, Conner could see a slight nod of appreciation, and admiration for playing the unexpected role.

Alex, and Sal talked about 'old times' for a while and during the conversation Conner figured out that this was one of Alex's undercover hang outs. Conner was a little miffed that she hadn't at least warned her that she might have to role-play here.

Although, when she thought about it she decided to give Alex the benefit of the doubt. There had been many times that Conner had found herself in situations where she had to go under, at a moments notice, not affording her companions the luxury of a warning. Maybe this was one of those times for Alex. Either way she intended to fond out.

If Alex had meant for this meeting to take place, then she would damn well have to clue me in, and I expect to know what she is looking for in a place like this. It couldn't be a case, Conner thought; she just got back into town this week. Unless…she pursed her lips trying to figure all the angles, unless it had something to do with Feryle's murder.

"Now that doesn't look like a happy thought. What are you thinking about so seriously? Alex questioned as she sat back down at the table.

"Maybe we had better talk about it after we leave. Don't want to make the natives nervous." Conner hinted to Alex that she knew this was a covert outing, and let it go at that.

Feeling relief at Conner's response, and guilt that she had unwittingly drug Conner into the scene, Alex picked up the menu and began studying the various choices. They placed their order and continued talking as if the conversation with Sal had never happened.

They ate quickly and efficiently in their haste to get moving, and on with their plans for the day. Full of nervous energy from all the caffeine they had swallowed, they headed towards the parking garage to tend to Conner's car. Conner had called the police garage before they left the house, and asked that they send someone over to replace the tires. Technically they police department was responsible for the repair and maintenance since they owned the vehicle. Since it was a Saturday, Conner hadn't really expected them to be there when she And Alex arrived, much less there and gone already.

The women drove up to the pleasant surprise, both happy that they had just gained a couple of more hours of playtime. Conner quickly drew directions to her condo, just in case they got separated during the drive to the island. Closing the jeep door, Conner turned back and looked at Alex, a very contented smile on her face.

"I'm really glad you thought of the idea to see the 'Shady Lady' Alex. I have a feeling we're going to have a fun day. Conner strolled over towards her car. Looking back over her shoulder she yelled at Alex, "Wanna race?"

"I wouldn't stand a chance against that hot machine of yours. I think I'll pass and be a law abiding senior citizen…just for today."

Conner got in the car and leaned out the window, "Party pooper" she pouted, and stuck her tongue out at Alex and laughed. She started the car and they headed for what both women felt would be a day filled with fun and a lot of sexual tension.

Conner headed back towards the direction of Sal's. It took Alex a few minutes to realize that Conner intended to take the ferry over to the island. It was about a fifteen-minute wait before they could drive onto the ferry, and Conner walked back to the jeep, while they waited in line.

"Conner this is great. As long as I have lived here, I've never taken the ferry." Alex's happiness was evident. The twin dimples on each side of her face popped in as she let out a glowing smile.

The two women leaned against the jeep and Conner told Alex about the history of the ferry. It ran less than a mile across the mouth of the St. John's River from Mayport to St. George Island. Until the state had built better roads, the ferry had been a major vessel of transportation to and from the island. Alex listened with interest at Conner's historical commentary, but soon the line began to move forced the two women to part and head towards their separate cars. After they drove onto the ferry they once again got out of their cars, and leaned against the railing, as the ferry made it's way across the St. John's River. It was only about a ten-minute voyage but it had left Alex invigorated, and anxiously eager for their day trip to continue.

Returning to their cars, Conner led the way. They traveled trough breathtaking scenery, as they traveled over both Big and Little Talbot Islands. Soon they were in the island and headed towards Conner's Condo.

The island was one of the most naturally preserved islands Alex had ever seen. Although there had been a major influx of tourist, and residents over the years, she could tell great care had been taken to preserve the natural landscape as much as possible. They turned onto Ocean Avenue, and Alex could see the beach a few hundred feet to her right, as the waves fell gently on the shore in a lazy ebb tide.

Conner pulled into a wide drive and stopped in front of a large structure. Conner stopped momentarily as she pushed the button for the garage. The doors slide up exposing a wide double garage. Conner pulled in on the left side, and waved Alex into the right parking space. They got out of their cars, and Conner led the way into the condo.

Alex walked in and was struck by the beautiful space that Conner called home. Looking a little bewildered, Alex turned to Conner. "I thought you said you had a small condo on the island. Conner, this is…absolutely breathtaking."

Alex walked over to the floor to ceiling windows that spanned the entire room and looked out at a private walkway leading to the beach below. Turning around and facing Conner, Alex saw a hint of pride and embarrassment on Conner's face.

"Well it is small compared to some of the other places on the island…sort of…ya know? Conner replied sheepishly. She saw Alex eyeing the expensive artwork and furnishing in the condo, and decided she had better confess before Alex got the idea that she was on the take or something.

"Ok, I'll confess the whole story, but you have to promise not to hold it against me, ok?

Alex's eyes narrowed, and she knew this was going to be interesting. Deciding to tease her a little more this morning, Alex smiled and smirked. "Well, I'm not sure I can promise that I won't hold
anything against you…I ummm…kinda liked…ahh…holding me against you last night."

Conner took a ragged breath and involuntarily took a step towards Alex. With dark, penetrating eyes, Conner growled. "You'll get yourself in a lot of trouble if you don't watch that teasing Agent Montgomery…or is your alter ego trying to come out and play"?

Alex felt the rush of heat course through her body as Conner eyes melted her soul. Deciding it was too early to start 'playing' Alex decided to redirect the conversation. "Well, that depends if your going to tell me the story about your mini mansion, and then take me sailing."

"Oh, we're definitely going sailing, but I need a drink if your going to make me spill my guts. What so you want, I have sodas, beer, wine…?'

"Beer is fine with me, if that's what your having."

"Make yourself at home, I'll be right back." Conner said heading to the kitchen.

Alex looked around the room, and learned a surprising amount about Conner. She was an ardent collector of Ansel Adams photographs. She liked a variety of music. Her collection ranged from light country to bach to New Age. There were personal pictures sitting discreetly among the collections of valuable art works, indicating the things that Conner treasured were not only inanimate objects, but also the people around her. Alex was intently looking at a photograph hanging on the wall near the fireplace. The man looked vaguely familiar to Alex, but she couldn't place him. Maybe he just looks like someone I know, she was thinking.

"Ahh, I see you've met pops."


"Yes, He is the reason for all of this" Conner looked around the room and spread her arms to indicate the house, as well as the contents.

Knowing she had to explain, Conner let go of a deep sigh. "Geez, I can see your not going to let me get out of this, so have a seat, and I'll explain the whole outrageous story." Conner sat down and propped her feet up on what had to be a Chippendale coffee table, worth several thousand dollars. She stole a look at Alex, noticing her surprise.

"Prop'm up there. I'm sure if we scratch this on, I have a few more just like it in the warehouse somewhere."

Alex's eyes widened, in disbelief. "Conner, are you mad, this furniture is worth a mint. I suppose 'Pops" has something to do with your disrespectful attitude for fine furniture." Although she was
shocked, she couldn't hide her smile from Conner.

"Actually, yes and no. See Pops, he was my paternal grandfather."

Alex listened intently, as Conner sat back and expounded on her grandfather's heritage.

"In the early 20th century, Amelia Island became the birthplace of the modern shrimping industry as innovators replaced rowboats and cast nets with power-driven seines and trawls. My grandfather was one of the pioneers of this new industry. He worked hard and began to buy land here on the island." Several years later, he along with a few other men, began developing the land that is now known as 'The Plantation".

Conner pointed to an aerial photograph hanging on the wall close to her grandfather's photograph.

"Anyway, after that, he moved on to other projects, and finally in the early 60's moved to Hilton Head, South Carolina. He was obsessed with developing new areas while preserving the natural environment. He was one of the old timers, like Frank Lloyd Wright, that built around the natural landscape."

Alex immediately remembered why the man looked so familiar. George Washington Harris." Alex said to Conner's amused surprised.

"Now Alex, you and I are almost the same age. How could you possibly know my grandfather? His peak was way before either of us even knew or cared about the environment, or good architecture."

"Well, if you remember, Feryle was an architect. She loved the challenge of designing around the landscape, as did your grandfather. I remember seeing his books in her office. She was an ardent fan of his work."

Conner beamed with pride that someone in this modern age would respect and refer to 'Pops' work. She immediately removed her feet from the table, in a subtle display of respect."

"Do you remember the houses close to mine at the beach?" Alex asked

"Yes, very well. I remember commenting on them. Although I didn't say anything at the time, they reminded me a lot of 'Pops' work."

"Well you should be pleased to know that Feryle had a hand in creating those homes. She was the architect for many of them, and used your grandfathers ideals and philosophy for her designs."

Conner was almost speechless. This woman, who had until now been just a figment of her imagination, was now brought to life with Alex's portrayal of her beliefs, and ideology.

"Wow." Was the only word Conner could think of to say in response to Alex's comment.

"Ok, finish your story, I didn't mean to interrupt."

"Hmm, well, ok. Anyway, 'Pops' spent the rest of his life in the Hilton Head, Savannah area developing the area, and making obscene amounts of money. My father followed in his footsteps, and is a good developer like my grandfather. When 'Pops' died twenty-something years ago, dad decided to put all of his assets in a trust for me, and when I turned twenty-one I got it all."

Conner looked a little embarrassed with the entire story, and Alex decided not to tease her any longer about it. It seemed almost a burden that Conner had to bear this heavy weight of her inheritance. She was obviously not a woman to flaunt her wealth, and Alex admired her even more as a police officer. Some women in Conner's position would sit on the sun deck all day drinking coolers, and spending money. Conner was definitely not a materialistic person, although
she begrudgingly lived well.

"Well you sure haven't let the wealth go to your head. Most people would, but I could already tell, before this story, that you're not like most people." Alex commented.

"Thank you. Ok, you've heard the whole gruesome story, can we go sailing now?" Conner asked sheepishly getting up from her chair, ready to move on to other more important things.

"Yes dear, let's go see if you can do an encore chin slide."


On the short drive over to the 'Amelia Yacht Basin', Conner told Alex a little about the 'Shady Lady'. This was one asset Conner possessed that she had paid for with her own hard earned money. The boat had been seized during an arrest on the open sea. The Coast Guard had boarded the boat, owned by a south Florida couple, and found twenty-five Kilos of marijuana.

Conner had always loved sailing, and after the case was tried, the Coast Guard auctioned off the boat. She had heard about the auction while in the office at the yacht basin, and immediately registered as a bidder. It had been a tough auction, with a lot of interested parties, but in the end she had won out, and now the 'Shady Lady' was hers.

As they got out of the car, Conner began to tell Alex a little about the 'Shady Lady'. She is a Morgan 41 Classic, has a center cockpit, with wraparound seating. Below there are two cabins, two heads, a salon, a U-shaped galley, and a captain's workstation. She has a 13'-10" beam, and a 4'-6" draft. She is powered by a 27 hp Yanmar diesel engine… what?

Alex could not contain her laugh. Conner's excitement over her boat, shined through during her commentary, and reminded Alex of a little kid.

"Ok, I guess I do get a little carried away talking about her. Although I haven't paid much attention to her lately, she is my pride and joy…much like a child, I guess."

As they stopped before the 'Shady Lady' Alex thought of how majestic she looked. She had a gleaming white hull, with sparkling cleats, and stanchions. The companionway, and grab rails were made of very fine honey colored teakwood. There was a dark blue stripe circling the craft at the deck line, and a biminie of the same deep color. On the transom were the words 'Shady Lady' written in a bold script.

Climbing aboard the boat, Conner continued her narrative. She was named the 'Shady Lady' when I bought her. It is supposed to be bad luck to rename a boat once she is berthed, so I decided to leave it as it was. I sort of think it's appropriate, I do live and work in the shadows."

Conner climbed below and turned to help Alex down the ladder. She gently placed her hands on Alex's waist in case she needed some support. At least that's how Conner defended her actions to herself, any way.

"Be careful, it's a little dark down here until I get the hatches open."

Alex descended the ladder then turned to take in her surroundings. The salon was paneled and floored in the same honey colored teak wood as was on the upper deck. The hatches were covered with floral curtains, and there were matching pillows and cushions on the benches and chairs.

"Conner this is beautiful. Did you decorate it yourself?"

"Yea, you should have seen how bad she looked when I got her. The previous owners used her for nothing more than a transport boat for their drugs. The outside was sparkling, so that she wouldn't draw any unwanted attention. However the area down below was in shambles. It took Sam and I almost a year to get her presentable."

This was the first time Conner had referred to her and Sam's relationship. Alex was curious about their past, but decided to let Conner set the pace, on any disclosures.

They stowed their supplies away and went back up top so they could get underway. Conner expertly maneuvered the boat out of the slip and they were soon motoring down the channel to the intercoastal waterway. Alex sat back, watched and listened as Conner provided a guided tour of the area, and the structures that they passed. They went by the City Marina, which was in the historic section of the town. Conner told her of the annual shrimp festival, and the parade of boats.

"…On the Sunday morning of the festival, all of the local shrimp boats are decorated like floats in a parade. They line up, and slowly pass the end of the pier, where a local priest sprinkles holy water on the deck and blesses the boat, and its crew. It is a symbolic gesture, for a fruitful and safe shrimp season, which has turned into a tradition. I'll have to bring you back out in next March for it, I think you would really like it Alex."

"I think I would too Conner, we'll have to plan on it then."

"You bet." Conner said smiling.

Alex and Conner sat in comfortable silence as they watched the inhabited landscape fall away, and the unspoiled, and lovely landscape of nature take its place, along the Amelia River. Alex asked a few questions about the area as they made there way through The St. Mary's Channel, finally reaching their destination off the shores of Cumberland Island. Conner cut the motor engine, and dropped anchor. "This is the place I want to come to when I die." Conner spoke quietly, looking off towards the shoreline.

Alex was a little taken aback by the declaration from the other woman. "What do you mean, Conner?"

"I mean this place is so peaceful and serene, I can't think of another place on earth where I would want to be for eternity, so it is written in my will that I want to be cremated, and my ashes spread here, where we sit."

Seeing the look in Alex's eyes, Conner regretted bringing up the topic of death. "Oooo, ok, on to lighter subjects…want a beer to go with all this sunshine?"

"Yea, a beer sounds great, but let me get them. You've been doing all the work this morning, it's time I earned my keep here."

Alex went below to get their drinks, and Conner thought about the woman here with her today. It had been a long time since she had had any interest in another woman for more than just a night. Alex was special and Conner wanted to get closer to her, but she just wasn't sure how close was safe for her or Alex.

Conner knew the case she was working on involved the man suspected of killing Feryle. She also knew she needed to tell Alex, but was afraid the news would push her away from involving herself in Conner's personal life. Alex had already lost Feryle to this killer, and Conner knew Alex wouldn't risk getting close to someone else that would soon be in his sights.

Alex climbed back on deck, and noticed the contemplative look on Conner's face. She knew the woman was lost in her thoughts, but what Alex didn't know.

"Penny for your thoughts." Alex asked, allowing Conner the opportunity to share her thoughts.

"Oh, deep ones I'm afraid. You know the ones contemplating life. Can't let those go cheap, I'm charging a quarter for those." Conner teased, and let Alex decide if she wanted to pursue the question further.

"Mmm, well I just happen to have a few quarters, and a good ear…ahh…that is, if you want to talk." Alex said, handing Conner her beer, and sitting down closely beside her.

Alex had been thinking a lot about Conner the past few days. Somehow this woman had gotten through the shields she had barricaded her self behind, and made her want to explore the possibility of living again. Although the pain of losing Feryle was still raw, somehow this woman beside her lessened the ache in her heart. Alex wanted to know more. She wanted to explore the possibilities, but somehow she wasn't sure how to begin.

Conner looked back out towards the shore, and spoke in a quiet voice. "Well, I've sort of got a problem. See I've met someone recently that I think I really like and want to get to know, but I'm not sure if she wants the same thing." Conner ran a hand through her hair, and then took a long pull from her beer.

"The thing is I'm afraid if I let her know and she isn't interested, then she'll just disappear."

Alex's heart fell a little at the thought of Conner having feeling for another woman. She knew she had no rights to feel this way, but nevertheless it still pained Alex to know she may never have the opportunity to explore her feeling for Conner further.

"That's kind of a tough place to be. Does this person have any idea how you feel?"

Conner rolled her eyes, and blew out a long breath. "Not likely, it's not like I have much experience in putting words to my feelings. I guess it's the thought of being rejected as well. I sometimes think the pain of rejection would be harder to take than the pain of not knowing. You know what I mean?"

"Well, what is this woman like?" Alex questioned, wanting to learn more about the woman that was about to take her chances with Conner away.

"Well, she's probably the most beautiful woman I have ever met." Conner's eyes lit up as she described the woman. "She's about my age, a little taller than me, and a great body. It takes all I can do when I'm around her to keep from reaching out and touching her. She has dark hair, deep blue eyes, and a mouth you just want to consume." Conner's eyes had turned dark, as she spoke of the woman. Her feelings for this woman were apparent in her husky voice. "…And the cutest dimples I've ever seen pop out when she smiles." Conner smiled with the last statement, feeling she needed to lighten the conversation.

