Title: Pas de Deux

Author/pseudonym: Silk

Fandom: Original Characters (very peripherally related to LFN)

Pairing: James/Robin

Rating: NC-17, graphic m/m consensual sex, language

Status: New/Work in Progress

Archive: Yes, please

E-mail address for feedback: silkn1@aol.com

Series/sequel: No

Other websites: Not yet

Disclaimers: None. I created these characters, I hold their very lives in my hands, and doggone it, they love me like they should.

Summary: PWP with angst

Warnings: First Time. Significant age difference between the two leads. Robin is still in high school. HOWEVER, he is NOT underage.


Pas de Deux

by Silk

His name was James. James Ian Elliott. He was barely twenty when he first came to work for the Samuelles. A University student majoring in Literature and Education, James met Michael at school where they shared a few classes. From Australia originally, James came from a wealthy family that thought money could replace love. It couldn’t. Giving him enough money to support a small country for a year or two, his family then cut him off. As if he didn't exist.

Why? Ah, there was the $64,000 question. The answer to which only James knew. The answer to which he'd kept to himself for ten long years. He had a secret. Didn't everyone? But this one kept him from ever working in the field he chose. Trained to be a teacher, he taught the Samuelle children at home, prepping them to begin school the following year. When he graduated, he tried to get a job, just like everyone else. Only he wasn't like everyone else. He was gay.

It was such a deeply hidden and closely held secret, no one knew but James. Well, James and his family. Wealthy beyond belief, they had little desire to find the scion of the family plastered across a scandal sheet as a result of a clandestine affair gone wrong. Yet that was exactly what happened. And it was the reason he left Australia to attend University in France.

As it turned out, however, even that wasn't far enough away. When he came to France, he was careful. He found an apartment in a decent area, a well-kept, middle-class area. It was neither outrageously expensive nor totally rundown. At first, he indulged in occasional affairs. They usually lasted two or three months. Unhappily. He didn't cruise. He didn't like kinky sex. He just liked men. And he made the mistake of looking for a relationship.

When it ended, it didn't really end. The young man, similar in age and temperament, didn't want to go quietly into that good night. In fact, he was probably the one who called the newspapers in a fit of pique the morning after. It hardly mattered now. It ended his career before it could begin. No reputable school would hire him. Oh, they said it wasn't because of his sexual orientation. But they lied. He knew that was it. He indulged in the unspoken taboo. And for that, he would continue to pay. And live his life alone.

He'd been celibate ever since. He didn't do more than look anymore. Even that hurt sometimes. It had been so long since anyone had touched him or spoken words of love, he couldn't remember ever being happy. Oh, he loved his job at the Samuelles. In time, he forgot the acute pain of being denied a job at a good school, like the private academy they attended. He was content. He was Uncle James now. Almost 31. And there was still no one in his bed. And no one to love him. For himself.

Until now. One day, not long ago, the twins brought home a young boy. He couldn't have been more than 18. A few years older than the twins themselves. He was in trouble. Neglected by his family, castigated for being everything his family, read, his father, hated, the boy was drowning in a turbulent sea. He sought out every unsafe behavior there was, he threw himself into the wrong crowds, and he looked for trouble at every turn. Unfortunately, for him, he found it.

Now he was being placed on academic probation. He would never succeed in graduating high school. Unless he had help. Serious help. The twins begged for Uncle James to do something, anything.... He shook his head sadly and refused. Until he saw the boy. James himself was not an unattractive man. He was of average height and weight. He stood not more than 5"10'. His hair was light brown, worn clipped short. But it was his eyes that drew a person in. They were neither pale nor icy nor some other diluted shade of blue. They were a deep, deep, cobalt blue. A vivid color that did not disappear, despite their partial concealment behind silver framed glasses.

But the boy...he shouldn't call him that anymore. It had been two months. The boy...correction...the young man had settled into an easy working relationship with his teacher. His name was Robin. As in Robin Hood, he liked to say. His full name was Robin Matthew Wilding. His father was Army General John Wilding. His mother was a bitch. Together, they conspired to make their only son's life miserable.

That they had succeeded beyond their wildest dreams seemed obvious. Robin was teetering on the brink of certain disaster when he met James. James was his savior. They had an instant rapport. They communicated without speaking sometimes. Sometimes they even finished each other's sentences. But they hadn't done the one thing both of them longed to do. Oh, there had been stolen glances, of the most heated kind, and there had even been a kiss or two. Maybe it was that last one that stopped them. Cause it was damned obvious that they were going to be important to each other.

And neither one of them wanted to go there.

Part 2

The boy...sorry, Robin, was 18 to James' 30. Shorter than average, he stood 5"8' to James' 5"10'. His family hated him because he wasn't perfect. Straining to produce the perfect heir to follow in the General's footsteps, Robin's mother did the unthinkable. She named her son Robin. "Robin!" the General thundered, when he returned home from the latest war. "What kind of a name is that for a boy? Do you want him to turn into a queer?"

Of course, that was exactly what happened. But it was not the result of being named Robin. Or having white-blond hair. Porcelain-smooth skin. Pale, without a single freckle to mar that skin. His eyes were a deep, deep blue. Not unlike James' eyes. Though certainly a compelling color in their own right. They were the color of a turbulent sea way up north. It was his face that arrested people's attention. He was not effeminate, though he would have been a beautiful woman, had he been born female. But his features were stronger than that, clasped within the embrace of coloring most women would die for. His eyebrows and eyelashes were nearly black, a striking contrast to his pale skin and even paler hair. His only disability, the minor hearing problem that, because it was never diagnosed early, due to his father's ambitious, nomadic, existence, caused him to be kept back two years. Yet another reason for him to be singled out for his peers' hatred and derision. He was the oldest junior in high school.

And he was, in short, beautiful. To James. Who wanted him with a desperation he could no longer bear. He felt like screaming, I've been good, I've been celibate, I haven't slept with anyone in ten years. Isn't that enough penance, God? But he didn't. Overt anger was not his way. So he seethed in silence. Fantasizing about having Robin. Claiming those full sensual lips for his own. Their tutoring sessions were becoming lessons in frustration. For him. He didn't know what Robin felt. Oh, he knew the young man was gay.

But that hardly filled him with overwhelming joy. Robin was no more happy than James was himself. How could they make each other happy if they could not make themselves happy? Or was that it? That they needed to act on the feelings that even now surged alarmingly between them.

Robin sat at the kitchen table in James’ apartment. He came to James' apartment everyday. Religiously. Like clockwork. He never said anything remotely personal. But he was starting to dream about James. Once or twice, they had kissed. Robin's face flamed, just thinking about it. It made him so hot, he thought he would explode on the spot. How cool was that? He knew James was attracted to him. He wanted him, too. But he was torn. He didn't want a relationship based purely on sex. He wanted to be loved. And he didn't know if James was the one.

So it went, this polite little dance they did. This pas de deux. Two steps forward, what seemed like three steps back. Finally, his nerves stretched to the breaking point, Robin could feel James standing behind him. He wouldn't look at him, but he was so aware of every breath he took.

