Dark Places

Author/pseudonym: Starchild

Series: Silent Cries

Date First Posted: April 30 2001

Rating: R

Fandom: Original

Pairings: none really, Just a plot point.

Archive: Yes if you think its any good.

FeedBack: on list or off. Constructive criticism please. I know my spelling and grammar are off
Sorry about that.

Notes: Theses Guys are all Mine. I created them. They came from my twisted imagination. The
whole shebang. Please ask before using them.

Warnings: This has not been Beta'd. I'm playing around with the idea and haven't sought out a
beta at this point. The following contains slash M/M sexual activity or implied relationship
between members of the same sex. If this offends you, then don't read it! It also contains Slavery
in its most primal form but in a modern setting. If this offends you then don't read it! In this series
piece It does contains violence and character death. Again If this Offends you then don't read it!
<G> I'm also a slow worker so if you are one of those people who can't wait till part two (Like
Me)you might want to wait before you read it. I'm not promising the end is anywhere in sight.
This is a long running series.

Strong Warning: Character death and This bit has lots of violence. warned you. Read
at own Risk. Remember I warned you so all flames will be doused

Silent Cries: Dark Places
By Midnight aka Starchild

The Painful sensation practically took Pepper 's breath away as he was lifted and slammed in to
an unforgiving mass of steal. With a force that was inhuman. The pain surged up his lower back
and in to his shoulder. Causing the pathetic whimper that escaped his lips. He bit it back. Refusing
to show weakness in the face of such a depraved demoniac individual. Like hell he would give himthe satisfaction of seeing him weakened to the point of futile sounds of pain.

"Go to hell you son-of-a-bitch."

His only answer was to be hauled to his feet by the throat and shaken like a rag doll. Then tossed
over the hood of a 1969 roadrunner. Coming in sharp contact with the other side of the hood. The
sickening sound of cracking ribs invaded his ears just before falling violently to the ground with a
heavy thud. Unable to support his own weight he laid there. Waiting for the inevitable. He would
either pass out cold or endure even more. Ironic really. The boy who ran away from home to
avoid just this kind of abuse. He could almost laugh if it wasn't for the tremendous amount of
pain he was in. He new he was smiling as his predator came in to site. With a not so humourous
look on his face. The look being quickly replaced by a deadly scowl. He was in for it now. Hell
didn't he ever know when to play the dewy-eyed little nestling. It would be a whole lot easier if he
had it in him to give up. But no. He had to play mister hero. Stare danger in the face and smile at
it like a raving lunatic.

It was clear if he didn't move, do something soon he was in for the beating of his life. He did the
only thing he new how to do. Stuck out. Coming in sharp contact with the monsters groin. Got up
despite the anguish and moved. If he was going to die. He might as well see to it he would died
for a good reason. Throwing all his weight in to his tormenter he was able to take him off his feet
and send him crashing to the hard dirt ground. For a second he was shocked that he was able to
accomplish what he had, felt like gloating. But the game was a foot. Immortals recovered quickly.
He headed with speed he wasn't aware he had left in him toward the woods. Maybe he could
make it to cliff side. Take a dive 40 feet to the ocean. Take his chances. Couldn't be any worse
than what this evil twisted bastard had in store for him.

He had made it into the woods. The anguish in his ribs catching up with him. He had already
gone to far to get out of this with any measure of dignity in tacked. It was all or nothing. He
would die before going back. Not one more day would he be someone's slave. It was freedom or
death. He vowed this in his head. Hopefully he had the guts to do it.

The cliff sides were in site, The dogs weren't far behind as he came to a halt next to the cliff drop
off. Oh god, where was he. Only a rock bottom. He would never survive the fall. No time to climb down. Decision time. Could he choose to die. He had to be reigned to this and quick. Couldn't go back. Didn't want to die. Had to do something. No where to go. As he saw the subject of all his pain come in to his line of site from the tree line.

"Stay there" His voice forceful enough to bring the band of dogs to a stop. "I'll jump, I swear I

"To your death?" Rang out a hatful inhuman voice

"I'm going over this cliff. I've done made up my mind you bastard"

"What's stopping you then" was the flat response "Jump" Was He was trying to call his bluff?
Was it a bluff? Time to decide. Judgment day.

"Who the hell do you people think you are?" The hate in his voice shocked even him "Taking
innocense and scaring the hell out of it for you sick games" fury was fast taking hold "You killed
anything good left in me you perverted bastard"

"Then end it." the voice cold uncaring "If you Can't, I'll do it for you" he paused as if studying
the boys reaction "looks to me like a bullet to the back of the head would be cleaner, less painful"


"I don't have all day, get on with it you little whore" Anger now apparent in the heavy voice

"Eclipse!" Slade's Reprimanding voice clear

"He want's to die, so be it" he turned to glare at Slade "I'm done with his shit"

The boy moved back toward the cliff side. what choice did he have? He just couldn't go back. It
was just one more step backwards. Don't think about. Just do it he thought. Even while that small
voice in the back of his head screamed `I don't want to die' he closed his eyes and stepped back.
Shutting out the world. He would be free!

What came next was a hard slam, Face first in to a wall of stone. But it was all wrong. He looked
up to see Damian's Face just above him with a death grip on his wrist. The whisper was so slight
Pepper almost didn't hear it as the words escaped Damian's lips "don't die for him." He was
pulled up and thrust forward in Slade's direction.