Alex felt her heart skip a beat. Could it be true that Conner was talking about her, Alex thought. The description was pretty accurate…well all except the great body part. Suddenly she felt like
she had to know.

"Sounds like an interesting woman. Where did you meet her?"

"Umm, sort of through work." Conner realized she had offered a much too detailed description to Alex, and was sure she was about to be busted.

"Well, I can only advise you to be patient, and maybe things will work themselves out the way you hope."

"Yea, I know, I'm just afraid I'll lose my chance if I wait too long. I mean she is a gorgeous woman, and I don't think she will be available long, if I know the women in this city. Conner felt her frustration rising, running her hand, once again through her hair. She finished off her beer and stood to get them fresh ones from below.

When Conner left Alex, she took a deep exasperated breath. She could only wonder if the woman Conner was referring to had been her. She hoped it was, in a way; then again she was also afraid of the possibility. She felt guilty for having these feeling so soon after Feryle's death. Although it had been almost a year, she still felt like she was betraying what they had had together.

Conner had been gone for a while and Alex was wondering what the woman was doing down below. "You ok down there?'

"Yes, I decided to make us some sandwiches. I thought we could dinghy over to the island and have a picnic on the beach." Conner stuck her head through the companionway. "Umm, if that's ok with you, or we could just stay here and sun on the boat."

"No, that sounds like fun. Need some help down there"?

Although Conner wanted Alex close, she also knew the galley was small, and would require a nearness to the woman she didn't think she could handle at the moment. She had decided to make the sandwiches as an excuse to give her more time to settle her nerves, and heartbeat.

"No, I'm almost done. Why don't you change into your suit while I'm finishing up?"

"Ok, if you're sure you don't need any help." Alex said as she climbed down the ladder.

"I put your things in the forward cabin." Conner said pointing the way for Alex.

When Alex walked into the cabin, she was struck with the attention that had obviously been paid to the décor. It was a very intimate, and sensual arrangement. The colors were dark greens, and burgundies. Bookshelves had been built into the walls, and several pillows were thrown on the bed inviting long sensual evenings of reading and cuddling, when it was too cool to be topside. The overhead hatch provided an uninhibited view of the sky above. Alex felt a warm heat purse through her as she envisioned herself there with Conner. Shaking her head to clear the thoughts, Alex changed into her swimsuit, and headed back towards the galley.

Conner looked up, and her eyes immediately went dark, as Alex appeared from the passageway. The boiling heat Conner felt raging through her body threatened to overcome any patience she had promised herself to adopt with Alex. She knew that Alex could see the need in her eyes, and for once she didn't care.

When Alex's eyes met Conner's, the naked truth was exposed once and for all. The look on her face told Alex that she indeed was the woman in Conner's thoughts a few minutes ago. The look of ragged need so apparent on the other woman's face, it gave courage to Alex as she stepped closer, and closer. Alex could see Conner's barely controllable breathing, and as she moved even closer she could see the pulse throbbing in her neck.

When Alex came within her grasp, Conner put the knife she had been using on the counter, and reached for her. Alex walked gently into the arms of the other woman, and both gasped as their bodies responded to the sudden contact. They could feel the heat from each other's body. They held each other for a long moment, not knowing exactly what should happen next. Conner was trembling, as Alex finally pulled away and looked into her eyes.

"How did you know?" Conner asked, knowing Alex had discerned that she was the woman in Conner's earlier description.

"I wasn't sure until just now. I can tell you however, that I was getting very jealous up there, hearing you talk about another woman. I'm surprised you couldn't tell from my reactions. I didn't think I was hiding them too well.

Conner smiled, and pulled the woman closer, their lips only inches apart. "Well, you don't have to hid them any longer, Agent Montgomery." And with that said, Conner pulled the woman down and gently brushed her lips across Alex's.

The heat from the brief contact surged through Alex's body, and as Conner slowly pulled back from the contact, she tightened her embrace urging the other woman closer. Letting Conner know with unspoken words that the brief kiss was not enough to sate the desire surging through her body at the moment.

Alex took Conner's face in her hands and lowered her head to taste her once again. Her thumbs gently massaged Conner's cheeks, as their lips tenderly explored each other. Conner fell into the embrace and wrapped her arms even tighter around Alex's waist.

As the moments passed, the women felt the heat surge lower in their bodies, and when Alex gently parted Conner's lips with her tongue, both women let out a yearning moan. Conner hands moved slowly up and down Alex's naked back, and circled around to stroke her stomach. Alex gasped as the nerve endings in her abdomen responded to the touch, and pulled away to look into the dark sensual eyes of the other woman.

"God Alex, I want you so bad right now, but I know your not ready for any kind of…"

Alex placed her index finger over Conner's swollen lips. After she had quieted the words, she leaned down and gently kissed the inviting lips again.

"Conner…God you taste so sweet. It's not that I don't want you…I do." Smiling and almost shyly looking down into Conner's eyes she continued. "I have felt the same way almost since I met you in the precinct. I don't know what it is about you, but I do know I want to explore whatever it is we are feeling for each other."

Alex pulled back a bit, but didn't break the embrace. "I think we need to take things slow, and see where they go from here. I know I have several unresolved issues in my life right now, and I don't want those to come back to haunt us later."

Conner listened as Alex spoke, knowing that what she said made sense, even though her body argued the contrary. Letting out a teasing growl, Conner smiled. "Yea, I know your right. However, if I'm going to stand a chance of not imploding right here, I think we need to head out for our picnic…like…now."

Alex snickered, and pulled the woman close for one more kiss, then reluctantly backed away breaking the sweet and torturous contact.

"Ok, why don't you go change, and I will take this feast you have prepared for us up to the dinghy."

"Deal." Conner replied leaning in to steal one more kiss from Alex, before sliding past her and disappearing into the cabin.


Alex and Conner used the dinghy to get to the island. They tied the little boat to the pier and made their way to the hut that was the office by the rangers. Conner bought a map of the island as a souvenir for Alex, and after looking it over they decided to hike to the ocean side of the island about 2 miles away.

During their hike, Alex listened as Conner once again became a tour guide and spouted of fact, after fact about the island.

"The island, three miles wide and eighteen miles long, is a bit larger than Manhattan. It is a lot less crowded too: Cumberland Island limits visitation to 300 people per day. You must make a six-month advance reservation to gain access to the island. It serves as sanctuary to the threatened loggerhead sea turtle, which can weigh up to 350 pounds, and lay eggs from May to September. Other unique wildlife on the island includes wild stallions, mares, and hogs. These species are said to be feral: meaning that their ancestors were domesticated animals that have now returned to their wild state." Conner looked at Alex, smiling sheepishly. "I know I get a little excited telling people about this area, so let me know when you want me to shut up, and I will." "I don't want you to shut up, I like hearing you talk of the things you love, and obviously you love this island." Alex threw her arm around Conner's shoulder and gave her a hug, as they walked. She reluctantly dropped her arm as she remembered they were in a public place. Clearing her throat, Alex said, "Now, continue with your tour Ranger Harris." "Very funny. Remember you need my help to get back to Amelia, don't make me mad…I just might leave you stranded on this not quite deserted island."

Conner laughed, poking Alex in the shoulder. "Ok as I was saying. Much like its feral animals, Cumberland Island is also in the process of returning to its wild state. The island, established as a national seashore in 1972, is reclaiming the land. This is most evident at the Dungeness ruins. Andrew Carnegie's brother Thomas built the estate in the early 1900s. It was abandoned in the 1920s and burned down in 1959. The haunting stone ruins are now being usurped by the forest's

"What was it before it was a national seashore, just a deserted island? "No, Originally it was home to the once-thriving Timuncuan Indians, around 2,500 B.C., it has also been the home of an English plantation, an international port, Civil War fort, turn-of-the-century playground for rich tourists, terminus of Florida's first cross-state railroad and world headquarters of the shrimping industry, which was first modernized here. " Conner explained.

"An aura of simple innocence belies what was once a hotbed of corruption, buccaneers and bootleggers. Named for the daughter of England's King George II, Amelia Island was under the Spanish flag in 1807, when the Jefferson Embargo closed all U.S. ports to foreign shipping. The Spanish harbor of Fernandina became the nation's center for smuggling slaves, liquor and foreign luxury goods, as well as buried pirates treasures."

Alex was fascinated by Conner's knowledge of the island and it's heritage.

"Amelia Island played another historic role during the Cuban War for Independence (1895-1989), when freedom fighter Jose Marti was overheard plotting his strategies in his island suite in the Florida House Inn (Florida's oldest surviving hotel). This led to the demise of the ill-fated revolution. "

"Ok, tell me you're really on the payroll, here right?" Alex teased

Laughing, Conner attempted to punch Alex in the shoulder again, but this time the other woman was ready for her, and moved too quickly.

"Nooooo, I just really love the area. It fascinates and bewilders me at the same time."

They had been walking for about 30 minutes, when through the tunnel of trees Alex saw the first waves of the ocean crashing to the shore. As they cleared the trees, Alex was astounded with the beauty of the shoreline. As far as she could see, there was nothing hindering the natural flow of the environment. The dunes were unencumbered by fences or beach bars, as they are on so many other shores. The sea grass swayed in the wind, as the sea gulls lazed easily on the beach.

Alex and Conner walked about a half-mile further down the beach to a completely deserted area. Alex spread out the large beach blanket, as Conner removed the backpack, and began setting out their feast. Alex had kidded Conner earlier about the amount of food she had prepared, but was now glad, because the hike had worked up an appetite for both women.

Conner pulled out a thermos, and poured a dark red liquid into plastic glasses for each of them. "Sorry about the plastic, but glass is not allowed on the beach area."

Alex gave Conner a teasing glare. "Well it's nice to know you follow some of the rules."

Knowing she was busted Conner took on an innocent look. "What do you mean some?"

"Well, if my memory serves me correctly, and I know it does, I believe alcohol is not only prohibited from the beach, but from the entire island. Alex tried to give Conner a stern look, but it was totally broken up with her next comment.

"Hmm, well then, I guess we'd better drink up. I wouldn't want to have to arrest you."

The women enjoyed a relaxed lunch, talking about their pasts, and families. They cleared away the remnants of their meal, and put, trash and all back into the backpack. The beach was practically deserted, so they decided their belongings were safe to leave on the beach, and they took a long walk further down the shoreline, sometimes stopping to look at shells that had washed onto the wet sand.

Before either woman realized it they had walked well past sight of their blanket, and decided to head back. As they were turning around, Alex placed her hand on Conner's arm stopping her so they were facing. Alex reached out and stroked Conner's face gently looking into the other woman's eyes.

"I can't remember the last time I had as good of a time as I have today Conner, Thank You.

Looping her finger in the neckline of Conner's t-shirt, Alex pulled Conner to her and placed a gentle kiss on the other woman's lips. Conner whimpered at the contact of their lips, and Alex allowed her self to succumb to the heat she felt in her body, as she wrapped her arms around Conner's waist. She spent a long moment savoring Conner's bottom lip, as she sucked it gently into her mouth, tasting it with her tongue. Conner ran her fingers through Alex's hair feeling the soft silkiness of the tresses, trying to pull her closer still.

Conner pulled back suddenly, grabbing a haggard breath, and looking at Alex, as if trying to comprehend what was happening. She suddenly pulled Alex close and kissed her persistently, her tongue probing, opening her lips until their tongues were dancing in unison. A deep yearning groan escaped Alex's throat as she felt Conner's tongue join hers, savoring the warm sweet flavor of the others mouth. Conner tasted like the warm sweet wine they had drank for lunch, and Alex found her self probing deeper in search of more.

Lost in a passion she didn't want to stop, Alex broke the kiss. Breathing heavily from the excitement she had just felt rush through her body, she placed her head against Conner's so they were touching noses. Eyes closed lest she might be swept away in the tide of fervor again Alex whispered breathlessly, "I think we had better take this somewhere a little more private, or we are likely to be arrested."

Conner stepped back quickly, completely breaking the contact with Alex. She looked disheveled, and a little disappointed as she tried to compose herself, and stop the rampaging heat boiling through her veins. She felt like she might have gone too far, too fast for Alex, but she had been so overcome with her need she couldn't contain her desire.

"Ummm, Yea…Sure, we probably need to get back to the boat anyway, it will be getting dark soon, and I think I might have a couple of running lights out." Taking a deep breath, Conner ran her hand through her hair in a frustrated gesture, and turned to head back towards the blanket they had left on the beach earlier.

Alex could see the frustration, and uncertainty in Conner's face. Taking Conner's arm, and stopping her mid-stride, Alex again turned Conner until they were facing. She could feel the trembling in Conner's arm, and felt her breath caress her cheeks.

"I didn't say I wanted to stop Conner." Alex looked hesitantly into her eyes. "…Just get somewhere a little more…ummm…private." Taking a ragged breath Alex looked out over the water, before bringing her eyes back to Conner's. "I…I want you…so much right now, I hurt. I want to make love to you Conner, here…right now." Alex looked around as if trying to determine if there was a possibility of just that happening. Letting go of a torn sigh, Alex added, "However, I think we would be a lot safer, and more comfortable back at your house, ok."

Conner smiled and pulled Alex close for a tender hug. Both women relaxed, as they understood that this break in their touch was going to be tolerable, but only because they knew that soon they wouldn't have to stop. Conner pulled back and looked at Alex with a mischievous gleam in her eye.

"Race ya" Conner laughed as she sprinted towards their forgotten blanket.

"No fair, you got a head start." Alex yelled to the back of the running woman, as she shot into a sprint of her own. "Cheateeeeer"

To Conner's surprise Alex quickly caught up with and passed her. Alex ran with the grace of the long distance runner she was, and Conner held back, taking the time to appreciate the flowing figure, gliding like a gazelle, in front of her. Conner almost tripped several times as she let her mind wander, and gaze at the muscular body of the woman she had so recently held in her arms…a body she intended to hold again before the night was through.

By the time Conner reached the blanket, Alex was already pulling the top off of a bottle of water. Conner bent over, hands on her knees, gasping for air, while Alex leaned back on her elbows, and grinned up at the gasping woman. "Looks like you need a little PT officer," and took a big swallow from her water bottle.

Conner felt what little air was left in her lungs escape as she watched Alex's lips encircle mouth of the bottle, and saw a hint of her tongue as it met the hard edge of the plastic.

"Y…Yea, I guess…I could use…a little more…exercise." Conner plopped down on the blanket, knowing that if she didn't get off of her feet, she would end up on her face, and in another humiliating situation.

"Well, I happen to know a very good personal trainer." Alex said grinning, exposing the dimples that turned Conner's body to mush. Taking another long pull on the bottle, Alex wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and passed the water to Conner.

Conner took a long pull from the bottle, and the water felt cool sliding down her throat. She held the bottle above her and poured what was left of the cold liquid across her stomach. Alex bit her bottom lip hard, trying unsuccessfully to stifle the deep groan that escaped her lips.

Conner's lips turned up at the corners with just a hint of a smile. She had heard the moan that Alex failed to suppress, and got a measure of courage from the sounds of lust, and need rising from the woman next to her.

"Oh yea, and just how much does this…ahh…'very good'…personal trainer charge for her services?" Conner was playing the game, and hoped Alex was going to play along with her.

Leaning up on one elbow now, Alex found her self reach for Conner, and drawing her fingers through the now warm water pooled on her belly, drew arcing designs on the woman's skin. Conner gasped, and saw the muscles in her stomach respond to the soft touch of Alex's fingers.

Alex glanced up at Conner, and seeing the dark cloudy expression decided to make her suffer just a little longer. "Hmm, let's see. I could probably negotiate you a pretty good deal...ONLY…if you throw in a few sailboat trips, and maybe a romantic walk or two on the beach.

"Well…umm…I think …I might…be able…to afford…that. Conner was still breathing hard to replenish the oxygen she had used during her run, and subsequent bout of lust for the woman next to her.

Alex rolled over on her stomach, so that she could see Conner better. "I was hoping that it was an offer you couldn't refuse." Alex wiggled her eyebrows, and laughed as Conner lay there trying to

"Damn woman, what did they feed you at the FBI Academy?" Conner tried to snarl, but the grin on her face kept getting in the way.

"Hell, they didn't feed us anything woman. Once a week they would drop a ham bone from a helicopter, and who ever got to it first got to eat. Makes for a good reason to run fast."

"Hmm…well now Agent Montgomery… just what prompted the fast run today? Grinning, Conner added, as she sat up on the blanket close enough to Alex to feel the heat from her body, and smell the sweet musky scent of her glistening skin. "Looks to me like all the food was eaten a long time ago?"

Alex gave a low growl, and leaned in capturing the woman's mouth for another kiss, letting Conner use her imagination to answer her own question. Alex gently bit Conner's lower lip, savoring the salty sweetness, of its taste, a mixture of the salt from her sweat, and the sweetness of her skin. Taking her time, Alex slowly pulled Conner's lower lip into her mouth, gently running her tongue over the firm slick surface, and only released it when she heard the guttural moan she was listening…waiting for. She placed her hand on Conner's face, and gave her own mischievous look back to Conner.