James' hand suddenly clamped down hard on Robin's shoulder. Robin gasped. He couldn't help it. He was both frightened and excited. Was it finally going to happen between them? Was James going to show him what making love was about? He closed his eyes dreamily, unconsciously breathing James' name. The way he thought of him. In his head. In what he thought was his heart. "James...Jamie?"

James' hand moved slowly to Robin's other shoulder. His breathing was harsh and erratic. His body tense. He felt like predator and prey at the same time. "Jamie..." Robin whispered again. "Teach me something that doesn't have anything to do with Math or Science or English...please."

James drew a convulsive breath. How could anyone hold out against such an angel's entreaty? His fingers crept slowly up Robin’s shoulder to his neck. Robin wanted to scream, Take me! Please! James swallowed hard, trying not to think if it was right or wrong. But his conscience kept interfering. "Robin...you're my student. I'm your teacher. There can't be anything between us..."

Robin nearly cried. "Don't say that! I'll quit my lessons right now if you'll kiss me again. I swear it!"

James frowned. "No, Robin. You can't do that. I can help you. You can pass your junior and senior years. You can graduate."

"Then what? Will you think of another reason we can't be together? Jamie, please!"

"I'm way too old for you."

"I don't care."

"Don't say that. You should care."

"You just don't want to be the one who makes the decision to change our relationship. You think I don't know that?" Robin exclaimed hoarsely.

James closed his eyes and took a breath. "There's nowhere for a relationship between us to go. You want a good time. You want to experiment. That's fine. But it's not what I want."

"What do you want, Jamie? Do you even know?"

James' hands tightened convulsively on Robin's neck. Unable to help himself, he bent his head and kissed Robin's nape. Before he could retreat to relative safety, Robin turned and captured his mouth with his. James made a little noise deep in his throat, and Robin took advantage of his discomfiture to hold him fast with both hands.

When James finally broke away, he looked almost frightened. "I don't want to do this to you," he whispered.

"Too late. I want it more than you do." Robin angled his mouth over James' lips, taking him by surprise. When James opened his mouth on a gasp, Robin slid his tongue inside, and James stopped protesting.

Robin stood up carefully, refusing to give James a chance to run. He pulled his T-shirt over his head and threw it onto the table, where it lay across his Math book. He grabbed James' hands and guided them to the snap of his jeans. James seemed to be a passive participant up until that moment. Then he let go of whatever control he'd been hanging onto.

James bent his knees slightly, taking Robin's flat male nipple into his mouth. The younger man groaned, hooking a hand behind James' head to hold him there. "More...please."

James moved on to the other nipple, laving it carefully with his tongue until it peaked into a sharp little point. Robin's chest was hairless, and James worked his way down the center of his body, pressing his mouth to nearly every inch of skin from nipple to groin. As he approached Robin's lower abdomen, he began to push his jeans down over his hips. When he saw how aroused Robin was, he looked up at him, as if he needed to say something.

"Have you ever done this before, Robin? Been with a man?"

Robin stared deeply into James' deep blue eyes. They seemed to glow with some sort of inner fire. He shook his head. But when James started to move away, Robin caught him in his arms. "Don't stop, please. It's what I want. More than anything."

James shook his head, tears springing to his eyes. He wanted it, too. But not at Robin's expense.

Robin beseeched him with those beautiful eyes. That swirling blue color now covered by sooty black eyelashes. "I want this. Please."

Wrong answer. James hardened his heart before he thought again about taking Robin to bed.

Then it was all over. Robin pressed a fervent kiss to James' shoulder, his eyelashes fluttering against his skin. James thought his heart would stop. "Oh, God, Robin, you don't play fair."

"I can't stop now. I love you, Jamie."

"Don't." James placed a finger over Robin's mouth.

"Don't what? Love you? I do, Jamie. I swear I do." Robin pressed ardent kisses to James' chest, lingering over the area where his heart would be. James grabbed his face between his hands and kissed him, slowly, thoroughly.. Moistening his lips with his tongue, James kissed him again, savoring the taste of him.

"Take me to bed. Show me what to do. I'll do anything. I want to be with you."

"Take the rest of your clothes off," James whispered hoarsely.

Robin complied quickly and obediently.

"Lie down. Over there." He indicated the full-sized bed. Robin wondered at the coolness in James' voice, but he did as he asked.

Robin lay on his stomach, his porcelain-like skin smooth and white, no blemish daring to mar that surface. He trembled, pressing his arousal into the bedclothes. Would James take him from behind? What was he going to do?

James stood there for several moments, transfixed by the sight of his young lover, lying there so vulnerable. He closed his eyes, praying for forgiveness from a God he wasn't sure he believed in anymore. He would make love to Robin. But not because he hadn't scratched that itch in such a long time. He was indeed frightened to death.

He was in love.

Part 3

James prayed for the strength to be gentle the first time. But the truth was, he wanted to consume Robin like a flame lighting tinder. Maybe he should just...wait. But the waiting was making it harder on both of them. It wouldn't change anything.

James closed his eyes and re-played what Robin said to him. He was utterly in love with the younger man. There was no question in his heart any longer. It had been so long, he might have mistaken lust for love, but no...this was different. But Robin's feelings? He thought he loved James. What was that, if not a classic transference reaction?

His father didn't love him. In fact, he actively hated him. Despised everything he represented. The feeling was mutual. Robin hated the General, as he called his father, for everything he stood for. And then some. Now here was his teacher. Attractive. Caring. What was so unusual about Robin seeking the love and compassion he couldn't get at home?

Dammit, he didn't want to be the loving authority figure to Robin. He wanted to be the man he loved. There, he'd said it to himself. Admitted it.. His breathing grew erratic again. He wanted this to work. More than anything he'd ever dreamed he could want.

Robin looked over his shoulder at James, worried that he had left him there.. Hanging on the brink of discovery. He met James' eyes and a visible tremor traveled down the length of his body. James pulled at his tie, discarding it as Robin had done with his T-shirt. He opened his shirt, fumbling as he undid the buttons, knowing that all the time, Robin's hot blue eyes were on him.

His pants slid down his legs and into a silken puddle at his feet. He kicked them away. Standing there naked, he felt more vulnerable than ever before. He knelt on the edge of the bed, staring at Robin’s smooth, creamy skin, aching to touch him, but afraid that the reality could never measure up to his imagination. Robin reached up and removed James’ glasses. "Do you need those to see me?"

"No," James whispered, shaking his head.

Robin placed James' glasses on the bedside table, next to the lamp. When he turned back to face James, Robin saw how aroused he was. Heat blossomed between his thighs, pooling in his groin. Robin gasped at the sensation. It was so much stronger than any fantasy he'd conjured up about James. He slid his face along the covers. Every part of him ached now. "Touch me. Please."

James' hand cupped one firm buttock. His fingers trembling, James slowly bent his head, his mouth finally touching Robin's skin. He rubbed his cheek against him, and he felt Robin quiver in response.