Eclipse started to move forward with that look of Evil incarnate plastered all over his face. "Let
me look at Him." Slade was asking in a tone as flat and neutral as he could manage"He will be no
good to you dead"

"But you forgot brother he want's to die" the hate radiated in the words, sending cold chills throw
Peppers spine. His arm was roughly grabbed, jerked with a veracity that could separate the
shoulder as he was pushed in to the clearing, feet kicked out from under neath him.

Falling to his knees on the stony earthen floor was the least of Peppers worries as he prepared to
die. He didn't want to but since when had any decisions been left up to him. He only hoped all
those scarey catholic Sunday school stories weren't true. He sure as hell had commented his own
fair share of sins since becoming a slave. Could hell be any worse than this place. Pepper kind of
doubted it. He heard rather than saw the gun. The hammer being pulled back.

"Brother. I'll take him off your hands" Damian's voice with just the barest thread of emotion. Which in its self a miracle in its own making. The harsh evil one him self trying to spare a
disgraced little whore. Pepper could almost laugh. "Pay you a good price."

" I don't need your money Little Brother" Ouch, little brother an underlined insult. smooth
Eclipse Pepper could almost hear the anger snap in The prince

" I want him" Spat with poison, sharp, evil. deadly, so much in three little words

"Not even you always get what you want Daniel Machael Leviathan. This one is mine to do with
as I please. He openly and blatantly disregarded my authority in front of fifty on lookers. Asked
for death I see no reason to deny him that" The words had grown in passion as they were spoken

"You bastard he has Leviathan blood flowing throw his veins, you would kill your own blood"

" I don't give a Dame if one of those sisterhood whores birthed him"

"Watch it Eclipse" Slade's Voice had taken on a venom of its own." That whore you speak of is
the son of one Lady Melissa our sister"

"If he was so damed important to her, she wouldn't have abandoned him to mere mortals to

"She abandoned him because he was important to her you cold bastard" Damian was getting
pissed."You will not kill him"

"I don't take order from you Prince" Pepper had closed his eyes when he felt the gun at the back
of his head. This was pointless he thought. Eclipse was Mad. The most insane one of them all.
Pure evil. He cared for nothing. loved nothing. Was afraid of nothing. Even the dark prince didn't
seem to intimidate him. Pepper was going to die. It was plain to see. Even if the others didn't yet
might as well get it over with. He sure as hell wasn't going to beg.

"Pull the god damed trigger and shut the hell up you ass hole" Pepper surprised him self with the
boldness, courage and pure unadulterated response.

He felt the air of the gun as it swiftly switched from point A to point B. Felt the impact of the
bullet rip throw his back in a flourish wave of hot stinging pain and exit his chest. The ground
coming up to meet his face in an almost numb manner. Someone was all ready there pressing
there palm against the wound, angry words were being yelled back and forth none of which
Pepper could grasp. It was funny every one was fading in to the back ground. The pain lessening
by the second

"If he lives take him, I have no use for him Little brother" but Pepper didn't think Damian was
really paying mind to Eclipse because he heard Damian's words almost over lapping Eclipses.

"It will be Ok Little man" some how Pepper was now in Damian's arms facing him. Pepper took
one look at the princes face and realized he had never seen so much emotion in this cold figure of
a man before it was almost flattering that it was for him.

"Its......okay" Peppers voice was almost dreamy as he looked up and smiled "He set me free"

"This isn't freedom little one this is death"

"It's okay can't be worse" Pepper smiled like an Angel from heaven Damian thought. That
chocolate brown hair falling down in to those so deep expressibly dark eyes. The skin finely
tanned. The boy looked like a Greek statue in its finest hour. Except for the long beaded braid
flowing down to his chin. Damian wanted to kiss that mouth. The Evil in him not caring that this
boy was his nephew. The man disturbed by the thought. Both incredibly distressed to see this
child bleeding to death as they spoke. He looked to Slade who gave him a firm shake of his head.
Pepper was dying "It will be okay" lies, Damian thought. He could lie so well." your going to get
the life you deserve little man" and why not, he was a Leviathan in blood even though Lee had
failed to claim him

"Sure" was Peppers skeptical response

"I mean it, didn't you know? You have already served your time in hell little one"

The smile filled the boys face just before it darkened and the life went out of his eyes. That
beautiful face now emotionless. As if in a child's sleep

That bastard was going to die if it was the last thing Damian Leviathan ever did, a cold , slow
painful death. Filled with all the anguish Damian could poor in to it. He would savor Eclipses
blood before he died. Dish out more pain than even that man could take.

"Pre-Immortal?" A question asked with a faint hope

"No." Slade sounded sorrowful

"Can he be saved?"

"And retain who he was before? Its doubtful. In time he could come back to completeness."

"Could I bring him back?"

"It could kill you both for good. His spirit just isn't that strong. He's not even trying to return to
us. That would help"

"Take him to the temple. Do what you can. If you fail. Lay him with my beloved" there was a
long pause" Don't bring me a living spirit ghost" Damian rose to go.

"Do nothing now Brother." Slade echoed truth "Lay in wait, a time will present it's self"

"I am no fool. He has the devil in his corner, I have unrevealed power on mine. He thinks he can
challenge The Prince .Lets see how he likes to play my games. See if he's really up for the

"Carful a battle with in the house of Lee could be devastating"

"I won't wage an open war but a silent one. See to the boy"