"I'm waiting on dessert."

It was all Conner needed to hear. She stood and reached down to help Alex to her feet. Together they walked back towards the ranger station, each woman quiet in her own thoughts of what was yet to come that evening.


By the time Alex and Conner reached the rangers station; it was getting dark out, and as they made their way down the pier, a ranger looked up from Conner's dinghy.

"Well I was just about to send someone out to look for you two. I hope you enjoyed your visit to the island."

Alex and Conner both grinned and stole a look at one another.

"We sure did…a very memorable trip." Alex replied as she stepped over into the little craft.

Conner handed Alex the backpack and climbed in beside her. They said their good-byes, as Alex untied the lanyard, then headed the short distance back to the boat.

Conner motored to the port side of the boat, and Alex tied the lanyard to the cleat. The women climbed onboard, and maneuvered the dinghy toward the stern so Conner could use the onboard winch to lift the small craft from the water. By the time the women completed the task, they were wet, and tired.

"Why don't you go change into something dry, while I get her started and headed for home." Conner said as she handed Alex a dry towel.

"You sure you don't need any help?"

"Nah, I cold do this in my sleep. Go ahead, get changed, you look like your freezing."

Alex headed down the companionway, as Conner climbed into the cockpit, and began uncovering the controls. She once again found herself in the warm inviting cocoon, Conner used as her cabin. Alex removed her clothes and as she began to dry the dampness from her cold body, her nerve ending screamed at the contact. Alex was close to becoming completely unwound. The only thing that had kept her from tearing Conner's clothes off and making love to her right there on the beach was the fact that they were both law enforcement officials, and the thought of getting arrested for indecent exposure was enough to keep her raging hormones in check. Now though, there was nothing holding her back, and her body was screaming for relief.

Conner attempted to engaged the motor, but each time she turned the key, the engine only sputtered, and growled its refusal to cooperate.

"Damn, Lady, come on. I know I haven't treated you very well lately, but god I need to get home…like now, I'm dying here."

Alex heard Conner swearing up on deck and smiled. Must be as frustrated as I am, she thought. She looked up through the forward hatch, and saw that the moon was going to be full tonight, the
weather perfect, thinking it wouldn't be so bad if they found themselves stranded.

"Damn, sonvabitch…start damn you."

"Well, if you spoke to me like that, I just might give you the cold shoulder too. Alex laughed as she climbed up the ladder.

"Sorry, I'm…ummm, just sort of…ahh…in a hurry, ya know. Conner's face turned a crimson red as she looked at Alex's knowing face.

"Well, I was just thinking that it wouldn't be too bad if maybe we…you know…ahh…got stranded out here for the night." It was now Alex's turn to redden, as Conner's eyes lit up in comprehension of Alex's very strong hint.

"Hmm, You know you may have a point there, Agent Montgomery. I seem to recall seeing a couple of steaks in the freezer below. I know I have a couple of bottles of wine on board. You think you might like to grill the steaks and dine with me under the stars?" Conner had taken to the idea immediately, and was now forming a great evening in her mind. Shady Lady just might be doing her a big favor tonight, she thought.

"Well, if I remember correctly, you haven't been on the boat in quite a while…just how old are those steaks?" Alex teased, "I'm not sure I want to get stranded out here if I have food poisoning."

"Cute, The steaks were left by Benny, the mechanic at the Marina. I let him use the boat sometimes, and he gives me good deals when I need something repaired. He used it a couple of weeks ago, so that is when he left them I'm sure." Conner strolled very slowly over to Alex and stopped only when she could feel the heat radiating off of her body.

"Anyway, the last thing I want to do to you tonight is give you food poisoning." Smiling and bringing her lips so close to Alex she could feel her breath, Conner whispered, "I have much…much more interesting things in store for you tonight."

Conner could hear the intake of breath as Alex's body responded to her words. Alex's eyes turned a deep blue, and as her hand found Conner's face, she bent slowly and took Conner's warm lips between her own. Their tongues fought for control, as the heat surged through their veins. Alex let her hand slide down to the hollow of Conner's neck, stopping to fist the cloth of her shirt. Alex pulled Conner closer, and as their kiss deepened, she felt herself lose all resolve, and fell into the chasm of her desire.

Conner, gasped as Alex's hands inched their way down her chest. Using only her index fingers, Alex traced a burning path between her breasts, and continued down, urged on by the low moan coming from deep within Conner's throat. The muscles in the woman's stomach went into spasms as Alex spread her hands to gently caress the tight muscles under the thin fabric, and play circles around her navel. Electric shivers ran up her spine as Alex slowly took Conner's hands in her own and brought them up to lay flat against her chest.

Alex broke the kiss, and looked intently at Conner, her lips swollen from the long consuming kiss. She could feel Conner's hands tremble beneath her own, and knew she was as lost to the passion as she herself was.

"Can you feel how fast you make my heart beat." Alex asked in a low husky voice.

Conner couldn't find words, only nodded, and pressed her hands closer against Alex's chest.

"I want you so much." Alex didn't know how much longer she could keep standing on the deck. She didn't know if the rocking was from the ocean or her equilibrium, but either way she knew she had to get Conner below…in the cabin…in the bed…inside her.

Conner took Alex's hand in her own and slowly turned toward the companionway, stopping at the opening to sate her need again for the sweet taste of Alex's lips. She climbed down the ladder, and turned to gently take Alex's waist as she descended into the salon. She wrapped her arms around Alex's torso and pressed her body close against the woman's back, slowly caressing the firm taut muscles of Alex's stomach, then climbing slowly to play with the sensitive skin just below her breasts.

Alex bent into the touch, and held onto the rungs of the ladder. Her legs were weak, and shaking from the adrenaline surging through her body. Every nerve in her skin on alert as Conner's hands teased, and stroked. When Conner bent to tenderly bite the back of her neck, Alex released a pent up primitive growl from her throat, urging her on. Conner slowly moved her hands up and took a breast in each hand, gently squeezing. Alex was shaking so much Conner thought she might fall. Shifting her weight, she brought her right leg forward, placing it into the hot wet V of Alex's legs.

"Oh…my…god." Alex cried as Conner's leg made contact with the bundle of nerves, only the fabric of her shorts separating them. Her knuckles white from griping the rungs of the ladder, and losing the fight to remain standing, Alex allowed some of her weight to settle on Conner's leg.

"God, Conner…I...need…oh yes.

Alex completely lost the ability to speak as Conner gently pressed the sensitive nipples between her fingers, while she once again leaned in to nip gently at her neck.

"You feel so…damn…good Alex…so soft." Conner's breath was coming in ragged gasps, as she tried to remain in control. "…And you taste even better." She wanted this first time to be slow,
special…unforgettable. She knew she had to fight hard to keep from taking Alex, right here on the floor.

"I want you Alex…now…naked…in my bed. Conner whispered hoarsely in her ear, as she pulled on the hard nipples, "…where I can touch you." Conner nipped at Alex's ear lobe, "…and taste you". She pulled her fingernails across the sensitive skin of Alex's stomach, "…and feel your entire body pressed against mine."

Alex used all the strength she could gather, and turned around to face Conner, Her eyes dark, her skin glistening, and her breath ragged, as she passionately consumed the other woman's lips.

Conner's lips parted to allow Alex's tongue to hungrily search out her own. Her hands entwined themselves in Alex's dark silky hair, pulling her closer, deeper. After a long moment Alex broke the kiss, and slowly opened her eyes, eyes that pleaded of mercy, after a few moments she finally found her voice.

"Conner, please…I need you."

A slow smile spread across Conner's face as she took Alex's hand and led her into the forward cabin. Conner turned, and again took Alex's lips in her own, tugging lightly at her bottom lip.


Conner pulled away and smiled gently at Alex. "Don't move" was all she said as she stepped to the port hatches and opened them. She came back to stand in front of Alex, and reached up to release the forward hatch above them, letting the cool night breeze glide through the cabin. The only light came from the full moon, and cast a gentle shadow over the two women.

Conner pulled Alex forward for another kiss, as her fingers searched out the buttons of Alex's shirt. Conner felt the woman's hands join hers to quicken the chore, but Conner gently pushed them away.

"Let me Alex…please."

Conner slowly unbuttoned Alex's shirt and very slowly pushed it off of her shoulders, exposing the small firm breasts she had caressed just moments ago.

"I want to undress you very slowly." Conner whispered as she leaned forward and bit Alex's collarbone. "…Very slowly." She smiled.

Conner feathered kisses down Alex's chest, stopping to appreciate the beautiful curves of the woman's breasts, but careful to avoid the ultra sensitive nipples. Instead placing tender bites, and licks on the hot scorching skin around them. Alex reached out and put one hand on the bookcase, and one hand on Conner's shoulder as she knelt before her.

Conner could feel the uncontrollable trembling of Alex's hands as she steadied herself. She let out a low hungry groan, as she continued her journey down Alex's body, leaving a warm wet trail in the aftermath, as she kissed and licked the her way down this sensuous woman's stomach. The flavor was like no other Conner had ever tasted. A hint of saltiness, mixed with what could only be the liquid fire of Alex herself. Conner growled a moan of hunger as she slowly circled the small indention of her navel. She felt Alex's hips thrust forward in an urgent need for contact as Conner gently nipped the skin just above the waistband of her shorts.

"Conner," Alex rasped. "Woman, you're…killing me. I need you baby, I need to feel you touch me…please.

"Soon love… very soon."

Conner gripped the buckle of Alex's belt and pulled the leather back through the clasp. Conner tore open the snap of Alex's shorts; feeling her strength weaken as she neared the wet, hot heat that she yearned to taste. She grasped the sides of the shorts and pulled them down until they were bunched at Alex's feet, exposing the soft, clipped, curls lying in the junction of Alex's legs. She slowly lifted each of Alex's legs to rid her of the encumbering clothes. When she was finished, and Alex stood before her totally nude, Conner reached out and, starting at her feet, slowly ran her hands up Alex's body, not stopping until she was once again standing and facing the most beautiful dark eyes she had ever seen.

"You are so, beautiful Alex."

Alex's eyes closed as Conner leaned in and kissed her neck, nipping lightly on her ear lobe.

"Ooooh, God Conner, please…I need you…I need to feel you next to me." Grabbing the strap of Conner's swimsuit top she pulled until the tie came undone. She reached behind her and released the tie in the back, letting the top fall between them to the floor.

Placing her hands flat on Conner's back Alex slowly brought them around in a gentle caress until her hands cupped the small orbs of Conner's breasts.

Conner closed her eyes, threw her head back, and let out a deep moan as Alex massaged her nipples with the pads of her thumb, watching as the nipples hardened into small peaks, aching to be kissed. Conner's entire body jerked as she felt Alex take one small nipple in her mouth and circle it with the hot wet smoothness of her tongue.

She dug her fingers in Alex's hair as she felt her bikini bottoms being lowered, and kicked the remnants of the swimsuit aside as it hit the floor. Lifting Alex's chin with her fingers she urged the woman to stand so she could press her body full against her own. The two women stood quietly in their embrace, as they each explored the others body, placing tender kisses on the smooth hot skin of the other.

Conner shifted bringing her leg between Alex's, and released a hungry moan as she felt the hot wetness. She kissed Alex deeply while gently while turning her towards the bed and laying her down, never breaking contact with Alex's mouth. Climbing up and straddling the Alex's leg, she let herself settle against the sensual skin beneath her.

"God you feel so good, Alex" Conner whispered as she feathered kisses on the woman's face and brow. Alex melted into the shape of the other woman, closing her eyes so as to memorize the feel, the taste, the smell of this creature beneath her.

Lifting herself up on one arm, she lowered her lips to Alex's neck, tasting the sweet skin, while exploring her way down Alex's torso. Making slow trails downward, she finally came to Alex's breasts, and kissed circles around each nipple. Alex entwined her fingers in Conner's hair, pulling her head where she needed to feel her lips, and her hips bucked under Conner as she blew a gentle breath against the nipple, then ever so slowly enveloped it in the warm soft cocoon of her mouth.

Alex had not allowed her self to feel any physical emotion in a long time…not since Feryle. Today, when she finally permitted Conner to release the pent up fire, she felt as if she would explode from the overload of emotions in her brain. She clung to Conner as if she were her lifeline, holding on as this gentle woman revived feeling she thought were lost forever, taking her over wave after wave of rolling passion. Alex threw her head back in the pillows, and let out a mournful cry, as she pushed Conner's shoulders, pleading for her to travel farther down her body.

Conner let herself be led, allowing Alex to tell her with her cries, and urging hands what she needed. Slowly, she prolonged the sweet torture, knowing the release would eventually be worth it to Alex.

When she finally reached the junction between Alex's legs, and felt the soft curls against her cheeks, Conner could hardly contain her hunger. Inhaling the sweet musky scent of Alex, made Conner long to taste her, knowing the explosion to follow, would consume them both.

Alex's skin was indescribable, smooth, flawless skin, covering muscular legs. Conner nestled herself between Alex's legs, feeling the long sensuous limbs as they wrapped themselves around her shoulders, and pulled her forward, in a silent plea for solace. Conner teased the outer lips with her fingers, and gazed, for the first time, at the object of her desire. The small hard bundle of nerves that made up Alex's clitoris, was reaching out for contact, pleading for a touch, a kiss. Instead Conner turned her head and gently bit the inside of Alex's thigh.

Alex bucked wildly, at the sweet pain, and tightened her grip on Conner's head, pulling her toward her center, to the hot wetness that could only be cooled by Conner's mouth and tongue. Conner let her self be pulled in, and kissed the outer lips, tasting the warm sweet need flowing from this gorgeous woman.

She groaned in anticipation, and she felt her own hips press against the bed in her own desire for release, as she drew closer to the source of Alex's lust, and longing. She slowly parted the soft lips encasing the hard bud of nerves, and with a tender touch kissed the core of Alex's being.


Conner was overwhelmed with desire as she felt Alex's hips thrust up to meet her mouth, and heard her cries. She moved closer and tucked the bud between her lips, sending spasms throughout Alex's body. She spread the outer lips wider and slowly licked the entire length of the shaft as Alex bucked beneath her.

"Conner... I need you…please." Alex's voice was almost a growl, as she reached down and taking Conner hand led her to the entrance of her sex. Silently telling Conner what she needed.

Conner had an uncontrollable need to grind her hips against the bed beneath her. She could feel her own wetness seep from within the folds that held her aching clitoris. She reached down and moaned as she felt the wetness between her own legs, and heard Alex whimper as the contact was broken. Delving deep for one luxurious moment, she felt the contractions as her body responded to her own touch, then she was bringing her fingers back out and up, and she slide into the slick wet opening that was the very core of Alex's being.

"Con…ner,…oh baby…that feels…so…good."

Alex's breaths were torn and uneven as she rode the wave higher and higher. Conner, pressed deeper, and upward, knowing by Alex's torn cry that she had found the spot she was searching for. Slowly but firmly sliding her fingers in and out of Alex's womanhood, Conner stroked her to the peak. Slowing her ministrations, she held Alex there allowing her to linger, languishing in the heavenly torture.

Conner watched as Alex's face glowed with desire. Eyes closed, and her head thrown back in ecstasy, waiting, pleading for the rapturous release she knew was sure to come, if Conner would only permit it.

Seeing the sweet torture, on Alex's face let Conner know the woman was on the verge of climaxing. Drawing one arm under and around her leg, Conner gently opened Alex, completely exposing the small bud she knew would take her over the edge with just one touch. Conner eased closer, brushing her cheeks against the soft skin of Alex's thighs, hearing her moans of desire rising with every inch she traveled. Very slowly Conner reached out and licked the swollen shaft in one long luxurious stroke, taking Alex over the edge of the abyss, and holding her close as she fell into her orgasm.

"Oh Conner…I'm…it's…coming. "

Alex gripped Conner's head in her hand and buried her face closer.

"Yes…don't stop…oh my God…Conner."

Hearing Alex's cries of release, and feeling the contractions around her fingers sent Conner over the edge, and they both fell into a uniting orgasm. The surprising release shook Conner to the core, as she felt her own body quake from the wracking spasms, and she probed deeper, lapping up the liquid fire that flowed from Alex as her own body shuddered from the contractions.

Alex had never had an orgasm rack her body like the one she was now in the throes of experiencing. Every cell in her body screamed and the blood surged from her brain to her core, as Conner's tongue slowly caressed the screaming bud of nerves. Conner let Alex's body continue the long slow release as she gently licked and kissed the ultra sensitive nerves, and felt the muscles contract as the orgasm overtook her body in a long slow wave.

She continued to gently pressed in and out as Alex 's hips lifted up to meet her thrusts, and after what seemed like a lifetime of rapture, Conner began to feel Alex's body begin to relax into a satisfied exhaustion.

Slowly licking, and kissing the pulsing shaft, Conner let Alex settle quietly back to earth. Gently rubbing her cheeks against the inside of her thighs, she savored the aftershocks of her own release. When their breathing slowed, Conner began to slide out, but Alex caught her hand urging her to stay.

"Don't leave me yet, I want to feel you inside me."

Conner could still feel the aftershock contractions of Alex's release, as she pressed back inside. Alex let out a slow moan, as she pressed her legs against Conner head.