Rolling Robin onto his back, James stretched out alongside him, his head near the heart of his desire. Running his fingers over the velvety tip of Robin's already-hard length, James could no longer think straight. He took him into his mouth, and he heard Robin's soft exhalation. "Jamie..."

He didn't stop. He couldn't. The taste of him on his lips made him want to come right away. He hoped he would be able to maintain some semblance of control. How embarrassing if the student could outlast the teacher...

Robin rubbed James' foot, playing with his toes in an effort to distract himself from coming right away and ending the interlude then and there. He didn't want it to be over quickly. He was desperately afraid that James would never let this happen again. He didn't know what he would do if he rejected him afterwards.

But James was hungry. He'd been hungry for too long. He swept his tongue over Robin's throbbing member, measuring the length of him in his mouth, over and over. His head bobbing up and down more quickly now, James could feel a trickle of lubrication at the tip of Robin's cock. He was so hot, he probably wouldn't feel it if he sheathed himself within that tender white body. He groaned.

Robin reached for James' cock and took it in his hands. His almost painfully-aroused cock jerked in Robin's hands, and Robin suddenly felt powerful. He smiled. This didn't lie. James could hide his feelings from him, but he couldn't hide this. He wanted him. Badly. How far would it be to make the leap to love? Maybe Robin had enough love for both of them.

James' cock grew slick in Robin's hands. Robin stroked him, and James hardened even more. He would have thought it impossible to grow any harder, but he did. James slid his tongue along the hard length of Robin's arousal, and Robin arched, as he began to come. James licked at Robin's slender member, his tongue soon coated with the thick white fluid that poured down its length. "Oh, God, Jamie," Robin said, his voice quavering.

Robin's hands clenched involuntarily on James' cock, and James watched as he came all over those beautiful hands. He shuddered as Robin tried to hold onto him, but he only succeeded in coating his hands with the slick white fluid. Slowly extricating himself from Robin's now too-tight grip, James settled himself against Robin's still heaving body. "Now that you've come..." he hissed at the younger man, "do you still love me?"

"Yes," Robin answered, unable to speak anything but the truth.

"Good," James pronounced in a satisfied voice. That made Robin take notice. "Why?"

James nuzzled Robin's neck, his teeth gently nipping at the tender flesh at the base of his throat. "Cause we're going to do this again....and see if your answer changes."

Robin closed his eyes in relief. “And what if the answer’s the same?" he asked, his breath catching in his throat.

James stroked the side of Robin's face with the back of his hand, his vivid blue eyes fixed on that face. Those eyes, that mouth. He wanted that mouth. James kissed Robin, his tongue swirling restlessly inside. Robin gasped at the sharp thrill that arced through him. He could taste himself.

"Then we'll know it's true love," James whispered to Robin, never wanting to believe something so much in his life.

Part 4

James pressed his lips close to Robin's ear, and he felt himself growing hard again. "This was just a prelude. Anyone can jerk someone off or suck cock. It's even easy to pretend you're kissing your girlfriend."

"I told you, Jamie. I don't have a girlfriend. Or a boyfriend. And I've never slept with a guy before. I swear."

James' deep blue eyes gleamed with fierce light. It could have been passion. Or something else. But he needed to know that Robin wasn't playing some kind of game with him. What they would do next would convince him one way or another. Either Robin would follow him all the way...or it would be all over.

"I'm going to make the choice easy for you. I'm going to fuck you, and I swear, when I'm inside you, you'll never mistake me for your girlfriend!"

Robin's chest heaved with excitement as he strained to drag a breath past suddenly parched lips. "Please..."

"Please what?" James all but snarled.

"Please...fuck me. I want you to fuck me. In my ass. In my mouth. I want to feel you come inside me."

"Robin..." James used Robin's name for the first time since they started.

Robin twisted his head back and forth, writhing in James' arms. "Please don't call me that." The younger man sounded positively tortured.

James frowned. "Why? It's your name, isn't it?"

Robin hid his face against the bedcovers, but James sought the reason. His fingertips grasping the point of Robin's chin, James struggled to make eye contact with him. "Tell me what you mean."

Robin flushed. "She named me Robin."


"My mother. I used to think she called me that because she liked romance and adventure. You know....sword and sorcery stuff." Robin slashed the air with a finger, imitating swordplay.

"Then I found out the real reason." Robin looked like he was about to cry, and James suddenly found the thought impossible to bear.

His eyes flickering back and forth over Robin's face, a face he sometimes thought he knew better than his own, James pondered possible reasons for his mother naming him Robin. But he didn't even come close to the real one.

"She wanted to get back at him. The General. She knew it would drive him crazy. And it did." Robin sniffled, swiping cursorily at his eyes.

"He won't call me that, you know. He insists on calling me Robert. I made the mistake once of telling him off. I said, that's not my name! And he smacked me so hard, I couldn't see straight for a week."

James' most fervent desire to fuck the life out of his young charge faded. The love he felt for Robin expanded. Astronomically. And with it came a desire to hold him and keep him safe from everyone who would hurt him.

"And *she* calls me Robbie. Like I'm an infant. I can't stand that. I can't stand *her*." Robin glanced at James, the urge to touch him and caress him almost too strong to withstand again. He bit his lip. His full, sensual, well-developed lower lip.

"The only ones who ever call me Robin are my teachers at school," he said sadly.

James kissed him, his lips lingering tenderly on Robin's. Stroking his short, babyfine hair, James asked compassionately, "If it were up to you, what would you like to be called?"

Robin sighed happily at the caress of James' mouth. "My middle name is Matthew. Matt's a great name. It sounds like a guy, not a girl. And no one would make fun of someone named Matt. I just know it."

Personally, James thought that last part was wishful thinking. If people were going to find fault with you, it didn't matter what your name was. But if it would make his young lover happy, he would gladly call him anything he liked.

"Matt?" James queried.

Robin smiled shyly, loving the sound of that name on James' lips. He picked up James' hand and kissed the palm. "Jamie...you don't mind me calling you that, do you?" he asked, suddenly anxious.

James' beautiful eyes slowly closed and opened. It was a sensual look. A look that bespoke his experience in matters of the heart. "I love it," he finally stated, quite simply. "What I've been trying to figure out, though, was how you knew."

"How I knew what?" Robin stared at him blankly.

"What I was called growing up. Back home in Australia. Before I was disowned, of course."

"Are you sure it has happy associations for you? I wouldn't want to call you something that upset you."

"Matt...I'll tell you something that would upset me. If you don't let me make love to you again...that would upset me."

"Make love? You'd do that with me?" Robin's smile transformed him from a mere angel to a being of exquisite beauty. "I thought we were going to fuck."

James winced. "I'm sorry, Matt. I had no right saying that to you."

Robin clasped James' hand to his chest, rubbing James' hand against his nipple until it grew rigid. "You thought you were going to scare me off, didn't you? You thought I was going to run out of here screaming."

"But I told you... I want you. I love you. And I want you to fuck me, Jamie."