"Stay inside me, and come up here. I want to feel you inside me, when I kiss you."

Conner released a groan of her own, and moved up, placing warm kisses on Alex's body on the way. When she reached Alex's face, she lowered her mouth to the other woman's her lips, letting them both savor the remnants of Alex's essence that lingered on Conner's mouth.

"You are so beautiful," was all Conner could say. She didn't have the words to describe what this woman had just made her feel, as she came beneath her lips, and around her fingers.

Kissing Conner gently, she told the woman what she knew words could never convey. Her hands trailing a light path from Conner's shoulders down to her hips, where they pressed the woman hard against her. They lay pressed together, their bodies glistening from their passion, for a long while. Taking pleasure in the warm glow that surrounded them.

Alex began to draw small invisible circles on Conner's back with her fingers. Hearing the ragged breaths coming from the woman suddenly stirred a need in Alex to taste, and feel the woman that had brought her such pleasure.

Alex shifted and slid her leg between Conner's, and saw the surge of heat in the woman's eyes as her thigh made contact with the fire between Conner's legs. In one slow motion, Alex rolled over taking Conner with her, until the other woman was pressed firmly beneath her body. Alex gently kissed Conner, pressing her tongue against the warm lips until they parted and she found the warm sweet organ that had just brought her so much joy.

Alex could taste herself on Conner's mouth and felt her own body stir again as she remembered the orgasm that had racked her body only moments before. She was surprised that she was already aroused again, and pressed her self against Conner's leg, relishing the sweet sensation.

Sliding down Conner' s torso, Alex paused at the hollow of her neck. Placing a light kiss there before continuing her slow decent, savoring every inch of her body on the way. Pushing herself up on one hand Alex slowly bit the nipple of Conner's breast.

"Ooooooh, Alex." Conner moaned and wrapped her legs around Alex's waist. Pulling her closer.

Smiling at the effect she had on the woman, she slowly took the small nipple into her mouth, flicking it with her tongue until it was hard, and she heard the haggard gasps from Conner.

"God, you taste good." Alex's eyes were hooded with desire as she looked at Conner, wanting to consume all of her in one mouthful.

"Ummm, No you taste better. I can still taste you…I want to taste you again…now." Conner growled, the need apparent in her dark eyes.

"Soon, love…soon. But right now, your all mine." Alex said as she slid further down Conner's body. She leaned in to kiss the taut stomach, and lick a small circle around Conner's navel.

"Your all mine, and I don't want any distractions." Sliding further, she blew a light breath on the dark curls between Conner's legs.

"I want to see your face when you come for me." She bent and nipped at the soft skin of Conner's inner thigh.

Conner let out a long slow moan, and reached for Alex's face. Cupping her cheek in her hand Conner, smiled and gently lifted her hips, silently telling Alex what she needed.

"Don't think I'm letting you off that easy." Alex said with an evil smile, and bent to kiss the moist outer lips of Conner's sex. "I seem to remember you making me beg, and now it's my turn."

Alex's throaty growl sent shockwaves down Conner's spine as she felt Alex's lips graze her lower lips once more.

Alex reached up and caressed Conner's small firm breasts, as she continued to tease the woman unmercifully. With her other hand she reached down and massaged Conner's lower legs, wanting to taste, feel, touch every inch of her at once.

Slowly, gently, and with featherlike touches, her hands caressed the soft skin beneath her fingers, finally meeting at the hot wet center of Conner's desire. Alex lifted Conner's legs over her shoulders, and lowered her face to drink the sweet nectar that was, and could only be Conner.

Alex inhaled the sweet musky scent, and dove deeper as she ran her tongue beside the hard bundle of nerves, careful not to make contact. Conner thrust her hips higher, urging Alex lower to the warm wet opening that led to her center. Alex smiled and pulled back just enough to make Conner think she was leaving, and Alex heard her agonizing whimper. Turning slightly she gently bit the swollen lips of Conner's sex then slid her tongue across the wet slick folds, sending Conner to a new more potent summit.

"Aleeeex…oh God…please...touch me…I need you so much…pleeese.

Conner's fingers were intertwined in Alex's soft mane. Her hands pulled the woman closer, imploring…no demanding a reprieve from the agonizing pleasure. Alex teased, licked, drank of the woman until Conner was openly begging for more.

Alex…Alex…please…I…I need you…inside me now…God Alex pleeeese.

Conner succumbed to the passion she felt, passion she had not allowed in her life for too long. She let herself fall, knowing Alex would keep her safe, would watch over her as she rode the waves of her passion.

Alex felt the transformation in Conner, as she shed the protective shield she had built around herself. Having Conner allow her to experience this vulnerability made Alex tremble with a new desire for the woman beneath her.

As Conner lay naked beneath her physically, and emotionally, her emotions, and passion raw, and exposed; Alex pulled Conner closer, embracing, nurturing, and encouraging the conversion from protector to protected. She celebrated the freedom their joining had brought, and felt the passion of her rebirth rise to new heights.

In one swift movement, Alex dove her fingers deeply into the fire, and placed a long, slow kiss on the swollen bud, enveloping the warm, wet core between her lips.

The sudden overwhelming change in sensations drove Conner to the edge of the cliff, and the muscles in her back convulsed bringing her to a half-sitting position. Resting on her elbows, she opened her eyes, and met the dark penetrating gaze of the woman commanding her passion. The look in Alex's eyes conveyed the words she wouldn't stop to utter, words that encouraged her to let go, to free herself to feel the passion, to fall into arms that would protect her, and not let her fall.

Alex felt the hot walls of Conner's core, pulse as the first waves of the orgasm gripped her. Conner tucked her feet beneath herself, lifting her hips, trying to get the other woman deeper.

Oh, God Alex…yeeeess…harder baby...I need you deep.

Alex curled her fingers up, searching for, and finding the spot she sought. Plunging hard, she lifted Conner higher and higher until she ascended to the apex of her desire. Gently, almost reverently, Alex licked the hot, hard bundle of nerves, sucking them between her lips, feeling the spasms as Conner fell into the flood of her climax.

A…Aleeex…ohmygod…don't stop…yyes…ooohhhh yeees.

Conner gripped the back of Alex's head pulling her deeper, as she rode the waves of her orgasm.

As she was making her final decent, floating peacefully back to earth, Alex moved upwards, leaving her fingers buried in the wet sweet core, and captured Conner's lips in her own, sharing the nectar of their joining.

Conner wrapped her arms tightly around Alex's shoulders, and her legs around her firm hips. Holding each other close, they let their breathing slow, lingering in the afterglow of their lovemaking, astounded by their awakened passion and need for one another.

Alex had not known desire this fierce in such a long time, and the emotions had her spinning. For a fraction of a moment Feryle's face flashed into her mind, and she felt a surge of disloyalty for what they once shared. They had shared this intense passion in the first few years of their relationship, then as it always happens in long term relationships, their passion changed from sexual lust to loving contentment. Was she being unfaithful? No. Would Feryle want her to live life alone, and lonely? Absolutely not! It was this moment Alex felt her self set free, not from the love they had shared, she never wanted to be free of those memories, but from the pain, the loss, the loneliness. Alex felt the weight of the last months lift from her shoulders, as she held tight to the magnificent woman beneath her.

Conner could feel Alex trembling and reached to lift her chin. As Alex looked into the eyes of the woman she had just made love to, Conner saw a solitary tears slide down her cheek. She reached out with the pad of her thumb and wiped the tear from Alex's cheek.

"What's wrong?" Conner's heart lurched as she tried to interpret the reason for the tear. Frantic to know the reason Conner questioned. "Are you Ok?" "Did I hurt you?"

Alex only swiveled her head, and bent to place a tender kiss on Conner's neck

Letting her head fall to the pillow in frustration, Conner reached up and tore a hand through her hair.

"Oh God Alex…you hate me don't you?

Alex tried to speak but was cut off as Conner continued.

"Damn, I knew we should have taken things more slowly." Taking an exasperated breath, she reached out and cupped Alex' face in her hands. "God, Alex, don't push me away." A tear formed in Conner's eyes, and slide down the side of her face toward her ear. "I'm sorry…sooo sorry, I knew you weren't ready for this, but I just couldn't stop. I nev…"

Alex stopped the words with a deep absorbing kiss, one that took Conner by complete surprise. Alex's tongue pushed, and probed, opening Conner's lips, and with passion, not words she made her lover feel what she felt at that moment...Peace…Tranquility…the beginning flames of…yes…the only thing it could be…love.

As Conner began to realize the tears Alex shed were tears of joy, not anguish She wrapped her arms tightly around the woman, and let herself flow into the warm embrace of their newfound love.

Tongues probed, hands searched, and senses mingled, as they once again took each other to the other side, only this time their decent was long, slow, warm, and in complete harmony with one another.

As their breathing once again slowed, and they lay peacefully content within each other's arms, they slept.


The boat rocked gently in the changing tides. The moon was in full view through the hatch, and cast a warm glow over the woman lying next to Conner. She and Alex had fallen into a peaceful sleep, as they held each other, after making love the last time. Now Conner was lying there watching as Alex slept, taking advantage of the chance to unselfconsciously gaze at the perfect face, and those perfect lips. Conner had never noticed how long and silky Alex's lashes were
before, but now with her eyes closed she could appreciate their beauty. Conner smiled as she realized that she had never before watched any of her previous lovers sleep, and leaned down to place a feather like kiss on Alex's forehead as she recognized that she had never wanted to…until now

For Conner, waking up early was rare. She was usually the last one awake, and certainly the last one to get up. She had never been a morning person. However, things just might change if she found herself waking up next to Alex on a regular basis. She couldn't resist the urge to reach out and trace a gentle line down Alex's jaw. As she did Alex stirred, snuggling in closer to the warmth of Conner's body. The cool morning air had drifted into the cabin from the open hatch. Careful not to wake Alex, Conner reached down and pulled the sheets up over their naked bodies. Gently nuzzling her face into the crook of Alex's neck, Conner breathed in the scent wafting from the woman's body. She could smell the natural spicy scent of Alex herself, and smiled as she also took in the aroma of their lovemaking. Pulling Alex closer, their bodies fitting together in a perfect spoon, Conner fell back into a gentle slumber.


When Conner next woke, she reached out for the warmth of the other woman, and found nothing but a cool empty bed. Opening her eyes, she looked around the cabin trying to ascertain if this had all been a dream. There on the floor were the remnants of the clothes they had removed from each other the night before. Sitting up and searching through the sheets for her shirt, Conner was startled when a naked Alex strolled into the cabin, smiling and holding out a cup of hot coffee.

"Good morning, sleepy head." Conner took the coffee as Alex bent down to place a tender kiss on her lips. Conner curled her fingers behind Alex's neck and eagerly returned the gesture.

Crawling into the bed beside Conner, Alex snuggled close to steal some of the warmth radiating off of her new found lover. 'Umm, it's a little chilly out there without any clothes on."

"Damn, and I thought you were just glad to see me" Conner laughed as she gently pinched one of Alex's hard nipples between her fingers.

'Ahhh, God woman, you'd better be careful, or I'll make sure that coffee gets cold before you get a chance to drink it."

After taking a long swallow of the hot liquid, Conner bent and captured the hard nipple in her mouth. The contrast of sensations sent Alex soaring, her hips involuntarily thrusting from the sensual assault.

"Conner." Alex whispered, "Do you have…any idea…what you do to me?"

Conner continued with her early morning exploration, capturing the other nipple in her mouth and gently biting it with her teeth.

"Ooohh, yes." Alex curled her fingers in Conner's hair and pulled her closer, leaning back to give the other woman an unobstructed path to other regions of her body.

Conner released Alex's nipple with a slurp, and a quick kiss. Raising her head, and producing a mischievous grin she straddled the Alex's hips, and continued off the other side, landing lightly on her feet beside the bed.

"Hold that thought…me…morning breath…gotta have toothpaste…toothbrush…now." Conner said as she ran into the head.

"Damn, woman, your killing me…get back here."

Alex could hear the water running, and the sounds of her new lover brushing her teeth. She smiled at the intimate closeness, and realized just how comfortable she felt laying here naked in the
daylight with Conner. She hadn't even been this bold when she and Feryle had just gotten together. Somehow the thought didn't bring her distress, just added more data to the equation. She burst out laughing as she heard the other woman gargling in the other room.

"Woman, get out here now, before you drown yourself."

Conner stepped though the door, wiping a mixture of toothpaste, and mouthwash from her mouth, as she lifted herself back onto the bed. Throwing one leg across Alex, she once again straddled the other woman, pressing her legs together tightly, forcing Alex's together as well.

"The only thing I plan to drown in this morning, Agent Montgomery…is you." Conner's husky voice hushed as she bent to take Alex's nipple in her mouth again, resuming where she had previously left off.

Alex lifted her hips, aching to bring Conner closer to her, needing to feel her inside. She lifted Conner chin with her fingers, and as mouths parted, tongues dueled, and hands searched, their passion reached a new height.

Conner pulled away quickly, dark eyes focused on Alex's face. "I want to make love to you Alex…slowly. I want to learn your body, I want you to tell me what you need, what you want me to do, where you want me to go, and how you want me to go there." Conner leaned in taking the woman's lips in her own, sliding her tongue along Alex's bottom lip until she moaned.

"Oh Conner." Alex sighed. "I want you…want you to…to…" Alex closed her eyes, and bent her head in embarrassment. She had never had anyone ask her what she needed before, and didn't know how she was supposed to answer.

Conner gently lifted Alex's chin, and placed a tender kiss on the tip of her nose. "I want you to talk to me. I want to know what you want…what you like…what you need. There is no reason to be embarrassed, love. I want to make you happy, and give you what you need."

It was now Conner's turn to hide her eyes. "Anyway it really turned me on last night when you talked to me." Conner gave the woman a sidelong glance, and saw the dimples appear as Alex broke out in a grin.

The Tension filled moment now broken; the women continued their exploration of one another's body. Hands once again met flesh, mouth met lips, and soul met soul, as they felt the heat melt their hearts.

Conner, traced small kissed downward until she came to the hollow of Alex's neck.

"I love the way you smell." Conner continued her trek down Alex's Chest

"I love the way you taste" She ran her tongue in circles around the nipple.

Pressing her hand against the back of Conner's head, Alex pulled the woman closer.

"Ummm, that feels so good." Alex was watching Conner's ministrations, and her hips lifted in a silent plea.

Conner lifted her eyes, to Alex's. Dark half-closed eyes relayed to Conner, what her touches were doing to the other woman. Parting Alex's legs with her legs, and lifting up on one hand she reached for Alex's lips with her own.

"You drive me crazy, Alex. It takes all I can do to keep from ravishing you in an instant. Talk to me, tell me what you need."

"Ahhh, Oh Conner, I need all of you…everywhere. " Alex took Conner's hand and gently pushed down taking Conner to the hot wet heat below. Using her own fingers, she pushed Conner's inside.

"That's what I need. I need you inside of me."

Conner gasped as she felt the immense wetness. Taking Alex's hand she turned it so Alex's fingers were inside along with hers.

"Do I do this to you…make you this wet?" Conner's eyes were dark, her voice husky, as she slowly moved their fingers through the slick evidence of Alex's desire.

"Yes…oh god yes…you do." Alex hips bucked in an attempt to take the women deeper.

"Show me what you like, Alex." Conner slowly ground her hips, pressing their hands deeper.

Alex's eyes widened in embarrassment, and she made an attempt to remove her hand, but was stopped by Conner's finger's intertwining with hers. She slowly turned Alex's hand until their fingers rested on the hard bundle of nerves, and slowly moved Alex's fingers, making slow circles around the bud.

"Is that what you like?" Conner continued moving their hands in the slow circular motion. "…Or do you like it like this?" She pressed their hands harder.

"Oh yes, Like that."

Conner could feel the trembling in Alex's legs as she thrust her hips higher. Still looking in Alex's dark eyes, she gently placed soft kisses along Alex's jaw line, then moved up to capture the warm lips that were parted, waiting for her. Running her tongue lightly over Alex's bottom lip, Conner smiled, as she felt the woman respond to her kiss.

"See Agent Montgomery, that wasn't so bad. Now tell me more." Conner demanded in a sultry voice.

Letting out a long sigh, Alex ground her hips harder into Conner's. "Your so…so bad Agent Harris."

"No", Conner chuckled as she matched Alex's thrusting hips with her own, "I'm good…very good, and your going to make me even better."

Conner moved her hand lower and slid two long slender fingers inside the woman. When she felt Alex once again attempt to remove her hand, Conner held her there with her hips. No, I want you there. I want to watch as you make yourself come for me."

"Ahhh, Conner." Alex growled, She bit her lower lip, as she continued massaging, the hard nub.

Conner slid lower on the other woman's body, planting light kisses along the way until she once again found Alex's nipple. She took it in her mouth, teasing it with her tongue, and tenderly tugging with her lips.

"Yes…damn you feel so good inside me." Alex's hips were now moving in the rhythmic motion with Conner's hand.

Conner continued her southward journey, stopping only for a moment to lick small circles in and around Alex's navel, causing the woman to moan again in her dark desire.

"God, Conner…please I need to…need to feel your tongue…pleeeeese." Alex was now totally immersed in her desire for Conner.

Settling between Alex's legs, Conner teased Alex more by placing soft kisses along her thigh, and moving up to kiss the swollen lips of her sex. She slowly licked the hot swollen lips, and could feel Alex's fingers brush against her tongue as she continued pleasing herself, which sent Conner's hips into a frenzied thrusting of their own.

Pulling back Conner laid her cheek against Alex's thigh and watched her rub the swollen bud, as she continued to slowly pump her fingers into the woman. Conner had never seen anything as beautiful as her lover, lying here caressing herself, giving in to the passion she felt for Conner.

"Harder, baby…go inside me deeper." Alex gasped as her hand began to rub her clit faster. "Now, Conner…I need you…pleeese."

The contented moment was now replaced with a determination to please the woman beneath her. Conner pressed her fingers inside the woman harder; curling them up until she found the spot she knew would send Alex over the edge.

"Ahhhhhh, yes, oh god Conner, don't stop."

Alex's hand was moving faster now with a determined need. Conner bent down and joined Alex's fingers in their ministrations, licking Alex's clit, her fingers, and gently biting the swollen lips of her sex.

"Yeeees, Oh Conner, yes." Alex screamed, as she felt the first surges of the orgasm overtake her body.

Conner continued licking Alex, now fighting for possession of the hard nub. She attacked the tender shaft, flicking her tongue in quick jabs.

Alex arched her back, bringing her hips closer to Conner' probing tongue as the first contractions started. Moving her hand and grabbing the back of Conner's head, she pulled the woman closer,
burying Conner's face in her sex.

"Oh Conner…I'm coming baby…don't stop."

Conner continued pushing her fingers into Alex, in long deep thrusts, and licking the shaft of her clit in long slow motions. Conner felt herself on the verge of an orgasm, as she ground her hips into the mattress. Alex could sense the rising surge in Conner and slid her leg beneath and between the other woman's legs.

Conner almost lost control as she felt Alex's long soft leg slid against her wetness.

'Mmmmmm." Conner growled as she continued licking Alex, never slowing the rhythmic thrusts of her fingers into Alex's core.

Feeling the wetness between Conner's legs sent Alex over the edge. Thrusting her hips one last time, her body convulsed in the rapture of her orgasm.

"Ohhhhh, Conner…yes…oh God…Coooonner."

Alex felt the heat surge through her body as the orgasm over took her. Conner had engulfed the hard clit between her lips, and was now gently sucking the nub as Alex rode the waves. The orgasm seemed to go on forever, as Conner teased the hard shaft, pulling more and more spasms from Alex.

Alex's head once thrown back, now tilted forward so she could watch Conner pull the orgasm from her. She had never felt such intense pleasure, and needed to look into the face of the woman giving her this gift. When their eyes met, it sent Conner over the edge in her own orgasm, and together they rode the waves, knowing something magical had just happened between them.

Finally Alex's convulsions slowed and her hips settled back down to the mattress. Conner continued nurturing Alex, careful not to hit the ultra sensitive nub, instead running long strokes along her swollen, now satisfied lower lips.

"Mmmmm, you taste soooo good." Conner growled as she continued licking the remnants of Alex's juices. " I could stay here all day, tasting you, licking you." Conner looked up into Alex's half closed eyes, as she placed a long gentle lick along the slowly receding shaft.

Alex ran her fingers through Conner's hair and cupped her face in her hands. "…And I could let you stay there, but I want you here holding me." Alex pulled Conner's shoulders; bring the woman up, against the length of her own body.

Conner slid up and lay quietly against the length of Alex for a few moments, her body warm and still trembling from the aftershocks of the orgasm. She raised herself up on both hands and bent to capture Alex's mouth in her own, delving deeply with her tongue, as she shared the juices of their lovemaking. Alex took advantage of the distance Conner had created between them and cupped both of her breasts in her hands, rubbing her thumbs lightly over Conner's hard nipples.

"Ummm, We're never going to get out of this bed if you keep that up."

Pinching the nipples lightly, Alex bit Conner's bottom lip, as she responded in a throaty whisper. "I didn't intend to get up any time soon."

Alex tucked her legs under Conner, forcing the other woman's legs to straddle her hips. In a slow, light caress, she ran her hands down Conner's side until she reached the tight taut muscles of her hips. Cupping one in each hand she pulled Conner forward until the short curly hair of Conner's sex was mixed with hers.

In an attempt to keep her balance, Conner sat up straighter and reached to grab hold of the built-in bookcases that served as the headboard. Alex once again took advantage of the woman's movement and slid her hand between them to plunge into Conner in one swift movement. Conner's gasp of surprise lit a smile across Alex's face, as she slid another finger into Conner.

"Ahhhhhhhhh, Alex" Conner screamed, as she tried desperately to hold herself upright. She pushed her hips forward melting into the rhythmic thrusting of Alex's fingers. Not thinking she could stay in this position any longer, Conner began to lean in an attempt to roll them both over. Alex noticed the motion, and reached out to hold the woman on top of her.

"No way." Alex reached up and licked one of the hard nipples. "You wanted me to tell you what I wanted…well this is it." Alex switched to lick to other nipple, and gently bit it, sending another surge of heat throughout Conner's body.

"I want you sitting here on me, looking me in the eyes, while I make love to you."

Using her free hand Alex wrapped her fingers in Conner's hair and pulled her head down so she could capture the swollen lips in her own. Alex matched her thrusting fingers with her tongue, sliding in and out of Conner's mouth.

Breaking free for a breath, Conner stared deeply into the other woman's eyes, "God your beautiful" as she ground her hips harder against Alex fingers, "…so beautiful."

Alex flattened her hand and let Conner's weight press her clit against the palm of her hand. Seeing the lusty look on Conner's face, and hearing her moans, spurned Alex's courage.

"This is what I want." Conner's dark eyes stared into her own. "I want you to come for me, like this," she grasped Conner's hips with her free hand, pulling her harder and faster against her fingers. "I want to see your face, and you see mine." Her fingers moved deeper, "…and I want to hear you scream my name …I want to know I am who you're thinking of when you come for me."

Conner's knuckles were white from gripping the bookcase. The blood was boiling though her veins, as Alex talked to her, and told her what she wanted. Conner had never been this turned on by anyone, and felt the hot juices of her desire as she slid over Alex's hand.

In one ravishing moment, Conner bent down to engulf Alex's mouth with her own, pushing her tongue deeply into the other woman's mouth, as she ground herself harder against her probing hand. Alex reached up and firmly rubbed Conner's nipple between her thumb and forefinger, sending the Conner over the edge.

Conner arched her back, thrusting harder against Alex's hand trying to get her fingers deeper. Her eyes locked with Alex's as the first spasms of her orgasm shook her.

"Aleeeeeeex…oh my God…baby…I'm coming…ohhhh…do you feel it?

"Overwhelmed by Conner's words, Alex reached up and cupped Conner's face in her own.

"Yes, baby I feel it…god you so tight…give it to me…Come on let it go." Alex whispered.

At Alex's urging Conner let the rush overtake her, and gave in to the torrent of spasms surging through her body. Looking into Alex's eyes, she saw warmth there like she had never seen before on a lover's face. Alex's eyes told her what she was not ready to put words to, told her what only making love could relay, that there was hope, there was a future for them, that there was at least, on some level, love wanting to break out of her long protected heart.

"Ahhhhhhhh…yes…it's yours Alex, all yours…take it…take it baby."

Alex did, and continued to plunge her fingers into Conner, until she felt the muscles finally begin to relax. Conner's eyes never left Alex's as the spasms, slowly receded, and she came back down to earth. Still holding onto the bookcase, Conner slumped forward, breathing hard as she recovered from the orgasm.

Alex sat up, sliding between Conner's outstretched arms, and held her, supporting the weight of the exhausted woman she had just made love to. Nuzzling her face into Conner's neck, she placed light kisses along her jaw line, slowly making her way to capture Conner's lips with her own.

"Thank you" Alex whispered. "Your so beautiful when you come."

With a shy look Conner smiled and kissed Alex on the nose. "Why are you thanking me, I should be thanking you. I…ummm…think I got the best end of that deal."

"Hmm…don't think so, I love to watch your face when you come. It's so intense, so…so intimate. Alex traced the scar under Conner's chin.

They lay in each other's arms, relaxing with the lazy morning. Soon Alex's stomach growled in protest of being neglected, which made both women laugh.

"Well. I haven't been a very good hostess. I think we need to get some food into you before your stomach gets really pissed."

"Yes, well I am a little hungry, not that I have noticed before now."

"Well why don't you get some clothes on so I can concentrate, and I'll call Benny to come tow us in. Then we can go back to my house and make some breakfast."

"Sounds like a good plan to me. I'll bet Magnum will be ready for breakfast too?

"Magnum," Conner groaned. "Damn, I'll bet that little shit has shredded everything in the house by now." Smiling sheepishly "Actually, I hadn't even thought of him. I'm a baaaaad cat sitter."

"Well, as much as I hate to, we better get going. What time is it anyway?" Alex said as she slid out of the bed. She had not paid any attention to the time given her earlier distractions, but she knew it was still early. It was still dark out when she had previously been up getting their coffee.

"It's just a little past six. " Conner said sliding out of the bed and reaching for Alex once again.

"Not a chance missy. You want more of me…I need nourishment." Alex slid from Conner's grasp, only to wrap her arms around her from behind.

Not being able to look in Conner's eyes made her next comments easier to say. Nuzzling her face into Conner's hair Alex breathed in the spicy smell of her shampoo.

"Conner." She whispered. "I don't know how to say this…and maybe
shouldn't at this point." Conner tensed as she anticipated Alex's next words. "…But I just need to tell you that… ummm…I don't know what it is about you, but,…ummm…anyway, I just want you to know I've had a great weekend, and I want you to know that …well I don't usually…ummm… actually I've never…ummm… slept with someone on the first date…and ummm." Alex knew she was stammering and stuttering, but she just couldn't seem to put her feelings into words.

Conner felt Alex's uneasiness, and turned in the other woman's arms. "Alex, it's Ok. I feel the same way too, and ahh…although I can't say I'm as noble as you about the first date thing…this isn't just another one nighter for me Alex." Looking at anything but Alex's eyes Conner continued. "I want to see more of you Alex…a lot more actually. I know things have been crazy in your life the past year, so I want you to tell me if I push to hard, ok?

Alex smiled and cupped Conner's face in her hands. "Ok, I want to see more of you too, and yes I will tell you if things get too intense, too soon." Biting her bottom lip, she gave Conner a sidelong glance, then her eyes moved to the rumpled unmade bed they just vacated. "Although I don't know if my body can stand anything more intense than what we just experienced."

Conner's face relaxed and her slight frown was replaced with a raised brow and slanted smile. "Oh yeah? Well I have a whole lot more of that intense, whenever your ready." Conner pulled Alex into her arms for a slow, tender kiss, and as their tongues explored, their breathing got heavier. Finally Alex, placed a hand on Conner's chest pushing her away, as she broke the kiss and offered a bright dimpled grin.

"Food, you promised me food, now go, call the tow boat, or whatever you call that thing, and get me food."


Conner radioed Benny at the Marina and went below to make a fresh pot of coffee. She could hear the shower running in the forward cabin and knew Alex was taking a shower. Pushing away the temptation to join her, Conner searched for something solid for them to snack on during their wait for Benny. Finding some frozen bagels, she thawed them in the microwave, and retrieved plates, and cups from the cupboard.

Her mind wandered back to their morning together. In her wildest fantasies, Conner had never imagined that she and Alex would have ended up spending the night making love. Yes, she was interested in the other woman, but she had decided to take it slow, and see what happened. Maybe, she thought, it had just been the romantic setting of the island and the boat. Set away from the rest of the world, they could pretend real life didn't exist. Sighing heavily, she hoped that hadn't been the case. Hopefully Alex wouldn't get back to the city, back to what was once her and Feryle's home, and decide she had made a terrible mistake.

Seeing Alex step into the galley, Conner held up the plate of bagels. "Food, as I promised."

Alex had seen the frown on Conner's face, as she rounded the corner, and wondered what she was thinking. Although Conner's mood seemed to be jovial, Alex noticed a thread of strain in the smile. Shaking off her curiosity Alex snarled.

"Food? You call that food? I want eggs, bacon, toast, and juice. I want the works."

"Hey, it's all I could come up with in this tub. I'll get you food when we get back on land, but for now nibble of these meek offerings, and quit snarling." Conner laughed. "Are you always this grouchy when you're hungry?"

"Actually no, I'm usually worse. It just happens that I woke up in a great mood this morning, so the hunger didn't irritate me so much." Huffing and chuckling at the same time Alex grabbed a bagel from the plate.

"Hmmm, well I'll have to remember to always make sure you wake up in a good mood the Agent Montgomery." Conner was busy putting jam on her bagel but stole a glance at Alex, who was now in a full blush.

"Uh huh, I guess you just might have to do that, Agent Harris." Alex moved closer to Conner and bent to kiss a spot of jam off of Conner's lip.

"Umm, Maybe I do like this kind of breakfast…quite tasty."

Just as Conner was about to take advantage of Alex's closeness, she heard Benny pull aside.

Sighing hard, Conner dropped her hands and moved to the ladder to go above. "Damn, his timing." She growled climbing up the rungs.

Alex chuckled and climbed up behind her, taking the opportunity to admire the muscular legs as they disappeared through the companionway.


Conner and Alex helped Benny tie the boat up in preparation for the tug back to the marina. As they got underway, Conner went below to retrieve their pre-breakfast snack. The two women sat lounging in the cockpit, enjoying the scenery, and chatting about their weekend.

"Umm, I'm a member of the local sailing club, and sometimes we have weekend cruises to different islands, and towns up and down the coast. There is one in a few weeks, and ummm… well if your interested, I could…well put us on the list." Conner knew she was asking Alex for another weekend commitment, and wasn't sure if it was the best thing to do. However, she has immensely enjoyed the last couple of days, and wanted to let Alex know she was interested in more.

"Hmmm" Alex almost purred. "Sounds like a relaxing and fun trip. Why don't you tentatively write us in, and when you have the dates, and all the other information we can make a decision then, K?"

"Great, I'll have Benny pencil us in when we get back to the marina."

The rest of the short trip was spent telling Alex about the Navel Submarine Support Bas at King's Bay, located in St' Mary's, Georgia, adjacent to Amelia, and Cumberland Islands.

They had been forced to give passage to an incoming submarine on their way back to the Marina. Both women had been struck by the contrast of the sight. In one direction Alex and Conner could watch the wild horses feeding in the marsh off of Cumberland, and witness the unspoiled natural environment of the surrounding islands. However, with only a slight turn of their heads they could view the passage of a Nuclear Submarine as it made it's way through the channel back to St. Mary's.

"Wow, talk about coming back to reality." Alex spoke in a quiet voice.

Conner wasn't sure if Alex was speaking only of the ending of their weekend escape, or if she was referring to her entire life. Conner placed a hand on Alex's back. "You know, coming back to reality doesn't mean we have to forget the last couple of days. We can take them home with us you know."

"I know, I didn't mean what you are thinking. I'm sure I'll not forget this weekend for like ever." Alex leaned over and kissed the tip of Conner's nose, gently tracing the line of her jaw with one finger. "After all, you'll probably have a little scar right there on your chin to always remind us of this weekend."

Conner rolled her eyes, and smirked. "Alright already, I know I've been a klutz, but it was only because you had me so stressed."

The two women laughed, and leaned back in a relaxed comfort with one another, and were soon back in the marina. Conner had Benny write them in for the sailing trip, and asked him to check the engine sometime the next week and have her ready to sail the next weekend. Although Conner hadn't asked Alex, she was silently hoping for another weekend get-away.

The women loaded their packs in the Jag, and were soon heading towards Conner's condo. They stopped off at the grocery store so Conner could get food for breakfast, and decided to add a few more things just in case Alex would stay for dinner.

Raising the garage door, Conner couldn't help but smile at the Jeep sitting in the other stall. Looks like it belongs there, she thought to herself. Alex caught the smile, and somehow knew what had
provoked it.

"My Jeep seems to like the luxury of your garage." Alex mused. "She just might have to come visit more often…doesn't get this kind of treatment at home."

"Well, she's welcome to come visit anytime she wants…oh yeah, and by the way…your ummm welcome to tag along too if you want." Conner added the last part with a teasing grin, as she hit the button to lower the garage door, and reached out and took Alex in her arms.

Placing a gentle kiss on Alex's lips, Conner sat back and let out a satisfied sigh. "I've wanted to do that since Benny, showed up."

The women headed into the house and were met by a very attention deprived, and very energetic Magnum. The cat pounced on Conner's shoulder just as she cleared the door, scaring the woman, and causing her to scream and fling the bag of groceries she held in her arms to the floor.

Plucking the cat off of her shoulder, she held him under his front arms, and dangled him in front of her face. "Jesus, you little shit. You trying to kill me or something."

The cat simple mewed, and swatted Conner on the nose, causing her to shriek with pain as the tiny needle sharp claws contacted her skin. The sight had Alex almost in tears, and she held her stomach as she laughed.