"You don't know what you're saying, baby."

"I do. Better than you, I think." Robin sighed. "I think you're afraid of how I make you feel."

"And how's that, Matt? How do you make me feel?"

Robin's dark blue eyes lit up. "Out of control. Like...fireworks. Or sweet summer lightning."

James laughed softly. "You *are* a romantic, Matt."

"Maybe. But I'm right. Aren't I?"

Robin slid his hands down James' body, palm to skin. He felt James' cock twitch against his abdomen. "Mmm...I know something else about you. Whether or not you're ready to tell me."

"Oh? What's that?"

"You're in love with me."

The silence was deafening.

Part 5

When James finally spoke, it was in a husky whisper. "Why do you say that?"

"It's true, isn't it?" Robin seemed quite pleased with the knowledge that he was loved. And by this man, in particular.

"What if it is? How would that make you feel?" James appeared casual, even disinterested, but he was anything but.

Robin gazed at the man he could now claim as lover. "Powerful."

James chuckled. "You think you can wrap me around your little finger, do you?"

Robin shook his head. "No...knowing you love me makes me feel..." The young man searched for words with a feeling of desperation. "Strong. Invincible, maybe." James neither confirmed nor denied his lover's choice of words, but a moment later, he was thunderstruck.

"Cherished." Robin smiled beatifically. "That's it. It makes me feel cherished."

James kissed him. It was neither question nor answer. It was both. It was the answer to the puzzle that was life, it was the question that anyone contemplating a serious relationship asked.

"I do love you..." James said. The admission set him free. It was everything. It would never be enough. "I want to make you mine."

"I am, Jamie." Robin's heartfelt words touched James' heart. "All you had to do was ask." Robin choked back the emotion that threatened to clog his throat.

Robin rolled over onto his stomach, his shoulders heaving. "Make me yours," he whispered.

James marveled at the way Robin lovingly gave himself to him. "Oh, baby..."

He gently parted Robin's buttocks, tracing a finger down the cleft that separated them. Robin groaned in anticipation. James sat up and reached for the tube of lubricant in the bedside table. Applying a large amount to his fingers, he very carefully inserted one finger into Robin's virgin channel. He felt Robin tense.

"It's going to take time for you to actually enjoy it this way, Matt."

"I don't care. I want you to do whatever you want to me. You can fuck me if you want."

"Oh, I want to, Matt. You have no idea how much I want to get inside that pretty little ass of yours." At the sound of James' graphic language, Robin became more fully aroused. With arousal came relaxation. James' finger slid a little further down the narrow channel.

James slowly but rhythmically began inserting and withdrawing his finger. The sensation was clearly exciting his young lover. But there was a way to speed things up. James lowered his head to the space between Robin's buttocks. Bypassing the channel that his finger now occupied, James licked the sac that hung below. Robin gasped.

"Ooh, when you do that, it makes me feel like I'm going to come."

"I will make you come, baby, but not yet." James slid his face under Robin's aroused member, licking the tip of his cock. Robin chuckled. “Mmm..."

"Feels good, doesn't it?"

"Yeah...." Robin was firmly on his stomach, his butt in the air. James took Robin's cock into his mouth, continuing to work his finger in and out of the opening. Robin's fingers tightened their grip on the sheets. "Oh, my God..."

"I'm going to make you so hot, you won't mind when I fuck you."

"Ohhh, Jamie...hurry."

In answer, James stroked his young lover's member, up and down its full length, several times in succession. "Come for me, baby. Go ahead."

James stroked Robin with one hand, the other busily prepping his own cock to penetrate his lover. Just as Robin groaned even more loudly, signaling the imminent arrival of his climax, James entered him.

Robin almost shouted at the feeling of fullness bulging the narrow track now. James slid a hand into Robin's groin, cupping his arousal. He wanted to make sure that he felt him come. He wanted Robin to spill himself through his fingers. Slowly but surely, he worked his way into a comfortable position within his lover. Drawing back slowly, he contemplated pounding his way into that sweet ass.

As soon as Robin began to come, James thrust more deeply inside him. He could feel him spasm, inside and out, and it didn't take long for him to join Robin. Panting, James slumped over Robin's back, still imbedded deeply within Robin. "Jesus," James breathed.

"Are you okay, baby?" James inquired solicitously.

Robin slid away from James, feeling weak and boneless now. Touching himself, he felt hot and sticky and wet between his legs. Rolling over onto his back, he felt a mild tenderness, but nothing sharper than a twinge or two. "I'm okay," he smiled. "Just a bit...um...messy."

James returned the hot look Robin sent him, wondering if it would scare his new lover if he told him how much he would like to lick every drop of come from his body. "I'll get you a towel," he said, deciding it was the safer course.

Padding into the bathroom in his barefeet, James took a moment to look into the mirror. He looked different. Changed. He closed his eyes, unwilling to stare at his own reflection. God, I love him. Please let me keep him. It wasn't so much a prayer as an ongoing conversation James had with God.

A few minutes later, James carefully cleaned Robin's overheated young body with the towel. Finally pronouncing himself satisfied, he said, "There. You're beautiful again."

Robin wrapped his arms around James' neck and kissed him, the tip of his tongue slightly protruding between his lips. "I love you, Jamie." The earnest way Robin gave himself to James touched him so much.

James smiled. "We'll be together again soon, Matt. Don't worry."

Robin frowned. "What do you mean? I thought we were together now. Are you kicking me out?"

James could see that Robin didn't understand. "Matt, you can't stay here with me. I thought you knew that."

"But why?" Robin wailed. "You're right, Jamie, I don't understand."

James stroked Robin's face. His beautiful young lover was so distraught. "You have to go home, Matt."

"Why? They don't love me. You do. Why do I have to stay with them?"

"They're your parents, Matt. You're in school. You can't just leave."

"You said you'd help me graduate."

"That's not for two years yet."

"You're going to make me wait for two years? Oh, God, Jamie, I didn't know you could be so cruel." Robin buried his face against James' chest and wept, sobs shaking his entire body.

"Matt...we can still see each other. You'll still be coming to me for tutoring. You'll be here with me everyday."

"Not in your arms, Jamie. Not to...sleep next to you." Robin couldn't bear it. It felt like his world was coming apart.

Robin slowly stood up, unsteady on his feet. Wrapping the bedsheet around his body, he bent over to pick up the pieces of his clothing strewn about the apartment.

"I'll help you with that, Matt."

"No! Don't. I don't want you to touch me. Ever again."

James paled. "You don't mean that, Matt. I told you, I love you. We will be together. We just need to be patient. Careful. I could lose my job if someone found out I was--"

"--fucking me?" Robin nodded, tears coursing down both cheeks. "That's what it really comes down to, doesn't it? You and how you feel. Not how I feel."

Robin went flying into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. "I don't know why I thought you were any different from everyone else who's disappointed me.” His voice sounded muffled through the door.