"God, Conner, I hope I never see the day some big bad drug dealer sneaks up behind you." Alex couldn't keep from laughing as she watched the stare down that was now occurring between the two, albeit out of the swatting range of Magnums claws.

Conner dropped the cat gently to the floor, and wrinkled her nose at Alex. "Har, Har…drug dealers I can handle, cats…well at least this particular one has managed to get the best of me."

The women retrieved the groceries from the floor, and headed to the kitchen, Magnum trailing behind being very vocal about his hunger.

"Well, I think he's just precious." Alex said bending over to scoop up the cat. "See, he's not a bad boy, listen to him purr." As if the cat and Alex had conspired against her, Magnum reached over and racked his rough tongue against Alex's face, then bent his head to nuzzle her neck.

"Damn, cat…Well you can feed the precious little baby, while I go get cleaned up." Conner growled as she tried to hide her smile. "I'll be back in a few. Make yourself at home. There's juice in the refrigerator if you want some." Conner added as she headed down the hall to her room.

Conner entered her bedroom and noticed the blinking light on her answering machine. She hit the play button and listened to the messages as she turned on the shower and got clean clothes from her closet. The first message was from Seth, telling her he would be by Monday night to pick up Magnum.

"Couldn't be too soon for me pal."

The next was a message from someone wanting to sell her vinyl siding.

"Go stick your vinyl siding up your…why am I talking to the damn machine."

The next message got Conner's full attention. It was Captain Peterson. "Alex, this is Peterson. I wanted to let you know there has been some progress in the Hernandez case, and we are having a task force meeting tomorrow at 8:00 AM. I want you there, so be prepared to give a complete update on all you have so far. Oh, yeah, I almost forget we have some new people coming in on this case, and I'll need you to provide them with copies of everything you have. Uhhh, Conner, I…well, just get a good night's sleep. Looks like it's going to be a long week."

Conner stood and stared at the machine. Peterson rarely called her at home unless it was important. He knew how much this case meant to her. This monster had murdered one of her ex-lover's best friends. Running her hand through her hair, Conner realized there was yet another important factor involved that made this case even more important to her now. Sam's friend was also the partner of the woman she had just spent the weekend making love to, Feryle Hughes.

"Damn, Harris, you always have to go and complicate things don't you." Conner said to herself as she hit the erase button on the machine. Heading for the shower, she was glad for a few minutes by herself. She was going to need it before facing Alex again.

Standing in the shower, Conner thought about what this could mean for her and Alex. She was sure Alex wouldn't be thrilled about her involvement in the case. However, she hadn't mentioned anything about Hernandez to Alex. Maybe…just maybe, she could bring this thing to an end without Alex having to know. She quickly finished her shower, and headed back to the kitchen.

Conner stopped short and her frown turned to a pleasant smile as she spied Alex, lying on the sofa, asleep. Magnum had crawled onto her chest and was nestled between Alex's breasts in a peaceful slumber.

"Damn, cat. She better not have a scratch on her when you two wake up, or you'll be needing all of your remaining lives…got it." Conner whispered as she scratched the top of the purring cats head. She quietly headed to the kitchen to fix breakfast for the hungry, sleeping woman.


Alex woke up to the purring cat on her chest, and lay there stroking his head as she listened, and laughed at Conner in the kitchen. Magnum quickly tired of the bouncing, and jumped down. Alex
stretched, thankful for the power nap, but felt guilty for leaving Conner to do the cooking. It was fairly obvious from the grumbling, and clanging that natural culinary traits were not in the woman's
genetic make up.

"Ahem…you need some assistance Chef Harris." Alex was leaning against the doorframe, attempting with great difficulty to hide her amused look. Conner was on her hands, and knees searching through a cabinet, for what Alex wasn't quite sure.

"No thanks." Conner said defiantly, self-consciously brushing flour off of her sleeve. "I can manage."

Sitting back on her haunches, Conner growled at the other woman. "Just because cooking isn't one of my most favorite pastimes, doesn't mean I can't fix a simple breakfast."

Alex walked over to the stove and looked at a very interesting concoction in the skillet. "Ummm hmmm, and just what are you preparing for this glorious meal."

"It's a old family recipe, called Sailors Sunrise. It's one of my favorites." Conner took Alex by the arm and led her towards the door. Giving her a little nudge she ordered Alex out of her kitchen. "You need to go outside on the deck, and enjoy the morning, and get out of my way, so we can eat before midnight."

Alex let her self be led out onto the deck, and placed in a chair. She knew that for some reason preparing breakfast was important to Conner, so she relented with little argument. "Ok Ok, but call me if you need any help."

"Thanks, but I won't. Just relax and enjoy the fresh air. I'll have everything ready in a few minutes." Conner then retreated back into the kitchen to fight the culinary demons.

Alex sat on the deck, thinking about the weekend, she and Conner had spent together. She knew Sam and Karen had been disappointed when she called late on Friday to cancel their cook out. However both women did seem to shrug off their disappointment when they found out Alex and Conner were going sailing together the next day. Leaning her head back against the pillow in the chair, Alex smiled. "Boy would they ever be surprised to find out what I've been up to this

"Hey, I didn't mean to bore you so much you started talking to yourself." Conner walked out into the warm sunshine, and sat on the end of the deck chair Alex was lounging in.

"Not bored, just thinking about Sam and Karen."

Conner looked out over the ocean, a frown crossing her face, causing a thin line to crease her forehead. "I take it they didn't approve of you going sailing with me."

Taking Conner's hand Alex gave Conner a reassuring smile. "Not at all. They were not happy I called to cancel. However, when they found out what I had planned, they were more than happy to reschedule. Sam loves to play matchmaker, so you should probably be warned that she will most likely call to have you over next weekend."

Conner couldn't read the expression in Alex's face, so she decided to just jump in and see if there was any water in the pool. "And what do you think of that? Would that be ok with you?"

A deep frown crossed Alex's face, her lips were pinched tightly together forming a small line across her face. "Well, Conner…you know…I'm not sure. I mean if you had to choose between facing Sam and Karen all alone, getting drilled to no end, or having someone there by your side to protect you." Alex broke out in a grin. "...Which would you choose? Of course silly, I want you there. I'd ask you myself, actually I will now. However let's keep it our secret, so Sam and Karen can enjoy their scheming."

Conner's shoulders noticeably relaxed, and the movement didn't escape Alex's keen eye. "K, Now my lady, time for breakfast."

Alex was pleasantly surprised at the breakfast Conner had prepared. The interesting concoction she had earlier spied in the skillet was now a delicious mixture of eggs, bacon, mushrooms, onions, cheese, and several ingredients that even Alex didn't recognize, and of course shrimp. This was set on a bed of fluffy white rice, and accompanied by what tasted like homemade buttermilk biscuits, and jam.

After stuffing themselves on the meal, both women sat back rubbing their stomachs. "I think I'm going to explode." Alex groaned. "I have to correct my previous observation. You certainly didn't look like you were very astute in the kitchen when I walked in, but you just proved yourself to me. I stand corrected."

Conner blushed a bright red as Alex bestowed the compliments on her. "Well, I have to admit, it's probably the only thing I do cook well, but thanks I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"I did. And since you cooked, I get to clean." Alex said standing and picking up the empty dishes.

"No way, my house, my kitchen, my mess." Conner countered.

After a few minutes of friendly arguing, Alex won out, and sent Conner on her way to the deck."

As Conner sat on the deck listening to Alex move around in the kitchen she couldn't help but think of how natural it sounded, and felt. She knew she was setting herself up for a big disappointment
if things didn't work out between them, but she decided to just enjoy the experience, and worry about the fall later if it came.

Once the dishes were done, Alex wanted a tour of the island. They climbed in Alex Jeep, so they could enjoy the open top, and headed out with Conner at the wheel.

Conner took Alex down to the City Marina they had passed on their sail to Cumberland. They spent a couple of hours strolling through the various shops along the brick paved streets, moving easily among the other tourists. Conner then drove them to Fort Clinch State Park, the Civil War-era fort that overlooked Cumberland Sound. They enjoyed a leisurely walk through the park, which was complete with cannons, jail cells, a blacksmith and hospital. Before they realized it, the day had swept by, and it was dusk was beginning to settle over the island.

Walking back to the Jeep, Alex thought of how much she had enjoyed the weekend, and realized that she wasn't ready for it to end. However she did have a busy day tomorrow. It was to be her first day back at the local FBI Field Office, and she knew it would be a stressful day in more ways than one. She hadn't been back in the building since the warehouse raid, and knew just walking through the door would stir up a menagerie of emotions.

Conner watched as Alex's face took on a dark mask. She walked silently beside the woman, deciding to let Alex talk if she wanted, and content to just be with her if she didn't.

"It's getting dark, and as much as I don't want to, I guess I had better be heading back to the city."

"I know I've enjoyed it too." They were simple statements, but carried a lot of meaning for both women.


Arriving back at Conner's the women quietly began to gather Alex's belongings for her trip home. After stowing everything in the Jeep, Alex returned to the house to say her good-byes to Conner.

Conner was standing at the window looking out at the receding tide. Alex ease in behind her and embraced the woman on her arms, bending to plant a kiss on Conner's neck.

"Mmmm, you taste so good." Alex continued to kiss and nibble on Conner's neck. Moving her hands in small circles she caressed the taut muscles of Conner's stomach. Alex could feel the excited tension building in Conner's body which caused her own to react likewise.

Deciding to toss all caution to the wind Alex nibbled on Conner's ear lobe and whispered "You know, it's only about an hours drive from her to my house…and ummm…it's really not that late…what do you think about giving me another tour of your bedroom before I go.

Conner let out a primitive growl as she turned in Alex's arms. She pressed her lips against Alex's forehead in a tender kiss, and without saying a word took Alex by the hand and led the way down the hall.

The room was dark, only the fading light seeping through the blinds, as Conner reached for Alex. Alex, gently took Conner's arms and placed the by her side once again, and reached up to take hold of the top button of Conner shirt.

"You have made me feel so good this weekend…made me feel so many wonderful things I never thought I would feel again. Now it's my turn to make you feel some of the same things. I want to make love to you like you did to me this morning. I want you to talk to me…tell me what you want…I want to be the one to take you there."

Conner's gasped, as she felt Alex slowly unbutton her shirt. She felt electric shocks, each time Alex's fingers came in contact with the skin as she undid the buttons. After what seemed like forever, Alex gently pushed the shirt off of Conner's shoulders and leaned in to nip the tender skin in the hollow of her neck. Conner shook her arms to shrug off the shirt, and reached up to wrap her arms around the other woman.

Alex quickly grabbed Conner's arms and once again placed them by her side. With a quick bite to her collarbone, hard enough to get her attention, but not be too painful, Alex looked up and locked eyes with her lover.

"I want you to be very still, don't move, understand. The only thing I want you to do is talk to me." With a mischievous grin on her face Alex added. "I'll do all the work, you just lay back and enjoy the ride." She reached between Conner's breasts and unhooked her bra. In one fluid motion she pulled it off Conner's shoulders, leaving her naked from the waist up.

By now Conner's breaths were coming in shuttering gasps. Both women could feel the heat radiating off of the excited woman. Conner's knees gave away just as Alex gave her a slow push, effectively sitting Conner on the side of the bed.

Standing over Conner, Alex gave her a evil grin, and pushed her shoulders back sending Conner into a prone position with her feet hanging off the side of the bed. She moaned as Alex leaned over her body to suckle on one of her hard nipples. Resisting the temptation to reach out and pull Alex closer she tucked her hands and watched as the other woman continued undressing her.

Alex unbuckled Conner's belt and opened the snap. Letting her hands roam freely, she caressed the hard tight muscles of Conner's stomach, before grasping the zipper of her jeans and pulling it down slowly. Conner's chest was rising and falling in quick thrusts as she tried unsuccessfully to control her breathing. Alex let her eyes completely flow over Conner's upper body as she hooked her fingers in the jeans.

The only movement Alex allowed was letting Conner lift her hips, as she pulled the jeans over her hips. After removing Conner's shoes she pulled the jeans off of her legs, and stepped back to admire the beautiful woman lying before her. Alex felt a rush of heat surge down her as she let her eyes fall on the trimmed hair between Conner's legs. Slowly she lifted each of the long slender legs, and placed them on the edge of the bed, opening the space between her legs, and allowing her an unobstructed view of Conner's sex.

Alex stepped back, and never breaking eye contact with Conner, slowly removed her clothes, piece by piece, until she stood completely naked. In the back of her mine Alex was in disbelief of her own actions. She had never been this outwardly bold with anyone, and still couldn't understand what it was about Conner that made her want to be this daring. She shook off her inner self, and stepped between Conner's legs as Conner let out a ragged breath at the slight touch of their skin.

Placing one hand on each inner thigh, Alex slowly stroked the sensitive skin. As she reached the junction at the top of her legs, Conner whimpered, and thrust her hips out to meet Alex's hands. She ignored the silent pleas and continued up her stomach, until she reached the small mounds of her breasts.

Planting her hands on each side of the woman's head, Alex bent in and captured her lips as Conner reached up and placed a hand behind Alex's neck. Grabbing her hand and pushing it back down once again, Alex ducked her head and nipped Conner's neck.

"Looks, like your going to be uncooperative." Putting on her best interrogation face Alex asked. "Am I going to have to handcuff you to the bed to keep you still, Agent?"

"Oh god." Conner's eyes were dark and hooded as the desire swept through her body. She had never had anyone make her feel what Alex made her feel, and her body responded in an almost violent need to be satisfied.

Alex knew she was driving the woman crazy with her teasing, and it only spurred her on for more. "Are you going to be good, or am I going to have get mean?" Alex ducked once again and bit Conner's neck.

It wasn't a feeling of control that urged Alex to continue, she didn't want to control Conner. It was more like a power that she possessed when they made love. She had never felt like she had the ability to satisfy someone as Conner said she did her. That was the power Alex was seeking, a power to please, and satiate. A power to bring her lover to her knees with desire then gently lift her back up with gentle kisses, and soothing words.

The passion driving Conner had sent her imagination into a frenzied state, and she decided that two could play this game. "Looks like your going to have to get mean, Agent, cuz I have no intention of being good tonight." Conner watched Alex's face as her eyes turned a deep blue, and closed half way. Using a surprise attack Conner slipped a hand free and captured Alex's hard nipple, rolling it between her fingers.

Alex's took in a shuttering breath, before recovering and grabbing Conner's hand, once again pushing it above her head. Keeping Conner's hands pinned, Alex captured her lips and plunged her tongue deep into Conner's mouth. Tongues dueled for control, as Alex slid up and straddled Conner's body, rendering her helpless, as the other woman rested her weight on her stomach.

Breathing hard, Alex finally broke the kiss and stared into Conner's eyes.

"Do you feel how wet I am for you?" Alex growled as she slid across Conner's stomach, each stroke teasing the hard bud buried between her swollen lower lips.


" Do you want to taste me Conner?

"Yeeesss." Conner was now grinding her hips up in an effort to make contact with Alex, although the other woman had purposely positioned herself out of reach.

"Well, if you want me, you had better behave, or I'll stop. Do you understand me?

Conner's eyes turned dark, and she growled in agreement.

Don't move, not a muscle, unless I say you can…got it?

"Yes." Conner was almost screaming. She would have agreed to anything as long as Alex kept touching her.

Alex removed one of her hands and placed it along the side of Conner's face. With and intense tenderness, she placed light pecks across her forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, and finally captured her mouth in a long passionate kiss. Conner felt her senses reeling as Alex explored her mouth with her tongue.

As Alex continued her exploration, she dropped her free hand to Conner's side and traced a light path up her ribs, sending tremors through the woman's body. Smiling through her kiss she eased down further, and removed the other hand holding Conner's arms down. To her surprise Conner left her arms bent above her head and allowed Alex full access to her body.

Feeling more certain of her self Alex slid off of Conner's stomach and again stood between the woman's parted legs. She bent and continued trailing a path of kisses over Conner's body, stopping to suckle on first one then the other nipple. Raising her head she saw Conner watching her, and noticed that the woman had grasped the sheets in her fists.

In the boldest move Alex had ever made, she lifted one leg and placed it on the bed nest to Conner's side, allowing the woman a full view of herself. Conner stared at the Alex's hot, glistening core, and thought she would die from her need to reach out and touch Alex. Instead she gripped the sheets tighter, wanting and needing to experience every second of Alex's fantasy.

Alex saw Conner as she swallowed hard, and unconsciously licked her lips, in anticipation. She reached down and pinched Conner's nipple, just enough to get her attention, and when their eyes met, she reached down and buried her fingers inside herself.

Conner's moan was indescribable. Her face had turned a dark shade of red, and for a moment Alex thought she had pushed the woman too far. Finally Conner took a deep shuttering breath and the natural color returned.

"You like it when I do this don't you?"

"God yes…please Alex…let me touch you?"

As she continued to stroke herself, Alex smiled, and spread her legs further apart. "Not yet lover." She slowly removed her fingers and leaned over Conner, and parted her lips with her wet fingers. "I will however give you a little taste."

"Ahhh, Alex," Conner devoured Alex's fingers, sucking the warm juices off of them, and quietly whimpering as her need to be touched increased.