When the door opened again, Robin was dressed again. T-shirt and jeans. Boots. His face dried of all tears, Robin regarded his lover stonily. "Thanks for the sex. It was great."

James felt totally vulnerable to Robin's barbs, and it wasn't just because he was naked. He truly loved him. But he didn't know how to make him understand.

When Robin got to the door, he turned. "You know, you can send me away. But that doesn't mean I'll go home. There's nothing left for me there."

"Matt, please..." James pleaded, his heart in his eyes.

"I won't be coming back here, Jamie. How could I stand coming here, day after day, and not being able to be with you?"

"Please don't leave me like this, Matt. I love you."

"I have no choice."


James stared at the door as it closed behind Robin. He had finally found love. For the first time in ten years, someone loved him back. And now he would never see him again.

He pressed himself against the back of the door, his forehead hitting the edge of the tiny window. It left an abrasion. He didn't care. He was in pain that was far more than physical.

"Matt..." he whispered tearfully. It had been years since he let anyone drive him to tears. But he had a feeling it might be years again before these tears ever stopped.

He turned away from the door, at last, walking unsteadily back to the bed. In a sudden fit of anger, he pulled the bedclothes from the bed, tossing them onto the floor. Then he sank to his knees, amidst the sheets and other covers. He picked up a handful of sheet and held it to his face. It smelled like Matt. He broke into terrible sobs, eventually sliding onto his stomach on top of the sheets on the floor. Pressing the sheets to his face, he cried until he fell asleep, exhausted.


When he awoke, it was late. For a long moment, he had absolutely no idea where he was. Then it all came flooding back to him. He drew his jacket collar around his neck and prayed that it didn’t get much colder. He was so cold. So terribly cold.

He stared at the door. The man he loved was on the other side. He wanted to be with him. Forever. He didn't care about anything else. There *was* nothing else. Only him.

And his tears.


James forced himself to get up. He couldn't lie on the floor all night long. No matter how much he wanted to drown in self-pity. He was responsible for what happened. He could have found a better way to tell Robin what their relationship would have to be like until Robin left school. But he didn't know what it was. He had a feeling it wouldn't have mattered what he said. All Robin wanted was to be with him. How could he argue against that? It was what he wanted, too.

If he chose love over career...Well, he'd done that once. With disastrous results. He now had no career. Oh, he still held a place of honor in the Samuelle household. But what would they think if they knew he had seduced Robin? He was dutybound to help Robin. He had no right to do otherwise.

He pulled on his pants and searched for his shoes. His eyes were still wet. Rubbing them with one hand, he continued to pick up his clothing. Laughing inappropriately to himself, he almost broke down again. At the risk of maligning Robin, he had to confess that Robin seduced him. Not the other way around. Of course, James was older, more experienced. More able to resist the advances of a younger, more easily infatuated lover.

He sagged against the wall. It didn't feel that way to him. He felt as if he and Robin were occupying the wrong roles, with Robin the aggressor and him the subordinate. He could no more have resisted those tender kisses than fly. He was the one who was obsessed. Beyond reason. He wanted Robin to belong to him. Forever.

He re-made the bed, though it made no sense. He couldn't stand the thought of sleeping in it. Alone. He couldn't stand the thought of sleeping, period. How could he sleep, knowing that Robin was out there, somewhere? Wandering? Finding trouble? Or letting it find him?

He walked to the front door, out of habit, more than anything else, to make sure that it was locked. It wasn't. He swung the door open wide, intending to stare out into the black, black night. He didn't know what made him look. But thank God, he did. A huddled form, shivering in the cold night air, was pressed against the outside door.


Robin was sitting on the cement porch, his knees drawn up to his chest as far as they could go. His short jacket obviously no match for the cold, he was visibly trembling.

"I had no place else to go."

James uttered a sharp cry and reached for Robin/s hands, pulling him to his feet. Robin could barely move, he'd been sitting in one position for so long, and the cold didn't help. Once he was on his feet, Robin stared at James, unable to keep his lower lip from quivering.

"I'm sorry."

James' face crumpled and he wrenched the younger man into his arms. Wrapping both arms around Robin, he hugged him, so tightly, neither one of them could breathe without major effort. "You're sorry? After what I did to you? Oh, baby, forgive me. Please."

A few new tears sparkled in Robin's eyes. "Can I come inside and get warm? I promise I won't stay..."

James whisked Robin inside and locked the door behind them. "I'll make coffee."

Robin nodded, plunging both hands into his jacket pockets.

James filled the kettle with water and put it on the stove to boil. "Your parents! It's so late! They'll be calling out the police!"

Robin shook his head. "I called them." His eyes met James', then dropped away, suddenly shy. "Told them I was staying with a friend." His voice broke at that.

James closed his eyes for a second. Robin continued. "They don't really care where I am anyway. As long as I'm not bringing disgrace and dishonor to the Wilding name."

James reached out and touched Robin's cheek. Robin met his gaze, his deep blue eyes clearly troubled. "Please don't."

"I have to," James whispered.

James poured the hot water into two cups, making instant coffee for both of them. He'd never felt less like doing anything. He gently nudged the cup over to Robin, then stepped back. “You can stay here, of course. Take the bed. I wasn't planning on...sleeping much anyway."

Robin was surprised at the depth of feeling James was allowing himself to show now. He reached out and touched James the same way he'd touched him. James drew back, as if Robin's touch hurt. "Please don’t." He echoed Robin's earlier words to him.

Robin smiled faintly, whispering, "I have to."


Together they moved to the bed, Robin pushing James down into a sitting position. The coffee long forgotten, Robin shrugged out of his jacket. Placing it on the back of the kitchen chair, Robin then took off his shirt. James couldn't speak. He could only watch.

When Robin removed his jeans, draping them over the back of the chair as well, James finally stirred himself enough to protest. Albeit mildly.

"We can't. We shouldn't--"

Now Robin was the teacher, James the student. Robin sat on James' lap, wrapping his arms around his neck. "Keep me warm," he whispered. Not waiting for an answer, Robin pressed a kiss to James' neck. When he heard James' sharp intake of breath, he found more places to kiss.

James couldn't help but respond. He kissed Robin back, his mouth nudging the younger man's lips apart, for his tongue to gain entrance. Again and again they kissed, sometimes hot, sometimes sweet. But always with love. It was there, between them, like a tangible thing, now.

It could not be ignored.


James fell back on the bed as Robin pressed himself closer and closer, his kisses growing more and more ardent. As inexperienced as Robin's caresses were, James wouldn't trade a single one for someone more sophisticated. There was something both poignant and arousing about being the be-all and the end-all of someones existence.

"Jamie..." Robin breathed against James' mouth, the tip of his tongue peeking through his lips.

"What, delicious boy?" James said with a grin.

Robin frowned. "I'm not that young, Jamie. Stop that."

"You make me feel ancient, Matt." James licked the side of Robin's face, provoking a heartfelt sigh from his lover. Their tongues entwined, dancing restlessly with each other for several moments.

Robin broke away, breathless, and lay his head on James' chest. "You move pretty well for an old guy," he said, a glimmer of laughter in his eyes.