"Do you want me inside you?" Alex asked as she let her fingers trail down Conner's body stopping just at the hairline of her sex.

"Yeees," Conner lifted her hips, her need now reaching a point of desperation.

Alex slowly let her fingers fall until she felt the wetness on Conner's outer lips, knowing she was even wetter inside. Kneeling between Conner's legs Alex gently traced the folds of Conner's lower lips, gently parting them to expose the hard nub of the clitoris. Beginning at Conner's left knee Alex began placing slow torturous kisses along the length of Conner's thigh. When she reached the tender cleft, she paused for only a second before gently enfolding the hard nub between her lips.

Conner's hips bucked wildly as the contact sent tremors throughout her body. "Oh…my…god Alex." Her words came in shutters as Alex's tender lips rhythmically squeezed, and her tongue placed featherlike touches directly to the tip of the ultra sensitized nerves.

Alex continued her slow ministrations, as she watched Conner's face above her. As Conner bucked beneath her she reached up and plunged three fingers deep into the woman, sending the woman into a frenzy of motion.

"Aleeex, God I need to touch you, please…Alex…please…come here.

As Conner screamed her name Alex felt her body spasm, and knew she could no longer deny Conner's need. Remaining deep inside, she slid her body up onto the other woman, and felt the electrical surges bolt through her body in response to their touch.

Conner released the sheets and wrapped her arms tightly around the other woman's neck, capturing Alex's in hers. Their tongues dueled in their united passion, and Alex felt her body cry out for relief.

Conner, pulled her mouth away, and took a shuttering breath. "Alex I need to taste you now, please let me…I've done what you wanted…now I need this…please."

Alex smiled and placed a warm kiss on Conner's lips, and then she slowly rolled off of her body, and sat up looking down at Conner. For a moment Conner thought Alex was going to make good on her threat and quit, and just as she was about to speak, Alex bent and placed a trail of kisses down Conner's stomach. When she reached the soft line of hair leading to Conner's sex, she lifted her leg and straddled Conner's face, allowing the woman full access to her desire.

Conner, wrapped her arms around Alex's legs, and just as she was bending in to kiss the swollen folds of her outer lips, Alex plunged her fingers deeply inside of Conner, sending her into another passionate whirl.

Conner buried her face in Alex's sex, raking her tongue the length of the hard swollen shaft. The muffled moans of the women, continued as they matched each other stroke for stroke. They held onto each other as they soared higher and higher until at last they fell in unison to their orgasms.

After a few minutes their breathing slowed and Alex moved to turn around and face Conner. When their eyes met Alex saw one prominent brow raised, and a smirk on her lovers face.

"Hey" Alex said as she placed a warm kiss on Conner's lips.

"Hey yourself." Conner maintained their eye contact. She wanted Alex to squirm a little, so she just lay there quietly looking at the other woman.

Squirming was what Alex was doing, and a lot of it. She knew there would be sweet hell to play for the torturous pleasure she had just made Conner endure. She ducked her head breaking the eye contact and gently bit Conner's jaw.

"Hmmm, you really know how to make a woman feel good, you know." Alex tipped her eyes up and gave Conner and innocent grin.

"Uh huh"

Alex was getting nervous that she had taken things too far. Not quite knowing what to do next she placed her hand on Conner's chest, and as she was pushing up into a sitting position, Conner pounced.

In one smooth quick motion Conner flipped Alex over and somehow managed to straddle her stomach pinning Alex solidly to the bed. Grabbing her hands she shoved them above Alex's head, and held them there in a position similar to the one Alex had previously had hers.

"You will pay, and pay dearly for that little stunt." As Conner grinned, Alex let out a relieved sigh. "However, I will require at least an entire night, so considering the late hour, I will reserve my revenge for another night." Conner nipped Alex's ear lobe, "So be prepared my dear." She kissed her nose. "…For a night of sensual torture."

Alex laughed as she threw her arms around the other woman's neck, and hugged Conner close. "I've had such a great time this weekend…I ahh…don't want it to end."

Turning her head and glancing at the clock, she groaned. "As much as I hate to, I need to get going. My first day back is tomorrow, and I have an early meeting."

"I know I don't want it to end either, but we have lots of time. We'll be together soon." Conner nuzzled Alex's neck, and took in one last breath of her lovers scent. Conner slid off of Alex and they began to dress slowly, neither wanting to, but preferring to crawl back into bed to hold each other as they fell asleep.

They made small talk, until they reached the door to the garage. Alex turned and pulled Conner close, kissing her deeply, trying to satisfy her need until they could be together again.

"Will you be at the precinct in the morning, or out on the streets?" Alex asked. She decided not to tell Conner her meeting the next morning was with her Captain. Choosing instead to surprise her instead, if she was going to be in the precinct.

"I'll be in until around ten, or so, then I'll probably head out to the streets."

"Good, You mind if I give you a call sometime in the morning?"

"Actually, I'd be upset if you didn't, I want to know how your first day back is going. Maybe we can…uhh… maybe get together for lunch. That is if you have the time."

"I'll make the time for lunch with you. I'll call you and we can decide where we want to go, ok?" Leaning in for one last kiss, Alex held Conner close for a few moments, before straightening, and turning to climb in the Jeep.

"Please drive carefully, ok?" Conner said, as she leaned in for another quick kiss.

"I will, sweet dreams, Agent Harris. I know mine will be." Alex grinned as she started the Jeep, and backed out of the garage.

Conner watched Alex drive off, until the taillights disappeared into the night. She slowly turned, and went back into the house. As she stepped through the door, she realized for the first time how quiet and empty her condo seemed at this moment.

Conner fed Magnum, and headed for bed. As she crawled beneath the sheets, she could smell Alex's perfume on the pillows, and sheets. She tossed and turned for and hour, before getting up and searching through the kitchen until she found a bottle of scotch. She poured herself a large shot and knocked it back in one swallow. Turning she saw Magnum sitting there staring at her curiously. "Yea, hot shot, I'm miserable. Go to bed and leave me alone."

Conner turned and headed back to her room. She lay on her side and hugged the pillow that smelled of Alex next to her as she lay in the empty bed. After what seemed like forever, she fell into a fitful sleep, dreaming of the mysterious woman that had swept into her life and stolen her heart in just a few short days.


The alarm rudely broke into Alex's dreams, and she slapped impatiently at the snooze button. She rolled over on her stomach and buried her head beneath the pillow, determined to get another few minutes sleep. She had not arrived home the night before until almost midnight, and by the time she got her briefs, and files organized for the meeting this morning, it was almost 2 am. Now at 6am, she was wishing she had gotten to bed earlier. On second thought, she decided not, because that would have meant foregoing her and Conner's love making. Just the thought of their last hour together, sent a tingling sensation down her spine.

Rolling over, she stared at the ceiling, remembering the heat, the passion, the explosive orgasms they had both experienced simultaneously. Somehow, without her knowledge, her hand drifted up and began rubbing a nipple that was quickly coming to life. Alex became aware of her roaming hand as a surge of heat rolled through her body, sending tantalizing sensation through her lower body.

"Damn, your hopeless, Montgomery." She mumbled to herself as she threw the covers back and sat on the edge of the bed. Shutting off the clock, she eyed the last photograph she had made of Feryle. Picking it up, she stared down at the woman she thought she would spend the rest of her life with. She traced a finger over the glass, outlining the smiling lips of her lover, and wondered if Feryle would approve of her newly budding relationship with Conner.

"I do, and will always love you Feryle." Alex often sat and talked to Feryle's photograph. Somehow it made her feel closer, and more alive. Now she was looking at the photograph, asking for acceptance, for understanding. As she sat and watched the face smiling back at her, a tear gently splashed across the glass. Wiping the moisture from the frame, she reverently placed it back on the nightstand, and stood not sure if she was ready to face the morning. Her muscles screamed as she straightened, and although the pain was uncomfortable, she smiled. "Guess I'm getting too old to be romping around the bedroom, " and smiled as she headed for the kitchen.

After a quick cup of coffee and a bagel, Alex headed for the shower. Dropping her robe on the bed, she moved to the bathroom, and turned the shower on. Waiting for the water to heat Alex brushed her teeth. As she stood, she caught her reflection in the mirror. There was something different about her face, but she couldn't quite put her finger on what it was. Shrugging off the question, she stepped under the shower, and let the warm water and the steam, relax her sore muscles. As she lathered her body, she noticed a small mark just above her breast. She shook her head, and laughed as she realized that Conner had marked her. Chuckling to herself she tried to remember the last time she had had a hickey. It had to have been when she was in college, maybe earlier that that. Normally she would have been furious, but for some reason this morning she just thought it was cute.

When Alex came out of the shower, she noticed the time, and knew she had to hurry if she was going to be on time for her meeting. This was her first day back at the field office, and she didn't need to be dragging her self in late. As she got dressed she remembered she wouldn't be heading directly to the office, she had an 8:00 o'clock meeting with Jack Peterson. Alex's heart raced, as she thought of the surprise she had in store for Conner…showing up to say hello, before her meeting.

Driving into the city, Alex listened to an oldies rock station, and soon found she was singing along with the music. She had decided to keep the top off of the Jeep, so the morning sir could finish waking her up. She pulled into the parking garage, and had to drive up the ramp to the third level before she found any available spaces. She was running late, and the garage was deserted. All the other personnel were probably, in their morning briefing sessions. She spotted a space at the end of the lane, and as she headed toward it she spotted Frank Bivin's walking toward the stairs. As she passed, he turned and looked in her direction, and Alex could tell by the way he stopped dead in his tracks that he had recognized her from the previous Friday night. She took her time parking and got out of the Jeep. Pulling her briefcase from the back she turned and headed towards the stairwell, hoping he had already exited on the ground level

Alex was about a half flight away from the ground level, when she turned the corner, and saw Bivin's leaning against the wall. Slowing she eyed him cautiously, and continued on her way past him. She was almost by when she suddenly she felt a hand grab her arm. Stopping, she slowly turned her head, as she struggled to keep her temper under control.

"Is there something I can help you with Officer Bivin's."

She saw the gleam in his eyes, as he understood that she had recognized him as well. "I was just going to ask how your weekend was, Agent Montgomery?"

Giving Bivin's her best smirk; she gave him one of her infamous raised eyebrows. "My weekend was fine…well except for a few sand fleas that crawled up on my beach Friday night."

Alex gave Bivin's a challenging smile. "However, I shooed them away, and hadn't really though about it again, until I saw you. Hmmm, wonder why that is, you think?"

Bivin's face turned almost purple, as Alex politely put him in his place. He tightened his grip on her arm considerably, and leaned in until Alex could smell the onion bagel he had eaten for breakfast. Pulling Alex roughly, she stumbled into his chest as he dipped his head beside her ear, breathed heavily, and growled. "Your new in town Montgomery. You'll play nice if you know what's good for you. I finally got Harris to understand, maybe during your next romantic stroll on the beach she can fill you in on the details."

Alex took a deep breath, and forced her body to relax, even though she was coiled and ready to strike. She tested the fingers on the hand pressed against his chest, and slowly slid them up to his broad muscular shoulders. Looking sheepishly up into his eyes, she whispered. "Your right…I … I'm sorry. Maybe we did get off on the wrong foot. I do want…and need the help of the local police force, and I want us all to get along."

Bivin's loosened his grip and grinned down at Alex, realizing he had gotten his message across to the lady cop without too much effort. "I knew you'd understand. We all have our…place…around here, right?"


Bivin's was now boldly looking down the front of Alex's blouse. Licking his bottom lip, he tore his eyes away from her breasts and met hers again. "Uhh…maybe sometime soon, we can get together, and I can show you around town, what do you say?"

"Well, I'm not sure that would be a good idea."

Bivin's Leaned in so close Alex could feel his breath on her face. "And why not? I'm sure I could show you a… real… good time, Agent?"

Smiling up into his face, Alex gave Bivin's an embarrassed smile. "Well…you know…it's just that…" With lightening quick reflexes, she brought her knee up and drove it deep into Bivin's crotch. Stepping back, she grinned as she watched him grab himself and slide down the wall. As he was lying on the floor, groaning, Alex noticed what an unusual color of faded green his face had turned. Chuckling, she knelt down until she was even with his face. She took his chin in her hand, and slammed his head back into the concrete wall, looking him dead in the eyes.

"Don't ever…and I mean EVER…threaten me again. Is that clear?"

Bivin's moaned and pushed to move away. Alex grabbed his hair, and lifted his face up to meet hers again. "You may think your some big tough cowboy cop, but if you give me even the smallest reason, I'll smash you like the maggot you are."

Standing over him, she turned to walk the rest of the way down the stairs, but stopped and turned once more to see him still groaning on the floor. "Don't fuck with me Bivin's, I am way above your little league games. I was nice to you the other night, and let you save face in front of Officer Harris, but I don't give second chances." With that she turned and walked the rest of the way down the stairs and out into the fresh air.

The further she removed her self from his presence, the more she felt her self shake. He was going to be a dangerous player in her new game. She knew she would need all the help she could get from the local police force, but she would be damned before she let scum like Bivin's try to walk over her.

Taking a few deep breathes to settle her self, Alex moved through the door of the precinct. She fought her way through the mass of uniformed police heading out the door to their respective assignments. She finally managed to reach the main desk, and was greeted by the jovial man Conner had fondly called Buet.

"Good morning Agent…Uhh…Montgomery, right?

"Yes, and good morning to you?"

Buet had dropped his pen on the desk and was shuffling some papers as he asked what her could do for her.

"I have a meeting with Captain Peterson. I know I'm a little late, so if you could just point me in the right direction."

"Don't worry, they all just got in there themselves. First door on your left." Buet pointed down the hallway to her right.

Alex headed in the direction of the door as she yelled a "Thanks." over her shoulder.

As she walked down the hallway, Alex was frustrated that she hadn't gotten a chance to see Conner before her meeting. That of course was thanks to "Cowboy Cop" in the garage. Well, I'll make time to stop by on the way out, and we can plan our lunch together. She was still smiling when she knocked on the door, but it fell completely off her face when the door opened and she stood facing her new lover."

Conner stood motionless, her mouth gaping open as Alex fought to regain some semblance of composure. Both women regrouped fairly quickly, and Conner stepped aside to let Alex enter the room.

"Shadow…Um Agent Montgomery. I was just telling my task force here, how lucky we are to have you back. Come on in and have a seat we're just getting started.

Alex moved to the other side of the table to an empty seat, and put her briefcase down. Needing another minute to get her self together Alex spotted the coffee urn in the corner of the room.

"Captain, mind if I grab a cup of coffee before we begin."

"Not at all, help yourself. There's donuts over there as well."

Peterson hadn't seemed to notice the shocked recognition on the women's faces, and was now boasting to everyone in the room about how "The Shadow" had solved one of the worse cases he had ever been involved in.

"'The Shadow', came in and royally pissed every officer this side of the Georgia line off with her arrogance. First time most of these good ole boys had ever worked with a lady cop." Peterson was teasing Alex unmercifully. He knew this was the only place he could get away with it. He also knew she would never do anything to slight him in the eyes of his officers, so she stayed quiet letting him have his fun, although she did give him one of her most dangerous stares.

"Ok, Ok, I'll save the bedtime stories for another time. We need to get onto why we are all here."

Alex had come back to the table and, much to her unease sat down directly across from Conner. The two women locked eyes for a moment before Alex looked away. Conner could see the hurt and the anger in Alex's stare, and knew she would have a lot of explaining to do once the meeting was over.

What surprised her even more was to find out that Alex was the famous 'Shadow'. Conner had heard stories about the dangerous FBI Agent, but she would have never thought that Alex and 'The Shadow' were one and the same.

'The Shadow', was rumored to be on more than one hit list among the criminal community. She had almost single handedly taken out the Sarantos Family of organized crime. If she remembered correctly, 'The Shadow' had infiltrated the organization, and spent months gathering information against Papa Paul, while doing what she had to do to gain his trust.

She had set up a meeting between the Sarantos family, and Malcolm Hernandez somewhere down near the river, and according to the stories, she had also set up a sting intending to bring both groups down at the same time. Conner's memory was fuzzy on the tale, which was almost year old, but she did remember something about 'The Shadow' getting caught in the crossfire. She was lost in thought trying to remember the details, until she felt a sharp kick her under the table.

"…Harris, are you with us?"

"Huh? Oh right Captain, sorry I was just thinking about the case."

"Must have had a late night Harris, hope I didn't wake you?" Peterson scolded, "I was asking if you were ready to bring us all up to date on the Hernandez case. I got Agent Montgomery all the way over here to hear what you have to say, so why don't you fill us in?"

Conner could feel the face turn crimson red, as Peterson reproached her, stealing a glance at Alex, she could see even further rage, as she realized that Conner was not only on the case but one of the key players. Swallowing hard Conner wasn't sure if her nervousness was because she had to present her case to her new lover who happened to be the lead FBI Agent on the case, or if it was caused by the piercing eyes, of 'The Shadow' that seemed to be staring a hole though her.

"Well, the last time Hernandez was spotted he was somewhere in the jungles of Columbia. Sources tell us that he has a safe house there, and that's where he run's when things get hot. From what I've been able to gather on the street, that's where he ran after...umm…after Ms. Hughes was…ahh…killed last year."

Alex's head shot up at the mention of Feryle's name, and Conner could see the raw pain in her eyes. She knew she had to continue her briefing, but all she wanted to do at the moment was reach out, take Alex in her arms, and help her through this pain.

"Continue on Harris." Peterson noticed the look on Conner's face as she watched Alex. He knew this was difficult for Conner. She hated causing other people pain, and he knew she was doing just that by refreshing the events of the last year for Alex.

They had a job to do here, and it had been Alex's decision to be a part it. He would honor that decision, as long as she could handle the job. However, he also knew that he would see to it that she was grounded in a minute if the emotions, and stress of this put her or any of his officers in any unnecessary danger. He covertly watched her as Conner continued her briefing.

"Yeah, well. My sources on the street tell me he is heading back this way."

Looking at Alex, she hesitated for a moment. Alex had shaken off the initial shock of their meeting, and was sitting in front of her nervously playing with a pencil. "His ETA is…ummm… this Friday." Alex's head shot up once again at the news of Hernandez's arrival. "Seems he has a major deal going down out in an old warehouse off of 295 on Kraft Road, and wants to be here personally to see that everything goes according to plans."

"Where on Kraft Road is this warehouse?" Kevin Johnson, a tall lanky man with sandy brown hair, spoke for the first time.

"Umm, that's mostly what Seth's been working on for the last few weeks. He briefed me before e left for vacation, but I'll give you what I have. The warehouse, sits about a hundred yards off of Kraft Road, behind a 10-foot high fence topped with razor wire. It backs up to an old, apparently abandoned, railroad track that once serviced Stone Container. We have had some under cover guys watching the place for the last few weeks, and they are coming back telling us that there has been traffic along the tracks. Usually during the day, although nothing unusual during the night."

"So what's your take on all of this Harris?" Peterson knew Conner had good gut instincts, and took advantage of hearing her opinion. He also wanted Alex to hear Conner's viewpoint. As a rule 'The Shadow' didn't trust anyone, and he knew if this case was going to be solved the two women had to develop a trust for one another, otherwise the lines of communication between his office and the FBI could be severely hampered.

"We figure that they are somehow moving the drugs into different areas along the adjoining railway. That way they are seldom in the same place twice. Once they set up the meet they transfer the goods onto those small maintenance tractors we've been seeing running up and down the tracks behind the warehouse, and offloading their stash through the back door."

"Come on Harris, you want us to believe this jerk off is running his drugs in railroad maintenance tractors?" Johnson sighed heavily, and dropped his pen on the table in frustration.

Alex turned to look at Johnson, and for the first time since she sat down spoke. "Hernandez is a ballzy guy. What better way to move his goods than in broad daylight, and he get to laugh in our face at the same time? I happen to agree with Officer Harris, he doesn't like being in one spot too long…makes him a better target. This way he can spot drop his shipments along the rail lines, and truck them in under the disguise of railway maintenance workers. How many times have you seen one of those little orange tractors rambling up the tracks? Alex's cold flat eyes landed hard on Johnson's face. "Have you ever thought that they were carrying anything more than railroad spikes, and toolboxes?"

Conner watched Alex as she spoke. The sparkle she had seen so often the last few days was gone, and replaced by that flat, dull stare she was now seeing. For the first time since they had met, Conner saw fine lines around Alex's eyes and knew she was on the edge. They would have to talk this out, and come to some understanding…they had too, she thought. I can't walk away from this case. I made a promise to Sam six months ago, that I would find the man responsible
for murdering her friend, and neither Alex…or 'The Shadow' are going to keep me from delivering on that promise.

She realized, Captain Peterson, and Alex were waiting for her to continue. "Anyway, that's about all I have. I'm going back out his afternoon, to try and find out more about Hernandez's arrival time. Seth will be back tomorrow and then we can hit this thing hard. Maybe if you have some free time in the next day or two we can get together, and compare files." Conner was looking at Alex, trying to read what she was thinking.

"Yea, well I have a lot of catching up to do at the office. I spent most of the weekend playing instead of focusing on my priorities, so now I have to pay the price." Alex's words were carefully selected, driving home the message to Conner that she regretted their weekend together, while appearing to Peterson as if she were her usual untrusting self.

Sensing the tension between the two women, Peterson cleared his throat, breaking the thick silence. "Alright. If no one has any questions, well adjourn, and meet back er…say…Wednesday, same time." He stood, and pulled out his cell phone and punched in a number, as he walked toward the window. Johnson, got up threw his coffee cup in the wastebasket, and headed out the door, leaving Conner and Alex to sit in an uncomfortable silence across from each other.

Alex was chewing on her bottom lip as she glared at Conner and slightly shook her head. After what seemed like an eternity, she raked her hand through her hair, and stood, reaching her hand across the table to shake Conner's.

Conner was a little taken aback, by the sudden movement but rose and took the other woman's hand in her own. Feeling a sudden shock at the contact of their skin. Alex closed her eyes for a moment before she spoke.

"It was…umm…interesting…meeting you Officer Harris. Maybe I'll see you around sometime." Alex's dull, flat eyes bored into her like a knife. Knowing there was no way she could explain to Alex here, she sighed an exasperated breath, and squeezed Alex's hand silently pleading with her eyes for Alex's understanding.

Alex pulled her hand from Conner's and picked up her briefcase. After one last hard, cold look at the woman, she was gone, leaving Conner standing alone.


Alex, walked quickly out of the conference room, and headed for the door. As she reached to push her way through, the door swung open and she was once again face to face with Bivin's. Her cold flat stare sent a very clear message, and he stepped to the side letting her pass unencumbered. She entered the stairwell, and took the steps two at a time, never slowing until she reached the Jeep. Tossing her briefcase in the back as she rounded the Jeep, she jumped in and roared the engine to life, and backed quickly out of the space. Her tires screamed as she threw the transmission into drive, and forced the vehicle in the opposite direction, and took the down ramp at an alarming speed, she didn't slow until she was forced to stop and yield for oncoming traffic out in the street.

As she waited for an opening she glanced at the front door of the precinct, and saw Conner standing there, hands in her pockets, watching. Seeing a small break in the traffic, Alex floored the accelerator and squealed into traffic, barely avoiding a collision, and paying no attention to the blaring car horns, voicing their driver's anger. After twenty or so blocks, Alex forced her self to slow down. "Damn it all", she screamed at her self as she slammed her fist into the steering wheel. "How could she do this to me?" Tears rolled down Alex's face in small rivers. They had spent two and a half days together. There had been plenty of time for Conner to tell her she was involved in the Hernandez case.

"She was thinking too much about getting laid, and knew talking about the case would put a real bummer on the mood." She raked her hand through her hair, and angrily wiped the tears from her face. She drove for half an hour, trying hard to pull herself together. She had to face all of her co-workers soon and needed to look relaxed, well, and stable. She let out a sarcastic laugh at that thought.

Stable. "Yeah, I'm real stable. Blow back into town, and in less than a week, I've slept with a woman I don't even know, and I've beat the shit out of one of the local cops. Real stable girl you are Alex…real damn stable."

She finally pulled into the parking lot to her office at 10:45. As she walked through the door, all of her old co-workers converged around her. After hugs, and handshakes, and even a few tears, she finally made her way to her old office. The warm welcome she had received lifted her spirits. She had been worried about how everyone would feel about her return. Obviously her fears had been ungrounded, and as she closed the door to the noise outside and looked around her office, she was glad she decided to come back.

She sat at her desk, and looked out the window, thinking about the meeting earlier in the day. "So you're coming home Hernandez. Well, let's just see if I can make your homecoming as shitty as mine has been. I'll make you think all is well and good, then I'll pounce, just like Conner did, and watch you fall on your face, once and for all."

The knock at her door brought Alex out of her thoughts.

"Come" Alex called as she straightened and turned in her chair to face Donald.

"Well, it's good to finally see someone better looking than Gonzolas sitting in that chair." Donald closed the door, and took a seat in one of the chairs in front of Alex's desk.

Alex tried to laugh, but her heart just wasn't into it at the moment. She managed only a lopsided smile "Thanks."

"Not to spoil your warm welcome home, but I thought you might want to know Jose' wasn't very happy that you were the one invited to the local pow-wow this morning." Rubbing his hand over his shiny baldhead Donald sat back and sighed heavily.

"Oh, and why is that?"

"Seems like our humble Agent Gonzolas, thinks he should have been the one to go since he's been sitting in that chair for the last few months." Donald rolled his eyes, and gestured towards the chair in which Alex was now sitting.


"Yea, a lot of people around here were worried that you wouldn't be able to make the comeback."

Donald eyed Alex cautiously, seeing her eyes turn a dark blue. He knew what he had to say next would infuriate her, but he at least owed her some advance warning. "Gonzolas has made it well known that he hoped you wouldn't be back. I got the feeling he kind of liked the feel of your chair."

Alex turned in her chair and stared out the window, taking several deep breathes before she continued. "Why are you telling me this, Donald?"

"Damn Alex, you've saved my hide on several occasions. Do you really think I would let you walk back in here…and not tell you?" Donald couldn't sit still any longer, and stood to slowly pace the floor. "That's not all there is either."

"What are you now going to tell me he also took over my coffee mug in the break room?" Alex swung back around in the chair. Damn I don't need anymore shit this morning.

"Umm, actually it's a little more serious than a stolen coffee mug." Donald moved closer to the desk, and sat on the edge closest to Alex. Taking a haggard breath he briefed Alex of the information they had gathered on Jose' over the course of her absence.

"I know you have never trusted Gonzolas…and yes I thought it was just your 'Shadow' personality. However, over the last few months, I have come to agree with your opinion of our colleague." Donald looked nervous, and Alex understood that it was a result of his concern for office security.

"Umm, you know Donald. We have a lot of catching up to do. What do you say you treat me to lunch, and we can kill two birds with one of Huey's hard shell crabs?" Alex raised her brows, silently telling Donald that she didn't want this conversation to continue in the office either.

"Sure. It's been a while since I've been down to Huey's. Let me go grab my coat, and I'll meet you in the lobby, ok?"

"Sure, see you in a few minutes."

Alex remained at her desk thinking about what Donald had said about Jose'. She had always known he was at the very least a soiled, if not a completely dirty Agent. She wondered if she had finally found the rogue agent that had blown her cover in the Hernandez/Sarantos case. She knew it had been someone from the inside. It had to be.

She had covered all of her bases carefully, and had even sent Feryle out of the country for two months when things started to get hot. She had gone completely under, never going home, always near Papa Paul. There was just no way anyone in the organization could have linked her to the outside world. It had to have come from the inside.

She raked her hand through her hair, got up and walked slowly out the door. She had only walked a few steps, when she turned, and walked back to the door she had just closed. Pulling a ring of keys from her pocket, she bolted the door locked, and thought as she continued down the hallway, that she would call and have the locks changed when she returned from lunch.

Donald was waiting for her when she reached the lobby, and her suggested they walk to Huey's. This must be really serious if he wants to walk, Alex thought. They strolled down Water Street, heading west towards the landing. The Field Office was tucked in a cramped corner behind the courthouse often forcing the personnel to park several blocks down the street in one of the multi-level parking garages. Although, it was an inconvenient location for easy access it did however provide close access to many good restaurants, and a view of the St. John's River to the south.

They walked several moments in comfortable silence. Alex and Donald had spent a lot of time together. They had immediately been drawn to one another when she had been assigned to the Jacksonville Office. Donald was one of the first people she had told when she decided she was not going to hide her lifestyle. Donald was her boss, and she knew she was taking a big risk in telling him, however she also knew if they were to have a good working relationship she had to be honest with him. They had been eating lunch at Huey's the day she told him. His only reaction was to ask her if she was going to finish her crab cake.

"You remember the day I told you about Feryle?"

"Umm Hmm."

"Well, why is it that I have a feeling your about to drop something as heavy right back on me today?"

They had reached the landing and Donald pointed to an empty bench in the open-air courtyard. Alex shrugged, and walked over and sat down. Donald stood to her side, looking out at a solitary boat motoring up the river, trying to decide where to start.

Alex sat quietly allowing Donald the space to gather his thoughts. He never spoke until he knew exactly what he wanted to say, and how he wanted to say it. After a few moments he sat down beside her and bent placing his elbows on his knees. "As much as I hate to admit it you were right about Jose'."

"OK, so Gonzolas is a jerk, who hoped I couldn't get back up, and had the audacity to want my desk. Is that what all this secrecy is about?"

"Only on a very superficial level, Alex. It goes much deeper than that, I'm afraid." Donald sat back and rubbed the back of his neck trying to work out some of the tension that had settled there.

"I'm listening."

Running a hand over the dark stubble on his face, he began filling Alex in on the events of the last few months.

"Gonzolas wants a hell of a lot more than your job Alex, he wants you out completely. Although I can't prove anything yet, I think he is the one that turned rogue, and blew your cover on the
Hernandez/Sarantos case."

Alex felt the adrenaline surge as she turned towards Donald. "OK, you have my complete attention here Donald, I'm listening. Now start from the beginning."

Standing, Donald held out his hand. "Come on, it's a long story, let's go eat, and I'll tell you the whole ugly story."


They had been seated quickly when they entered Huey's, and were waiting on their salads, when Donald put his coffee down, and looked across at Alex. He could tell she still had a long way to go before she was back to her old self, and didn't want to add any extra weight to her problems. However he thought he at least owed her a warning.

"A lot of things happened while you were gone Alex. Not only did her take over your desk, and your open case files, he decided he wanted to be the next shadow."

Alex only raised her eyebrows, and continued watching Donald.

"Anyway, he decided to go undercover in the Hernandez case. Everything was fine for the first few months. Of course you know how things go, he hadn't made much progress, until on day he got a call on his cellular, and took off. No one saw him for four days, and when he got back he looked like he had been beaten to an inch of his life."

Alex still remained quiet, but Donald could see that Alex was paging through different scenarios in her mind as to what Gonzolas had been up to during those four days.

"So, he comes back, looking like shit, and trying to act as if nothing happened. Of course, I called him in and drilled him, even threatened to suspend him for disappearing, but that didn't even break him down. You know as well as I do that when you're under, you have to do what is necessary to survive. After all you're out there by yourself, but when you get back home, a total debriefing is in order. All he would say is that things were moving, and he had finally made it inside."

Alex took drink of her coffee, sat back and looked blankly at Donald. "How deep?"

"All I know, well at least all he would tell me is that he had met Hernandez himself."

"I find that unlikely…unless?" Alex bit her bottom lip and looked out the window towards the river.

"Unless what?"

"Umm, nothing, I was just thinking out loud. Has there been any movement in the Hernandez organization that you've been able to tell since his infiltration?"

"Well rumor has it he's about to make a move, but we haven't been able to find out anything specific. Really Alex, I don't have a clue. That's why I needed you back on the case. Your been able to do more than anyone else, and with Gonzolas acting so strange, well…let's just say I'm glad our home."

Alex smiled and unconsciously chewed on her fingernail. "Why don't you give me the night to work through some ideas, then we can meet back here tomorrow after work, ok?"

Donald agreed to Alex's plan, and they continued their lunch by catching up on each other's lives. Of course Alex didn't tell Donald about Conner, but they did talk about her family, and her six months away. Donald caught Alex up on his family. Catherine, his wife had started back to law school. She spent her weeks in Gainesville, and come home on the weekends. Greg, their 22-year-old son was still at the University of Georgia. Of course the mention of UGA sent Donald and Alex off into a debate on football, and they spent their last few minutes arguing over the upcoming season.

Donald insisted on paying for lunch, and as they walked back to the office, Alex drew very quiet.

"OK, what's up? Why are you suddenly so quiet?" Donald had led Alex over to a railing overlooking the river, and they were casually leaning against it watching the boats motor up the river.

"How's Karen?" Donald could barely hear Alex as she whispered.

"All I can tell you Alex is that she's ok, and as happy as she can be under the circumstances." Donald took in a ragged breath, and looked down at the women he had admired for so long. He hated the lost look in her eyes, and wanted to do something to make her feel better, but her knew he couldn't give her what she wanted…her sister. "You know I can't tell you more than that. She is ok, and I know that one day soon you'll be able to see that for yourself." Putting a hand on her
shoulder and turning Alex to face him, he bent his head and gave her a fatherly smile. "With Hernandez, hopefully on his way back her, we can lock this thing up, and you can once and for all be free of all of this guilt you choose to carry on your shoulders. We'll get him Alex, I promise, and when we do I intend to see that you and Karen have a long vacation somewhere to heal."

Alex leaned into Donald's chest and gave him a tender embrace. He had always been there for her, and she knew he always would. She trusted him like a brother, and prayed that he was right, and she would soon get Karen home where she belonged.

"Thank you Donald."

"Don't thank me, you're going to be the one busting your ass to close this thing down. Now let's get back to work, and let you earn your pay," Donald gave her one last squeeze, and then he let her go. As they headed back to the office, Alex was more certain than ever she had made the right choice to come back. This was her time, she could feel it, and she had no intention of letting anyone get in her way this time.