James cupped Robin's chin in his hand and kissed him lightly, teasing his tongue back into his mouth. "Mmm..." Robin groaned.

"You were saying, you cheeky little thing?" James asked rhetorically.

The smile on Robin's face could only be described as guileless. Hiding his face against James' neck, he mumbled unintelligibly against his skin.


James wrenched Robin away from him and repeated his question, and Robin, taken by surprise, blurted out, "I said, I want to make love to you!"

Blushing bright-red, Robin refused to look at James. "Only I don't know how," he finished almost inaudibly.

James pulled Robin against him, tucking his head under his chin. Softly stroking Robin's back, James closed his eyes, content just to hold him in his arms. "I'll teach you everything you want to know, baby, but right now, anything you do to me only makes me love you more," he whispered, his breath puffing against Robin's babyfine hair.

"Jamie, I love you so much," Robin said sleepily.

"I know, baby, I know."


They fell asleep in each other's arms, and unfortunately, their time together was soon cut short by the ringing of the alarm clock.

"Christ! I forgot I set that!" James swore heartily, knowing it was time to get up and pretend a normalcy he didn't feel.

He looked down at his chest, and there lay his sweet Matt, his face still relaxed in sleep. "Beautiful boy," he sighed, touching his hair as softly as possible. Still, Robin stirred restlessly, perhaps sensing James' tension.

"What time is it?"

"Time for us to get up. Time for you to go to school."

"I have to go to school?"

"Now, more than ever, Matt. You want us to be together, don't you?" he asked, brushing Robin's hair back from his forehead.

"Yes, Jamie, you know I do."

"Then you have to work hard. So you can graduate. So you can come and live with me."

Robin's eyes shone brightly with tears. "You'll let me move in here?"

James nodded. "As soon as you graduate."

"But that's two whole years from now, Jamie," Robin protested. He stared at James' mouth, eventually claiming it possessively.

James nuzzled Robin's ear and neck affectionately. "In the meantime... we will see each other."

"You mean it?"

James smiled lovingly at Robin. "How can I ask you to wait two years for me when I can't keep my bloody hands off you myself?"

"Do we have time to make love now?"

"Before school? You *are* pushing it, aren't you?" James kissed Robin soundly on the lips. He helped Robin get out of bed, and for a moment, they didn't move, they simply stood in one spot, looking at one another.

James' quiet smile broke the tension between them. "But I'll let you share my shower."

Robin colored furiously. James chuckled. "What? What did I say?"

"I thought...you meant something else," he said shyly.

James gave his young lover a hot glance. "I do, baby. Come on over here and let me show you." With that, James gently pulled Robin into the bathroom, which was strangely spacious for such a small apartment. He turned on the shower taps, mixing the water until it was precisely the right temperature.

When the spray felt hot enough, James stepped inside, taking his young charge with him. The force of the spray was enough to saturate his hair within a few seconds. James turned up his face into the spray, enjoying the feel of the hot water on his skin. Grabbing the shampoo, he poured a small amount into his hand. Lathering his head, he then quickly rinsed it.

When he was done, he opened his eyes and found Robin staring at him, as if mesmerized. "What?"

"Nothing. You just look...I don't know...beautiful, I guess."

James pulled Robin hard against his body, so that their arousals touched. Cupping one of Robin's buttocks in his hand, James whispered into Robin's ear, "You're the one who's beautiful. God, I love you."

Robin smiled. It took him long enough to admit what he felt, but once he did, James was surprisingly direct. James turned Robin away from him, pressing him against the wall, taking care to avoid the faucet and the taps. He bent to Robin's nape and kissed him there. Reaching for the soap, James lathered Robin's body well, paying particular attention to his buttocks. Sticking a soapy finger into the cleft between Robin's buttocks, James heard Robin gasp.

"Am I hurting you?"

"Oh, no, please...don't stop." Robin rested his head on his arms as James almost relentlessly probed his opening. When James was satisfied with the amount of soap he'd introduced to Robin's body, he tested the channel with two fingers, then three.

Finally removing his fingers, James replaced his fingers with his aroused member. It was so hard, it was practically a weapon.

Sheathing himself slowly inside Robin's body, he stopped part of the way. Giving Robin a moment to adjust to James' intrusion, James proceeded to bite Robin's shoulder. Albeit gently.

Robin gasped, unexpectedly moving backwards, and James seized the moment to slide the rest of the way into his young lover.

Starting to move within him, James' strokes all too soon became deeper and harder. Lost in a veritable explosion of carnality, James couldn't do anything else but fuck.

Robin braced himself against the wall, to better take his lover's onslaught, and with each stroke, he came closer to climax himself. Reaching down to touch himself between his legs, his hands slid slickly over the soapy wetness in his groin.

"Jamie," he shuddered, "I'm going to come."

James reached around Robin, grasping his cock in his hands, stroking Robin at the same rhythm he was fucking him. "Come, baby. Come."

Robin groaned almost at the same moment as James slid wetly into his body for the last time. Spilling himself within his lover, James waited for several moments before withdrawing, reluctant to leave him.

"Oh, God, Jamie, that was so intense."

James licked the back of Robin's neck. "You inspire me."

James pushed Robin under the shower spray, and soon, he was clean, if a bit reddened, from all of James' ardent rubbing. James quickly cleaned the rest of his own body, and grabbed a huge fluffy towel to wrap around both of them.

They dressed in relative silence, punctuated only by intermittent kisses. It was as if they could not resist touching each other. When they were done, James looked at Robin, his heart in his eyes.

"Now comes the hard part, baby. We go our separate ways until later. If we're alone, we can be together. But if there's anyone else around, and I mean anyone...you have to pretend I'm no one special. That means no touching, no kissing, no hot looks..."

Robin kissed James, licking his lips afterwards. "No fun," he quipped mischievously.

"Especially no fun. Just pretend I'm your old, stick in the mud, uncle. That should cool your jets a bit."

Robin chuckled, giving James yet another hot glance. "Not really. I love older men."

James allowed himself one more, terribly self-indulgent kiss before tearing himself away from Robin. "Be good, Matt."

Robin smiled. "I will, Jamie."

"Oh, and Matt? Don't call me Jamie either," James added to the list of rules he'd outlined.

Robin grinned. "Oh, and James? You'd better not call me Matt."


Robin rang the doorbell of James' apartment. He'd been so good. He'd gone to school. Now he was anxious to see his lover.

Squirming impatiently as he stood on the doorstep, Robin wondered what could be taking so long. When the door swung open finally, Robin was in shock. "Who are you?"

The face staring back at him was not a familiar one. The man was about the same age as James. He had dark brown hair, which fell to his shoulders in waves, and his eyes were almost black. He glared at the younger man. "I might ask you the same question."

"Umm...I'm Robin Wilding. James is my tutor." Robin figured that was a safe answer, since he didn't know the man.

The man nodded. "He told me he couldn't find a job teaching in a good school. My fault, I suppose. But when I was your age...well, let's just say, I didn't take rejection well."

Robin realized that he wasn't necessarily supposed to understand what this meant, so he played dumb. Obviously, the man was one of James' former lovers. Equally apparent was the fact that he'd been someone of considerable importance.

"Is James here?" Robin asked politely.

The man nodded. "Come in. He's in the bathroom. I don't think he's feeling all that well.

Robin crossed the threshold with more than a little trepidation. He set his bookbag down on the kitchen table and stopped, his eyes unconsciously searching for James.

The man coughed, and when he covered his mouth, Robin noticed that his hands looked much older than the rest of him. That seemed odd.

"My name's Philo. Did James ever mention me?" the man asked.

Robin shook his head. "Why would he mention you to me? I'm just one of his students."

Philo snorted derisively. "Pull the other one, kid. I can tell you're not just anyone. It's in your eyes. When I said he wasn't feeling well, you looked worried. You care about him."

Robin shrugged. "So? He's a good teacher."

Philo leaned closer, and Robin shrank back. There was something fetid about the man's breath, as if his insides were rotting. He had the smell of someone dying of cancer. Or...shit! Maybe he had AIDS. Maybe he'd come to tell James, and that was why James was in the bathroom. Sick didn't even come close.

"Whatever he's teaching you, kid, it ain't schoolwork." The man coughed again, and this time, it took quite a while longer to regain control of his breathing. He saw the younger man's eyes grow wide, and he smiled faintly. "I have pneumonia."


Philo nodded. "You're a smart kid."

Robin looked distinctly edgy now. This was a bad thing. This was a very bad thing.

Just then, James appeared. Shaken. Pale. But still standing on his own two feet. "Philo? I'm sorry to hear that--"

Philo grinned. "Save the condolences, Jimmy. I missed my chance to make you happy ten years ago. I thought maybe the news of my imminent demise might cheer you up."

James swallowed hard. "I wouldn't wish AIDS on my worst enemy, Philo, and you were never that."

"Liar. You always did try to keep from hurting my feelings, Jimmy. Guess that's why we lasted as long as we did. Even though I cheated on you left and right."

Robin looked conflicted. He didn't think he should be hearing this. Any of this. It made him feel sad. Angry, too. This was someone James had evidently loved at one time. Someone who hurt James, left him. Long ago. But somehow, it was as if the intervening years didn't exist.

Philo hugged James, and James met Robin's troubled eyes over Philo's shoulder. "I didn't mean to destroy your life, Jimmy. In my own way, I suppose I did love you. But I could never measure up to the one who got away, huh? The one who caused you to leave Australia?"

James closed his eyes in pain. Even now, it still hurt. It probably always would. "David..." James whispered.

"Yeah, him. The love of your life, huh?" Philo looked sad, or as close to sad as a man like him could.

"I was jealous of him for the longest time. That doesn't excuse me acting like a frigging SOB to you--"

"Or beating the shit out of me," James finished for him.

Philo shrugged. Robin stared at the older man. "You hit James?"

Philo laughed harshly. "Hey, it was a lotta years ago, kid. Don't go getting outraged on Jimmy's behalf. He got his revenge."

James nearly gagged on the memory. "Yeah. Robin, you know the twins' Uncle Declan?"

Robin nodded slowly.

"Well," this time James smiled, "He gave Philo something to remember me by. Still got the scar, Philo?"

Philo moved his head affirmatively. "Yup. Declan was some piece of work, Jimmy. I guess I'm lucky he didn't frigging kill me."

James' expression grew ice cold. "The only reason he didn't kill you, Philo, was as a favor to me."

Now it was Philo's turn to stare. "You asked him not to?"

James sighed. "Yeah. I-I wanted you gone. Not dead."

"And now you'll get your wish, Jimmy. I'll definitely be gone. Sooner than you think. So don't worry. I won't be coming back for any twenty-year reunion or anything. Dead is dead."

James winced at the way his former lover casually dismissed life and its alternative. Philo was wicked. He deserved what happened to him. Truly he did. But James couldn't find it in him to hate him anymore. And he had to wonder if it was because he'd managed to find love again. With Robin.


After Philo left, James stood at the door immobile, seemingly lost in thought. A hand touched his shoulder. He turned. "Matt."

Robin blinked away the tears that remained in his beautiful blue eyes. "Jamie...I waited all day to see you...and now this had to happen. You probably want me to go, too. I shouldnt have come."

But just as Robin would have moved past James, James stopped him. Robin looked stricken. His grip suddenly weak, his bookbag dropped to the floor, forgotten.

They stared at each other for a long time. Silent. Unmoving. Until Robin's lower lip trembled tellingly. James reached out a finger to still the tremors, and Robin closed his eyes. "Don't cry, baby."

James took a half step closer, then closed the rest of the distance between them. Pulling Robin roughly into his embrace, he didn't heed his own advice. He buried his face against Robin's neck, crying helplessly.

"Jamie," Robin whispered, his lips caressing James' hair. He wound his arms around James, not certain what to do. Not certain if there was in fact anything he could do.

"Did--Did you love him very much?" Robin asked, fearful of the answer.

All at once, James drew back, tears still tracing their way down both cheeks. "Who? Philo? Or David?"

Robin struggled to maintain his own composure. "Either one," he said hoarsely. "I forgot about David. Sorry."

"Matt!" James kissed him, his tears mingling with Robin's now. "It was a long time ago, baby. Both of them."

Robin released James. Hugging his arms around himself, Robin looked like what he was for once. A very scared teenager who was inexplicably jealous of people who were no longer a part of his lover's life.

"You let David go. Maybe you want to let me go, too. Before we get too...involved."

"Baby," James searched Robin's eyes for a glimmer of the love and affection they'd shared as recently as that morning.

"I was very much in love with David. But not enough, I guess. Or I would have withstood what my parents put us through."

"You let him go to protect him, though." Robin was trying to understand, but it hurt to think of James with anyone else. This was stuff he really wished he didn't know.

"I thought I was being brave." James took a shaky breath. "But I was stupid." James's eyes blurred with fresh tears. "Being noble sucks."

"You still think about him?"

"Yeah. Sometimes."

"You still wish you were with him?"

James saw the anxious question in Robin's eyes and he thought, for someone so young, Robin was being incredibly courageous. Far more than he had been.

"No," he said, abruptly realizing it was true. Once it might have been different. But now there was Robin. "I love you, Matt."

"For real and forever?" Robin asked wistfully.

James kissed him tenderly. His hands lingering on the sides of Robin's face, James knew he was willing to make that kind of commitment again. "As real as it gets, Matt. As forever as we're allowed."

"It's not just casual, is it? With us?"

James shook his head. "I feel like I've been waiting for you...all my life."

Robin slowly backed away from the door, gently tugging on James' hands. "Come with me..."

"Matt, I dunno if it'll be any good between us right now. I'm so fucked up."

Robin caressed James' face with his fingers, and James sighed. "Let me take care of you, please. Let me love you."

James stared at the younger man, clearly torn between taking his lover at his word and making yet another sacrifice. "Oh, hell," he said finally, "I told you being noble sucks."

Robin smiled knowingly. "So do I."


True to his word, Robin performed...miracles. Though his lover was understandably upset, Robin managed to transcend his pain and bring both of them some much-needed respite.

He undid the belt to James' pants and slid his hands inside, widening the waistband enough to make the pants fall effortlessly to the floor. He did the same with James' shorts, though it was a bit harder to slide anything over the burgeoning arousal that protruded through the opening.

Only when James was completely naked did Robin begin attending to his own disrobing. In a heartbeat, Robin was unclothed and pressing his firm young body up against James. He removed James' glasses, placing them carefully out of the way.

His back against the bedroom wall, James tried desperately to recall just why he had been so distraught earlier, but he felt his lover's mouth on him and he was lost. Robin stroked James with his hand, subtly guiding his hot, hard length back into his mouth. He licked the tip of James' cock with his tongue, knowing it was driving James crazy.

It was. James wanted to fuck that moist, heated hole he found himself in, and his hips jerked involuntarily, causing Robin to swallow more of him. With Robin kneeling on the floor in between his legs, James opened his cobalt blue eyes, just for a moment, to gaze in wonder at the young man he called Matt. "I-I shouldn't do this to you. You're so new at this. I'm not even giving you a chance to get used to--"

"I'm making you hot, aren't I?" Robin interrupted, his own blue eyes locked on James'. James barely managed to nod.

"You're afraid of hurting me." He could tell he guessed correctly when he saw James wince.

"You won't," Robin declared confidently.

"How do you know that?" James asked, scared it wasn't true.

"You love me." With that, Robin gave himself over to the task of convincing James that nothing they did together, nothing that both of them came to willingly, could be wrong.

James pulsed in Robin's hands. "Matt. Christ, do you even know what you're doing to me?

"Tell me what you want, Jamie. Tell me or I'll stop."

James groaned, his head banging lightly against the wall behind him. "I-I want you to--"

"What? You want me to what?"

"I-I want you to let me--"

Robin's lips claimed James' cock, forcing nearly his entire length into his mouth. He could almost touch James' balls with his tongue, but it would have meant not breathing. Sad to say, he drew the line there.

Robin let James' rigid length slide slowly, achingly slowly, out of his mouth. Suddenly, with a burst of what could only be a combination of frustration and agitation, James grasped Robin's face, trying to hold that wonderful mouth in place. "God! I want to fuck you so badly, Matt!"

"How, Jamie?" Robin whispered hoarsely.

He pushed his cock closer to Robin's waiting lips, dying to have that mouth enclose him in its heated embrace again. "I want to fuck your mouth!"

Robin cupped James' balls in his hands and sighed happily. "Fuck my mouth, Jamie! You won't hurt me! I want you to do it! I want you to come in my mouth!"

"Unhhh..." James groaned, angling his cock even deeper into his lover's mouth. "You'd let me do that to you?"

"Don't you know yet how hot you make me, Jamie? You can come on any part of me you can reach! Just so long as you fuck me first!"

In answer, James framed Robin's beautiful face with his hands and closed his eyes. Transported to some other world where there was no other activity but fucking, James fucked his young lover’s perfect mouth. Again and again, he drew back, only to slide more deeply into that welcome heat. When he knew he could hold back no longer, he drew back and pulled out of Robin's mouth, spattering his face with hot wet come.

Robin licked his lips, satisfied that James loved him and trusted him enough to come that way with him. James pulled the younger man to his feet, wrapping his arms around that slim but muscular body. They kissed ardently, James tasting himself on his lover’s lips. Bit by bit, James successfully licked the rest of the come off his beloved's face.

Robin opened his mouth, and James' tongue entered the depths that his still-throbbing member had so recently shared. Kissing with their mouths open, their tongues trading places, they clung to each other.

When James finally paused, Robin breathlessly said, "I could come from one of your kisses, Jamie. Your kisses are so hot...so wet...so...oh!"

James' hand reached between their bodies and caressed the tender sac between Robin's legs. Robin's unspent erection grew harder and longer. He was ready for whatever James wanted.

The question was...what did James want?

And how soon could he get him to do it to him?


James lifted Robin off his feet, cradling him in his arms. Gently placing him on the bed, James arranged and re-arranged Robin's body until he was in the exact position he wanted.

Robin lay on his stomach, his cock beating a steady pulsating throb against the sheets. What was James going to do to him? How could he stand the anticipation?

Slowly, James coated his hands with something that resembled olive oil. Starting at Robin's shoulders, James began kneading his skin with both hands. Again and again, James worked the oil into the skin, making it as shiny as it was supple.

As he worked his way down Robin's back, James finally straddled him, the sac between his legs resting on Robin's buttocks. Robin sighed under James' ministrations. "Jamie, what are you going to do?"

In answer, James applied more oil to his hands. He moved slowly down Robin's body and carefully spread his buttocks. He ran a well-oiled finger down the cleft of Robin's buttocks, and Robin groaned. Sliding a finger inside the narrow channel, James moved it in and out, as if he were fucking Robin.

Robin quivered as James added a second finger, then a third. Finally, James lifted Robin's body, just enough so that he could wriggle himself under him. Lowering Robin's groin to his mouth, he swallowed his cock while continuing to probe his narrow track with his fingers.

Robin wasn't sure how much of this kind of treatment he could stand. He wanted to bury himself in James' hot, wet mouth, and unconsciously, perhaps instinctively, he started to fuck his face. All the while, James' three well-greased fingers slid into and out of Robin's ass.

Gripping the covers with both hands, Robin thrust again and again into James' mouth, knowing he was seconds away from coming. "Oh, God, I'm going to come, Jamie! I want you inside me! Please! Hurry!"

With that, James released Robin's cock and slid out from under him. In moments, he applied oil to his own stiff member and spread Robin's buttcheeks again. This time, he slid his cock into the narrow channel where his fingers once fucked. Pounding furiously at Robin's back door, James reached around the younger man's groin and grabbed his impossibly hard length.

Stroking Robin's cock with both hands, James continued to fuck him. His breathing getting harsher and harsher, James took one last deep breath and held it before giving in to the overwhelming sensation cresting at the head of his cock.

Looming over Robin's back, James groaned loudly in Robin's ear, "I'm going to fuck your ass till we both come! Are you with me, Matt? Please say you're with me, baby! I want to come when you do!"

Robin arched under James, his hot, wet essence spurting through James' already oil-slickened hands. The moment James felt Robin spasm, he came. "Oh, my God!"

It was so intense for both of them, neither could speak. James collapsed atop Robin's body, shuddering, speechless.

"What was that, Jamie?" Robin asked, dazed but feeling pleasantly abused.

James licked Robin's ear. "You make me so hot, sweetie. It's never been this way with anyone else."

"And it never will be?"

James kissed the nape of Robin's neck and lay his cheek against his upper back. "Never."